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If we're getting rid of pennies just because they're uneconomic to make, it's also time to get rid of $1 bills in favor of $1 coins.
Also, get rid of fossil fuels. They're grossly uneconomic for the entire planet.
in reply to Peter Gleick

Not fossil fuels 😥 How can an economy run without #cars and #emissions? It'll lead to the loss of millions of jobs in #bigoil, #weightloss, #bigpharma and #healthcare industries.

And without all the grants our politicians get from these industries we can't build more roads and cars. It'll lead to #anarchy.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Bhavani Shankar

I can't tell if you're being sarcastic, but my car runs on electrons produced by the sun.
in reply to Peter Gleick

"As the water breached to fill our lungs the voice of the yeomen still rang piercing and hollow upon our ears.

'There is nothing to fear. All is well.'"

in reply to Peter Gleick

When is the last time the US had a coin worth significantly more than a quarter that could not easily be mistaken for a quarter? Please, not the Susan B!