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in reply to Anders Nicolaysen

Oh, this post was posted to Bluesky so at least posting from Friendica to Bluesky works! 😁
in reply to Anders Nicolaysen

Posting on Blueskye and having it appear on Friendica does not seem to be functioning properly, or there may be a delay. However, posting from Friendica appeared instantly on Blueskye..

Test group - Place to do test postings at Friendica reshared this.

Test group - Place to do test postings at Friendica reshared this.

Test group - Place to do test postings at Friendica reshared this.

Test group - Place to do test postings at Friendica reshared this.

!Test group - Place to do test postings at Friendica

music video, YouTube: using the "link or media" icon

in reply to phle

and this one gave me the "preview, kind of" thing as well, but without the "writing as text, but it's actually a link"

in reply to phle

and here, about absolutely nothing happened
I got a click-able link.
in reply to Cătă

Ah! That's what I'm looking for, yes!

But I think I actually saw that once ... 🤔
(because this is the second time I'm doing these testpostings - I've done them before, with "audience: none", and I think one of them actually gave me an embedded video?).

in reply to Cătă

Filtered word: nsfw

in reply to phle

Filtered word: nsfw

in reply to phle

@phle What?!? how weird! I remember we had it. Both that one and Vimeo. Guess that it got removed? oddly enough, both the [youtube][/youtube] and [vimeo][/vimeo] tags appear

The Vimeo video doesn't seem to appear though.

in reply to Cătă

or that it's no longer requiring an addon (and something's wonky over on my part (not server, but ... here))?

(nice chrittermastree, though! 😅)

ok, let's try that:……

in reply to phle

@phle btw, I think you can also force the embedded player if you put the part after watch?v= between the [youtube][/youtube] tag. e.g., for your video, that would be [youtube]f4fB9EXpMTI[/youtube]

Otherwise, I don't know what the issue could be on your end.


Test group - Place to do test postings at Friendica reshared this.

!Test group - Place to do test postings at Friendica

music video, YouTube: just entering the link as is (i.e. as written text)…

Test group - Place to do test postings at Friendica reshared this.

Test group for testposting

!New To Friendica

For Your Information;

I made a 'test group';
!Test group - Place to do test postings at Friendica

A group where people who like to test can post and mess around. See how this works without doing that somewhere where it could annoy people.

It is a public open group.