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!Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie

Groot succes! Heel veel mensen op straat om het signaal te geven dat de plannen van de regering anders moeten.

De sterkste schouders moeten de zwaarste lasten dragen. De voorgestelde vermogensbelasting is niet ernstig.

#syndicaal #arizonaregering #betoging

Betoging morgen donderdag 13 februari te Brussel

!Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie

De nieuwe Arizona-regering is een feit. Zware besparingen op de kap van de gewone werkmensen, kwetsbare groepen die extra worden geviseerd en de sterkste schouders die ongemoeid blijven: wij zeggen NEEN aan deze sociale afbraak!

Daarom komen wij - samen met de andere vakbonden - massaal op straat op donderdag 13 februari. Afspraak om 10u30 in de Koning Albert II-laan in Brussel!

#arizonaregering #betoging #13februari2025

Walter Vermeir reshared this.


I've been troubleshooting the issues we keep having with

The site gets unresponsive at nights (CET) around 3AM, and stays that way for a couple of hours. I've been trying to find the reason for that, but no luck yet.

It's not the backup (that runs at a different time), nor are the resources at 100%.

I did just change a setting for pm.max_children which defines the number of php-fpm processes which handle the web traffic, because I saw some errors about it having reached the max. This will fix some issues, but not sure if it fixes the freezing of the site.. We'll see I guess..


If there are people with some technical skills, wanting to help out running this thing (or any other instance we run), please send me a DM or mail
It's all volunteer work, and we can use some extra hands.


You can use this instance for free, but if you would like to and are able, you could help us funding the running costs by making a donation:

in reply to Ruud

Just sent some support. Got a thank-you message featuring the usual suspects. Might need a little tweak there, huh..?


Infrequently Asked Question: Can you turn a record arround on the record player with a shoulder cat in your neck?

No. - Does not work.

You really need two hands for that. Leaning strongly back can free up the hand supporting the ass. But in that position you can not do delicate manipulations.

#cat #gramophone #knowyouknow

Interproffesioneel akkoord en loonnormwet

!Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie

Voor de onderhandelingen voor de periode 2025-2026 over het Interproffesioneel akkoord (#IPA) is het advies van de Centrale Raad voor het Bedrijfsleven (#CRB) over maximale toegelaten #loonstijging het startpunt en fundament . Die gaat de marge bepalen waarover men mag onderhandelen.

Dit is de zogenaamde #loonnormwet . Die marge vastgesteld op 0% voor 2025-2026, zoals vorige keer voor 2023-2024.

Dat wil dus zeggen dat de onderhandelaars een marge hebben om te onderhandelen over opslag van 0%. En ook dat bedrijven die het goed doen, werkgevers die zouden willen opslag geven, het wettelijk verboden is om dat te doen.

Persbericht hierover in gemeenschappelijk vakbondsfront

Noot: op de website van het CRB heb ik dat verslag eigenlijk niet kunnen vinden. - Weet iemand waar dat staat?

Federaal regeerakkoord Arizona-regering 2025-2029 (BIS)

How to activate and use the BlueSky bridge in this Friendica instance ( )

reshared this

in reply to Johan Moir (Friendica)

It doesn't exist yet but will be at
(It's there, but empty...)
This entry was edited (1 week ago)

New To Friendica reshared this.

Truth Social & GDPR

Just took a look at #TruthSocial , being lead there by a Trump post.

Noticed a link on the homepage, left below;

#GDPR. European privacy rules. A bit surprising on this 'very American' site. That link does not work.

Thought that is a bit funny. - Gives a 'We do not take privacy serious here' vibe.

Federaal regeerakkoord Arizona-regering 2025-2029

!Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie

Veel nieuws over de nieuwe federale regering. En artikels over wat er in het #regeerakkoord staat.

Maar wie echt wil weten wat de plannen zijn moet het regeerakkoord zelf lezen.

Bijdeze in bijlage.

Tekst regeerakkoord

Dit is ook het eerst bericht gepost in de nieuwe Friendica group (met kopie naar BlueSky). Hopelijk kan dit iets interessant worden.!/p/CdIsaCd…

#arizona #vakbond #federaleregering

Are you interested in this post?

!Replace Facebook Community

Just got something that to me seemed funny.

I posted something in a private Facebook-group. This is my post. I got a lot of responses.

And the FB algorithm is asking of I am interested in my own post 😀

Adding Lemmy groups to Friendica (2th attempt)

New To Friendica reshared this.

Test group for testposting

!New To Friendica

For Your Information;

I made a 'test group';
!Test group - Place to do test postings at Friendica

A group where people who like to test can post and mess around. See how this works without doing that somewhere where it could annoy people.

It is a public open group.

What is 'space engine'?

!Space Engine

SpaceEngine is a realistic virtual Universe you can explore on your computer. You can travel from star to star, from galaxy to galaxy, landing on any planet, moon, or asteroid with the ability to explore its alien landscape. You can alter the speed of time and observe any celestial phenomena you please. least I assume this. I joined this group with the idea it had something to do with space. Never heard of 'Space engine'.

Looks interesting.

I posted this from and to me this group is completely empty. This seemed a sensible thing to post in an empty group, a post what 'Space engine' is as the group description is not helpful. - And if this group is actually not empty, maybe active, then it seems somewhere there is a synchronization problem.

Walter Vermeir reshared this.

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@Georgiana Brummell
He is the lead developer of Friendica, bearing the main responsibility. However, it is not correct to say that he is the only one continuing the development of Friendica. It would be unfair to disregard the contributions of countless other individuals who provide input, conduct code reviews, or maintain the stable versions.

In fact, the web UI has received little attention in recent years. Engaging UX/UI experts for a FOSS project is always a challenge. However, there is currently a development in this area that is quite interesting.

Eens iets anders dan Trump of Elon nieuws:
Blijkbaar is de Everyday desert koffie van de Colruyt de beste.

"Dessertkoffie van Douwe Egberts en acht goedkopere alternatieven getest: “Ze zouden beschaamd moeten zijn”"…

What distro are you using?

!Linux Users

I know it is a cliche. And not (especially) useful.

But I think it is an easy way for people to say 'hi' by replying in this (potential) thread.

So, I am using Bunsenlabs. @BunsenLabs Linux

It is a niche Debian distro. It is just plain Debian but with an Openbox GUI and a bunch of nice customization and distro specific tweaks.

Very minimalistic. Lightweight.

It one of the offshoots of the late CrunshbangLinux .

I like it. The Bunsenlabs community is a bit like this here. Small.

Linux Users reshared this.

in reply to Nathan

It advertising itself as 'Arch based and easy to install'. That is indeed interesting.

Linux Users reshared this.

in reply to Walter Vermeir

It has some nice utilities too, like the welcome app with options to update mirrors, launch pacdiff, etc. The most important difference, IMO, is that the community is much friendlier.

Linux Users reshared this.

Language filter option for the feed

!New To Friendica

There seems to be a fair bit of Finnish and German posts here. Nothing wrong with that.

But I would like to hide those posts.

I have found there instructions about how to do that;…

But that makes use of a function addon that does not seem to be active here.

#Friendica #FriendicaSettings #FriendicaSupport

New To Friendica reshared this.

Walter Vermeir reshared this.

Bluesky addon re-enabled

I re-enabled the bluesky addon, and will watch the queue closely.

reshared this

in reply to Ruud

thank you! i got mine set up (i thought) but now get a 504 error when try to open settings/connectors. did i mess up?
in reply to pataphysician

sadly it's still 504ing on me. @ruud can you think of any reason it still won't let me in? all i did was plug in bsky login info.
in reply to pataphysician

A 504 is typically because httpd has to much latency connecting to php-fpm, though it can be that php-fpm is having and issue connecting to dbServer. If you have your entire server stack on one machine (or container) you can configure the servers to use sockets instead of TCP/IP This can help when you have congested network traffic. Keep in mind that this still applies if you are only connecting your server stack via local host as it is still effected by they TCP/IP stack.

note: 504 are typically never from client connecting to httpd or you would never see the message, you would just time out.

note: If you need any of this translated to English please feel free to ask questions . I do not think google is up to it.

note: Sockets can also be better for security as this is one less vector of attack on your server from remote.

This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Ruud

I have the BlueSky gateway active for some days now.

In general it seems to work. I can follow BlueSky users here. When I like a BlueSky post it shows up at the BlueSky end also.

The option to comment is not active. Reshare en quote share is active. Resharing here at Friendica of that BlueSky post results of a reshare of the contected account at BlueSky. Do not see it here at Friendica itself. Maybe it takes time.

The option to change the handle at blueSky with the Friendica one still does not work.
(setting at; settings - sociale networks - bluesky import/export, last checkbox option )

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

off topic - friendica gebruik

!Durf te vragen Brussel

Het is off topic maar in deze prille omstandigheden lijkt het mij gepermiteerd.

Deze tread kan dienen als Friendica help tread.

Wie heeft al gevonden hoe je kunt filteren op taal in je Feed, om enkel bepaalde talen te tonen of bepaalde uit te sluiten?

Durf te vragen Brussel reshared this.

in reply to Walter Vermeir

Ik weet dat je in Mastodon kunt filteren op taal—aangezien alle toots normaal gesproken een taal-tag hebben—maar in Friendica ben ik iets dergelijks niet tegengekomen…

Durf te vragen Brussel reshared this.

in reply to Martijn

Bedankt Martijn.
Het is interessant; langst de ene kant lijkt dit te bestaan aangezien hier de uitleg daarover is te vinden;…

Maar of een of andere reden is die addon niet actief op deze Freindica server.

Ik heb de indruk dat het wel mogelijk moet zijn een 'channel' te maken en daar is wel een taalfilter actief. Maar hoe dat juist werkt is mij nog niet duidelijk.

Durf te vragen Brussel reshared this.

Just heard an interesting expression that makes a fine first post to Friendica;

Your mouth shouldn't sign cheques your ass can not pay