If you want to understand Putin - fascism better, this is a very interesting interview.
Surkov is seen by many as the ideologue behind Putinism; this is his first interview in years.
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John Spithead likes this.
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Grutjes, VoordeMus 🍋 🌻🐝🌳, Beate Kurth and qevlarr reshared this.
Schaamteloos, Bruins.
- Je eigen wetenschap kapot bezuinigen
- Daarnaast stel je (geheel volgens Project2025) voor om opleidingen niet alleen op studentenaantallen, maar ook op 'maatschappelijke relevantie' te financieren 👉 oftewel: kritische & 'linkse' opleidingen worden geschrapt.
- Je partij lanceert aanval na aanval op gender & trans
- Je zit in een coalitie met de klimaatwappies van PVV & BBB
- Kabinet Schreeuwwitje I ❤ ongelijkheid, en haat wetenschap
- En dan dit 👇
"Onderwijsminister Eppo Bruins richt een fonds op om zo snel mogelijk topwetenschappers uit het buitenland naar Nederland te halen. De aanleiding lijkt de snel veranderende situatie voor wetenschappers in de Verenigde Staten te zijn, al zegt Bruins dat niet hardop." (...)
"De situatie voor Amerikaanse wetenschappers is op dit moment onzeker. Sinds de beëdiging van president Donald Trump worden fondsen ingetrokken, regent het ontslagen en gaan bepaalde wetenschappelijke termen in de ban. Die harde opstelling lijkt vooral te zijn gericht op onderzoek naar klimaat, gender en ongelijkheid."
Bruins haalt nóg meer geld weg bij wetenschap om hen hier heen te lokken: "Topwetenschappers zijn immers goud waard voor ons land en voor Europa."
So, science friends.
When in the 1930s would you have decided “no, I’m not going to go to that conference in Germany”?
Because the question now needs to be posed looking westwards across the Atlantic.
If your phone can be taken on arrival & searched for messages critical of the government & then you can be denied entry (or perhaps worse in the future), why would you even think of going in the first place?
Absolutely horrifying slide into totalitarianism.
French scientist denied US entry after officers find phone messages criticizing Trump
France’s research minister said the scientist was traveling to Houston for a conference when his phone was searchedRobert Mackey (The Guardian)
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Amandine, Alexandra, wsm, Aurora 🐌, reindeerphoto, Stef, Dave Rahardja, ~* Sarah 🇨🇦, Jeannette Ho, Dial M For Madeye 🏴 🇮🇪, Fan of Shared Truth & Empathy, ItsDoctorNotMrs, Paul Ward, John G Fitzgerald, Jayne 🇪🇺🏳️🌈, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, KaKetelmug, GhostOnTheHalfShell, grutjes, Cainmark Does Not Comply 🚲, Cthulku, don Elías (como los buses) 🥨, Support the Resistance, Marv Clowder, Trending Bot, Errol Cavit, Linda Sgoluppi Artist, Toni Aittoniemi, Eye, Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖, Rob Cinos 🇨🇦, Elon Muksis 🇺🇦 🇪🇺, Djoerd Hiemstra 🟥, Dr Pen, The Boxing Kangaroo, Niina, Angie, Shannon Persists, gwendolenau, Richard de Waard, Eugene McParland 🇺🇦, VoordeMus 🍋 🌻🐝🌳, Jurjen Heeck 🍋, Mathijs Booden, teacher_rick 🇪🇺, UkeleleEric, Marion, nimi, Cory Doctorow, clarkiestar, Vera, Djembro, RO, supports 🇺🇦🇬🇪, Marcel Nowicki, NormanDunbar, Per Koch, Jna💚, Rhinos Worry Me, Mark Prior, Andrew_TighF, Inc Hulk 🧪, annekekassteele 🥂, Peter Brown, teemuki, John Faithfull 🌍🇪🇺🏴🧡✊🏻✊🏿, Niek van Leeuwen, Rational Brit #FBPE, schoenswetter, anna_addis, Peter Valkema, David Honess, Ally Miller, HarriettMB, Joy_intl, 🟥 Eveline Sulman 🇳🇱🇪🇺🇺🇦 and 73 other people reshared this.
Edwin Tepper likes this.
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grutjes, Roel Griffioen and Marco W reshared this.
"Nee we spreken natuurlijk Israël niet direct aan. Maar we gaan er uiteraard volledig van uit dat zij zich zeer ferm aangesproken zullen voelen en direct actie ondernemen!
Zo, nu lekker koffie en lekkere Israëlische dadels! HMm, en waar zullen we daarna de burgers weer een poot uitdraaien...?"
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grutjes and Edwin Tepper like this.
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grutjes and Edwin Tepper like this.
Kabinet lanceert nieuwe aanval op het Nederlandse onderwijs:
Schreeuwwitje I wil op politieke gronden kunnen gaan bepalen welke opleidingen nog geld krijgen en welke niet.
Minister Bruins wil het MBO, en straks ook HBO en universiteiten, niet meer alleen op studentenaantallen gaan financieren, maar ook op "maatschappelijk belang". Hij is bang dat er anders studies omvallen die gewoon belangrijk zijn voor ons allemaal.
Dit klinkt fantastisch.
Dat is het niet.
We hebben een extreemrechts kabinet, wat miljarden gaat bezuinigen op het onderwijs, en wat nu ineens zegt: het zou zonde zijn als er opleidingen omvallen omdat we alleen maar naar studentenaantallen kijken. Laten we ook kijken naar maatschappelijk belang.
