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„In the Czech Republic, beavers built a dam in two days, which local authorities had planned for 7 years.
The rodents have saved the administration $1.2 million.“…

in reply to Manon

What you do is you take some of that money and put it in a beaver preservation fund.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Manon

Thus confirming the maxim “Busy as a beaver” or my own take “Hurry Furry.”
in reply to Manon

Zasranej bobr!
All those construction kickbacks ruined!
in reply to Manon

Beavers rule! Let the beavers do their thing! 💪
in reply to Manon

"The beavers saved us 30 million Czech crowns. They built the dams without any project documentation and for free," said the head of the nature reserve administration.
in reply to Manon

now spend that $1.2M on nature restoration and/or conservancy! 😊
in reply to Manon

"They built the dams without any project documentation" Beavers are software engineers?