Aktivisten Jonas Lundström skriver om sina tankar och planer kring att lämna big tech
"I vilken utsträckning är det möjligt att gå över till eller skapa alternativ? Hur beroende är man personligen av de olika företagen? I de fall man inte kan lämna, går det att minska användandet eller diversifiera mer? För egen del har jag valt att ta det som en upptäcktsfärd, en resa som får ta lite tid där man når olika destinationer efter hand."
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per b, Ada Fredelius and Sven-Evan reshared this.
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Karolina, DoktorZjivago, Sven-Evan, Inger Aspåker and Gurre Vildskägg reshared this.
Jag har äntligen lagt vantarna på en Teleguide-terminal. Detta statliga internet före internet existerade i Sverige endast i 2 år. Men så mycket coolare än TextTV och Videotex.
Terminalen är i stort sett identisk med Loewe Multitel från västtyska Bildschirmtext men med annat modem och kortläsare(!).
Det är i mitt tycke det vackraste som gjorts i datorväg. I skärmen speglar sig statlig schizofreni, framtidstro och tyska kvalitetskomponenter.
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Cecilia | MeraOrd 🏕 reshared this.
SMHI genomför klimatscreening för Växjö stifts fastigheter
Växjö stiftsfullmäktige tog i november 2024 beslut att genomföra insatser för att uppnå Svenska kyrkans färdplan för klimatet, en färdplan som fastslogs av Kyrkomötet 2018. Färdplanen sträcker sig öv…Jonathan Klittmark (SMHI - Sveriges Meteorologiska och Hydrologiska Institut)
Hello! I'm an artist from Estonia. I love nature, animals. I aim for realism. I hope to share my artwork here. Hope you'll enjoy!
As #AI reshapes society, we must not lose organic, human-centered knowledge in our cities. #Budapest’s #book carts embody #streetwise intelligence that no algorithm can replicate. AI should amplify grassroots #UrbanWisdom, not erase it.
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Ernesto Wong García and Sven-Evan like this.
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AI Feed, Books & Literature Feed, Humanities Feed and Sven-Evan reshared this.
TIL it is believed 2,000 black people were killed in concentration camps during World War II.
#til #todayilearned
Ernesto Wong García likes this.
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Cecilia | MeraOrd 🏕, Sven-Evan and L'égrégore André ꕭꕬ reshared this.
First post - hiking photo with my wife
This was such a fun hike. My objective was to do a Summits On The Air "activation" - setting up a portable HF radio station and contacting at least three other hams. It was also a great outing with Natalie, who had undergone brain surgery a few months before. The views from Delano Peak are spectacular.
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Liyah Mackenzie Hernandez and Sven-Evan like this.
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jules / cowbell as fuck, James Gleick, Yours Truly! Unruly, Andrew Henry, DC Deejay, Trending Bot, tasket, Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖, your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦, David Mayhood, Kevin R Jones, Chris Smart, ve3rwj, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, Kevin Russell, K.R. O'Connell 🇦🇺 ✅I❌, 10tothe22, GhostOnTheHalfShell, Jan Antoš, Dan Gillmor, GG, Elyse M Grasso, Mastodon Migration, Willem Atsma, Ken Walker, Mike Fraser, Fan of Shared Truth & Empathy, Kirsty, rodlux, Martin Vermeer FCD, Bruce Mirken, Erik Jonker, martin lentink 🇪🇺 🍋 🟥, Gerrit Venema 🇪🇺🌍, Rich Stein (he/him), Ulrik Nyman ⬡, Poul-Henning Kamp, hex, HeavenlyPossum, HarriettMB, La lutte continue..., Metacurity, gentlegardener, Steve Woods, elCelio 🇪🇺 🇺🇦, Stefan Elf, Harold S, Vincent Cloutier, TC Won't Give In To Lies, Rasta, Douglas McMillan, *|FNAME|* 🇨🇦, Fifi Lamoura, FIAR Light, Sven-Evan, Greengordon, Cthulku and Fight the Right reshared this.