Maar dat kan je ook omdraaien.
Kabinet Schreeuwwitje I zegt hier:
"Wij gaan wel eventjes bepalen wat wij van maatschappelijk belang vinden. En dus ook welke opleidingen volgens ons géén maatschappelijk belang hebben."
Dit is niet mooi, maar een directe aanval op onafhankelijke wetenschap, vrijheid van meningsuiting en kritisch denken. Het is voor het kabinet immers een fluitje van een cent om kritische of zogenaamd "linkse" opleidingen (denk bijvoorbeeld aan vrouwenstudies) of studies die het kabinet op het belang van de rechtsstaat wijzen (bv internationaal recht) weg te zetten als "niet van groot maatschappelijk belang".
Het kabinet kan met deze move onbeperkt gaan lopen schrappen. Alleen het chilling effect zal er al toe leiden dat onderwijsbesturen kritiek en kritisch denken op hun eigen opleidingen met alle macht tegen zullen gaan.
Project 2025 speelt niet alleen maar in de VS.
Het mooie praatje van Bruins:
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yelling jackal and Linda Rose Smit like this.
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Grutjes, Peter van der Klugt, Rik 🇵🇸, teacher_rick 🇪🇺, Jan Steen, 1beroep1opleiding, Helma, Rob Bos, Rindert, KaKetelmug, Steven Rieder, Dikke Gek, si2mev, CyclesSmiles, Harld, GinkelKarin 🇪🇺 🇺🇦🟥, ReneDamkot, Stefan Koopmanschap 🇵🇸, Thomas, Arthur P. Dent, Angela Scholder, Ben, Erwin, Jaap, Mark de Vries 🇪🇺, Pim Bliek and Jan Zoetelief reshared this.
"maatschappelijk belang"
Is gewoon dit kabinet dat heel graag wil bepalen wat men gaat studeren...
"Control the knowledge, control the crowd"
grutjes likes this.
It is genuinely incomprehensible to me that while trans people are being stripped of their rights, and Black people are being fired for being Black and ICE is rounding up protestors, people are trying to make “rest is resistance” a thing.
Fuck that.
Rest is important. Sure. Humans physically cannot function without it. But it’s not an act of resistance. Neither is staying hydrated. You’re going to need to raise the bar on this one.
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JW Prince of CPH, Radicalized, Trending Bot, Bob Jamieson, CartyBoston, Kernou, Kotes, Ω 🌍 Gus Posey, Jordi (Flopsome Opossum), punIssuer, Karen D 🇨🇦, HarriettMB, maya_b 🇨🇦, Lisa Melton, Chu 朱, Ericka Simone, grutjes, Max Xaine, BadWoof, Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈, Sensitivityi, Urban Hermit, franebleu, Gurre Vildskägg, Schools are superspreaders, Sin of empathy 🕷️🧂🌈🫙⚖️, divdev, Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖, Adventurer She/Her, Elyse M Grasso, Sordid Amok! and Mastodon Migration reshared this.
Disability advocacy has something to say on this. Rest IS resistance when we are pressured to "work" to earn a place in society.
I hope you're willing to be specific with this critique, because you risk hitting with it folks for whom "work", "productivity" and the rest of it are levers of control and measures for how much support we "deserve".
(Edit: special thanks to the assholes speculating about my motivation in pointing out basic fucking intersectionality. I'm blocking all of you)
Edit 2: daojoan said "people". Not "white people" not "abled people" just "people". If she means "white people" or "abled people" she should SAY that.
Artemis reshared this.
@quietmarc she is specific enough. Are you serious with this?
If you are too disabled to actively do something about what is going on, then clearly what she is saying has nothing to do with you.
Just surviving is not resistance. Actively resisting is resistance.
Urban Hermit reshared this.
@Subterfuge "If you;re too disabled" tell me you have no meaningful connection with the disability community at all, why doncha.
For 'disabled oracle' Alice Wong, rest is a radical act
Disability rights activist Alice Wong's debut memoir is out Tuesday. But don't expect to see her on a book tour, read from her work or sign copies.Sonja Sharp (Los Angeles Times)
"Rest is a radical act"?. I hope that that was the editor's words and not Alice Wong's, because that's the stuff of grift.
Moralistic, ineffectual culture war politics will get you no where with the fight we are in now.
There's no room for it.
What Musk and Trump are doing is beyond just dangerous, or a moral issue. It will be worse than the Gazan genocide in terms of the scale of material harm if they get everything they want.
You can't stop that by resting.
@Subterfuge @quietmarc he’s very serious, and I’m going to make it very clear. This is a very antiblack statement. This person is truly mad that Black people were mentioned. This is the only thing driving this response.
Disability or not. Some of you people are fucking racist demons and it will pop out every time.
Thanks for calling this weird shit out.
For me as a disabled person, staying alive at this point IS indeed resistance. Thinking back to the initial murder of disabled people in Nazi Germany. #blind
@anantagd sure you are resisting pressures on you as an individual.
That is not collective action.
That is not political.
It is not resistance against the political changes happening right now.
And it has nothing to do with the Nazis killing disabled people in the 1930's and 40's.
Resisting what Trump and Musk are doing inside the US gov't requires active resistance, and collective action.
@anantagd@ieji.de @Subterfuge “now that disabled people…”
Didn’t matter when they were Black though right?
@anantagd then why chime in this conversation?
When you are under direct physical assault, survival is resistance, sure.
