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Power Word: Shaddap reshared this.

The Canadians who want the country to be annexed by the US are the ones who wish they could move to the US but have no marketable skills and don’t stand a chance in hell of ever getting a work visa. That or they cosplay being an American but don’t want to have to actually life a finger to become one. Just leave ffs - you want to be American, go do it the normal way and emigrate you terrible c*nts.

Deleted a couple of posts that, upon rereading, came off as passive-aggressive.

For the love of fuck, people, the expression is "set foot", not "step foot" or "stepped foot".

Power Word: Shaddap reshared this.

So you want to use XT-IDE on your retro or vintage computer, but don't have either a network card, card that has a ROM slot, or an XT-IDE card?
Check this out, you can run XT-IDE BIOS from a floppy disk, very simply!

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in reply to Gammitin (Ben) 💾

I forgot I tested this, here you go:
XT-IDE BIOS using a floppy disk only (no special hardware required), super useful (deets above):

I’ve been spending more of my free time on RPGs than I have on social media lately. Six of one, half dozen of the other. I’m finding tabletop RPGs and social media to be roughly the same thing: a fake world populated by made-up characters, with the only reliable way to get rid of trolls is to use fire or acid.

Power Word: Shaddap reshared this.

A wise friend asked me once many years ago a question that an Elder asked her once: when are you going to stop doing things you don't want to do?

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Power Word: Shaddap reshared this.

It appears we are all Trump supporters now:

You buy an Apple product. Apple pays a huge salary to their CEO Tim Cook. Tim Cook then pays a million dollars to Trump.…

Power Word: Shaddap reshared this.

in reply to Randahl Fink

I never liked Apple. I like Tim Cook and Apple a lot less now.

Eff them!

"Archie, first crafted by Alan Emtage while a student at McGill University in Montreal, Quebec, allowed for the searching of various 'anonymous' FTP servers around what was then a very small web of universities, researchers, and government and military nodes. It was groundbreaking; it was the first echo of the "anything, anywhere" Internet to come. And when The Serial Port went looking, it very much did not exist."…

Power Word: Shaddap reshared this.

A zine has been added to the website!

Reach for the Sky

Anarchist Analysis on Mass Shootings, the So-Called Crime Wave, and the Deepening Crisis

The role of police is not to protect, but to control.
It is not to prevent crisis, but to determine who suffers in them.

Essays from @igd_news and @CrimethInc.


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Happy Thanksgiving to my friends/acquaintances south of the border.

Power Word: Shaddap reshared this.

With all the renewed interest in terminal user interfaces over the last few years, I am convinced that simple graphics capabilities in a text terminal are very useful and should make a comeback. What people are doing with Textual and plotext shows a clear need. Then there are new image protocols like kitty. Maybe it's time to stop bolting on features to X3.64 and rethink terminal emulation?


Power Word: Shaddap reshared this.

in reply to awb

I have seen some very nice things done with sixels recently...

Power Word: Shaddap reshared this.

in reply to Parade du Grotesque 💀

@ParadeGrotesque The thing about Sixel is that it was originally designed to display images on a VT125 and to print on a DECwriter IV dot-matrix printer, which is why it was called "DECwriter graphics" in the VT125 manual. The GIGI also used Sixel when printing.

Doesn't mean it isn't useful or that I am not happy that it's still around, but it was designed around async serial lines and low memory systems. We are talking 1981 here.

Thinking more about my GURPS campaigns, they could use a couple more suitcase nukes to liven things up. Especially my Dungeon Fantasy campaign.

It would be easy - stat up a world/dimension-hopping chronoterrorist with a penchant for nuking random places in random eras. Make the terrorist completely batshit so I don't have to come up with a plausible motive for doing so.

#gurps #ttrpg

Cripes. Got put in Facebook jail for posting "My GURPS campaign could use a few suitcase nukes", which apparently goes against their acceptable use policy for "inciting violence".

Meanwhile, my wife and her activist friends routinely face threats of violence and FB does nothing about it.

Suppose the algorithm only takes action against make-believe violence.

#gurps #ttrpg #facebooksucks #thealgorithmcanbitemyshinymetalass

Sorry for the random follows, folks - I'm selectively migrating my Mastodon and Diaspora accounts to Friendica. @The September Agenda