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Hamdan Ballal, l’un des réalisateurs palestiniens de « No Other Land », Oscar 2025 du meilleur documentaire, arrêté par l’armée israélienne en Cisjordanie…

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jjjacq reshared this.

Reading lengthy pieces about whether tax/GDP ratio should be 23.1%, 23.7% or 23.9% and thinking "there must be more to politics than this". Then looking at US and thinking, maybe boring is better…

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jjjacq reshared this.

A great video about why #Bluesky is NOT recommended as a truly open and independent alternative to mainstream #socialmedia.
@niccolove @niccolo_ve
#activitypub #fediverse #atproto #protocols #thefutureisfederated…

Ever heard of "Federation-Washing"?

You can find all of these videos as written articles, plus some extra content, at

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jjjacq reshared this.

Il est indispensable de lire le livre "Careless People" par Sarah Wynn-Williams.

Sarah raconte son histoire au sein de l'équipe policy dans l'état-major de Facebook qui commence en 2011 et se finit par son licenciement en 2019 après qu'elle a dénoncé le harcèlement subi de la part d'un de ses patrons.


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in reply to Éric Freyssinet

Je ne ferai qu'une seule citation parmi les passages éclairants de ce livre. Au moment du sommet de Davos qui a suivi les attentats du Bataclan à Paris fin 2015, l'une des responsables les plus importantes de la société ecrit dans un courrier électronique d'un cynisme intolérable (p. 216):


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in reply to thejuicemedia

Yes, I appreciate your @thejuicemedia ads, but ignoring my request to follow over a year isn't acceptable. What's wrong with your instance?
in reply to thejuicemedia

This isn’t just a bad bill; it’s a betrayal of Australian voters. These changes were rushed through Parliament without proper scrutiny, debate, or transparency. The biggest changes to electoral laws in 40 years deserved a multi-party inquiry, not backroom deals.
It’s clear: the major parties are more interested in protecting their duopoly than serving the people. This is why we need strong, independent voices in Parliament, voices that aren’t beholden to corporate donors or party machines.
#DemocracyForSale #AusPol #Independents

jjjacq reshared this.

When considering the state of civil rights in the UK today, the only thing you need to know is that an 87 year old Holocaust survivor was called in for questioning by the Metropolitan Police for attending a completely peaceful anti-genocide rally.…

#FreePalestine #UKPolitics #PoliceState

in reply to MiniMia 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🇵🇸

It's extraordinary. What on earth are they trying to prove arresting peaceful elderly demonstrators? They're only making themselves look disproportionate and vindictive.
in reply to MMR Nmd

@MMRnmd @Djeannot
Yep. I've been on demos with child, so families and oldies split from the more active demonstrators.
Still got gassed.
One of the activists was severely injured by a flashbomb and the cops blocked the pompiers from getting to the site.

Djeannot reshared this.

in reply to Sarah W

@Sarahw @MMRnmd @Djeannot I've only been on one demo in France during the anti WTO days. Tear gas was pretty prevalent, and I've certainly seen footage from Palestine protests where it's been deployed.

Djeannot reshared this.

in reply to MiniMia 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿 🇵🇸

Being anti-genocide should be the default position of every living person.

It's really so very basic and barely even an ask.

Anyone who would have to pause to "consider their position" on genocide should be named, shamed, tarred, feathered, and ridden out of town on a rail.

jjjacq reshared this.

Why AOC, Sanders are touring the U.S. with "Fighting Oligarchy" tour

Posted into Latest Headlines @latest-headlines-CBSNews

jjjacq reshared this.

Buy Australian the wrong response here. Buy anything except American…?

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in reply to John Quiggin

Look at this!…

I’m going to look for it on news outlets…

THIS IS MASSIVE. Portugal has cancelled the order for F-35s from the US and will replace their F-16s with European fighters. “We have to be able to count on the predictability of our allies, which is no longer the case with the United States."
More EU states to come. Winning

Share this post on reddit and also promote Mastodon for Europeans to join this platform

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jjjacq reshared this.