We have a political crisis here that requires active resistance to stop. Resting does NOTHING to stop it.
@anantagd no one's existence is political. Times like this expose such statements for the pap they have always been.
And your use of labels as weapons exposes your empty politics.
@quietmarc why is it ALWAYS some supposed “anarchist” on an FBI raided server who is clearly bigoted and deeply bothered by the presence or mention of Black people always trying to themselves the center of the fucking discussion
This is racist. I don’t give a fuck about your disability. It’s VERY clear that you are mad that Joan specifically mentioned Black people, and your own personal bigotry just couldn’t let you “rest”.
This is a whole new level of antiblack.
@ErickaSimone - especially seeing as the idea of Rest is Resistance was founded by a Black woman, and is grounded in the Womanist idea of Black people (Black women especially) being able to take a moment to be present in their humanity without being of service to anyone else - which is something afforded to white people all the time.
It's like the bastardisation of Self Care to mean white people taking scented baths and using a hair treatment.
once again, white people have taken something that was rooted in black resistance and meant for the oppressed…. and ruined everything about it.
Rest is for the oppressed. Not for white American people who consistently vote against their own best interest.
You are wrong. Taking care of yourself takes care of everyone. Love yourself. Don't promote #GeneralStrike and promote #TaxStrike.
Here's a nice timeline cleanser for you :
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Have you looked into the origin of that? Tricia Hersey doesn't strike me as shirking responsibility.
The eight hour work day movement wasn't about giving up, either.
Grind culture doesn't belong in anti-capitalist activism. Burning out doesn't help a movement survive.
We're still in the middle of a pandemic that gives people energy-limiting post viral illnesses.
Fight, but fight smart. Fight, and don't become what you're fighting.
I disagree. She explains far more eloquently than I can why rest *is* an act of resistance. instagram.com/p/DDpXbRZOdNe/?i…
Also, and I can't stress this enough.. we should not be in the business of directing our anger at each other, or denigrating the form of resistance anyone else has chosen.
There is no One True Way of resistance. Every act of resistance matters, and every method is valid. We all have different skills, abilities, and particular areas of concern.
It is so, so tempting to try to convince other people to put their energies into That Thing!.. whatever issue(s) you're most passionate about.
We can't all pay attention to everything. Pick something you care about and do things towards that. Trust that other people will do the same, and that their efforts are meaningful.
Just as we find the rate of new dumpster fires overwhelming, there are more ordinary, righteously pissed off people than there are fascists. They can be overwhelmed by too many targets, also.
Patricia | Radical Somatic Therapist ✊🏾 on Instagram: "Babe - we need, you see this is much deeper than what we perceive as self -care, this is our legacy our way of existing in the world. Can’t you feel that? They stole. We reclaimed. They steal again
14K likes, 157 comments - pat.radical.therapist on December 16, 2024: "Babe - we need, you see this is much deeper than what we perceive as self -care, this is our legacy our way of existing in the world. Can’t you feel that? They stole.Instagram
Het is vandaag #LongCovidAwarenessDay.
Alles wat je niet wilt weten over #COVID:
- COVID is #airborne: het verspreid zich met name via minuscule zwevende druppeltjes door de lucht. Die kunnen uren in een kamer blijven hangen, en blijven dan besmettelijk. Afstand houden heeft alleen effect op grote druppels, maar niet op deze aerosolen.
- Covid is niet "mild".
- Infectieschade is cumulatief.
- Het maakt je vatbaarder voor andere infecties en ziekten.
- Er is geen genezing voor #longCOVID.
- De #pandemie is nog niet voorbij.
- Het dragen van een FFP2 #masker vermindert de overdracht wel enorm, tot 99%.
- Vaccineren & boosteren blijft nodig. Als je al meermaals besmet bent geraakt zonder long covid te krijgen biedt dat helaas geen enkele garantie voor de volgende keer. Vaccinatie vermindert je kans op long covid met de helft voor meerdere maanden (en het slaat nergens op dat je maar eens in het jaar een prik kunt krijgen)
- Als je covid krijgt is het ongelofelijk belangrijk dat je:
1. Thuis blijft en geen anderen besmet (of alleen met een FFP2 masker anderen opzoekt) - het kan voor mensen met slechte afweer nog steeds dodelijk zijn, of je geliefden levenslang long covid bezorgen.
2. Rustig uitziekt.
We weten nog steeds niet precies waarom de één long covid krijgt en de ander niet, maar van één mechanisme zijn we zeker: als je nog niet goed beter bent en dan toch al over je grenzen gaat, is dat de beste manier om long covid te ontwikkelen. Dit is de reden dat erg veel super gezonde topsporters long covid krijgen.
- Van de mensen die long covid krijgen, ontwikkelt ongeveer 25% de ernstigste vorm, met ME. #ME is een multisysteemziekte die je ook op kunt lopen van bijvoorbeeld Pfeiffer of Q-koorts.
Mensen met ME raken totaal uitgeput van de kleinste prikkels. Het is een soort straf op leven: alles wat leven de moeite waard maakt put je zo ontzettend uit dat je er uren, dagen of zelfs jaren ziek van wordt, alsof je een zware griep hebt.
Ongeveer de helft van de mensen met ME kan nooit meer werken, een kwart is nagenoeg of helemaal bedlegerig.
Dat wil je niet meemaken.
Het gaat bij die laatste, zeer ernstig zieke groep mensen om tienduizenden. Een groot deel van hen wordt nooit meer beter.
