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🇨🇦 🇺🇸 This is why we need to stop "joking" or talking about Canada becoming part of the US and vice versa

'Not just trolling': Security analyst warns Trump no longer joking about taking Canada
"So I think we are all, in the beginning, thinking about this like this is just kind of the trolling, he's having a little fun, right?" Sanner continued. "But one of the things 👉 about President Trump is, when he repeats things over and over and over again, it becomes more real. And I think that in this case, it's not just about negotiating, it's not just about trolling. And I think that absolutely there will be more to come and more pressure. How serious this is is a different matter. But does he actually think it should be true? I think he does. I think he's convincing himself."


#Canada #USA #tar

CC @GottaLaff…

This entry was edited (6 days ago)
in reply to SnowshadowII

Come on, Raw Story. Trump was Never joking about "taking" Canada.
in reply to huntingdon


The majority of the US population seems to think it is a joke, even **here** people are making jokes about it, repeating his rhetoric.
This morning two people, one Canadian and USian blocked me because I asked them to stop. It happens every day when I say it's time to stop with the jokes!
They don't want to understand the damage they are doing ...


in reply to SnowshadowII

This, combined with the on again, off again uncertainty of tariffs are siege techniques designed to wear down morale and get us to concede without having to spend too much militarily - which would also create bigger risks within the United States.

We really do need to brush up on all the methods used agains civilian populations during wartime. Being prepared is helpful in self defence.

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in reply to SnowshadowII

Since he has been insulted personally, and Canadians have resisted, Trump's ego has become involved. He will tantrum and bluster and make stupid irrational moves to protect his narcissistic ego, probably up to and including destroying all the US automobile manufacturers in order to get revenge.
in reply to Matthewchat


He is trying to destroy our economy so we surrender and join the states. Period.


in reply to SnowshadowII

Absolutely! Trump is reportedly an admirer of William McKinley.
While in Congress future President . McKinley passed the McKinley Tariff, an attempt to force the annexation of Canada (it failed).

After he became president in 1896, McKinley was a proponent of expanding US territory & is responsible for adding Puerto Rico, the Philippines and Hawaii.

So yes, if I were in Canada I’d take trump’s threats VERY seriously.

SnowshadowII reshared this.