Amendement adopté malgré les avis défavorables du gouvernement et de la commission spéciale.

jjjacq reshared this.

Dutton keeps parroting some line in press conferences that '27,000 small businesses have closed in the last two years.' And never gets pulled up.

Takes two seconds to go the ABS and find total businesses have increased year on year over the same period ... in fact there's been a net increase every year, for years. And every year a ton close.

Fuck you're lazy, old media. Do better.


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in reply to Tingo

We know he's lying, cos there's a mic...and he's a NatLib-and we know that's a nasty thing.
How many little businesses were scamming the NDIA, pre May, 2022? How many were outsourcing conduits for the #LNPCrimeFamily ? If #Paladin could be run out of a beach shack on Kangaroo Is., by 2 or 3 bentbros on the Home Affairs payroll.....
Legacy Media has trashed itself.
in reply to Tingo

Frustrating. And by airing this, without fact, checking the ABC is spreading lies on behalf of the Liberal Party.

jjjacq reshared this.

La résistance au États Unis, c'est aussi proposer des lois absurdes basées sur les mêmes principes bibliques que d'autres lois absurdes qui visent les femmes ou les personnes LGBT.

Celle ci par exemple, propose de pénaliser d'une amende de 10 000 dollars la moindre éjaculation qui ne soit pas survenue dans le but de concevoir.…

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jjjacq reshared this.

Unimaginable a few weeks ago. But here we are. French university offering refuge to US scholars.

“It targets, but is not limited to, climate and environment, health, and human and social sciences.”

#democracy #science…

in reply to Claes de Vreese ☑️

Oh the irony!
Soon Germany will be doing the same and we'll be full circle.

History does not repeat itself, but it rhymes. (Unknown)

in reply to Railmaps

Our right-wing coalition has a deep Trumpian streak and our hapless PM Luxon has recently said he "trusts" the orange tyrant.

Now would be a great time for the opposition parties (looking at you, Hipkins) to use the clearest possible language to disavow any ties to fascists.

jjjacq reshared this.

#AltText4U #Alt4You
Title: What a steel
Alt text: A cartoon by Cathy Wilcox.
Trump is sitting in a dinghy emblazoned with the US flag and ”Tariffs” with an Aukus sub on a fishing line to which Albo is swimming with his arms outstretched.
From: @cathywilcox…

What a steel.

My @[url=]Stacy Miles Haponik[/url] @theage cartoon?

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in reply to Brett Mason

We could renegotiate the sub deal with the French, they know how to make pretty good subs, nukes included. Then we can cease exporting aluminium ore to the States (we can stockpile it and watch the price go up), and triple the rent on Pine Gap. Finally we'll all sit down with pop corn and watch what the orange haired wanker will do 🤣

jjjacq reshared this.

Time to cut off all EU aid to Hungary, set an example for other rightwing freeloaders. If Orban vetos EU initiatives, meet separately and do them anyway. Then find a way to suspend/expel…

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in reply to Tim Richards

@timrichards @ajsadauskas Indeed, but requires first a change in beliefs about unity/unanimity, and then complex rule changes. We saw this, going the other way, with Brexit

AJ Sadauskas reshared this.

in reply to John Quiggin

@timrichards @ajsadauskas
The best rule changes would be ones to introduce a finely gradated set of sanctions that can be gradually escalated for flouting the rules. afaict this is mostly missing due to the focus on building trust among the small number of ECSC, EEC members early in the group's history. I remember the idealism growing up there in those days and it's a different world now.

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in reply to John Quiggin

At the very least #Hungary should be denied any access to EU funding.
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jjjacq reshared this.…


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jjjacq reshared this.

Bolloré décide de faire un bras d’honneur à l’Arcom en diffusant sans prévenir le film anti-avortement « Unplanned » sur C8 à moins de deux heures de la fin de la chaîne sur la TNT. Véritable provocation, la chaîne affirme qu’il s’agit d’appeler les femmes « à mesurer l’importance » du recours » à l’IVG alors que le milliardaire d’extrême-droite breton n’a cessé de militer contre ce droit ces dernières années.

