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Now that seems (somewhat) stable, there's more to be done 😀
First, we need to setup a test instance so we can test big changes before deploying on the main instance.
Then, we need to move the media storage from the database to S3 (test it first..)

Also, we have configured some VMs which can take part of the Friendica instance so we can scale for better performance, but we need to cutover to that...

Enough to do still!

If there's anyone that would like to join the team and help out, let me know! Basically looking for IT enthousiasts. Some knowledge of Linux is required, knowledge of docker would be nice but can also be taught while doing.
Apart from the tasks mentioned above, we also manage the infra for about 15 other instances so there's always something to do. It's all on a volunteer basis.
We have a nice team going on, we communicate in Slack. DM me if you're interested!!!

Ruud reshared this.

Customizing Bookface for Yourself

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Ruud reshared this.

No File Button In Bookface

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Default theme changed

I have changed the default theme for Friendica.World.
It is still the 'Frio' theme but now with the 'Bookface' customisation, set to 'Auto Color Mode'.

The auto color mode means it switches between Light and Dark mode depending on your computer's setting.

If you want to change the theme and/or customisation, you can do so here:…
You'll find the theme under 'General Theme Settings' and the customisation (Appearance) under 'Custom Theme Settings'

Mark reshared this.

Ruud reshared this.

Het belooft een zonnige dag te worden. Dus met de laptop in de zon (achter glas, dat nog wel) aan het werk.
De vrouw is aan het carnavallen en de Kids hebben vakantie.
Hoe gaat het bij juliie?

Ruud reshared this.

Should we make the Bookface theme the site's default for
Or should we leave it at the standard 'frio' theme and let users decide for themselves.

I'm just thinking users might not know about the Bookface theme. And in my opinion it makes the site more user-friendly.

Reply with your thoughts!

(In the screenshots, you'll see I chose green as today's accent color for the theme.. don't worry, that's not the default 😀 )



in reply to Ruud

It can be a nice idea to get closer to those people that still use just Facebook, it could be nice to do A/B tests and see how people react
in reply to Ruud

I put my vote for it as the default theme. I've switched to Bookface auto color mode right after your posted your question. It does indeed feel better and cleaner. I especially like the bigger counters for the comments, shares, quotes, likes and dislikes.


Looks like has been more stable for the last few days. That's good.

Now there's time for some other improvements. Let me start by upgrading the Bookface theme to the latest version 😀

in reply to Ruud

Is there a way to change to Bookface on my phone?
in reply to Petra

It's a bit hidden in the settings, but yes, you can change to Bookface in the Custom Theme Settings.

Settings > Display > Custom Theme Setting > Appearance

in reply to Anders Nicolaysen

I can only find account settings. Where are general settings?
in reply to Petra

Yeah, that's what I meant by it's a bit hidden. 😉

But... If you are currently using the standard theme (and are on the account settings page) you can click ">>" in the top left corner to get to other settings.

After you've changed to Bookface it will be the bottom left button that does the same thing.

You should also be able to click here:
Settings > Display

in reply to Anders Nicolaysen

The >> take me to different things depending on whether I'm in the NEW or CONVERSATIONS or COMMUNITIES tab, but there's never any settings! Your link works, though, thank you!
in reply to Petra

Yeah, the ">>" will show different things depending what tab / page you're on.

You need to be on the settings page (the account settings) for ">>" to show other settings.

Glad the link worked though!

in reply to Anders Nicolaysen

Ah, now I read your instructions again, I need to be in the account settings... That is well hidden, indeed!

Ruud reshared this.

Bookface Version 1.5 Released!

in reply to Pygoscelis Papua

@Pygoscelis Papua
I use Bookface Version 1.5 , but I noticed that when I create a post I can't upload files , only photos
in reply to Anomaly

Pekka Kurki reshared this.

in reply to Pygoscelis Papua

Thank you so much for the clarification @Pygoscelis Papua , I often upload videos in my posts, that button was very convenient 😆 .

I'll try your suggestion browser development, or maybe I embed the videos and files by uploading them to my #nextcloud , like it did before.

