#BoreDa bawb. Pan o'n i'n aros am y tegell y bore 'ma, gwyliais i dynion y bins (pinc - gwastraf bwyd) anwybyddu ein stryd a gyrru heibio. Wna i adrodd hwyrach. (Maen nhw wedi gwneud hwn o'r blaen, sawl waith)
#GoodMorning everyone. When I was waiting for the kettle this morning, I watched the bin men (pink - food waste) ignore our street and drive past. I will report later. (They've done this before, many times)
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in reply to Sue Archer • • •Sue Archer
in reply to NormanDunbar • • •@NormanDunbar
I'll report it via the form and often it claims there was a something obstructing access. Which I know wasn't true today, so I'll email too..
JimmyB (he/him)
in reply to Sue Archer • • •I worked on the bins as a teen quite a lot, when it was run directly by the council. If we missed a bin, there would be a call to the boss, who would then catch us when we came in and make us go back out and collect it.
Then out to the tip - one bin full - empty, and then back for the lorry clean.
Accountability made us pretty careful not to miss any bins... 😀
Sue Archer
in reply to JimmyB (he/him) • • •JimmyB (he/him) reshared this.
in reply to Sue Archer • • •JimmyB (he/him) reshared this.
JimmyB (he/him)
in reply to Mike • • •@MikeFromLFE
I know of no example where outsourcing of a local council service has been cheaper, or resutled in a better service...
Its an ideology driven nonsense.
in reply to JimmyB (he/him) • • •@JimmyB For a time, the town manager, a town Council member and three members of the planning commission, not to mention two Deans and former Provost from the university lived on my street. Bin collection never missed out street and the power hardly ever went out or was fixed quickly in outages. Funny that.
We are down to two planners, 1 Dean and the former Provost, but up a Head Hockey coach so the sidewalks get snowblowed at least still.
JimmyB (he/him) reshared this.