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Martin Vermeer FCD and Christo. London, England reshared this.
Ulrik Nyman ⬡ reshared this.
That thing where you think that surely that's too batshit crazy even for Trump so you go to fact check it and ... yep, that's what he wrote.
I'm going to be doing this a lot, aren't I?
Martin Vermeer FCD reshared this.
He really doesn't understand that free trade isn't a form of subsidy, in either direction.
This is the sort of reasoning you'd expect from someone who's internalized crony-capitalism.
That is: Trump's mental model of business is one party screwing the other, and / or socializing their costs.
#America is rapidly becoming one of the most disrespected and hated countries in the world. #Trump is doing none of you any favours. #MAGAs were fools thinking he would serve you well.
This is all about his ego, his wealth, his power, his ambition. MAGAs are nothing to him except a means to an end: getting him elected
Boris Johnson as PM in the UK would say crazy thing to hide the fact that his Government were corrupt and racist and destroying the UK.
I would have difficulty to believe Trump has any interest in anybody other than himself. Equally I don't think he's dumb enough not to know what affect his words have.
He's a narcissist with dementia. He can't keep up with how things work but wants to look like he's in control and like he's better and tougher than his opposition. Through that lens pretty much everything he does makes more sense.
The world is in danger. Prepare.
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GailWaldby@bsky.social, Sordid Amok!, Ken Walker, Mike Fraser and Fight the Right reshared this.
Trump started this trade war under the rather childish delusion that he was going to impose tariffs on everyone else, and nobody was going to impose tariffs on him - to paraphrase Bomber Harris.
Stoneface Vimes reshared this.
But I expect no different from him. I just hope people start to wake up to the lies and harm he does.
No. Please stop dreaming that most of his voters don't understand at least the basic nature of Trump and the GOP they vote for.
Owning the libtards and smashing the system is the idea.
Read today a wonderful article (sadly German) that explained how humans have a strong irrational motivation to better their relative position in the group even at the cost of damaging the group.
So the losers (eg non college educated) of the past say 3 decades are
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Ulrik Nyman ⬡ and Christo. London, England reshared this.
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Ulrik Nyman ⬡ reshared this.
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Christo. London, England reshared this.
Unlimited energy can only come from renewables. Thought he didn't like those. Or is he one of those absolute morons who thinks god keeps refilling the oil wells?
Republican billionaires have done this before... deliberately trash a nation's economy with "beggar-thy-neighbor" policies.
One example triggered Pearl Harbor.
Smoot-Hawley and half-court tennis...
It becomes hard to differentiate between beggar-thy-neighbor economic policy & the kind of economic predation that leads to war.
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your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 and GhostOnTheHalfShell reshared this.
I just want one. single. solitary. day without this moron doing/saying something ridiculous. Is that too much to ask of the President?
Donald Trump first and foremost is a liar. He calls trade with our closest neighbor a "subsidy" to Canadians that we can and should withhold. As if Americans weren't getting good value in return for everything they buy from Canada. As if that trade didn't take place under an agreement Trump himself negotiated and signed.
I'm not sure Trump is as stupid as his rant sounds. He is that easily confounded and enraged by people who say, No, to him. He belongs in a loony bin.
Sensitive content
Keep talking Donnie Trump keep talking so that Canadian politicians can make alignment with the far right as reprehensible as it is.
Voting conservative is voting to become the 51st state. Just say no Canada, you don’t want to share our fate
Well, Britain had to Napoleon to deal with at the time and they didn’t wanna bother with the colonies
As nearly always seems to be true, The Criminal has it completely wrong.
Canada subsidies the US, soaking up a huge amount of US exports.
Christo. London, England reshared this.
Canada needs to hit back as hard as it can – and quickly. Shut off the oil or at least slap a 50% export tax on it. Incremental tit for tat nonsense will have no effect on Trump.