Yes, honestly sometimes I also have problems if I upload files directly to #friendica, this will be a good reason to take a step back

Thanks again for the good work you do with #BookFace , I appreciate it


in reply to Ruud

Your goal is to repair it and make it sparkle ✨ so we'll keep fingers crossed 🤞🏻 that the breaking of things leads to better things... 🍀 Good luck!

Uptime update

So we're at the next hurdle in keeping Friendica.World stable.

We now hit an issue where a cleanup job hangs the database. The database query it fires takes too long, and after a while this starts locking other processes in the database. Then the database connections fill up to the maximum, and the site becomes available.

I've raised an issue for this :… and someone proposed a workaround they are using, we might try that as well until a fix has been created.

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in reply to Ruud

I hope it works, might make it worse first but then should fix it. But availability like this is not acceptable.

gargle reshared this.

in reply to Ruud

@Ruud I'd charitably call that "less than ideal"... ;)

Fingers crossed!


Ruud reshared this.

Ruud reshared this.

Ruud reshared this.

Q4 2024 Blogpost

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I want to update you on the status of the (in)stability issues.

The first fix seems to have worked, we now have set the pm.max_children setting high enough so they don't get maxed out anymore.

Next issue we see now, is the max_connections to the Mariadb database, so we're now trying to tune that (without blowing up the server).

In short: the issues haven't been solved, but it looks like we're making progress 😀

in reply to Pygoscelis Papua

I think we could scale horizontally by hosting the app and cron containers on other VMs. I think we could also create multiple hosts for app/cron (just the DB needs to be on 1 server)

What I would need is at least 1 or 2 people helping out planning / testing this stuff, and see if we can get some donations from the Friendica users to cover the extra costs.

I'll see in the current team if people can assist, but they have the hands full with Lemmy/Mastodon etc.

in reply to Ruud

@Ruud I am happy to set up a recurring monthly donation and also to help if there are tasks that do not require technical knowledge/skills.

BookFace theme

I have added the BookFace theme to This is a variation on the default 'Frio' theme.
BookFace was created by @Pygoscelis Papua.

You can enable it in your Settings > Display > Custom Theme Settings, under Appearance you can now select the bookface light, dark and auto color schemes.


I've been troubleshooting the issues we keep having with

The site gets unresponsive at nights (CET) around 3AM, and stays that way for a couple of hours. I've been trying to find the reason for that, but no luck yet.

It's not the backup (that runs at a different time), nor are the resources at 100%.

I did just change a setting for pm.max_children which defines the number of php-fpm processes which handle the web traffic, because I saw some errors about it having reached the max. This will fix some issues, but not sure if it fixes the freezing of the site.. We'll see I guess..


If there are people with some technical skills, wanting to help out running this thing (or any other instance we run), please send me a DM or mail
It's all volunteer work, and we can use some extra hands.


You can use this instance for free, but if you would like to and are able, you could help us funding the running costs by making a donation:

in reply to Ruud

Just sent some support. Got a thank-you message featuring the usual suspects. Might need a little tweak there, huh..?


I've started a Friendica howto page, for new Friendica users to find help using the site.
For now, there's only 1 article yet, the next ones will be about the Bluesky plugin (thanks to @Walter Vermeir for writing that up) and creating/using groups.

Check here:

Edit 04-02-2025: I changed the URL because there were issues with the wildcard domain name used for the Bluesky connector.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Ruud

It has to do with the wildcard domain I use for the Bluesky connector.

Don't want to troubleshoot this, I'll just change the domain name for the help page. Hang on.

Ruud reshared this.

I have their new album 'LP6' on repeat. Awesome!.
I will also play it while driving to Brussels this afternoon, Belgian music while driving through Belgium.…

#thofvancommerce #hiphop #belgium #fosdem

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I did a quick restart of all Friendica components because I saw some issues with responsiveness. Hope it helped. Don't really have time to troubleshoot further now.

Bluesky addon re-enabled

I re-enabled the bluesky addon, and will watch the queue closely.

