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This link has been taken down from the NASA site by someone who probably told themselves as a kid that they would have stood up to the Nazis in the 1930s:… Here's the story that Musk and Trump and their goons are so afraid to let you read…
in reply to Greg Wilson

"Checks & Balances!"

"The freest country on Earth!"

"A Beacon of Hope for the Planet!"

"Land of the Free...Home of the Brave!"

"Blessings of Liberty"

"USA! USA! USA! USA!" ... (ad nauseam)

☠️ 🇺🇸 ☠️…

in reply to Greg Wilson

i'm trying not to boost too much of this material, because it is upsetting to those more directly affected, and hard to find actions

it is a terrifying prospect, the erasure of research that does not fit a very narrow, very male norm. both the impact on individuals' work and the broader implications of why it's done; STEM as a techne of coercion and control, unchallenged by psychologies that lack those overblown drives; the loss of care, then human essence

time to reflect, not boost

in reply to Femme Malheureuse

@femme_mal @ultrazool on that note, you can contact Rose at her personal web site

Also, searching "rose ferreira nasa" still turns up lots of copies of the referenced article, published on many other science/news sites. So even the removal from hasn't erased her story.

in reply to Howard Chu @ Symas

@hyc Thanks, but I hope you realize my point was that policing disclosure of a fascist administration's efforts to erase persons is not a solution to fascism's aims.

@ultrazool @gvwilson

in reply to Greg Wilson

Fascists always try to build false narratives.

For women, a fascist's favorite narrative for women is: "Kinder, Kuche, Kirke" (Kids, Kitchen, Church)…

In an anti-democracy movement funded by billionaire religious fundamentalists like Tim Dunn, Farris & Dan Wilks, & misogynistic tech weirdos like Musk & Thiel, erasing women from history comes just before erasing them from employment & erasing their social & economic mobility.…

reshared this

in reply to Nicole Parsons

It would seem that some of the fascist billionaires are as weird as they are rich.

I wonder which came first?

Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source


And voting rights, which I think will happen just before the mid term elections

@Npars01 @gvwilson

in reply to staringatclouds

@staringatclouds @GhostOnTheHalfShell @Npars01
"And voting rights, which I think will happen just before the mid term elections."
With this 47 anything is possible. And never say never, right? Still, this seems ambitious...even for the Tangerine Tyrant.
☠️ 🇺🇸 ☠️
Nevertheless, at this point, nothing would surprise me.…
in reply to Greg Wilson

#RoseFerreira #NASA #DominicanRepublic #RepublicaDominicana

Here’s another article about Rose Ferreira, the young scientist that NASA decided to unlink from its website. (Stupid, bootlicking NASA cowards! <— editorial comment.)

An admirable life story — born in the Dominican Republic, immigrant in the US, faced poverty and homelessness. Someone goal-oriented and able to overcome obstacles.…

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Don Ray

In a true merit-based system, Rose Ferreira would thrive and there would be a lot more of them.

Don't believe the lies. #ResistRacism

in reply to Greg Wilson

So, terribly sad, the way some people are frightened about anything that threatens their privilege, and how others bow to their nonsensical commands.

It must be remembered that it is these people that live in a prison that is more life sucking, then anything they can imprison you in. It is their loss.

in reply to Greg Wilson

Spanish version stil exists on the site.
Removing the English version is a very stupid selective action apparently.…

in reply to Greg Wilson

My heart hurts for you. Hopefully one of the techies out there has copied all of that information because they are in the process of doing as much of that as they can. They are trying to preserve history.
in reply to staringatclouds

@GhostOnTheHalfShell @Npars01 Told you ☹️…

"... most voters would need a passport or birth certificate to vote. However, there’s one glaring problem: most married women don’t have a birth certificate that matches their legal name..."

‘They’re coming after women’s suffrage’: Republicans reintroduce SAVE Act to create voting barriers for married women | The Mary Sue…