Je denkt dat ze niet bestaan omdat je ze niet ziet: ze zitten opgesloten in hun huis, omringd door een vijandige samenleving die hun ziekte het liefst negeert of zelfs agressief ontkent.
Kijken we naar het totaal van mensen met long covid, inclusief mildere vormen (die vaak met veel rust en maanden tot jaren uitzitten, nog wel genezen) dan hebben we het over honderdduizenden Nederlanders.
Nu de overheid heeft besloten om de ernst van covid simpelweg te ontkennen, en de honderdduizenden mensen met long covid af te schepen met een fooi voor een paar long covidklinieken die slechts genoeg financiën hebben om enkele tientallen patiënten te ondersteunen (en een methode voor genezing is er überhaupt niet), is er maar één ding wat je kunt doen.
Probeer zo min mogelijk besmet te raken, en als je toch besmet raakt, besmet dan geen anderen en ziek zo rustig mogelijk uit.
Wat helpt om besmetting te voorkomen is:
- goed aansluitende #FFP2 maskers
- mensen in de buitenlucht ontmoeten in plaats van binnen
- luchtzuivering met HEPA filters voor binnen (je kunt al een mobiel stil apparaat kopen voor in je huiskamer vanaf een euro of 85)
- een tip waar al wel bewijs voor is, maar waar nog meer onderzoek naar moet worden gedaan: bepaalde neussprays met algen blokkeren de receptoren in je neus, waardoor covid maar ook verkoudheid en griep veel minder kans hebben om je te besmetten. In Nederland is dit middel te bestellen onder de merknaam Algovir.
- Hoe meer van deze tips je tegelijkertijd inzet, hoe minder kans je op besmetting hebt.
Op dit moment is het aantal besmettingen in Nederland gelukkig heel laag, maar dat blijft niet zo. Over een paar weken of een maand komt er weer een nieuwe variant, die de getallen omhoog zal jagen. Dat is geen doomsday prediking, maar gewoon hoe evolutie werkt.
Zo lang de wereld niets doet tegen verspreiding, zal covid blijven muteren. Dat elke nieuwe covid variant minder heftig is, is een sprookje. Of een nieuwe variant zwaarder is of niet, is volstrekt random. Het enige wat je zeker weet, is dat als er een nieuwe variant dominant wordt, dat deze besmettelijker is dan de vorige. Anders zou die namelijk niet dominant worden.
Heel, heel veel warmte voor de mensen met long covid. De één heeft slechts maanden last, de ander is levenslang aan huis gebonden, of zelfs aan bed. De één is slechts doodmoe en ruikt bijvoorbeeld niets meer, de ander kan niet eens rechtop gaan zitten zonder flauw te vallen. De één wordt beter, de ander niet.
Juist de ernstigste vormen hebben helaas minder kans om beter te worden, hoewel ik ook mensen ken met heel zware vormen, jarenlang, die daarna toch deels opknapten, soms tijdelijk, maar soms ook (naar het zich laat aanzien) definitief.
Hou vol, lieverds.
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grutjes, joene 🏴🍉, Bass #AlleBurgers #EcoHumanist, Maarten Steenhagen, GJ Groothedde 🇪🇺, Janneke 🍋, Grutjes, Lotte Smelik, StroomAfwaarts 🌱 and Eric reshared this.
The precedent being set is clear: legal authority is only respected when it serves their agenda.
Texas AG Paxton Declares Court Orders "Void," Orders Gender Markers Reverted For Trans People
The Texas Attorney General says that all drivers licenses and birth certificates must be reverted for trans peopleErin Reed (Erin In The Morning)
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grutjes, Toni Aittoniemi and Cainmark Does Not Comply 🚲 reshared this.
For the sake of transparency.
I know I seem like I have it together, but some days, I am genuinely terrified for my future. I have one amazing freelance client, but as a trans person in tech with soft skills - and as a trans journalist - work started drying up after the election last year.
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Megan, Urban Hermit, AlgoCompSynth by znmeb 🇺🇦, grutjes, Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖, teemuki, Kuunvirta, Kernou and Bob Jamieson reshared this.
Globally, companies seem less interested than ever in working with me. In Australia, tech firms decided I was "too controversial" to be associated with.
My partner and I wanted to have a baby this year, but I can't see a path to making that happen. All I have is my writing, and some days it feels like I'm deluding myself into thinking that will be enough.
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Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈, Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖, Jürgen and Bob Jamieson reshared this.
I have the cash runway to make The Index work for the next few months, but after that it’s down to subscribers.
I made the decision a while ago to never take sponsors or sell ads. All I can do is hope I can keep finding an audience or look for investors who believe in indie media. But that brings its own trouble.
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Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖, HarriettMB, Wen, GunChleoc and Bob Jamieson reshared this.
My partner tells me, take it one day at a time and everything will be okay.
She’s a smart thing. I’m going to keep listening to her.
But if you’ve got any spare luck, send a smidge my way 🫡
reshared this
Adventurer She/Her, LAUREN, GhostOnTheHalfShell and Bob Jamieson reshared this.
::sending whatever lucky vibes can be mustered::
May the Force be with you.
I have stopped watching tv, quit drinking in January, and am caring for my wife. And my cat.
I can’t honestly say things will get better, but you are heard, are helping me understand stuff.
Thank you.
Ok, how can we help? Is there a way to subscribe? It would be easier for people to do this if you had more info and even a subscription link in your profile. Note that people are not fond of #Substack these days, so if you can enable direct payment and bypass them it would be good.
