Friendica problems
5 former prime ministers say fly the maple leaf on Saturday to stand up to Trump
#elonmusk #nazi #neveragain #ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #zuckerberg #bezos #deportations #ice #lgbtq #2slgbtqi #transrights #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #gunviolence #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #firetheucp #enoughisenough #daniellesmith #NoDetentionCamps #Guantanamo #NoToFascism #disabilityrights #disabled #chronicpain #tariffs #buyCanadian #BIPOClivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations #antihate
#elonmusk #nazi #neveragain #ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #zuckerberg #bezos #deportations #ice #lgbtq #2slgbtqi #transrights #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #gunviolence #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #firetheucp #enoughisenough #daniellesmith #NoDetentionCamps #Guantanamo #NoToFascism #disabilityrights #disabled #chronicpain #tariffs #buyCanadian #BIPOClivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations #feminism
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Posted by the Angsty Canadian
WHY do they call him "Daddy" so much? It feels like a kink... #nokinkshaming #nokinkshaming
#mapleMAGAs are an embarrassment
The image shows a buffed up Trump in a police uniform.
Ken likes this.
#uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #enoughisenough #disabilityrights #disabled #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations #feminism
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Posted by myvoicemychoiceorg
Women ...
are 51% of the population
but 70% of the poor
and 83% of single parents
doing 66% of the work
producing 50% of the food
but earn just 11% of the pay
and own only 1% of the land
In case you wondered why we still need feminism!
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Don't Be A Sucker (1947) (short film warning about fascism and the tricks it uses to gain power)
This sounds way too famiiar. Please, take the time to watch this.
#elonmusk #nazi #neveragain #ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #zuckerberg #bezos #deportations #ice #lgbtq #2slgbtqi #transrights #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #gunviolence #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #firetheucp #enoughisenough #daniellesmith #NoDetentionCamps #Guantanamo #NoToFascism #disabilityrights #disabled #chronicpain #tariffs #buyCanadian #BIPOClivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations #feminism
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Cainmark Does Not Comply reshared this.
The New York Times...
#elonmusk #nazi #neveragain #ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #zuckerberg #bezos #deportations #ice #lgbtq #2slgbtqi #transrights #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #gunviolence #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #firetheucp #enoughisenough #daniellesmith #NoDetentionCamps #Guantanamo #NoToFascism #disabilityrights #disabled #chronicpain #tariffs #buyCanadian #BIPOClivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations #feminism
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The New York Times headline: "What's Lost if the Government Pushes People Like Me Out of the Military."
Quote from Bree Fram (One of the highest-ranking trans servicemembers in the U.S. military) - "Turning away capable voluteers or removing highly qualified service members simply because they are transgender not only weakens our military but also undermines the very principles that define America. If you meet the standard, your servive should be welcomed."
Bohemian Peasant reshared this.
And now, here's something we hope you'll really like.
And now, here's something we hope you'll really like.
This is my problem in most games as well. ๐
#games #gamers #gamer #toomuchequipment #notenoughspaceininventory #pcgames #xbox #playstation #NintendoSwitch
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Posted by Godless Mom:
Two images:
1st image of someone overwhelmed, carrying five swords and two more beside them. The quote says, "Me, grabbing everything I see in a game."
2nd image is of someone overwhelmed because they don't have enough space for all the swords. It says, "Me, having to make space in the inventory."
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In my day...
#elonmusk #nazi #neveragain #ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #zuckerberg #bezos #deportations #ice #lgbtq #2slgbtqi #transrights #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #gunviolence #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #firetheucp #enoughisenough #daniellesmith #NoDetentionCamps #Guantanamo #NoToFascism #disabilityrights #disabled #chronicpain #tariffs #buyCanadian #BIPOClivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations #feminism
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Posted by Godless Mom:
Political cartoon:
Elderly man sitting in an armchair with a little girl on his lap.
The elderly man says, "In my day, we had measles, polio, and Nazis to worry about."
The girl thought, "I don't have the heart to tell him..."
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Z reshared this.
Don't be...
