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If you want to understand Putin - fascism better, this is a very interesting interview.

Surkov is seen by many as the ideologue behind Putinism; this is his first interview in years.…

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grutjes reshared this.

So, science friends.

When in the 1930s would you have decided “no, I’m not going to go to that conference in Germany”?

Because the question now needs to be posed looking westwards across the Atlantic.

If your phone can be taken on arrival & searched for messages critical of the government & then you can be denied entry (or perhaps worse in the future), why would you even think of going in the first place?

Absolutely horrifying slide into totalitarianism.…

in reply to Mark McCaughrean

Oh, I've already cancelled trips to the US out of fear. I wrote this post over two weeks ago:…

I got a weight of my chest: I turned down an invitation to a math conference in the US and cancelled another I had already accepted. I know I'm probably overreacting, but I was worried about being deported since I've read many news stories about this happening to people with valid visas —including Europeans, so I don't like my chances as a brown Mexican! And even though I know it was unlikely to happen to me (it probably only happens to a small fraction of visitors), I'm happy to stop the nagging worry in the back of my mind. It's a shame: both events would have been great and I would have seen many American friends I don't get to see often.

in reply to Omar Antolín

@oantolin I fully agree with your decision. I have many very good friends & colleagues in the US who are concerned & scared about the rapid dismantling any remaining semblance of democracy in their country & they have my sympathy.

My fear though as the catastrophe of climate change continues to increase, is that totalitarianism will take a deeper hold across the world, as populists & demagogues exploit the fear & denialism. The world is at a dangerous tipping point in many ways.

in reply to Mark McCaughrean

Good bye America’s soft power.

I hope Canada takes the place for scientific conferences.

grutjes reshared this.

Volgens Caspar Veldkamp (minister Buitenlandse Zaken in kabinet Schreeuwwitje I) moet Hamas onmiddellijk alle gijzelaars vrijlaten, omdat Israël de wapenstilstand schendt.

Israël noemt hij uiteraard niet.

Media schrijven braaf & kritiekloos over wat deze extreemrechtse dude uit zijn mond poept.

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in reply to Grutjes

"Nee we spreken natuurlijk Israël niet direct aan. Maar we gaan er uiteraard volledig van uit dat zij zich zeer ferm aangesproken zullen voelen en direct actie ondernemen!

Zo, nu lekker koffie en lekkere Israëlische dadels! HMm, en waar zullen we daarna de burgers weer een poot uitdraaien...?"

in reply to Grutjes

het is een relatieve verademing om @rtlnieuws te kijken. Daar wordt hardop gezegd dat Israël het bestand heeft kapot gebombardeerd, en dat de regering Netanyahu dat doet om aan de macht te blijven.

in reply to grutjes

"maatschappelijk belang"
Is gewoon dit kabinet dat heel graag wil bepalen wat men gaat studeren...

"Control the knowledge, control the crowd"

grutjes reshared this.

It is genuinely incomprehensible to me that while trans people are being stripped of their rights, and Black people are being fired for being Black and ICE is rounding up protestors, people are trying to make “rest is resistance” a thing.

Fuck that.

Rest is important. Sure. Humans physically cannot function without it. But it’s not an act of resistance. Neither is staying hydrated. You’re going to need to raise the bar on this one.

in reply to JA Westenberg

I disagree. She explains far more eloquently than I can why rest *is* an act of resistance.…

Also, and I can't stress this enough.. we should not be in the business of directing our anger at each other, or denigrating the form of resistance anyone else has chosen.

There is no One True Way of resistance. Every act of resistance matters, and every method is valid. We all have different skills, abilities, and particular areas of concern.

It is so, so tempting to try to convince other people to put their energies into That Thing!.. whatever issue(s) you're most passionate about.

We can't all pay attention to everything. Pick something you care about and do things towards that. Trust that other people will do the same, and that their efforts are meaningful.