Also, people want to pay via PayPal, Credit Card, and Venmo. There's also Zelle and some other what I would call secondary payment options.
But if it's not easy people won't do it.
My 2 cents.
@Ehay2k There are links to both my sites on my profile, and both are built on Ghost. I wouldn't go near Substack with a ten foot pole. Wrote about that here:
Why I Won't Write on Substack
There is something perverse about every voice of record, every journalist with a profile, every writer with an audience abandoning ship for Substack. It's been a growing trend for the past few years, and it's getting worse.Joan Westenberg (westenberg.)
I'm using Maston v2.9.4 for Android. I definitely don't see any of those links.
Maybe it also has something to do with my Mastodon instance?
In the near term, maybe put those into your general profile text?
Maybe @Frohmann / @ChristianeFrohmann would be an interesting follow (even if it is german) and good for your network.
It's just an idea. 🤔
Well, you're much-loved and appreciated on the fedi for your insights.
I've had a few emotional wobbles myself recently. The world just seems like such a cold and unforgiving place with fascism on the rise everywhere.
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smitten, Steven, Joseph, Glowing Cat of the Nuclear Wastelands, Siobhan and Fleur Bergman like this.
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LAUREN, John Mark ☑️, Michelle Catherine Marcó, Mark Ziemann 🇺🇦, Paul_IPv6, Adventurer She/Her, your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦, Trending Bot, Mr. Bill, grutjes, Grymt, Jackie 🍉, Joseph Crail, gwendolenau, Sweet Home Alaberta 🇨🇦 🇺🇦 🏳️🌈 🏳️⚧️ 🇲🇽, ahimsa, Ryan Thomas, Gwyn Ciesla, RebelGeek99, JacobRPG+ 🫘, Rainbow Warrior, stony kark, Zonkerh, *|FNAME|* 🇨🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦, I see Dud people!, Voline, Ashe Dryden, GailWaldby@bsky.social, ruben, Cainmark Does Not Comply 🚲, WearyBonnie, Pete Orrall, yomimono, still on earth, Lily Cohen, the esoteric programmer, DoomsdaysCW, KChernecky For Democracy, AnneTheWriter, Impish4249, lucie digitální, Random Canuck 🍁😷 💉, caitp, Joseph, Carol Hughes, Cthulku, James Hawley, The Sleight Doctor 🃏, Jane, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, The Doctor, 🇳🇿 💉*8 Roger, Mother Bones, Yours Truly! Unruly 🇨🇦 ❤️🇺🇦 ❤️🇪🇺, GhostOnTheHalfShell, The Boxing Kangaroo, divdev, d, No Gods , no Masters! RESIST, Foodie Kenobi 🇨🇦, Douglas McMillan, Jordi (Flopsome Opossum), Evan Prodromou, Brad Rosenheim, Lisa Melton, Christy Marx Rambling Writer, Jeff Zugale - Z Factory, SinMisterios, Joe Hill 🇮🇱🇵🇸🇺🇦, don Elías (como los buses) 🥨, PKPs Powerfromspace1, Bruce Mirken, Demian, Lauralee Dukeshire, Internet Rando and 71 other people reshared this.
@ashley not true! We need to pressure all the Senators who are on the fence about cloture, before they vote on it. Schumer deserves a bunch of faxes, too. @heidilifeldman just posted his fax numbers along with some free fax services:
Want to reach Schumer quickly, old-school method? You can try his fax numbers:
Buffalo office 716-846-4113
DC office 202-228-3027 1/
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Feisty and Babs E. Blue #IStandW/Zelensky reshared this.
daryl reshared this.
daryl reshared this.
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Random Canuck 🍁😷 💉, Mary Austin VOTED 4 HARRIS!, 🌼 Dagnabbit, Pascaline! 🌼 and daryl reshared this.
Exactly. I know it means I could go to jail, but jail sounds a whole lot better than compliance right now.
Powerful men often funnel money via their wives. In 2001, the wife of the Saudi Ambassador to Washington - who would become head of Saudi intelligence, and was close friend of both George W. Bush, President of the United States, and George Tenet, head of the CIA - was Princess Haifa. Haifa sent thousands of dollars a month to Majeda Dweikat, wife of Osama Basnan, and Manal Bajadr, wife of Omar al-Bayoumi. These two men materially assisted 9/11 hijackers, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi.1/n
I wonder if the "let's rape the earth now for a quick profit" capitalist mindset is part of the same mentality is the same as the "as long as it's not me" approach to fascism? Both are focusing on the near future to the detriment of the (not all that) distant future..
Yeah, the problem is not apathy. People care. The problem is a (perceived) lack of agency. People don't believe they can influence things, and/or don't know how to. Activism is a positive feedback though.
Once you get the feeling that it's possible to make change, it becomes hard to lose it.
Maybe it's just too early to spur on the majority to protest. After all, it was only a short while ago that most voters chose Donald T. as their leader. Letting go of a belief is difficult for humans, likely even if it is as stupid as believing Donald T. will eventually change their lives fot the better.
I remain astonished by the amount of money Republican billionaires spent on buying a fascist takeover of the USA and the decades-long backsliding of democracy.
'This Is Just the Traceable Money': $2 Billion Pumped Into 2024 Election by Billionaire Families
"It's no secret that political spending is a huge way for billionaires to rig the system to their liking," said Americans for Tax Fairness. "Enough is enough."julia-conley (Common Dreams)
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Mastodon Migration and Happy St Paddy's! ☘️ reshared this.