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in reply to Ruud

thank you! i got mine set up (i thought) but now get a 504 error when try to open settings/connectors. did i mess up?
in reply to pataphysician

sadly it's still 504ing on me. @ruud can you think of any reason it still won't let me in? all i did was plug in bsky login info.
in reply to pataphysician

A 504 is typically because httpd has to much latency connecting to php-fpm, though it can be that php-fpm is having and issue connecting to dbServer. If you have your entire server stack on one machine (or container) you can configure the servers to use sockets instead of TCP/IP This can help when you have congested network traffic. Keep in mind that this still applies if you are only connecting your server stack via local host as it is still effected by they TCP/IP stack.

note: 504 are typically never from client connecting to httpd or you would never see the message, you would just time out.

note: If you need any of this translated to English please feel free to ask questions . I do not think google is up to it.

note: Sockets can also be better for security as this is one less vector of attack on your server from remote.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Ruud

I have the BlueSky gateway active for some days now.

In general it seems to work. I can follow BlueSky users here. When I like a BlueSky post it shows up at the BlueSky end also.

The option to comment is not active. Reshare en quote share is active. Resharing here at Friendica of that BlueSky post results of a reshare of the contected account at BlueSky. Do not see it here at Friendica itself. Maybe it takes time.

The option to change the handle at blueSky with the Friendica one still does not work.
(setting at; settings - sociale networks - bluesky import/export, last checkbox option )

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

So it seems like the server is up-to-date with the jobs. Now, let's slowly enable some features and see if the queue stays down.


Mark reshared this.

in reply to Ruud

Is it showing your old Friendica profile info on Mastodon? Or other way around?
There's still 1500 low-priority jobs that need to be done, but I don't know what it considers low-priority...


Little oopsie with the nginx certificates while setting up a blog.. 😀

Jobs almost caught up on

The jobs are being processed faster, now doing 120k jobs per day. There are 78k jobs remaining.

There were around 150k jobs for Jan 11th, it's almost through those. After that, there are only 4k jobs per day on average, meaning it will start processing a day every hour. I estimate it will start doing that around 1 or 2 pm CET today, so expect a lot of notifications start coming in after that. It should be all up-to-date around midnight (CET).

in reply to Ruud

Good good!

My plan is to do "clean-up, for moving" from 1 february, and then "close-up" on 1 mars, over on Facebook,
with the clean-up part including introducing those who are willing to the federated part of online social interactions
(and yes, I had notifications from a week back waiting for me here 😅).

Ruud reshared this.

@RaccoonForFriendica We finally did it: we got access to the production channel on Google Play! A big and heartfelt "thank you" to all those who participated in the closed test program, without you this would have been impossible! 🦝❤️

The latest beta has been promoted to the "open testing" track, so that now everyone can become a tester and install the latest beta, which is a preview of the next stable release.

I'll wait until I improve notification support, so probably there is another month or so to wait. Keep an eye on the issue tracker to know what I'm working on, just in case 😉

To try the app, you can become a tester using this invitation link.

Your feedback is important, and now you'll have Google Play's reviews as an additional way to express your opinion. Let me know what you think and always #livefasteattrash

#friendica #friendicadev #androidapp #androiddev #fediverseapp #raccoonforfriendica #kotlin #multiplatform #kmp #compose #cmp #opensource #procyonproject

Ruud reshared this.

Tip: you can use, a mastodon web ui, to use friendica. It works great

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in reply to fxomt

@fxomt Yes, it is an awesome UI! I run a Phanpy installation on But, as it is mainly meant for Mastodon, some Friendica features are missing.
in reply to Ruud

@ruud Anything is better than the friendica UI, at this point 😂

Created a group for new Friendica users

!New To Friendica

I'm also new to Friendica (although I've had a Friendica server for years, I rarely used it). I see a lot of people signing up, so if you have any questions or need help, post them to this group.

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An update on the worker issue at Friendica.World

I haven't heard back on the GitHub issue for a few days now. Not sure we'll be able to get the process tuned to get more jobs done any time soon.
Meanwhile, it seems the speed has improved a bit without any changes, no idea why. It's now doing a bit over 70000 jobs per day. The queue currently is at 370000, which means somewhere this weekend it should be caught up.

Then we can carefully try to re-enable some features that we disabled, like the Bluesky bridge, and contacts discovery etc.

I've opened a second issue for help on enabling the mail connector:…

in reply to Ruud

My frst post from 12 days ago has now been processed... 🥳 Let's hope it keeps catching up fast enough.

Ruud reshared this.

Where else to find the Belgian Wafels than in Manhattan.