#Politique #IVG #Bollore #Avortement #Television #Sante #C8

jjjacq reshared this.

Trump is not our ally, he is the enemy of what's left of the free world. I'd love to hear some "running commentary" from #Albo on this. #auspol…

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in reply to John Quiggin

Well ah, i wouldn't say that
Well ah, i didn't say that
Well ah, i wouldn't put it that way
Well ah, we are safe cos ah...
We look forward to strengthing glurrrrrrrrgh🤮 bvlurrrrrrrgh🤮 hvlurrrrrg🤮 gvlurrrrrrrrrrrrgh🤮 hrurrrrrrrrrrg🤮
Hope this satisfies

#preferentialVoting #preferentialVoteBestVote

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jjjacq reshared this.

"These executive orders are just the first step in his quest to be the dictator of the country. He is trying to act like a king, although he is not one, so he’s doing the next best thing."

From our magazine: Gus Bova interviews Rep. Sylvia Garcia about the return of #Trump, the border, and the Constitution.…

#immigration #politics #USpol #news #democracy #Texas #HumanRights #religion

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in reply to Texas Observer

…and the very serious problem we face as a nation is that half the representatives are part of the plan to overthrow the United States and its constitution. 🔥

jjjacq reshared this.

🌞 Hello #fediverse - this is GBH #News bringing you the world from #Boston. It's 46F at Logan Airport and visibility is 10mi.

Mass. reversed course on the closure of Pappas Hospital, which provides services to children and young adults with disabilities. #disability

21 civil servants with the US Digital Service quit rather than work with Elon Musk's DOGE team.

Apple's shareholders have rejected a proposal to scrap the company's diversity programs.

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jjjacq reshared this.

Not all is well for many who voted for Trump…

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jjjacq reshared this.

Rather than “innocent until proven guilty,” cash bail means “guilty until proven wealthy.” Now the #Texas Lege is threatening to make that inequality even more stark:…

#TXlege #HumanRights #CriminalJustice #politics #USpol #news

jjjacq reshared this.

REVEALED by Correspondent @stevanzetti: We identified the operator of an overtly racist X account, "GlomarResponder," as #ICE Assistant Chief Counsel James Rodden, based on an overwhelming number of biographical details matched through publicly available documents, other social media activity, and courtroom observation.…

#SocialMedia #extremism #immigration #border #politics #USpol #WhiteSupremacy #Fascism #Trump #news

in reply to Texas Observer

Wouldn't it be nice if someone could dig into the "far worst than a fascist" account of @

jjjacq reshared this.…

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jjjacq reshared this.

Sur fond de grippe aviaire, Donald Trump licencie la moitié des épidémiologistes d’un programme de pointe…
Une équipe des Centres de prévention et de lutte contre les maladies perd la moitié de son effectifPrès de la moitié des chercheurs d’un programme gouvernemental de surveillance épidémiologique ont été limogés vendredi, a appris l’AFP auprès d’un respons...

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jjjacq reshared this.… (yes, it's true)
#LEGO #GenderEquality #1974

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jjjacq reshared this.

Hier, dans la soirée, l'Assemblée nationale a adopté en quelques minutes un amendement reportant la fin de « l'expérimentation » de la vidéosurveillance algorithmique (VSA) prévue le 31 mars prochain au... 31 décembre 2027. Aucun débat sur le fond, aucune justification. Juste un coup de force permis par une idéologie autoritaire majoritaire et le mépris grandissant de ceux qui nous gouvernent pour le respect des règles de droit.
in reply to La Quadrature du Net

ils alimentent un marché privé sous couvert de sécurité" qui n'a que le nom.
in reply to La Quadrature du Net

Merci le #PS d'avoir permis ça. En politique c'est l'inverse que dans les relations humaines : quand on ne dit pas non on dit oui ! Et quand on ne défend pas des trucs de gauche on défend des trucs de droite.


jjjacq reshared this.