I remain astonished at the money and power billionaires expect to reap from spending billions to pay for a Fascist takeover of the USA.
If Democrat senators actually go along with this, they've just ensured that the Dem Party loses the midterms and possibly the next general election.
Even if there's some kind of legitimate aspect to this, and even if Schumer has absolutely 0% appeasement in his head, he's helping to sign the party's death warrant.
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Greengordon, Grutjes, Alex L, Toni Aittoniemi, Fan of Shared Truth & Empathy, Osma A 🇫🇮🇺🇦, grutjes, Prof Christina Pagel, teemuki and Siljappo reshared this.
Anne Toomey wrote a brilliant post about what scientists can do right now to stand up for science christinapagel.substack.com/p/eight-thin... 15/16
Eight things scientists can do...
Eight things scientists can do right now to stand up to the Trump administration’s attacks on research, public health, and the environment
A guest post by Dr Anne Toomey, author of the book "Science with Impact: How to Engage People, Change Practice, and Influence Policy".Christina Pagel (Diving into Data & Decision making)
This thread is a shorter version of my recent substack with some more actions added. Do go read the original article for more detail!christinapagel.substack.com/p/censor-pur... 16/16
Censor, purge, defund: how Tru...
Censor, purge, defund: how Trump is following the authoritarian playbook on science and universities
I have mapped 35 of the Trump administration's attacks on science and universities to the authoritarian playbook - and consider what it means for attacks still to comeChristina Pagel (Diving into Data & Decision making)
The UN special rapporteur on the right to food on Wednesday warned that Israel is carrying out an unprecedentedly rapid campaign of starvation in Gaza, calling it "the fastest in modern history."
"How is Israel able to starve 2.3 million people so quickly and so completely?" Michael Fakhri asked in a joint press briefing alongside other UN special rapporteurs in Geneva.
"This is the fastest starvation campaign in modern history," Fakhri said.
Israel carrying out 'fastest starvation campaign in Gaza in modern history': UN envoy
UN special rapporteur on right to food describes current ceasefire as slowing down of military violence while speeding up violence through starvation - Anadolu Ajansıwww.aa.com.tr
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Journalism & Comment Feed, Aral Balkan, Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈, Anne Ominous, Khrys, Dźwiedziu, pollinator stan and grutjes reshared this.
Alleen in Nederland. 🤬
Heeft u een beroerte?
Gaat u dan maar even voor de camera staan mijnheer, dan kijkt de helpdesk-neuroloog wel even op afstand wat er is.
"Ziekenhuis Meppel test neurologisch onderzoek op afstand"
#Zorg #austerity #AusterityIsMurder
Social Sciences Feed reshared this.
grutjes likes this.
Duterte is opgepakt en is onderweg naar het Strafhof in Den Haag!
❤️ 🎉 🥳 ❤️
PVV politicus & klimaatwappie doet poging tot doodslag op klimaatactiviste
NUnl geeft hem meer ruimte dan het slachtoffer. Zonder ook maar 1 kritische vraag mag dit Statenlid vertellen dat hij voortaan de bus neemt, zodat hij niet opnieuw een poging tot doodslag pleegt. Niet omdat hij het erg zou vinden om vreedzame demonstranten te doden, nee, dan zou XR "in het nieuws" komen, dat gunt hij ze niet.
En dat hij expres tegen een vrouw aan reed? Hij weigert zelfs excuses.
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Herman 🇪🇺🇺🇦🇾🇪🍋, Winston Smith, BRoos, grutjes, Libby, Yvonne Melenhorst and Algje reshared this.
Grutjes reshared this.
grutjes likes this.
grutjes likes this.
Toch geen lobbyregister: ambtenaren zien niets in extra transparantieregels
Nederland krijgt geen verplicht register voor lobbyisten. NSC-minister Judith Uitermark van Binnenlandse Zaken schrijft aan de Tweede Kamer dat ze dat "niet proportioneel" vindt en dat ze meer vertrouwen heeft in "bestaande instrumenten".
Toch geen lobbyregister: ambtenaren zien niets in extra transparantieregels
De Tweede Kamer wil dat multinationals minder lobbyen in achterkamertjes. Maar als het aan het kabinet ligt, komt er geen lobbyregister.Nieuwsuur
grutjes reshared this.
"Politicians and diapers must be changed often, and for the same reason."
reshared this
Steph 🇨🇦, ghostdancer, grutjes and Kevin R Jones reshared this.
there's laundry to do and a genocide to stop
"there's laundry to do and a genocide to stop. I have to
eat better and also avoid a plague. my rent went up
$150. I'll need to pick up more shifts. Twenty people died
in Rafah this morning and every major news outlet is
stretching the limits of passive voice to suggest whole
families may have leaped up through the air at missiles
that otherwise had the right of way. I just got a
notification that my student loan payments are starting
up again and my phone isn't charged. My cousin got
COVID for a fourth time and can no longer work or walk
or even feed himself. The person across from me on the
L train seems to fashion themself a punk rock
revolutionary, but they're not wearing a face mask, and
that's the kind of cognitive dissonance that makes me
want to steal batteries. Fascists keep winning primaries
for both parties, and I think I gained a few pounds. The
CDC just announced there are no more speed limits on
highways, and I think this Ativan is finally hitting. The
NYPD farmer's market only sells bad apples, have you
heard that one? Listen it's warm today, too warm for
March. But I don't have time to think through the
implications because there's laundry to do and a
genocide to stop."