#elonmusk #nazi #neveragain #ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #zuckerberg #bezos #deportations #ice #lgbtq #2slgbtqi #transrights #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #gunviolence #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #firetheucp #enoughisenough #daniellesmith #NoDetentionCamps #Guantanamo #NoToFascism #disabilityrights #disabled #chronicpain #tariffs #buyCanadian #BIPOClivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations #feminism
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Don't be:
- Transphobic
- Racist
- Ableist
- Sexist
- Homophobic
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Did you know?
#elonmusk #nazi #neveragain #ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #zuckerberg #bezos #deportations #ice #lgbtq #2slgbtqi #transrights #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #gunviolence #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #firetheucp #enoughisenough #daniellesmith #NoDetentionCamps #Guantanamo #NoToFascism #disabilityrights #disabled #chronicpain #tariffs #buyCanadian #BIPOClivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations
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Did you know?
Willem Arondeus was a homosexual Dutch artist, author, and anti-Nazi fighter, who bombed the Amsterdam public records office to hinder the identification of Jews by the Nazis. He was arrested within a week and later executed. His last words were, "Let it be known Homosexuals are not cowards."
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Kirsten reshared this.
Washington, Oregon, Minnesota file lawsuit...
#elonmusk #nazi #neveragain #ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #zuckerberg #bezos #deportations #ice #lgbtq #2slgbtqi #transrights #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #gunviolence #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #firetheucp #enoughisenough #daniellesmith #NoDetentionCamps #Guantanamo #NoToFascism #disabilityrights #disabled #chronicpain #tariffs #buyCanadian #BIPOClivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations
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Washington, Oregon, Minnesota file lawsuit to block executive order targeting gender-affirming care.
Text: "Nazi" is not a word I used interchangeably with "someone I don't like." There are many people I disagree with who are not Nazis. When I say "they are Nazis," I say that very intentionally, because they believe what Nazis believed and they are doing what Nazis did.
Image: Same as first one; Nazis on a pile of books.
1933: Nazis burn a library of research on sexuality and gender diversity.
2025: CDC announces banned terms on sexuality and gender diversity.
Just like the Nazis who burned libraries of books on gender research, Donald Trump is trying to systematically erase Trans and Intersex people because their very existence threatens his fascist worldview -- one where gender is an immutable fact that determines the limits of who someone can be and what they can do. The fascist brain cannot comprehend the Transgender experience, for it implies a dynamic world of possibility and freedom, as opposed to one of biological determinism and rigid hierarchy. If Trans people exist, Donald Trump is fundamentally incorrect. And they do. And he is.
ACLU Nationwide
#elonmusk #nazi #neveragain #ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #zuckerberg #bezos #deportations #ice #lgbtq #2slgbtqi #transrights #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #gunviolence #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #firetheucp #enoughisenough #daniellesmith #NoDetentionCamps #Guantanamo #NoToFascism #disabilityrights #disabled #chronicpain #tariffs #buyCanadian #BIPOClivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations
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aclu_nationwide: BREAKING: We're suing the Trump administration for refusing to issue passports with accurate sex designations for transgender, nonbinary, and intersex people.
This action violates the Constitution.
Compassionate Crab reshared this.
the ACLU, who was very recently uh.. [checks] giving legal defense to nazis.
yeah, not gonna be taking anything they say too seriously.
Stonewall National Monument
You all need to sign up and support this. LEGO has a proposed project of the Stonewall National Monument. Sign up and give your support for it!
#lego #stonewall #lgbt #2slgbtqia #transrights #humanrights #lgbtrights #2slgbtqiarights #pride #pridewasariotโฆ
Stonewall National Monument (U.S.A.)
โHow many years has it taken people to realize that we are all brothers and sisters and human beings in the human race?โ(A brave Drag Queen)1) WHAT
LGBTQ+ Feed reshared this.
Gorgeous painting
#catsofpixelfed #catsofbluesky #catsofmatodon #catsoffriendica #catsoftribel #kittensofpixelfed #kittensofbluesky #kittensofmatodon #kittensoffriendica #kittensoftribel #catvideos #cats #kittens
Painting by Eleanor Johnson. Its absolutely gorgeous!
