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Tijdens #ArtWeekRotterdam exposeer ik samen met 35 leden van kunstenaarscollectief @Karmijn, en nog zeker 140 kunstenaars van St.Werklicht en St. Art op de Rijnhavenkade 18, op Katendrecht. 5 minuten lopen vanaf metro Rijnhaven.
#rotterdamartweek #expositie @karmijnkunst
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Recipe for disaster.

Removal of top predators + uncaring hunting practices + hostility towards science = constant & growing risk of this deadly prion based disease being transmitted to humans.…

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Billionaire co-founder of AirBnB Joe Gebbia has joined Elon Musk's DOGE team, so let's spread awareness and make sure nobody books a goddamn thing through AirBnB ever again, shall we?

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in reply to grutjes

Airbnb is a company that provides security between strangers who can easily find paying guests, accommodations, and/or experiences in a way no other company does. Everyone in team Elon M. deserves to drown in a pile of shit, but they shouldn't drag small entrepreneurs with them. Without an alternative to Airbnb, I'm unable to sell my bicycle tour, for instance.

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.... luchtvaart vervuild aanzienlijk meer dan voorheen aangenomen werd .....…

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Truc de dingue.

La campagne de @ente pour sensibiliser aux pouvoirs de Google Photos est très efficace : glissez une photo de vous et via l'API de Google, vous obtenez son analyse.

Il y a bien sûr quelques erreurs d'interprétation, mais aussi beaucoup de vrai, notamment des jugements sur mon engagement politique, sur ma religion et mes origines ethniques, sur ma relation aux news sur le net...

Et toujours à la fin : quels produits vendre à cette personne, et de quelles marques !

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Meedoen aan hommelonderzoek

Vanaf overmorgen kun je meedoen door dode hommels in je tuin voorzichtig te verzamelen en in een zakje in je vriezer te bewaren. De actie duurt tot en met 30 juni. Iedereen kan meedoen aan dit belangrijke onderzoek naar de aanwezigheid van pesticiden in hommels. bijen-educatiecentrum.plugandp…

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Op zoek naar #tekenles / #schilderles in Rotterdam (Kleiwegkwartier)? In maart start er een nieuwe groep op vrijdagmiddag. Goed bereikbaar met ov.
#kunstlessen #volwassenen korting met #rotterdampas #

Looking for #paintinglessons #drawinglessons #artlessons in Rotterdam- Noord? From march on a new group starts on fridays 13.30-16 h…

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Un peu d'humour satirique, ça ne fait pas de mal.

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‘Techgiganten zullen er samen met het Witte Huis alles aan doen om hun doel te bereiken’

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Mailen en communiceren zonder Musk en Trump: Cloud Kootwijk

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#booktower /Tom Gauld

(Not the best alt-text, but at least it's the dialogue.)<br>- Now that you are my bride, you will never leave this castle!<br>- Wow! Your library is amazing!<br>- Beyond the castle is a high wall with no gate, and beyond that is a deep dark forest with no path.<br>- I suppose it's my library too, now we're married.<br>- The forest is crawling with ravenous wolves, malignant birds and the spirits of long-dead travellers.<br>- So many books! I can't believe my luck!<br>- When the sun sets, I transform into a wild beast and soar into the night, seized by a terrible bloodlust!<br>- Ok. I'll stay here and read. See you in the morning.

#books #TomGauld #cartoon #trapped #library #comics

I found Tom Gauld on bluesky, but I have no idea whether this has been posted there. I found this last year, on (his website, maybe?).

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in reply to phle

I just searched for @TomGauld and picked him from the list, then I clicked "Follow"
in reply to jjjacq

😅👍 I kind of forgot that I could do a people search (@TomGauld). 🙈

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Waarom klimaatverandering niet meer op de politieke agenda staat

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A complex pattern and high-contrast colour work maybe wasn't the most relaxing way of learning cabled #crochet, but I'm pretty pleased with the end result @fiberarts

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“All I know is that I know nothing at all” ~ 2025, concrete poem. There’s a power in admitting that we are simple humans within a absurdly complex environment, all together, floating through space.

#art #oc #arte #photo #vispo #poem #poetry #sketch #culture #design #gallery #artist #artwork #fineart #abstract #artshare #writing #drawing #painting #abstractart #handmade #minimalism #modernart #mixedmedia #collage #typography #typewriter #image

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in reply to Sebastián Andrés Vis

And than some of us know a lot of a little, and more of us know a little of a lot. Okay, I need to breathe and chill 🪭

Hope you have a great day, thx for reading my posts! Ciao

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⛄ Artist: #DavidZinn in City: #AnnArbor MI USA 🇺🇸 01/2025 - Title:
🟡 "Alvin and Celeste's standoff has
now entered its twelfth day, and
neither can remember what the
argument was about" 🐞
🔴 "Der Streit zwischen Alvin und
Celeste geht nun schon in den
12. Tag, und keiner von beiden
kann sich erinnern, worum es
eigentlich ging".
#StreetArt #Art #Chalkart #Artist #SidewalkChalk #Dragon #Ladybug

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Une projection contre Musk sur la gigafactory de Tesla à Berlin…

via @Contre Attaque

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American Airlines plane collides with a Blackhawk helicopter

Last week, Trump fired hundreds of FAA senior officials, including the entire Aviation Security Advisory Committee, the head of the TSA and froze the hiring of new Air Traffic Controllers. Now an American Airlines plane collides with a Blackhawk helicopter outside DC, killing 65 people. But before any investigation can be done, perhaps because there's no one left to investigate, he takes to Twitter to blame the helicopter pilot and the air traffic controllers...

#elonmusk #nazi #neveragain #ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #zuckerberg #deportations #ice #lgbtq #2slgbtqi #transrights #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #gunviolence #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #firetheucp #enoughisenough #daniellesmith #NoDetentionCamps #Guantanamo #NoToFascism

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