Vinay Krishnan, 2024
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Grutjes reshared this.
De Dam stampvol bij vertrek Internationale Vrouwendag demonstratie vanmiddag.
Pas om 14:40 had de staart van de protestmars de Dam verlaten.
Bron: youtube.com/watch?v=Gd9d4q6WvU…
#Amsterdam #deDam #Dam #InternationalWomensDay #InternationaleVrouwendag #vrouwendag #IntVrouwendag #FeministMarch #TheFutureIsFeminist #IWD #IWD2025 #womensday #ForAllWomenAndGirls #feminisme #feminist #feminism #feministen #dolleminas
grutjes reshared this.
Ik ben er inmiddels achter hoe je een groep maakt in Friendica. Even gecopypasted uit het Engels, met dank aan @Erik van Schaaik :
"To create a group like Facebook, you have to make an entirely new account on Friendica, then switch it to a Group account in the settings. You can use the same email address as your personal account".
"In Friendica, you can create sub-accounts under your main account. These can function as groups. By giving your sub-account a clear name, everyone will immediately know what the discussions are about.
If you have one or more sub-accounts, you can easily switch between your main and sub-account:
Click on your avatar in the top right corner.
Select ‘Accounts’ and choose the desired account.
Click on your avatar in the top right corner.
Go to ‘Settings’.
In the left menu, click ‘Manage Accounts’.
Click the hyperlink ‘Register an additional account’.
Enter the following details:
- Display Name: a name for the group (for instance: Make Love, Not War).
- Nickname: a unique username (for instance: Lennon@friendica.world).
- Password: enter the password of your main account (no new password required).
- Do you want your main account to also participate in the group? Then choose
‘yes’ under ‘Include your profile in member directory’.
Log in to your new sub-account.
Click on your avatar in the top right corner and go to ‘Settings’.
Click ‘Account’ in the left menu.
Click ‘Advanced account types’.
Choose ‘Community Group’, then ‘Public Group - Restricted (Contact requests have to be manually approved)’. People cannot join the group automatically. When someone requests to join, you will receive a notification with an access request, which you can approve or deny.
There are many more things you can add and settings you can set. Besides setting up a group, you can also configure your sub-account as a regular account or explore other options."
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Kees Alders, Greenpepper, Melissa Halley, Erik van Schaaik and myopie like this.
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Loresje, Greenpepper and grutjes reshared this.
Ik lees het als: een groep is ook een account, dus je maakt een totaal nieuw account aan dan wel een subaccount onder je originele account. De naam daarvan is je groepsnaam. Verder volg je de beschreven procedure.
@Erik van Schaaik Jij werkt al met een groep. Kun jij dit bevestigen?
Ja, 't is dat.
Ik heb eigenlijk niet veel belang bij groepen. Mijn interesse ligt meer bij een community, waar je met elkaar over een bepaald onderwerp kunt praten, zoals Discord. Het gratis en open-source Revolt is daarvoor meer geschikt, maar dat moet nog een beetje groeien.
“The Texas governor, Greg Abbott, and, later, Elon Musk showed support on Wednesday for the firing of a state employee who refused to remove his pronouns from his work email signature.”
“Abbott celebrated the move on X, sharing a report from the Austin American-Statesman on the firing and writing: ‘A Texas state employee refused to remove pronouns from email signature. He was fired before noon’.”
“Musk, […], replied to Abbott’s post with two fire emojis.”
Having pronouns in your signature is resistance, folks. Put them everywhere.
#OrganisedAffiliatedFuckers #DontPayTheGuardian #USpol
Elon Musk and Texas governor celebrate firing of worker over pronouns in email signature
Billionaire Trump ally and Greg Abbott tweet about Frank Zamora, who was let go after refusing to remove pronounsErum Salam (The Guardian)
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Amro has been and grutjes reshared this.
It begins: Pentagon to give AI agents a role in decision making, ops planning
Former allies, take note The American military has signed a deal with Scale AI to give artificial intelligence, as far as we can tell, its most prominent role in the defense sector to date – with AI agents to now be used in planning and operations. …
#theregister #IT
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jonny (good kind), Bob LeFridge, Henri Verymetaldev, grutjes and Grutjes reshared this.
Vandaag zijn drie anti-abortusmoties door de Kamer aangenomen. (Een vierde is nog wel verworpen)
Wat in de VS gebeurt kan ook hier. Wij zijn niet immuun.
Niet voor voor het verdwijnen van abortusrechten, niet voor de rest.
Sterker nog, voor wie het heeft gemist: ook Nederland heeft een extreemrechts kabinet.
Als Schreeuwwitje een tweede termijn krijgt, zal hij net als Trump (en Orban, en Poetin, en Bibi en alle andere fascisten die via verkiezingen aan de macht kwamen) in een hogere versnelling schakelen.
De enige manier waarop dictators aan de macht kunnen komen, is als mensen daar aan meewerken. Er niets van zeggen. Doen alsof het een normale partij is, waar normale procedures voor gelden. Zich bij voorbaat aanpassen. Mee beginnen te lullen. Proberen om bij ze in een goed blaadje te komen. Collaboreren.
Rutte en Schoof vinden dat Zelensky zich nederiger had moeten opstellen
(alsof hij dan wel hulp had gekregen, alsof niet al lang duidelijk was dat Trump de zijde van Poetin kiest.)
(Alsof je fascisten zou verzwakken als je doet wat ze willen.)