Painting of a kitten with a big smile
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The love of a cat
#catsofpixelfed #catsofbluesky #catsofmatodon #catsoffriendica #catsoftribel #kittensofpixelfed #kittensofbluesky #kittensofmatodon #kittensoffriendica #kittensoftribel #catvideos #cats #kittens
Illustration shows a girl and her kitty, sleeping.
Quote, "The love of my cat is worth every cat hair, every early morning wake up, and every dollar spent."
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Worf, Data, and Data's cat, Spot, from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
#catsofpixelfed #catsofbluesky #catsofmatodon #catsoffriendica #catsoftribel #kittensofpixelfed #kittensofbluesky #kittensofmatodon #kittensoffriendica #kittensoftribel #catvideos #cats #kittens
Image shows Worf, Data, and Data's cat, Spot, from Star Trek: The Next Generation.
Data says, "He answers to asshole or pspsps. He is a needy little butthead with one braincell."
Worf replies, "Do you even like this creature?"
Data chirps back, "I would die for him."
Worf states as Spot starts gnawing on him, "He's biting me."
Data replies, "He like you."
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Its wine-a-clock somewhere
#catsofpixelfed #catsofbluesky #catsofmatodon #catsoffriendica #catsoftribel #kittensofpixelfed #kittensofbluesky #kittensofmatodon #kittensoffriendica #kittensoftribel #catvideos #cats #kittens
Image is of a black cat and a glass of wine (all in black and white). Quote says, "A woman cannot survive on wine alone. She also needs a cat."
Pets Feed reshared this.
Illustration of a void (all black) kitty with huge eyes, looking adorable. Quote says,
I am a cutie
I am the kitty
I make your day
A lot less shitty
Caturday, February 8th, 2025
Took a couple days off from posting and the news in general (for the most part). It's Caturday!! This is one of our newest additions, Onyx.
#catsofpixelfed #catsofbluesky #catsofmatodon #catsoffriendica #catsoftribel #kittensofpixelfed #kittensofbluesky #kittensofmatodon #kittensoffriendica #kittensoftribel #catvideos #cats #kittens
Compassionate Crab reshared this.
"For almost 60 years, Star Trek has been boldly going."
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Image is an illustration of the many Black and other people of colour who have been part of the Star Trek universe since the beginning.
For immediate release from Naheed Nenshi, Leader of Albertaโs New Democrats
How to find Nazis
Descriptive text:
Pictured: Maga dumbass with Nazi swastika armband close to another one with a pro Trump sign.
Caption says:
How to find Nazis:
(1). Post... "Fuck Nazis."
(2). Watch for the ... "Don't call people who disagree with Nazis!" comments.
(3). You found the Nazis.
Someone going by "17parkplace" responds with "You're so stupid."
Someone else going by "jonscottwontstop" responded with "Found One."
After reading this...
After reading this, it would seem that Trump has already broken international law. What happens now?
#elonmusk #nazi #neveragain #ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #zuckerberg #bezos #deportations #ice #lgbtq #2slgbtqi #transrights #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #gunviolence #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #firetheucp #enoughisenough #daniellesmith #NoDetentionCamps #Guantanamo #NoToFascism #disabilityrights #disabled #chronicpain #tariffs #buyCanadian #BIPOClivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations
Danilelle Smith is David Parker's biggest fangirl.
In case you thought the situation in Alberta has nothing to do with Nazis... well, have a look. Danilelle Smith is David Parker's biggest fangirl.
#elonmusk #nazi #neveragain #ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #zuckerberg #bezos #deportations #ice #lgbtq #2slgbtqi #transrights #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #gunviolence #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #firetheucp #enoughisenough #daniellesmith #NoDetentionCamps #Guantanamo #NoToFascism #disabilityrights #disabled #chronicpain #tariffs #buyCanadian #BIPOClivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations
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If you repeat a lie often enough it becomes truth... (truth is crossed off and replaced by "Conservative policies."