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Welcome to Friendica.World !

in reply to Ruud

It seems that there is a lot of background work going on. I'll have to follow this to see if it will be resolved, or if we would need more resources. Some updates may be delayed.
in reply to Ruud

Fijn dat er op ko-fi ook een optie voor iDeal is! 👍🏼

Bluesky addon disabled temporarily

Due to the ongoing backlog in worker jobs, I've disabled the Bluesky addon. This generated a lot of extra jobs, and I want to focus on getting the queue empty and the worker issue fixed before enabling it again.

Sorry about that.

in reply to Ruud

At the current rate, it would take 19 days to get the job queue processed. This is not acceptable so we keep working on this issue.

Yes it seems large image uploads now work, thank you @Mike Höhn for the tip

For those new to Friendica, here's a playlist of videos explaining the features:…

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Some issues still with Friendica.World

There still are some issues with Friendica.World (but we're working on it...)

First and foremost, the worker, which is executing the jobs (which do everything ) can't keep up. This is being addressed in…

Then, image uploads don't work for large images (over 5MB?), while the settings have a max of 200MB defined (and php.ini has 500MB)

Lastly (for now), the backup locks the database. We need to test to use options to skip the locking of tables.

If there are any other issues you notice, let us know!

in reply to Ruud

Some issues still with Friendica.World

@ruud Is Friendica set to the 200MB limit? When trying to upload an image in the image section of my profile, I get an error message shown, where 'nginx ' is printed below the actual image error message. This doesn't look like a PHP error message to me. I haven't ever used nginx, though.
A quick search reveals that nginx has a client_max_body_size parameter to limit the size of uploads. The default is 1MB. Could this be the problem?

I have posted this with Tusky.

Ruud reshared this.

@RaccoonForFriendica new version 0.4.0-beta04 available for testing!

- fix for a bug after adding/removing a post to favorites which led to lose custom emojis;
- fix spacing between post and reply placeholders when using the new Card layout;
- fix a minor accessibility issue with the new audio player;
- fix crash when rendering some HTML posts;
- fix "floating" (overlapping) images for embedded contents;
- localization updates (included support for upcoming Romanian translation);
- library updates.

I think we are almost ready for the 0.4 version. In the meantime I've submitted both Raccoon apps to Google Play so I may be needed some volunteers to participate in the closed testing program before the apps can be made available to the general public.

Happy New Year and remember to #livefasteatrash

#procyonproject #raccoonforfriendica #fediverseapp #friendica #friendicadev #mobileapp #mobiledev #kotlin #kmp #compose #opensource #foss #sideproject

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New server

I have moved Friendica.World to a new server. Now I'm sure the server performance isn't causing the worker issue :-)
in reply to Ruud

Hello, I just signed up but I can't seem to set my password? It keeps telling me "Login failed" when I attempt it.
in reply to Alex Panayotopoulos

I've sorted it now. What might have happened is that copying the password out of the email included a tab character. I'll submit a bug report.
in reply to Helen Jojo Blackforest

What I ended up having to do is copy and paste into notepad, delete the tab character, and then re-copy. Not ideal!
in reply to Ruud

Thanks mate, all my older posts have propagated to the rest of the world!

Sorry for the downtime and delays last few days

I am still trying to get the jobs being processed faster. It looks like something is wrong with that, I've opened a ticket at Friendica's Github about it (…)

While trying to troubleshoot/tune, I managed to get the site broken a few times.
Also, our hoster Hetzner had an issue today causing the server to go down.

Hopefully the downtime will be minimal from now on. Also I scaled up the server significantly. Now we just need a solution for the worker not working as it should (see beforementioned issue on Github) I hope you'll be patient :-)

Worker issue causing Friendica.World to lag behind

We have an issue with the worker not going through the jobs fast enough, causing the instance to lag behind.
I'll create a ticket with Friendica and try to resolve this ASAP.
in reply to Ruud

Nice, apparently some updates from external fediverse accounts are not made since a week now.

Trying to tune Friendica...

Trying to tune friendica to get it to process the job queue faster.
So far just managed to break the site...


Hmm how can I block an account so I don't see their posts in the local and global timelines anymore?

Some people post stuff that I don't agree with, but as long as it's not against the server rules (ahh, I still need to write those down...) I won't delete the account from the server.