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Let's see what this old brain can do...

If you haven't done so already, acquaint yourself with the UKUSA agreement of 1946, Five Eyes (FVEY) - or probably 14 eyes now, due to participation of "third countries" such as Germany, Italy, Sweden. It's the most advanced global bulk collection operation ever, having been in construction for over 70 years. The Stasi on steroids. The infrastructure - a vast network of cable taps, signals stations etc. - is global, and used to be codenamed ECHELON.


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in reply to The Sleight Doctor πŸƒ

Together we made up the SIGINT Seniors Europe (SSEUR). So alarming were our capabilities, the physical infrastructure was investigated by a European Parliament committee, which produced a report in 2001. Those of us who were following all this long before Ed Snowden hit the news, weren't surprised by anything he leaked. This is just what these "people" are like, and with a full-on fascist admin in the United States, it's time for everyone to know the truth. Changing codenames won't hide it.


in reply to The Sleight Doctor πŸƒ

The UK's GCHQ functions largely as an adjunct to America's National Security Agency (NSA) with up to 80% of its SIGINT activities carrying US designations. A staggering 12,000 US military personnel are spread across 14 sites, including 11 RAF bases, with RAF Menwith Hill in Yorkshire being the largest NSA outpost in the world. More than 1000 Americans are stationed there.

Both our nations are also providing support for the genocides in Yemen and Palestine, btw...but let's stay on track.


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in reply to The Sleight Doctor πŸƒ

Between them, the Americans and the Brits developed a highly advanced SIGINT system known as Dictionary, which continually and automatically searched tens of millions of intercepts for "keys" (words, numbers or other triggers) in real-time. This was going on half a century ago. Today, thanks to Snowden and a number of other leakers, we now know that the Anglo-American security alliance has sunk teeth so deeply into the backbone of the internet, almost nothing we do online is inaccessible.