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From Thomas A. Lukaszuk
"The parents' Hail Hitler salute isn't a coincidence.
Sadly,this is the German political party that Canada's CPC has met with several months ago. Now, both AfD and CPC are endorsed by Elon Musk"
The picture shows a mother and father doing the "Hail Hitler" salute above their children, all smiles.
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This is a power play in the UCP. Premier Danielle Smith attended his wedding.
David Parker is quoted as saying, "White culture is the air you breathe and the water you swim in. You speak our language, you exist in our civilization, you transact in our economic system. Your whole life occurs in the world we built. Be grateful that we shared it with you."
Trump's tariffs...
#elonmusk #nazi #neveragain #ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #zuckerberg #bezos #deportations #ice #lgbtq #2slgbtqi #transrights #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #gunviolence #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #firetheucp #enoughisenough #daniellesmith #NoDetentionCamps #Guantanamo #NoToFascism #disabilityrights #disabled #chronicpain #tariffs #buyCanadian #BIPOClivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations
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Quote from Jagmeet Singh (the leader of the NDP in Canada)
Donald Trump has made it clear.
This isn't about the border.
It's not about a trade deficit.
It's about making Canada the 51st state.
This is a threat to our sovereignty.
Canadians will stand strong.
We will not surrender our water, our health care, our values to Donald Trump.
Image from "The Angsty Canadian" with yellow background similar to the "Don't tread on me" signs. Instead of a snake, it has a Canadian goose with wings spread open and it says, "Fook aboot and find out eh, buddeh!"
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"I can't imagine what it must be like to be a trans person knowing that the government is trying to legislate that you do not exist. [...] And what kind of country are we in where we're, we take rights away from people?"
- Alan Cumming on Anti-Trans Attacks
Suzanne likes this.
"When Alicia Keys accepted the Dr. Dre Global Impact Award...
From by Natasha Jokic (BuzzFeed)
When Alicia Keys accepted the Dr. Dre Global Impact Award, she said, "This is not the time to shut down the diversity of voices we've seen on this stage.โ
โDEI is not a threat, it's a gift,โ the artist continued. "The more voices, the more powerful the sound. When destructive forces try to burn us down, we rise from the ashes like a phoenix, and as you see tonight, music is the unstoppable language that connects us all.โ
Image credit: Kevin Winter / Getty Images for The Recording Academy
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#ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #humanrights #BIPOClivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations #aliciakeys #thegrammys
Alicia Keys on stage accepting the Dr. Dre Global Impact Award at the 67th Annual Grammy Awards
Chappell Roan standing and posing for press photos at the 67th Annual Grammy Awards
Doechii, with her mom at her side, on stage accepting the award for Best Rap Album at the 67th Annual Grammy Awards.
reshared this
Chappell Roan accepting the award for Best New Artist at the 67th Annual Grammy Awards
Lady Gage and Bruno Mars accepting the award for Best Pop Duo/Group Performance at the 67th Annual Grammy Awards
Celebrate Black History Month always.
He can try to erase any celebration he wants, but he can never erase us. Resist! Star Trek as always been "woke". Infinite Diversity in Infinite Combinations.
Alternate text in comments.
#elonmusk #nazi #neveragain #ResistTrump #uspol #uspolitics #worldpol #zuckerberg #bezos #deportations #ice #lgbtq #2slgbtqi #transrights #abpol #abpolitics #canpol #canpolitics #abortion #womensrights #humanrights #gunviolence #mentalhealth #mybodymychoice #firetheucp #enoughisenough #daniellesmith #NoDetentionCamps #Guantanamo #NoToFascism #disabilityrights #disabled #chronicpain #tariffs #buyCanadian #BIPOClivesMatter #BlackHistoryMonth #idic #InfiniteDiversityInfiniteCombinations
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4 frames of Michael Burnham (as played by Sonequa Martin-Green) and Cleveland Booker (as played by David Ajala) together from Star Trek: Discovery. The caption says Star Trek Discovery really gave us an entire season of a Black couple saving the universe. (heart emoji)
in reply to Suzanne • •