Laleh - "Vårens första dag"
Today, at 09:01:25 UTC, was spring equinox here in the northern hemisphere.…
#Laleh #VårensFörstaDag #2012
#musik #svenska #vår
#video #YouTube
#music #Swedish #spring #FirstDayOfSpring
#SpringEquinox #MarchEquinox…
#nouruz #nowruz (Persian new year)
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Thomas Holm - "Nitten"
(Det finns #textat på #svenska nu! There are #English #subtitles now!)…
#ThomasHolm #Nitten #2009 #dansk
#musik #music #video
(When #YouTube gives you a #re-watch suggestion from more than a decade ago.)
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Indisciplined Lucy - "Epilogue"
While going through some old diaspora* posts, I came upon a ten-year old post where I'm trying to remember a specific song, but couldn't figure it out. The song I linked to then wasn't it.
I did another search now, and it turns out that seven years after that post somebody uploaded the song I was looking for!
"Epilogue", from the Clown EP (1996). I think I borrowed it from the library?
#IndisciplinedLucy #Epilogue #musik #1996 #Uppsala #Sverige
#music #Sweden #English #YouTube on Indisciplined Lucy
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the Blue Screen of Death …
#BSOD #BlueScreenOfDeath #grand #failure #fail
#EM Quartier #Bangkok #Thailand
(via Twitter, from reddit; here’s what it’s supposed to look like: [1, 2])
(A bit over nine years ago, I posted this on diaspora*. I joined Friendica as of this year, and that post doesn't seem to have federated to here, so I'm re-posting it. "Because I can.") #repost
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Cătă reshared this.
but it didn't really federate "as posted". 🙈)
#Wordle 1 356 2/6*
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩… nr 1156, 4/6 #ordlig 🇸🇪
⬜🟩⬜🟩⬜ 🤨
🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🤷♀
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the Jam -"Going underground"
This is what played in my #HeadRadio this morning.
(Probably 'cause ... "reasons".)
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Frau Horst on diaspora* posted this more than ten years ago, but I think it's still relevant.
(#English translation-ish below)
#erzaehlmirnix #IchBinKeinNaziAber #KeinNaziAber #keinUnterbrecher
#ErzählMirNix #Deutsch
Four-square comic strip, with two stick-figure heads talking.
– So you know, the thing with the refugees here ... I'm not a Nazi, but ...
– .... I'm not someone who interrupts others, but ...
– ... what? What ...
– ... I don't interrupt anyone, but ...
– What's the point of the ...
– ... I'm just saying I'm not an interrupter.
(third square: both heads are silent)
(fourth square: first head is silent, with a grumpy face; second head speaks)
– You should still be allowed to say that.
phle reshared this.
#Wordle 1 350 6/6
#Framed 1085
🎥 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟩 ⬛
Wordle 1,350 X/6
complete failure:
Framed #1085
🎥 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟥
Framed - The daily movie guessing game
Guess the movie from 6 frames. Come back each day to see if you can guess the daily movie, or visit the archive to answer the days that you missed!
Framed #1084
🎥 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟥 🟩
Framed - One Frame Challenge #87
🎥 🟥 🟩 ⬛ ⬛ ⬛ ⬛
Framed - The daily movie guessing game
Guess the movie from 6 frames. Come back each day to see if you can guess the daily movie, or visit the archive to answer the days that you missed!
phle likes this.
"Motor girl", by Terry Moore
Finished #reading Terry Moore's "SIP Kids" yesterday,
and finished both volumes of the "Motor girl" series today.
SIP Kids was a very light-hearted read after the Rachel rising series.
If it hadn't been part of the Humble Bundle, I'd probably just lent it from the library instead of owning a copy myself.
Motor girl worked with other issues, but no Rachel rising horror.
It's about a war veteran, and the PTSD after having done three tours to Iraq, and coping mechanisms, and now weaving actual reality with old reality. And fighting off government-but-not-government experiments. And UFOs.
And then an aunt we've met in an earlier story has a supporting role in all of it.
Oh, and: I guess this genre should be tagged as #GraphicNovel
#comics #books #SIPKids #MotorGirl #TerryMoore
#eReader #eBook #eInk
So, as I suspected: From a #federation standpoint, posts originating from Friendica is probably the most effective?
