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US Bluesky users should be careful with what they post: all posts are archived. And I guess European social media users planning to visit the US should be aware that their posts can be used against them by the Trump regime too.…
in reply to Kees van der Leun…

The list of sites:…

Mark Prior reshared this.

in reply to emeritrix

How exactly do they claim to scan end-to-end encrypted services? :ablobcateyesflip:
in reply to Kees van der Leun

That list mentions Signal and ProtonMail. So I'm wondering, is someone claiming Signal's encryption was broken or that GPG has been cracked? :blobcatthink:

Otherwise those articles are bullshit :ablobcatcoffee:

in reply to Kees van der Leun

>Mercari JP

What the actual fuck. This seems to be the list of sites somebody at ShadowDragon (lmao) wants to browse on company time while pretending to do 'surveillance' 🤪

in reply to Kees van der Leun

De VS is inmiddels gevaarlijker om naar toe te gaan dan Rusland.
Heeft het ministerie van Buitenlandse Zaken al code oranje gegeven in hun reisadvies?
in reply to Kees van der Leun

this has already been going on for years. I have a friend that wasn't allowed to enter after launching a fund raising campaign to help her in attending an acting school in the USA.
in reply to Kees van der Leun

Two ('leftist') German and one English tourist have already been detained after entering the US with valid travel documents.…
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Kees van der Leun

Just to be clear: I am not advocating self-censorship. But it's good to be aware of the consequences under the Trump regime.

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in reply to Kees van der Leun

Decided to publish what I want, and not travel to the US. Informed my employer.
in reply to Kees van der Leun

People from up to 43 countries can expect to be barred from entering the US anyway:…

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in reply to Kees van der Leun

A bit more detail on trump State Department proposed travel bans — all unconfirmed at this time.…
in reply to Kees van der Leun

well… Germans start to feel the same pressure and pain, non-Europeans experience since decades.
All three cases are somehow explainable (ESTA travelers getting themselves three more months in the US by doing a one-day trip to Tijuana, green cards being flagged because of offenses).
A German passport was a decent protection against problems for decades and this has changed now.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Kees van der Leun

I wonder if they are already scraping the Fediverse. Ah, I actually don't. But at least here, we don't have to worry about Mastodon archiving our posts unless we want to. Maybe it's safe to delete posts after a while, and I have been thinking about this last week 🙁 On the other hand: it helps keeping the servers light 😊
in reply to Kees van der Leun

Well, not too long ago I stated that it is unlikely that I ever will be visiting the US in the rest of my life.
Last time I was there was two months before 9/11 (using their way). That time had been a 2nd visite to the Oklahoma Bombing Memorial.
in reply to Kees van der Leun

What you write in digital media last forever. Govts -- corporations -- are using it more aggressively than before, especially Trump's American Fascists.

Normal readers might be paywalled or forced to register to gain access to it, as with 404 Media and many others, but it's not a hurdle to the govt.

in reply to Kees van der Leun

these days it looks like just being a foreigner is an issue per se.
in reply to Kees van der Leun

One of the sites they monitor is which, I think you brought it on yourself if you post there with your IRL name.
in reply to Kees van der Leun

I'm in the lucky position of not needing or even wanting to visit the USA under a repressive regime of criminals, so I'm at liberty to say this: Fuck Trump, the US government and any person that is doing the dirty work for Trump. Go ahead and save that on your fucking servers.
in reply to Kees van der Leun

Nobody that doesn't need to be in US should be going there anyway. Spend your money somewhere else.
in reply to Kees van der Leun

Oh, well, I guess I'll just have to remove militarized autocracies from the top of my bucket list. 😀