Strength is the only thing which causes bullies to change course. Canada must stand firm like Ukraine has against Putin.
Inviting a NATO partner like France, Germany, or Poland to hold maneuvers in Alberta would also be a nice touch.
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Christo. London, England and Citoyen européen Ray Hindle ✔️ reshared this.
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Christo. London, England and Citoyen européen Ray Hindle ✔️ reshared this.
Just wondering how this plays with his MAGA knumbskulls in the heartland?
Are people still lapping up this nonsense?
I doubt they’re hearing an accurate version of anything.
If we stop buying Canadian lumber, they'll sell it to another country, we'll lose a valuable trading partner and the world will look upon us as an even less trustworthy ally, which will degrade our position as a guarantor of stability. Our currency will be devalued and we'll slide into global irrelevance.
I think it's by design. It's not Trump's plan, it comes from those who have pushed him to where he is, and he's either too stupid or doesn't care enough to do anything about it.
Bell: Trump has achieved one thing — many Canadians now hate his guts
Bell: Trump has achieved one thing — many Canadians now hate his guts
U.S. President Donald Trump hitting Canada with big tariffs has now turned many Canadians into actually fearing, loathing and hating Trumpcalgaryherald
K.R. O'Connell 🇦🇺 ✅I❌ reshared this.
I think that insane Donald Trump just showed us, how stupid American liberals are.
They all say, that USA and western countries "oppress" countries like Iran, Vietnam, Libanon, Afgánistán and so on. Yet when Trump says, he will stop what USA is doing, than we see the real impact of "American colonialism".
And he replaced the so called "colonialism" with the real colonialism. We all are afraid that he is now starting to behave like Russia or China (that are so much praised by American liberals).
Ken Walker reshared this.
Apropos economy: The @EUCommission just posted about the trade agreements with Canada: mastodon.online/@EUCommission@…
I remember well when we had no more "regional" mustard specialities in France because Canadians had a crop failure of mustard seeds.
Trump can destroy a lot but not the interconnections of #worldTrade.
For those not able to make the comparisons:
1) Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal are the Sudetenland crisis
2) The Trump/Musk alliance is the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact
3) Jan 6th was the Reichstag moment, the resulting purge is already completed.
We need to quit thinking this is the early 1930s. It's not. It's late 30s and we need to act like it.
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Dan Neuman 🇨🇦, Douglas McMillan and Martin Vermeer FCD reshared this.
Absolutely, he attracts and welcomes very bad people. Some are smart. Some dumb as rocks. There's a place for all if they show loyalty and can help his grift
But he can't trust anyone. So he constantly plays one against the other. When he inevitably dies, there will be a massive battle for power to fill the void. There are so many factions, there is no designated heir. Even of there were (eg Vance), Trump can't let them build their own power base.
is there a G7? is there a UN? is there a NATO? they gonna take action? or is that a nah, they're just gonna shrug & biz as usual?
"they" (world leaders) sat back & watched Dumya & SCOTUS do a coup & helped him invade random countries
they met w/ 47 even when he wasn't in office giving him legitimacy (& prob promises/money) while not caring one tiny bit abt the harm done to regular folks in the US by their respect for a woman-assaulting racist fraud
I was like whoah, that font is so weirdly rendered. There’s no way he actually wrote that.
Opens his weird app…
Yes, he did. Yes, people elected him. Yes, there’s dozens of similar posts every day on there
Maybe Canadians wold be a tiny bit less insulted if Trumpers didn't treat a country bigger than the US as a monolith that naturally would be just one state, giving up all regional autonomy. I'm sure Quebec is even more thrilled about that than the rest of Canada.
Just look at how many times a single component crosses the US Mexico Border before being used in a US car. And now add 25% to that price every time it does.
Source: cato.org/blog/seven-charts-sho…
Cecilia | MeraOrd 🏕
in reply to Trassliga havssnöret Tomas • • •