(The goal being posts that reach — and can then be re-shared on — both diaspora*, Friendica, and Mastodon.)
The Mastodon-Friendica connection works fine, but Mastodon posts reshared via Friendica doesn't seem to reach diaspora* (at least not within a reasonable time span 🤷).
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to, to, to
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Not yet visible on diaspora* …
I know that Mastodon isn't directly visible on diaspora*, but I'm hoping that a re-share via Friendica will work. … 😶🌫️
Anders Nicolaysen likes this.
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"Rachel rising", by Terry Moore
Finished #reading Terry Moore's Rachel rising series
(it, too, was part of the Humble Bundle).
I kind of stopped counting all the dead people after a while. And that was just the first volume.
I'm not much for horror, but quite a lot of it just went past me.
Until the last volume. I could have finished it yesterday, but I had to take a break.
So. The story. It's biblical. Years of revenge, on a god-forsaken scale.
And in the middle of it all, there's a nice, non-violent, throwback to an earlier story.
#StoryGraph #TheStoryGraph…
#comics #books #RachelRising #TerryMoore
#eReader #eBook #eInk
xkcd 1357: Free Speech
This one's old, but I still find it relevant.
xkcd alt-text: I can't remember where I heard this, but someone once said that defending a position by citing free speech is sort of the ultimate concession; you're saying that the most compelling thing you can say for your position is that it's not literally illegal to express.
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☑️ sett "En alldeles särskild dag".
Minns jag rätt så såg jag den första gången på Cinemateket.
Bra då; känns skrämmande aktuell i nutid. 😐
#film #EnAlldelesSärskildDag #Italien #UnaGiornataParticolare #1977
Kan ses t.o.m. 23/2-25 på #SVTplay…
En alldeles särskild dag
Ett drama som utspelar sig 8 maj 1938, under Adolf Hitlers statsbesök i Rom. I ett övergivet hyreshus möts hemmafrun Antonietta och den ensamme radioprataren Gabriele. Den oväntade vänskap som blommar upp dem emellan förändrar deras liv för alltid.SVT Play
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"Echo", by Terry Moore
Finished reading Terry Moore's Echo series, which was part of the Humble Bundle I bought a month ago.
When science out of curiosity leads to science for the better good but is run-over and exploited, and "just because something is possible, doesn't mean it should be done", and military who "just wants to one-up the other guys (consequenses? huh?)", and there are other things in life that hold value.
#StoryGraph #TheStoryGraph…
#reading #comics #books #Echo #TerryMoore
#MoonLake #AtomicDreams #DesertRun #Collider #BlackHole #TheLastDay
#eReader #eBook #eInk
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European alternatives
European alternatives for popular services | European Alternatives
We help you find European alternatives for digital service and products, like cloud services and SaaS products.European Alternatives
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This is what accompanied me on my way home from work today. 😶
the Mission - "She conjures me wings"
#headradio #music #theMission #SheConjuresMeWings #Mask #1992 #pop
(#TheMissionUK, for you usonanoj)
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Nuanced and expressive take on Gaza in comics form.
Read the short comic:…
#comics #gaza #israel #maus #hamas #neveragain
Two artists, one catastrophic war … Joe Sacco and Art Spiegelman on Israel-Gaza and the ceasefire – cartoon
What happens when two comics artists ‘meet on the page’ to explore the tragedies of the Israel-Gaza war? Art Spiegelman, best known for his Pulitzer prize-winning Holocaust memoir Maus, and Joe Sacco, author of bestselling graphic reportage Palestine…Joe Sacco (The Guardian)
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#LEGO #GenderEquality #1974
Lego Advocated Gender Equality in Toys ... in 1974
Lego distributed letters with some building block kits in the 1970s to encourage gender equality.David Mikkelson (
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Treading Water, by Will McPhail
#WillMcPhail #TreadingWater #drawing
The image got me thinking about Luca Bloom's The acoustic motorbike
"pedal on, pedal on, pedal on for miles, pedal on"
#LucaBloom #TheAcousticMotorbike #YouTube #music
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
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Quo usque tandem-cykel📎
in reply to Allinrep • • •Fick mig osökt att tänka på...
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in reply to Quo usque tandem-cykel📎 • • •