Just as we find the rate of new dumpster fires overwhelming, there are more ordinary, righteously pissed off people than there are fascists. They can be overwhelmed by too many targets, also.

in reply to Fishercat

@Fishercat so you made it clear that you didn’t read the article, then you weaponized a black resistance movement to prove your invalid point as some kinda gotcha moment. This is a special type of white violence. Please stop. You are not smart. You are just manipulative. Good luck or whatever.

grutjes reshared this.

Nog zeven dagen!
(ik kan er wegens gezondheidsproblemen helaas niet fysiek bij zijn, maar geestelijk zeker wel. Als jij kan gaan, namens mij of jezelf of allebei - ❤🤎🖤💛💜❤️)

grutjes reshared this.

The precedent being set is clear: legal authority is only respected when it serves their agenda.…

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grutjes reshared this.

For the sake of transparency.

I know I seem like I have it together, but some days, I am genuinely terrified for my future. I have one amazing freelance client, but as a trans person in tech with soft skills - and as a trans journalist - work started drying up after the election last year.

in reply to JA Westenberg

Well, you're much-loved and appreciated on the fedi for your insights.

I've had a few emotional wobbles myself recently. The world just seems like such a cold and unforgiving place with fascism on the rise everywhere.

in reply to The Sleight Doctor 🃏

@ApostateEnglishman emotional wobble is actually a really good way of putting it. That's it. That's where I've been lately
in reply to JA Westenberg

perhaps a job compiling quirky lists or commenting on celebrity fashion will help stop fascism? Don't you do it. You're too good. It will work out.

grutjes reshared this.

No amount of complicity is going to save you from fascism, so you might as well fight.
in reply to evacide

This is my profile's motto on Friendica now. ❤️

grutjes reshared this.

🧵Censor, purge, defund - how Trump is following the authoritarian playbook on science & universities. This isn't chaos - it's deliberate & well-established methods. I've mapped 40 actions into 3 categories covering attacks on science, attacks on universities and international collaboration. 1/16
in reply to Prof Christina Pagel

This thread is a shorter version of my recent substack with some more actions added. Do go read the original article for more detail! 16/16

Censor, purge, defund: how Tru...

grutjes reshared this.

The UN special rapporteur on the right to food on Wednesday warned that Israel is carrying out an unprecedentedly rapid campaign of starvation in Gaza, calling it "the fastest in modern history."

"How is Israel able to starve 2.3 million people so quickly and so completely?" Michael Fakhri asked in a joint press briefing alongside other UN special rapporteurs in Geneva.

"This is the fastest starvation campaign in modern history," Fakhri said.…

🕎 🇵🇸 ☮️
#Gaza #Palestine

This entry was edited (1 week ago)

Alleen in Nederland. 🤬

Heeft u een beroerte?
Gaat u dan maar even voor de camera staan mijnheer, dan kijkt de helpdesk-neuroloog wel even op afstand wat er is.

"Ziekenhuis Meppel test neurologisch onderzoek op afstand"
#Zorg #austerity #AusterityIsMurder…

Social Sciences Feed reshared this.

in reply to grutjes

It's been since 2021 and Blockstream along with Bitcoin Magazine and Bitfinex hacking my brain and my home. It is been 4 years and a half since they started. They use AI to hack the brain and set some sort of psychological program on the brain.
in reply to grutjes

Ha ha ha. Twee neurologen op de spoed. Ja hoor. 🙄 Eén arts-assistent zullen ze bedoelen, een Aios. Nooit iets anders gezien daar. Eentje die zich uit de naad werkt. De specialist wordt hoogstens even gebeld. En kan dan nu meekijken kennelijk.

Duterte is opgepakt en is onderweg naar het Strafhof in Den Haag!

❤️ 🎉 🥳 ❤️

grutjes reshared this.