Wat vind jij?
Wil je bij voorbaat buigen?
Wil je net zo lang doen alsof het jou niet aangaat, totdat ze aan je deur staan, en er niemand meer over is om je te verdedigen?
Vind je dat bullies moeten worden beloond?
Of wil je wat anders?
Samen kunnen we ze stoppen.
Niet met één demonstratie. Niet met een petitie (aan fascisten? Ze lachen je uit) Niet met een paar dagen niks kopen bij Amazon, META, Tesla en de rest van het tuig wat hen in het zadel helpt. Niet met een beetje hulp aan hun eerste slachtoffers.
Maar wel met al die dingen tegelijkertijd.
Kies je methode. Kom naar de demonstratie, of ondersteun mensen die het moeilijk hebben, of sluit je aan bij een organisatie die al tegenwicht biedt aan de opkomst van extreemrechts, of doe iets anders.
Weiger bevelen uit te voeren die onmenselijk zijn.
Je hoeft geen held te zijn. Je hoeft niet zelf het wiel uit te vinden.
Maar wees een steentje, wees een beetje cement, in de grote onverzettelijke muur die we samen kunnen vormen.
Organiseer je. Laat dit niet opnieuw gebeuren.
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Fleur Bergman and Melissa Halley like this.
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Grutjes, AlleBurgers, Bass #AlleBurgers #EcoHumanist, Arthur Clemens, Veranderwens, KaKetelmug, Elise Veltman - van Reekum, Djoerd Hiemstra 🟥, maarten brouwers, Stephan Eggermont, Joeri 🍋, Hanny, Jaap, Karel Brits 🇺🇦, casperjansen, ÐДѷє ۷ǿȵ ຣ, Heidi 🇳🇱🇪🇺, Aad Schippers 🇪🇺 🍋, Joost, Alexandra Beekers 🏳️🌈🌍, Marly and Devijand reshared this.
Vraagje met betrekking tot die demonstratie: waarom richt die zich niet simpelweg tegen fascisme? Waarom wordt het onterechte onderscheid op basis van ras erbij gehaald, en niet bijvoorbeeld ook het onterechte onderscheid op basis van vermogen (hebben we daar een woord voor?)? Fascisten gebruiken uiteindelijk iedere vorm van onterecht onderscheid voor hun egocentrische gewin. Tegelijkertijd grijpen de racisten die zichzelf anti-racist noemen alles aan om racisme in stand te houden/versterken. Het is toch jammer als zij de kans krijgen een boventoon te voeren bij een hard nodige demonstratie tegen fascisme?
"de racisten die zichzelf anti-racist noemen"??
Dag Fleur, pleur maar eens een eind op.
Solidair met wethouder Bart Heller
Heller heeft vandaag zijn ontslag aangeboden als Hilversumse wethouder. Daar is hij toe gedwongen door extreemrechtse zionisten en het laffe college van Hilversum.
Heller uitte zijn solidariteit met kinderen in Gaza, en volgens rabbijn Binyomin Jacobs (die zichzelf trots zionist noemt) is dat een uiting van anti-semitisme.
Wat een land zijn we geworden.
Juist rechts, wat steeds weer beweert dat ze opkomt voor de vrijheid van meningsuiting, censureert mensen. En zelfs in de zogenaamde tempel der democratie wordt daar volop aan meegewerkt.
Mensen zoals Jacobs, die het helemaal okee vinden om tienduizenden burgers af te slachten, stellen het opkomen voor simpele universele mensenrechten nu gelijk aan precies het omgekeerde. En de gemeenteraad klapt voor hem.
Kaltstellen, zo noemden de nazi's deze tactiek. Het monddood maken van mensen die voor onderdrukten opkomen. "Kaltstellen doet men iemand, als men hem tijdelijk of voorgoed uit zijn kring van politieken invloed verwijdert en aldus machteloos maakt." schreef men honderd jaar geleden al.
Screenshots van de mail van Bart Heller die tot zijn ontslag leidden, en zijn afscheidsbrief vandaag.
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Grutjes, Rindert, twilwel, Hans 🙋♂️, Sewer Pirouette, Nienkez, Aquerci, Ab, Toos de Rijk, Marco W, Peter van der Klugt, McWabbit 🍋🌻🍉, Joeri 🍋, Arjan Reket, BudgetDuurzaam 🚲 🚋 🍀, Gina.beekelaar, cisca and FietsRZ reshared this.
Ramin Honary likes this.
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Parade du Grotesque 💀, Trending Bot, gvenk, Mike, Kat, Hobson Lane, Anna, lj·rk, Vera, Erik Jonker, Sune Auken, cyplo, Outi 🦊🌱🌍🌈, Hunspirillen already, CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch), Daniël Franke, leberschnitzel, Agnieszka R. Turczyńska, Henrik Kramselund - kramse 🍉, Ash 🏳️⚧️, RowinSpeez, Atomic Orbitals, Ashe Dryden, Carina C. Zona, Dr Daniel, Photon Shepherd🇸🇪🇦🇺, Witch Of Scots, K2, Seiðr, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, mau 🏳️🌈#EndFossilFuels, Douglas McMillan, Ally Miller, Dulcet Joans 🌻 Mask up, John Refior, Edge 🇨🇦🇲🇽🇺🇦🏳️🌈, Dendan Setia (Nins), gentlegardener, Omega_Scribet, Darren Nevares, Lukas Brausch, Peter Brown, The Febrile Muse, Christo. London, England, