!Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie
Groot succes! Heel veel mensen op straat om het signaal te geven dat de plannen van de regering anders moeten.
De sterkste schouders moeten de zwaarste lasten dragen. De voorgestelde vermogensbelasting is niet ernstig.
Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie reshared this.
Betoging morgen donderdag 13 februari te Brussel
!Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie
De nieuwe Arizona-regering is een feit. Zware besparingen op de kap van de gewone werkmensen, kwetsbare groepen die extra worden geviseerd en de sterkste schouders die ongemoeid blijven: wij zeggen NEEN aan deze sociale afbraak!
Daarom komen wij - samen met de andere vakbonden - massaal op straat op donderdag 13 februari. Afspraak om 10u30 in de Koning Albert II-laan in Brussel!
Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie reshared this.
I've been troubleshooting the issues we keep having with Friendica.world.
The site gets unresponsive at nights (CET) around 3AM, and stays that way for a couple of hours. I've been trying to find the reason for that, but no luck yet.
It's not the backup (that runs at a different time), nor are the resources at 100%.
I did just change a setting for pm.max_children
which defines the number of php-fpm
processes which handle the web traffic, because I saw some errors about it having reached the max. This will fix some issues, but not sure if it fixes the freezing of the site.. We'll see I guess..
If there are people with some technical skills, wanting to help out running this thing (or any other instance we run), please send me a DM or mail info@friendica.world.
It's all volunteer work, and we can use some extra hands.
You can use this instance for free, but if you would like to and are able, you could help us funding the running costs by making a donation: ko-fi.com/fhfworld
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Ernesto Wong García, gargle, Petra, phle, Maria Petersen, Liyah Mackenzie Hernandez, Walter Vermeir, etym_dub, Michael / Chgowiz, MeyariMcFarland, Greenpepper, Chris Trottier, SocialSpirit, Andy Smith-Petersen, Anders Nicolaysen, Pygoscelis Papua, FR Nina Pescatore and Sarah Peck like this.
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Ruud, Ernesto Wong García, Hendrik Hollander, gargle, Twan, Walter Vermeir, Michael / Chgowiz, Greenpepper, Chris Trottier, FR Nina Pescatore, Nina Pescatore and Sarah Peck reshared this.
Mark likes this.
Mark likes this.
Thank you!
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Erik van Schaaik, Mark and Michael / Chgowiz like this.
Infrequently Asked Question: Can you turn a record arround on the record player with a shoulder cat in your neck?
No. - Does not work.
You really need two hands for that. Leaning strongly back can free up the hand supporting the ass. But in that position you can not do delicate manipulations.
BartT likes this.
Interproffesioneel akkoord en loonnormwet
!Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie
Voor de onderhandelingen voor de periode 2025-2026 over het Interproffesioneel akkoord (#IPA) is het advies van de Centrale Raad voor het Bedrijfsleven (#CRB) over maximale toegelaten #loonstijging het startpunt en fundament . Die gaat de marge bepalen waarover men mag onderhandelen.
Dit is de zogenaamde #loonnormwet . Die marge vastgesteld op 0% voor 2025-2026, zoals vorige keer voor 2023-2024.
Dat wil dus zeggen dat de onderhandelaars een marge hebben om te onderhandelen over opslag van 0%. En ook dat bedrijven die het goed doen, werkgevers die zouden willen opslag geven, het wettelijk verboden is om dat te doen.
Persbericht hierover in gemeenschappelijk vakbondsfront
Noot: op de website van het CRB heb ik dat verslag eigenlijk niet kunnen vinden. - Weet iemand waar dat staat?
Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie reshared this.
Federaal regeerakkoord Arizona-regering 2025-2029 (BIS)
!Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie
Zaterdag 1 februari poste ik hier het eerst bericht in deze groep; het federaal regeerakkoord.
Dat is ook de versie zoals gepost gelinkt op de website van de NV-A in dit bericht..
Gisterenavond, maandag 3 februari, was de versie gelinkt in die blogpost de versie van zaterdag.
Dat is deze versie. Die is het laatst bewerkt op za 01 feb 2025 15:40:55 en heeft als checksum M5 2033d8cc478315b6e9d63052654dd6be.
Maandag ontving ik via syndicale kanalen een iets andere versie van het regeerakkoord.
Dat is deze versie. Die is het laatst bewerkt op ma 03 feb 2025 09:29:10 en heeft als checksum M5 06ce211271f8fc76b80b837edb866acf
Omdat ik nu twee versies had en de website van de NV-A een schijnbaar oudere versie linkte stuurde ik een bericht naar de NV-A om te vragen wat nu de juiste officiële versie is van het regeerakkoord.
Vandaag kreeg ik reactie van de NV-A en heb ik een nog andere, 3de versie ontvangen!
Dit is de versie die de NV-A mij bezorgde als 'het regeerakkoord'..
Die is het laatst bewerkt op ma 03 feb 2025 14:50:32 en heeft als checksum M5 e751cca8c62327cbb85a2c15fdba9d85
Ondertussen is de gelinkte versie naar het regeerakkoord in die blogpost op de website van de NV-A van 1 februari ook aangepast naar die nieuwe 3de versie.
Waar het inhoudelijk verschil zit, voor zover dat er eigenlijk is, tussen al die versies, dat weet ik niet. Ik weet enkel dat het verschil bytes waaruit het bestand bestaat klein is.
'Normale mensen' zetten in een document een versienummer. En wie het echt goed wil doen gaat er een 'diff-file' aan voegen waarop men kort gaat vermelden wat het verschil is tussen de vorige versie.
Ik ga mij er niet verder mee bezighouden met die verschillende versies van het regeerakkoord. Als er iemand het verschil kan vinden tussen deze drie versies post het zeker in de commentaren.
Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie reshared this.
How to activate and use the BlueSky bridge in this Friendica instance (friendica.world )
@Ruud for you user manuel
How to active the 'BlueSky bridge' to this Friendica instance?
When using the default webbased GUI, set to English;
Go to your menu profile settings (right upper corner).
Select 'settings'
(left side) Go to 'social networks'
Select 'Bluesky import/export'
Here you can configure the settings for Bluesky. This assumes you have an account at Bluesky.
You need to fill in your Bluesky handle. ( Like yourhandle.bsky.socia )
For the 'Bluesky app password' go to the settings of your BlueSky account . Pick 'settings'. Then 'Privacy and security' .
Create a specific password for the BlueSky addon at Friendica
.... save it. And it should work.
The first line of the section text should indicate succes. When you go later back to this section you will see at the top of that section 'Communication issues with the personal data server service (PDS): '
It should still work.
Note that the option available to change your BlueSky handle to your Friendica.world handle at BlueSky currently does not work.
How to follow a BlueSky account?
Most easy way is to just follow people on the BlueSky platform.
But on Friendica self; go to the 'contacts' section (top menu, people icon)
Left side, option 'Add new contact'
Just add there the BlueSky handle. And press 'connect'.
How to post also to BlueSky?
When you post to Friendica when using the default small compose window you have the option to select to post also on BlueSky in the tab 'permissions'. At least if you enabled that option in the Bluesky addon section.
You can also there select do post by default also to BlueSky. If you post something that is to long for a BlueSky message it will be automatically divided in several Bluesky posts.
If you use the large 'Compose new post' compose window (without the tabs at the top) the option for BlueSky is found at the end of the window.
Press on the small button with 3 dots left of the 'set your location' box. Now you will see the 'Post to Bluesky' option.
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Ruud, Johan Moir (Friendica) and Joao Alberto like this.
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New To Friendica, Johan Moir (Friendica) and Joao Alberto reshared this.
Awesome! Thanks!!
Is it possible to just follow a few of your bluesky follows, or does all of them get imported?
And if I decide to follow a friend, can we also interact in that thread? Or do I just see their posts in here?
Mark likes this.
New To Friendica reshared this.
So far I understand you cannot follow some accounts. You connect your BlueSky account or not.
The solution I see is create a new BlueSky account. And connect that with Friendica.
And yes, it is a two way connection. You see the BlueSky post in the Friendica GUI. Indicated as BlueSky with an icon in the right upper corner of the post. And you respond to those post via Friendica to BlueSky.
There seems to be a delay before it shows up at the BlueSky end.
Johan Moir (Friendica) likes this.
New To Friendica reshared this.
Johan Moir (Friendica) likes this.
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New To Friendica and Johan Moir (Friendica) reshared this.
Mark likes this.
New To Friendica reshared this.
New To Friendica reshared this.
Johan Moir (Friendica) likes this.
New To Friendica reshared this.
Ah. Now I understand, thanks! I was actually already familiar with bridgy Fed since I use it between my Mastodon and Bluesky accounts.
Had missed how the DM "invite" function worked though, so good to know!
I first thought you mentioned the in-built Bluesky connectoe and thats why I got confused
New To Friendica reshared this.
(It's there, but empty...)
Johan Moir (Friendica) likes this.
New To Friendica reshared this.
Truth Social & GDPR
Just took a look at #TruthSocial , being lead there by a Trump post.
Noticed a link on the homepage, left below;
#GDPR. European privacy rules. A bit surprising on this 'very American' site. That link does not work.
Thought that is a bit funny. - Gives a 'We do not take privacy serious here' vibe.
Johan Moir (Friendica) likes this.
Federaal regeerakkoord Arizona-regering 2025-2029
!Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie
Veel nieuws over de nieuwe federale regering. En artikels over wat er in het #regeerakkoord staat.
Maar wie echt wil weten wat de plannen zijn moet het regeerakkoord zelf lezen.
Bijdeze in bijlage.
Dit is ook het eerst bericht gepost in de nieuwe Friendica group syndicaalnieuws@friendica.world (met kopie naar BlueSky). Hopelijk kan dit iets interessant worden.
Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie reshared this.
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Walter Vermeir, Ernesto Wong García, Petra and MariTask like this.
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Walter Vermeir and Ernesto Wong García reshared this.
Are you interested in this post?
Just got something that to me seemed funny.
I posted something in a private Facebook-group. This is my post. I got a lot of responses.
And the FB algorithm is asking of I am interested in my own post 😀
John Breslin likes this.
Adding Lemmy groups to Friendica (2th attempt)
Not really a support question.
More a 'this does not seem to work like it should be but if you do it that way it does work' thing;
I checked out a Lemmy instance, in this case lemmy.world , and there seems to be some interesting content there.
It is possible to add this also here so it shows up in the Friendica GUI. But it does not seem to work like it is instructed to do so.
When you press on the button 'subscribe' you get a popup asking for the name of your external instance. Should be 'friendica.world' . - That gives an error.
walter.friendica.world , walter@friendica.world , etc does not work.
But there is also a text saying to put
! linuxmemes@lemmy.world (but with no space between ! and the rest)
in to the search function of your instance. That does not work also.
What does work is;
Go to the 'contacts' section ( friendica.world/contact )
Use the 'Add new contact' function. Put in that search field 'linuxmemes@lemmy.world' without the ! and the ''.
And that Lemmy discussion forum is added.
Note 2th attempt: the first time I posted this I included the address of the Linux memes Lemmy group in the text without a space between it. And this got posted in the that Lemmy group.
I used the button 'deleted globally'. It is locally deleted at Friendica but currently still present in that Lemmy group. - And I hope I do not post there again now.
SocialSpirit likes this.
New To Friendica reshared this.
Test group for testposting
For Your Information;
I made a 'test group';
!Test group - Place to do test postings at Friendica
A group where people who like to test can post and mess around. See how this works without doing that somewhere where it could annoy people.
It is a public open group.
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j. Gavin Moore, Sunshine and Ruud like this.
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Test group - Place to do test postings at Friendica and New To Friendica reshared this.
What is 'space engine'?
SpaceEngine is a realistic virtual Universe you can explore on your computer. You can travel from star to star, from galaxy to galaxy, landing on any planet, moon, or asteroid with the ability to explore its alien landscape. You can alter the speed of time and observe any celestial phenomena you please.
....at least I assume this. I joined this group with the idea it had something to do with space. Never heard of 'Space engine'.
Looks interesting.
I posted this from friendica.world and to me this group is completely empty. This seemed a sensible thing to post in an empty group, a post what 'Space engine' is as the group description is not helpful. - And if this group is actually not empty, maybe active, then it seems somewhere there is a synchronization problem.
I tried to post this to the Friendica support forum, but it kept timing out when I entered my information. I am now attempting to subscribe to their e-mail list. However, I thought I would write this here so that those who know coding, etc. might be able to offer a solution, or at least, to pass this on to the developers.
I joined Friendica in October of 2024, when Facebook decided to shut down their Basic Mobile site (not app). I am totally blind, and their main page is a nightmare to use with a screen readre (NVDA in my case). I chose Friendica because of the huge character limit, the ability to edit and delete posts, local posting, extensive profiles with keywords, and the ability to connect with all sorts of accounts in the Fediverse. For the most part, I am enjoying my time here. However, I am noticing a lot of inaccessibility on the Friendica page. I am not a programmer, but I'm guessing this is at the core of the software and is not due to the instance I'm using (friendica.world). I am also guessing that the page is not written in HTML5 and does not follow WCAG guidelines, though I may be wrong about that. If not, I strongly urge the developers to review them and implement them if possible. If so, perhaps, some changes can still be made that would make this a more screen reader-friendly site. Note that I tried this with Firefox and Supermium (a direct fork of Chrome).
Mostly, I use TweeseCake to access the site, but there are some things I can't do with that client. All of the following refer to the site itself.
- There is a list of links at the top of the page that acts like a menu. This causes many problems while trying to perform basic tasks, particularly editing posts and handling notifications. I can't always activate said links/menu either.
1A. I can't stress how frustrating editing posts is. It sometimes takes over ten minutes. The "edit" option is a link/menu, and it can only be found via another menu. Once I finally find and activate it, I hear the sound indicating that I have entered focus Mode. Usually, this means that I am in an edit box and can type. However, in this case, I am taken back to the main page, as if I never entered the option to edit my post. Using e to try to find an edit box doesn't help, as it just sends me to the replies to different comments. So I am forced to find the post, and start all over again. The only way I can do this successfully is to try to tab through the links/menu at the top of the page (when it works), then through other posts, until, finally, I am placed in an edit box where I can type.
1B. When I go to the Notifications" link, I have to tab to "Mark all System Notifications as Seen". This isn't even a regular link, as I can't copy and paste the text from it. Once I tab to and out of that, I can then read my notifications. But here is what I have to do if I want to see follow requests.
1. Try to get the notifications link to work, then click on it.
2. Tab to marking notifications.
3. Perform a search for the word follow.
4. Click on the link of the notification that someone wants to follow me. I open this in a new window, to try to keep the original one available.
5. Make my choice as to whether to approve that notification, then close that window.
6. Return to the main window. Only now, I am not where I left off. Instead, I am placed back at the beginning of the page and the Notifications menu is not open.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 3.
Ideally, I should be able to go to a normal notifications link, perform steps 3 through 5, then return back to the link, and perform steps 3 through 5 again, as many times as necessary, without having to repeat 1 through 3.
- I can't just go to the site and enter an edit box to post. I must go through a menu to find the link to do so. Yet there is an edit box for searching for content, tags, etc.
- Some pinned posts don't always read properly. I can see my name, when I posted, that it's pinned, a public message, tags (if applicable), buttons for resharing, etc., and the number of comments. But I cannot simply read the post itself. ""Comments" is also a button, not a link. Even when I expand them, I still can't see my post, and finding the button again to close them takes a lot of time, as posts also have their own buttons. Note that unpinned posts are read properly.
- While the process of editing my profile is completely accessible, finding the edit option might be slightly confusing for new users, as it requires entering yet another link/menu, this time with the user name as the title..
- If I go to a profile of someone not on Friendica (usually Mastodon) and wish to reply to a post, after I enter my credentials, it takes me back to my profile, not to the relevant post. It only worked once.
- The Friendica app for Windows is basically the site itself. I don't understand this at all.
If you want to see a truly accessible site, try this link. I don't work for them, though I do have an account there.
Please, if any changes can be made, I urge you to do so. The site is otherwise a pleasure to use, but my frustration at not being able to easily perform such basic tasks is increasing.
#accessibility #blind #coding #Chrome #Developers #Dreamwidth #Facebook #fediverse #Firefox #Friendica #HTML #HTML5 #NVDA #ScreenReaders #TweeseCake #WCAG #Windows
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pataphysician and Patrik Hirvinen like this.
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BeAware, pataphysician, Noah Loren, slowmart, Laurel Jean Walden, Robert Kingett, Jupiter Rowland, Eugenio Monforte, the esoteric programmer, Svenja, Sozan, The Evil Chocolate Cookie, dasgrueneblatt, DamonHD, Jules and Walter Vermeir reshared this.
@Georgiana Brummell First of all, I've just noticed that you seem to not have joined the Friendica support forum yet. As far as I know, you can't post to a Friendica group/forum without fully connecting to it first.
As for the accessibility issues: To most people, it appears like Friendica has only just been made since they haven't heard of it before mid-January. But actually, Friendica is from 2010. And its frontend is largely stuck in the early 2010s, including technologically.
Friendica has always been a spare-time hobbyist project. It was mostly developed by one single man for almost two years. That guy is a protocol designer and not a frontend developer. Also, I think Friendica never had more than two regular developers, and it definitely never had any developer who really knows how to make a modern and appealing user interface. I mean, you've obviously never seen Friendica's user interface, but let me tell you that it's quite old-fashioned. It's just meant to do its job.
Hobbyist, spare-time developers of such an extremely niche piece of software who are not trained in Web UI design normally don't know a thing about accessibility. And truly, they don't care. If the UI covers all features, and the users don't have to SSH or telnet onto the Web server to use it, it's often good enough.
Friendica's regularly active user community has never been more than maybe a few thousand at a time, maybe even only a few hundred, as opposed to the over two million at which Mastodon has topped out. Thus, Friendica has never encountered blind or visually-impaired users yet.
You can see it all over the place. Alt-text is not part of Friendica's culture. Some Friendica veterans staunchly refuse to describe their media because they think alt-text is another Mastodon fad that Mastodon fundamentalists want to force upon the whole rest of the Fediverse with Mastodon's entire culture. Alt-text, to them, is like limiting your posts to 500 characters.
All this is why nobody has noticed yet that Friendica is not accessible at all.
I've got a suspicion that Friendica can only be made fully accessible by throwing the entire Web frontend away, developing an entirely new one from scratch and then also making all-new themes for it.
Also, it's only natural that TweeseCake doesn't support many of Friendica's features. As it looks to me, TweeseCake's Fediverse side is built against Mastodon and only Mastodon. If Mastodon doesn't have a feature, TweeseCake doesn't cover it either. Thus, TweeseCake probably only covers about 20% of Friendica's features because Mastodon doesn't have the other 80%.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #TweeseCake #A11y #Accessibility
Droppie [infosec] 🐨 reshared this.
@Jupiter Rowland Again, thank you for the wonderful explanation. I am not doubting you at all, by the way, just explaining something. Dreamwidth looks very much like LiveJournal, which has been around for longer than twenty years. I've been using computers for over two decades, and I've definitely seen many good older sites, including from the 2010's. As a matter of fact, many older sites are far better than modern ones, because they are mostly text, don't have hamburger menus, strange buttons, etc. The old Basic HTML version of GMail and even Facebooks Basic Mobile site are two more excellent examples of good sites, though sadly, both of them are gone now. To me, Friendica actually feels a lot more modern, and in a bad way.
Thank you for explaining a bit about Friendica culture and membership. I joined for the reasons I said, so I wasn't really thinking about that. Most of my friends in the Fediverse are on Mastodon, though a few do come from other places. I initially avoided Mastodon because of the 500 character limit, no local posting, and the inability to edit/delete posts. I later learned that some instances have very long posting limits, and that posts can be edited and deleted. I was considering Hometown or possibly Glitchsoc. I forgot why I chose Friendica over those. Now, I heard that many instances on Mastodon are very strict with what they allow. I don't post obscenities, graphic images, anything illegal, etc. but I also don't want to be thrown out simply for expressing an opinion that is different from those of the moderators. I'm perfectly fine with acting a certain way within groups, but on my own timeline, I want the ability to post as I choose without my work being deleted or being banned. I heard that Pleroma is good in that regard. If I did switch, though, I would need to choose an accessible platform and, I hope, to be able to take this account with me.
As for TweeseCake, it workss with almost everything. I can see and reply to posts, create, edit, and delete my own (it respect the long ones and allows me to use carriage return instead of posting when I press that), follow and unfollow people, block and unblock them, etc. But I can't edit my profile, pin posts, follow tags, go to a list of blocked users so that I can ublock them, filter out certain words and/or phrases so that I don't see them in my timeline (I'm not even sure if I can do that on Friendica), etc. I can sort read timelines such as Home, Notifications, Mentions, and Federated, and add specific conversations, favourites (that one doesn't work well here though it does on TwBlue), etc. But I can't create, edit, or delete circles.
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
@Jupiter Rowland @Robert Kingett I just saw this.
"Getting back to the cluttered user interface I was talking about. Friendica allows the user to make changes to the user interface. There are a couple of themes to choose from and the themes can be customized in color. Also the layout and the content of the stream can be adjusted. This way I was able to create a style that is easier to digest making Friendica a much better experience than it was for me in the past."
Could this possibly help with my problems? By the way, this is a fairly good article that explains some of the differences between Friendica and Mastodon.
Here is an explanation of another site that I just found, called Akkoma. It sounds interesting, but also a bit complicated.
Between Friendica, Mastodon, Pleroma, Akkoma, Hometown, glitchsoc, and the others, I am very confused. I didn't think I would have to be considering this again. It was bad enough when I lost all of my friends on Facebook (only one or two even talk with me outside of it) and had to find a new place to go to, because Facebook decided that accessibility didn't matter. Now, I may have to do it all over again! I really am trying to avoid this headache. At the same time, I need to know what my options are and if anything truly meets my needs.
the esoteric programmer reshared this.
@Georgiana Brummell @Robert Kingett You could try and ask the developers of both TweeseCake and TWBlue to implement full support for Friendica, not via the Mastodon client API, but by also implementing Friendica's own client API.
I wouldn't hold my breath for it, though. They may not even have heard of Friendica yet. And if you tell them what it is, they may still decide that if they haven't heard of it yet because it hasn't been the talk of the town for long enough, it's too obscure to bother.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #TweeseCake #TWBlue
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
@Jupiter Rowland @Robert Kingett Since I use TweeseCake 99% of the time, I am going to try to tag the developers here, and only use the tag for this part of the thread, so as not to annoy them. I also just read some absolutely wonderful news about the app being redesigned, so perhaps, some of the suggestions mentioned below are already part of that plan. As it is, it's a great client, so I can't wait to see what the future holds!
@TweeseCake The main post here describes problems with the Friendica site itself so can be ignored in your case. However, TweeseCake makes almost everything accessible, except the following.
- Editing my profile. There is an "edit profile" option, but I am not sure if this is for Friendica or the TweeseCake client itself. Regardless, I cannot see the main text of my profile from Friendica, and other features, such as keywords, aren't there.
- Accepting and rejecting follow requests. I can see who is following me, and I can also read notifications that someone wants to follow me, but I cannot act on them. Likewise, I can't go to my contacts and change channel notifications, such as seeing all posts, for example.
- Working with pinned posts. I can't pin, unpin, or see posts that I've pinned to my profile.
- Viewing posts or notifications on the main site. There is an option to view something on the web, but whenever I have tried to use it, it sends me to a "page not found" error.
- Seeing blocked users. I can block people, and I can unblock them if I am in a post where they posted. But I cannot see a list of my blocked users, so that, for example, I can unblock someone if I blocked him by mistake.
- Seeing favourites properly. Every time I try to activate that feature, they appear for a moment, then disappear.
- Using circles. I haven't used these yet, but I thought I should add it.
I realise that some of these features are specific to Friendica, and since TweeseCake was designed to work with Mastodon, it makes sense that some of them have not been implemented. But 1, 2, and 5 are essential.
Jupiter Rowland likes this.
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
@Georgiana Brummell @Robert Kingett Well, GoToSocial is quite different from Mastodon and Friendica in one regard: It's mainly made for hosting your own personal instance. It isn't really for more or less big public, open-registration instances. As far as I know, it doesn't even come with its own built-in UI, so if you want a Web UI on your own instance, you have to choose one and add it yourself.
Still, there are some public, open-registration GoToSocial instances. And if you're going to use it with TWBlue, the Web UI shouldn't even matter beyond registering an account because you won't touch it anymore afterwards.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #GoToSocial #TWBlue
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
@Georgiana Brummell Quote:
Could this possibly help with my problems? By the way, this is a fairly good article that explains some of the differences between Friendica and Mastodon.
End quote.
It depends on where exactly your issues are rooted. If the UI is too cluttered for you, it may help, but I'm afraid that the editor itself may not be accessible. But if the UI elements themselves aren't accessible, it makes no difference if you rearrange them or remove elements that you don't need.
As I've probably already mentioned, Friendica has changed a great lot since the last time I've used it, and my more recent experience is from Hubzilla and (streams). But while they let you rearrange all pages, they don't let you modify the UI elements themselves in detail and add accessibility features.
Also, I don't know if Friendica lets you change the layouts of the pages by editing the raw Comanche code that describes them. While this means getting used to Comanche, I can imagine this actually being more accessible than a purely WYSIWYG drag-and-drop editor.
In this regard, it's interesting that (streams) doesn't offer drag-and-drop anymore. Either that, or Hubzilla introduced it after Osada and Zap were forked off.
Here is an explanation of another site that I just found, called Akkoma. It sounds interesting, but also a bit complicated.
End quote.
Akkoma is a fork of Pleroma with a default UI that, I guess, isn't dramatically different plus compatibility with the same third-party UIs. One downside in comparison with Friendica, Hubzilla etc. is that you, as a user, can't choose a UI for your account individually because the UI is pre-defined for the whole instance. Also, both Pleroma and Akkoma are microblogging projects and closer to Twitter than to Facebook.
CC: @Robert Kingett
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #Akkoma
@Robert Kingett Hubzilla started out as a Friendica fork by Friendica's own creator. He maintained it for twice as long as Friendica, until 2016. Since then, there are only two developers for much, much more code than Friendica has, and they're spare-time hobbyists, too, who only work on Hubzilla when they happen to find some time.
Thus, due to Hubzilla's massive backend, UI maintenance has largely fallen to the wayside. Hubzilla used to have a whole bunch of themes, but only one survived to this day because the two devs had to keep one theme alive. Its name "Redbasic" comes from Hubzilla's original name, Red. Apart from getting more settings with Hubzilla 9, it didn't change that much over time. Hubzilla kind of still looks like Friendica more than a dozen years ago.
It's mostly the backend that keeps the devs busy, too busy to take care of anything else. Example: The built-in help is half-useless because it's totally outdated and therefore partially incomplete and partially plain wrong. Features that have been available for several years aren't covered, but things that have been removed in the last decade are. Parts of it actually still refer to a "Red Matrix" which ceased to exist in 2015 when the Red Matrix became Hubzilla. The German and English help is currently being re-written by a user.
Alt-text has to be manually grafted into the BBcode that embeds an image in a post. There is no official documentation on that yet, and I'll have to check if the rewrite covers it. How it's done is only known because, I think, one of the devs looked it up in the code, then told us, and it's being passed on from user to user every once in a while.
In fact, I've once been told by a blind or visually-impaired user that at least Hubzilla's Articles app for non-federating long-form articles did not work in her screen reader at all.
Hubzilla's frontend must largely run on code from 2012 when it was matched with the completely re-written backend. Afterwards, new or changed features were only patched in. Hubzilla's UI is convoluted and confusing even for sighted users.
Also, Hubzilla has never had a run-in with blind users either because it's even more obscure than Friendica, and its community is even smaller than Friendica's.
Lastly, Hubzilla can only be used via the Web interface. There is no other way. It doesn't support Mastodon apps, and it never will.
CC: @Georgiana Brummell
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Hubzilla #A11y #Accessibility
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
the esoteric programmer reshared this.
Thank you @Robert Kingett for your contribution. This feedback is extremely important. It would be great if you could accompany the changes already announced and support the project with suggestions for improvements.
@Jupiter Rowland Of course it is the culture of Friendica users to use alt tags. Please refresh your knowledge in other areas as well ;)
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
@Matthias It is true that it is the culture of (many) Friendica users to use alt tags. But it would be good if it became even easier to create them. Unfortunately, it is not yet self-explanatory how it can be created and it is not integrated into the GUI everywhere.
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Matthias and Georgiana Brummell like this.
(to be able to enter the Alt texts directly during the upload?)
@Robert Kingett @Georgiana Brummell
@caos @Georgiana Brummell @Robert Kingett
I created an issue for.
What i need is an extension to the upload-form to add th alttext at the upload-moment.
Noe it is not possible from backend. So my uploadet can't add it.
Now you have to upload the image, the go to images, choose the new image, edit it, add alttexr, go back to posting, choose image from browser...
Or you upload it with the new uploader, add alttext in between of the ending img and url tag... but then it's not in the database... you can't reuse the image (what i do with som images!!!)
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caos and Georgiana Brummell like this.
Also, this original post has actionable suggestions already! How hard would it be to make a friendica work on more HTML 5 code? friendica.world/display/84b6ef… @feb @jupiter_rowland @dandylover1
I tried to post this to the Friendica support forum, but it kept timing out when I entered my information. I am now attempting to subscribe to their e-mail list. However, I thought I would write this here so that those who know coding, etc. might be able to offer a solution, or at least, to pass this on to the developers.I joined Friendica in October of 2024, when Facebook decided to shut down their Basic Mobile site (not app). I am totally blind, and their main page is a nightmare to use with a screen readre (NVDA in my case). I chose Friendica because of the huge character limit, the ability to edit and delete posts, local posting, extensive profiles with keywords, and the ability to connect with all sorts of accounts in the Fediverse. For the most part, I am enjoying my time here. However, I am noticing a lot of inaccessibility on the Friendica page. I am not a programmer, but I'm guessing this is at the core of the software and is not due to the instance I'm using (friendica.world). I am also guessing that the page is not written in HTML5 and does not follow WCAG guidelines, though I may be wrong about that. If not, I strongly urge the developers to review them and implement them if possible. If so, perhaps, some changes can still be made that would make this a more screen reader-friendly site. Note that I tried this with Firefox and Supermium (a direct fork of Chrome).
Mostly, I use TweeseCake to access the site, but there are some things I can't do with that client. All of the following refer to the site itself.
- There is a list of links at the top of the page that acts like a menu. This causes many problems while trying to perform basic tasks, particularly editing posts and handling notifications. I can't always activate said links/menu either.
1A. I can't stress how frustrating editing posts is. It sometimes takes over ten minutes. The "edit" option is a link/menu, and it can only be found via another menu. Once I finally find and activate it, I hear the sound indicating that I have entered focus Mode. Usually, this means that I am in an edit box and can type. However, in this case, I am taken back to the main page, as if I never entered the option to edit my post. Using e to try to find an edit box doesn't help, as it just sends me to the replies to different comments. So I am forced to find the post, and start all over again. The only way I can do this successfully is to try to tab through the links/menu at the top of the page (when it works), then through other posts, until, finally, I am placed in an edit box where I can type.
1B. When I go to the Notifications" link, I have to tab to "Mark all System Notifications as Seen". This isn't even a regular link, as I can't copy and paste the text from it. Once I tab to and out of that, I can then read my notifications. But here is what I have to do if I want to see follow requests.
1. Try to get the notifications link to work, then click on it.
2. Tab to marking notifications.
3. Perform a search for the word follow.
4. Click on the link of the notification that someone wants to follow me. I open this in a new window, to try to keep the original one available.
5. Make my choice as to whether to approve that notification, then close that window.
6. Return to the main window. Only now, I am not where I left off. Instead, I am placed back at the beginning of the page and the Notifications menu is not open.
7. Repeat steps 1 through 3.
Ideally, I should be able to go to a normal notifications link, perform steps 3 through 5, then return back to the link, and perform steps 3 through 5 again, as many times as necessary, without having to repeat 1 through 3.
- I can't just go to the site and enter an edit box to post. I must go through a menu to find the link to do so. Yet there is an edit box for searching for content, tags, etc.
- Some pinned posts don't always read properly. I can see my name, when I posted, that it's pinned, a public message, tags (if applicable), buttons for resharing, etc., and the number of comments. But I cannot simply read the post itself. ""Comments" is also a button, not a link. Even when I expand them, I still can't see my post, and finding the button again to close them takes a lot of time, as posts also have their own buttons. Note that unpinned posts are read properly.
- While the process of editing my profile is completely accessible, finding the edit option might be slightly confusing for new users, as it requires entering yet another link/menu, this time with the user name as the title..
- If I go to a profile of someone not on Friendica (usually Mastodon) and wish to reply to a post, after I enter my credentials, it takes me back to my profile, not to the relevant post. It only worked once.
- The Friendica app for Windows is basically the site itself. I don't understand this at all.
If you want to see a truly accessible site, try this link. I don't work for them, though I do have an account there.
Please, if any changes can be made, I urge you to do so. The site is otherwise a pleasure to use, but my frustration at not being able to easily perform such basic tasks is increasing.
#accessibility #blind #coding #Chrome #Developers #Dreamwidth #Facebook #fediverse #Firefox #Friendica #HTML #HTML5 #NVDA #ScreenReaders #TweeseCake #WCAG #Windows
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
I need to correct some things. I have spent a lot of time trying to make Friendica accessible. Many years ago I got in touch with a blind person who was working in this area. I made a lot of changes, but due to a lack of equipment to check them, I was never able to see if the changes were really good.
Last Thursday I had a two-hour session with an accessibility expert. She found a number of problems and said that, apart from three, the software as a whole was quite good from an accessibility point of view. In particular, she said that post creation was quite good compared to Mastodon.
However, there are some problems, such as the fact that some menu items aren't spoken. We also use the wrong aria roles for a lot of links. And we don't always use buttons and navigation elements where we should.
As for alt text: Of course we support the creation of this. As I have blind contacts, I'm very interested in this. However (as already mentioned) the interface can be improved a lot.
Also regarding the technology: Friendica has undergone some major overhauls of its internal structure. Just recently there was another refactoring wave that improved the whole class structure. This means that the core - although started 15 years ago - is quite modern (including a bunch of automated tests).
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Matthias, yelling jackal and Georgiana Brummell like this.
Ruud reshared this.
Meeting with Robert Kingett - Robert Kingett
Screen reader users should navigate the below calendar in focus mode. Do not use the below calendar in browse mode.Calendly
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Just last week I got in touch with an accessibility expert. We had a two-hour session where she registered an account and went through the whole system. She was using an iPad with VoiceOver. There were three main problems:
- Some menu items weren't spoken
- Some icons didn't have titles
- Some of the headings were inconsistent
There were also some other things that needed to be fixed, see here for a summary: github.com/friendica/friendica…
I will try to work on this. I recently got hold of an iPhone, so I can now check with VoiceOver.
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caos, Georgiana Brummell, Matthias and Jupiter Rowland like this.
Matthias likes this.
I don't own any Windows devices, I use Linux. I now have an iPhone (just for testing), an Android device and a Chromebook. So I want to try to make it accessible for those devices. And I hope it will work with other screenreaders too.
After I've made most of the changes, I'd like to get some feedback, just to make sure I'm on the right track. So I may get back to you about this.
I can't say how much time I'll need, though. Working on Friendica is like trying to juggle a dozen things at once while solving a Rubik's Cube and reciting Shakespeare. I try to code new things, to maintain the system, search and fix bugs, provide support and update and maintain three Friendica installations (while also having a daytime job and some other spare time activities).
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Krone Randegg machts und miradlo erzählt and Georgiana Brummell like this.
@Georgiana Brummell
He is the lead developer of Friendica, bearing the main responsibility. However, it is not correct to say that he is the only one continuing the development of Friendica. It would be unfair to disregard the contributions of countless other individuals who provide input, conduct code reviews, or maintain the stable versions.
In fact, the web UI has received little attention in recent years. Engaging UX/UI experts for a FOSS project is always a challenge. However, there is currently a development in this area that is quite interesting.
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Eens iets anders dan Trump of Elon nieuws:
Blijkbaar is de Everyday desert koffie van de Colruyt de beste.
"Dessertkoffie van Douwe Egberts en acht goedkopere alternatieven getest: “Ze zouden beschaamd moeten zijn”"
What distro are you using?
I know it is a cliche. And not (especially) useful.
But I think it is an easy way for people to say 'hi' by replying in this (potential) thread.
So, I am using Bunsenlabs. @BunsenLabs Linux
It is a niche Debian distro. It is just plain Debian but with an Openbox GUI and a bunch of nice customization and distro specific tweaks.
Very minimalistic. Lightweight.
It one of the offshoots of the late CrunshbangLinux .
I like it. The Bunsenlabs community is a bit like this here. Small.
Linux Users reshared this.
Linux Users reshared this.
Walter Vermeir likes this.
Linux Users reshared this.
For my main PC, I use Debian-Testing. It is the most stable rolling release I've seen, miles more stable than Arch Linux. So it's the best world of new packages and stability.
For my laptops, I prefer Linux Mint. Has more conveniences to work well with laptop hardware than Debian.
Linux Users reshared this.
Walter Vermeir likes this.
Linux Users reshared this.
Linux Users reshared this.
Linux Users reshared this.
Language filter option for the feed
There seems to be a fair bit of Finnish and German posts here. Nothing wrong with that.
But I would like to hide those posts.
I have found there instructions about how to do that;
But that makes use of a function addon that does not seem to be active here.
#Friendica #FriendicaSettings #FriendicaSupport
Filtering your Network Stream - Documentation [Friendica / Wiki]
' publisher_name='wiki.friendi.ca' publisher_url='https://wiki.friendi.ca']wiki.friendi.ca
New To Friendica reshared this.
Bluesky addon re-enabled
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Mark, Unus Nemo, SocialSpirit, j. Gavin Moore, Walter Vermeir, Sunshine, pataphysician, Wilhelmina58 and Essi Parent like this.
reshared this
Mark, Walter Vermeir and SocialSpirit reshared this.
Zou het kunnen dat de functie om de friendica.world handle te gebruiken op Bluesky nog niet werkt?
Bij mij wil dat niet werken.
Bluesky zoekt naar een bestand op walter.friendica.world/.well-k… en kan dat niet vinden.
pataphysician likes this.
Unus Nemo likes this.
A 504 is typically because httpd has to much latency connecting to php-fpm, though it can be that php-fpm is having and issue connecting to dbServer. If you have your entire server stack on one machine (or container) you can configure the servers to use sockets instead of TCP/IP This can help when you have congested network traffic. Keep in mind that this still applies if you are only connecting your server stack via local host as it is still effected by they TCP/IP stack.
note: 504 are typically never from client connecting to httpd or you would never see the message, you would just time out.
note: If you need any of this translated to English please feel free to ask questions . I do not think google is up to it.
note: Sockets can also be better for security as this is one less vector of attack on your server from remote.
pataphysician likes this.
I have the BlueSky gateway active for some days now.
In general it seems to work. I can follow BlueSky users here. When I like a BlueSky post it shows up at the BlueSky end also.
The option to comment is not active. Reshare en quote share is active. Resharing here at Friendica of that BlueSky post results of a reshare of the contected account at BlueSky. Do not see it here at Friendica itself. Maybe it takes time.
The option to change the handle at blueSky with the Friendica one still does not work.
(setting at; settings - sociale networks - bluesky import/export, last checkbox option )
pataphysician likes this.
off topic - friendica gebruik
Het is off topic maar in deze prille omstandigheden lijkt het mij gepermiteerd.
Deze tread kan dienen als Friendica help tread.
Wie heeft al gevonden hoe je kunt filteren op taal in je Feed, om enkel bepaalde talen te tonen of bepaalde uit te sluiten?
Durf te vragen Brussel reshared this.
Durf te vragen Brussel reshared this.
Bedankt Martijn.
Het is interessant; langst de ene kant lijkt dit te bestaan aangezien hier de uitleg daarover is te vinden;
Maar of een of andere reden is die addon niet actief op deze Freindica server.
Ik heb de indruk dat het wel mogelijk moet zijn een 'channel' te maken en daar is wel een taalfilter actief. Maar hoe dat juist werkt is mij nog niet duidelijk.
Durf te vragen Brussel reshared this.
Just heard an interesting expression that makes a fine first post to Friendica;
Your mouth shouldn't sign cheques your ass can not pay
Walter Vermeir
in reply to Walter Vermeir • •Het is echt enorm. Nog nooit een actie meegemaakt met zo veel volk!
Syndicaal nieuws & discussie Belgie reshared this.