PVV politicus & klimaatwappie doet poging tot doodslag op klimaatactiviste

NUnl geeft hem meer ruimte dan het slachtoffer. Zonder ook maar 1 kritische vraag mag dit Statenlid vertellen dat hij voortaan de bus neemt, zodat hij niet opnieuw een poging tot doodslag pleegt. Niet omdat hij het erg zou vinden om vreedzame demonstranten te doden, nee, dan zou XR "in het nieuws" komen, dat gunt hij ze niet.

En dat hij expres tegen een vrouw aan reed? Hij weigert zelfs excuses.…

in reply to Grutjes

Eigenlijk is dit hetzelfde als die #terroristen die met hun #auto inrijden op een #mensenmassa. Ik denk dat het behandeld moet worden als #terroristische daad.

grutjes reshared this.

Toch geen lobbyregister: ambtenaren zien niets in extra transparantieregels

Nederland krijgt geen verplicht register voor lobbyisten. NSC-minister Judith Uitermark van Binnenlandse Zaken schrijft aan de Tweede Kamer dat ze dat "niet proportioneel" vindt en dat ze meer vertrouwen heeft in "bestaande instrumenten". #nieuws #nos

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in reply to Nieuws | NOS

Er blijft echt niets overeind van dat nieuwe sociale contract, is het wel? #nos

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"Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason."


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in reply to Remco Lee Polman

Ja, 't is dat.

Ik heb eigenlijk niet veel belang bij groepen. Mijn interesse ligt meer bij een community, waar je met elkaar over een bepaald onderwerp kunt praten, zoals Discord. Het gratis en open-source Revolt is daarvoor meer geschikt, maar dat moet nog een beetje groeien.

grutjes reshared this.

“The Texas governor, Greg Abbott, and, later, Elon Musk showed support on Wednesday for the firing of a state employee who refused to remove his pronouns from his work email signature.”

“Abbott celebrated the move on X, sharing a report from the Austin American-Statesman on the firing and writing: ‘A Texas state employee refused to remove pronouns from email signature. He was fired before noon’.”

“Musk, […], replied to Abbott’s post with two fire emojis.”

Having pronouns in your signature is resistance, folks. Put them everywhere.…

#OrganisedAffiliatedFuckers #DontPayTheGuardian #USpol

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grutjes reshared this.

It begins: Pentagon to give AI agents a role in decision making, ops planning

Former allies, take note The American military has signed a deal with Scale AI to give artificial intelligence, as far as we can tell, its most prominent role in the defense sector to date – with AI agents to now be used in planning and operations. …
#theregister #IT…

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in reply to F.A. Suwijn

Vind je dat dit commentaar veel bijdraagt, ja?
Waaraan precies?

grutjes reshared this.

So I didn't know, but Europe already has a backup of PubMed, the database of biomedical research publications. The US PubMed broke down over the weekend. And here is our alternative: #pubmed #pmc
in reply to bert hubert 🇺🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦

anything USA can do Europe can do properly.

time to close up shop, USA. give all the land back to the First Nations, who actually have a use for it. and fuckin apologise.

everybody who lives there will be better off with a mighty societal upgrade like that, I guarantee you.

✨buff dog himbo✨ reshared this.

"Nederland krijgt fonds van honderden miljoenen voor essentiële grondstoffen"

Dus ehh, Nederland kríjgt geen fonds maar betaalt het. Bedrijven krijgen van dit extreemrechtse kabinet een fonds van honderden miljoenen, betaald door jou en mij. En het fonds heeft niet eens duidelijke grenzen aan wat er mee moet gebeuren. Het lijkt gewoon een cadeautje aan de zware industrie en de financialiseringswereld, terwijl in ruil onze zorg, asielopvang, onderwijs, natuur en cultuur kapot worden bezuinigd.

Als we NUnl toch niet hadden voor onze duiding, hè?…

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Wat een prachtige dag weer voor de bootlickers in de Nederlandse pers en politiek, om te tonen dat ze nog erger zijn dan Fox News.

