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Reflections on P1 Orientering’s (Danish National Radio) feature about the Police violence, at the protest Monday in Copenhagen, against Maersks arms trade to Israel. #CutTiesWithGenocide

Listen here:… 1:03:40 →

Background: Live update from the demonstration from @CRAC:…


#dkPol #CutTheTiesWithGenocide #MaskOfMaersk #GazaSolidarity #SaveGaza
#Palæstina #PalestineSolidarity #Gaza #palestine

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in reply to Sigurd Jakobsen

DR journalist interviewed the police, who was defending them self: “After 4 hours we had no other choice. The Demonstrators did not leave the area in front of the Maersk HQ as we told them to do. The private landowner(aka Maersk) contacted us, and told us to remove the activist. At this point the consideration of Maersk is more important than the demonstrators freedom of speech.”

Honest talk!


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in reply to Sigurd Jakobsen

Greenpeace Campaigner: “Hey police. You could have waited longer or just carried them away. No need to use extreme violence. “

Common sense explained well.


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in reply to Sigurd Jakobsen

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in reply to Sigurd Jakobsen

Scientist continues: “It was a fiasco that the police ended up using violence. They should do some critical self evaluation. The same should the activist.”

Journalist: “Maybe everyone should have an evaluation. Do you wanna join? You? YOU?

So good, that activists that have been beaten up by the police, was not allowed or did not agreed to participate in this interview! What a trap! Lets rethoricaly force survivors of violence to agree on, meeting with the perpetrators.

Shame on you DR!

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