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uspol, 50501 protest, warning!

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The language seems pretty close to that general strike cards thing ("We are ordinary people like you").
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re: uspol, 50501 protest, warning!

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uspol, 50501 protest, activism -

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uspol, 50501 protest, activism -

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uspol, 50501 protest, activism +

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uspol, 50501 protest, activism +

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This entry was edited (1 month ago)
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uspol, 50501 protest, activism -

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uspol, 50501 protest, warning!

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sigh, thank you. Will look harder, but my group will likely show up to my state capitol anyway and at least visit our senators offices. If I see any pallets of bricks or other signs of tampering, I will take photos of them and gtfo.
in reply to Alison Wilder

@alisynthesis that brick conspiracy was widely laughed at by all experienced activists largely because 1) if cops want to beat you they just will. They don't need an excuse and 2) cops actually really don't want people getting violent. The idea that people throwing bricks in response to obvious fascist is a conspiracy is itself mind boggling. If ever there was a time to throw bricks, isn't it now?
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uspol, 50501 protest, warning!

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uspol, 50501 protest, warning!

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uspol, 50501 protest, warning!

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in reply to eternal snotboy

50501 protest

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mastodon - Link to source
@DaniPanic people are being massively deported and you're afraid of getting arrested for throwing a brick...
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mastodon - Link to source

@DaniPanic stop sending me private messages. Either you talk to me openly or not at all.

By your logic, WW2 antifascist partisans shouldn't attack the Nazis because the Nazis will burn villages in retaliation.