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Mike Johnson: Soros paid protesters because actual GOP voters couldn't possibly be angry

Republican House members have been facing a fierce backlash in their districts to Trump's heavy-handed firings and suspensions of federal programs, but Mike Johnson passed the buck onto the usual right-wing boogeyman.…

in reply to Joyce Donahue

The GQP and Doggy are literally licking the third rail and they blame the bogeyman.
in reply to Joyce Donahue

if Soros really paid for all the stuff they blame on him, Musky wouldn't be the richest man in the world
in reply to Joyce Donahue

Then they will have to hold an unlucky draw: "Who will be the next scapegoat?"
in reply to Joyce Donahue

it also amazes me that they have Musk Bezos, Adleson, Koch, and a whole slew of other billionaires financing them, but that's ok...

but dear lord, let one rich guy contribute to democrats and he must be Satan!

in reply to Joyce Donahue

It's simple ,Conservatives will lie and keep telling the lie. The will ignore the truth, vehemently. Liberals tend to see lying as a character flaw rather than a strength.