À chaque fois qu'on utilise une adresse en gmail, partage un Google docs, organise une visio sur Zoom ou Teams, on force les autres à livrer leurs données aux GAFAM.

Ce n'est pas du consentement libre et éclairé.

Alors ne faisons pas comme les entreprises : ne forçons pas nos copaines militant·es à utiliser de mauvais outils juste "parce que c'est plus pratique" et puis "tout le monde utilise ça".

Prenons soin les un·es des autres.

Reprenons le pouvoir sur nos outils.

in reply to Khrys

Moi, je cherche toujours une alternative sérieuse à Outlook en entreprise. Ou si vous avez connaissance d'un retour d'expérience sur l'utilisation de Thunderbird en entreprise, je suis tout ouïe !

jjjacq reshared this.

Ça existe, du taf de dev senior, PHP/Go, sur des projets qui ont du sens, qui privilégie la qualité à la quantité de code, en île de France (Paris/Essonne) ou en remote ?

Je sens que je vais devoir quitter ma boîte qui s'oriente de plus en en plus vers un modèle où on pisse du code sale que faire du code propre et maintenable.

J'ai vraiment pas les cuillères en ce moment de changer de boîte mais ça devient intenable et ça impacte mon moral.

RT bienvenus

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

jjjacq reshared this.

in reply to Paul Knightly

Stunning! I love the story and explanations leading to the final result.
in reply to Lascivus Uncia

thanks! Theres a story behind every photo - always happy to share

jjjacq reshared this.

This looks like the best explanation for Labor's abandonment of the ICC.

What a deal. We not only sell out international law and endorse genocide but we get to pay $798 million into the bargain.…

jjjacq doesn't like this.

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in reply to John Quiggin

Our choice: the party that won’t stand up to Trump of the party that will stand with him. Still a difference. Small one.
in reply to John Quiggin

I'd say cancel the submarine deal, up the rent at Pine Gap and contact the French about #submarines if we really need them.

One thing I never understood is why we had a deal originally for conventional diesel/electric submarines with a French company that designs exclusively nuclear submarines. It never made sense to me.

jjjacq reshared this.

#Albanese, Meloni, Orban.

These are among the handful of Western leaders who have refused to defend the International Criminal Court. All are now complicit in war crimes.…

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in reply to John Quiggin

We're not on the list defending International Criminal Court.
What an embarassment Albanese is.

#auspol #AusLabour #icc #anthonyalbanese #Albanesegovernment

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in reply to Godfrey642

Being seeing a lot of these kinds of toots from Australians lately. Let's be honest. Is there any Australian PM who could get elected in Australia who wouldn't do the same exact thing?
in reply to Rich Puchalsky ⩜⃝

@richpuchalsky @Godfrey642

That's unclear. Trump is very unpopular, and on this issue, Albo would have been siding with the great majority of our friends and allies.

in reply to John Quiggin

Yes agreed.
America isn't seen by regular ppl as trustworthy or reliable.
Many many voters are against #AUKUS bc of the price, timeline and the fact it's an American deal.
Trump is seen as a joke at best and total despot at worst.
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in reply to Godfrey642

@Godfrey642 The countries NOT supporting the ICJ is a much shorter list - Australia, China, Czech Replublic, Hungary, Israel, North Korea, Russia, USA - we’re in great company!

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in reply to AndrewRiddell1

@AndrewRiddell1 @gpnaturephotos @Godfrey642 As with Czechia, it's unsurprising given that the government is dominated (despite its minimal support) by the far right ACT party

jjjacq reshared this.

As #Republicans made bigoted rhetoric a key part of their campaign strategy, there were at least three assaults, six bomb threats and 30 protests against LGBTQ+ events last year according to the nonprofit GLAAD.…

#LGBTQIA+ #politics #USpol #news #Texas #TXlege #transphobia #homophobia #HumanRights

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This entry was edited (1 month ago)