Vergelijk gewoon even. Bijvoorbeeld The Atlantic, Nieuwsuur en Rutte.………

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in reply to grutjes

astolk reshared this.

grutjes reshared this.

What's to stop Musk, who's already tried meddling with German elections, from seizing Zelenskyy's, or any other European leader's X account, and posting something with dire geopolitical consequences? We're way past the point where it's wise for European leaders and institutions to rely on a presence on X—and other US platforms are not a good long-term solution either. More should follow the example of the @EUCommission and provide their updates directly, without middlemen, through the fediverse.

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in reply to Eugen Rochko

each world government would do well to run their own Mastodon instance with only officials being able to hold accounts, thereby ensuring credibility. As for their old accounts elsewhere; daily posts advising the account is now inactive (to prevent cyber squatters) with, where permitted, redirect links to the new official account

grutjes reshared this.

"Gaan je gedachten vooral terug naar de mooie wandelingen die je ineens door de lege binnenstad kon maken, naar die ene keer dat je de avondklok wist te omzeilen of de creatieve manieren om de lockdowns en het afstand houden toch een beetje leuk te houden? Of heb je juist iets verdrietigs meegemaakt?"

'Iets verdrietigs.'

Dat dekt de lading totaal niet om je vader moeten zien sterven door covid. Te weinig tekens om duidelijk te maken hoe erg dit de lading niet dekt..…

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grutjes reshared this.

Apparently we aren't Fash enough for @protonprivacy

Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

in reply to Michael Stanclift

@wtfismyip soooo many resources required to post on mastodon. How do we even manage over here?!

grutjes reshared this.

#FrancescaAlbanese, UN Special Rapporteur oPt, 26. Feb. 2025:

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in reply to grutjes

@Dagtwitter Apple een deal gesloten met de UK overheid? Die link zegt niks over een deal, maar juist over dat Apple ADP maar afschaft voor UK gebruikers, waarschijnlijk omdat ze geen backdoor voor de UK willen (en ook technisch niet kunnen!) bieden.

Dat de UK een backdoor geeist heeft mag Apple overigens wettelijk ook helemaal niet wereldkundig maken, dus de communicatie rond dit onderwerp ziet er altijd wat vreemd uit.

in reply to Nils Breunese

De gevolgen zijn eigenlijk hetzelfde, maar je hebt gelijk met de nuance die je vraagt. Ik heb de tekst aangepast.

grutjes reshared this.

“The world map will not change if all the people of Gaza cease to exist.”

– Israel to Palestinians, in leaflets dropped on Gaza threatening them to leave their homeland or die…

No, no, please, tell me again how this is not genocide.

#Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Israel #USA #fascism #genocide #ethnicCleansing #warCrimes #apartheid

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

grutjes reshared this.

Malicious compliance ain’t just a river in Egypt.…

What a legend!

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grutjes reshared this.

Of course the point of Solnit is that resistance is not spontaneously "popping up like mushrooms", but the fruit of the mycelium of years of organising.

Which doesn't mean that you need years before doing anything, but it does mean you need to start organising NOW if you didn't already.

Find people, at least one. Or even better: join an existing organisation.

Then do something.
Just a little thing. Call a representative, and ask them to put up a fight. Or print a poster of a burning swasticar and hang it in the street. Or collect clothing and food for the people who need it most. Or ask an activist or an organisation you like, what they need most.

You don't have to invent the wheel. You can be a little brick. We don't need heroes, we need to organise. And we need many people who take a little step, and another one, and another one, until the mushrooms bloom.

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in reply to grutjes

"... tegen vrijheid van meningsuiting (ondanks dat ze het omgekeerde beweren)"... Dat is 'woke' van hen 😉 😉
Overigens doen 'wij' vooral goed aan behalve niet meewerken aan hun narigheid het tegenovergestelde ervan opbouwen en onderhouden, toch? 😉