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I was randomly thinking about this just now and had to find a photo of it because to this very day I'm still only about 60% sure this was clever stencil art and not actually put there by the City of Edmonton.

I found this 19(!!!)-year-old photo of it that appears to be by our own @Purplejavatroll!…

#yeg #graffiti #StencilArt #StreetArt #yegArts

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in reply to vga256


The annoying thing to me is I swear this was put up only maybe 6-7 years ago, tops.

On finding out it was almost twenty, my internal self-image went through the following transition in about 5 seconds flat:
👨 → 👨‍🦳 → 👴 → 💀

in reply to Daveography 🇨🇦

Ah yes, I did indeed take that picture! There was a fair bit of stencil art around at that time, and I thought it was fun to document it. I'm pretty sure it was art, and not the city admin people, but I could be wrong.
in reply to Purplejavatroll

That fact that no one is sure is what makes it so good.

I enjoyed perusing your old photos (thanks for making them CC!); stencil art sure was having a moment back then.

in reply to Daveography 🇨🇦

you're not the only one who saw it, anyway…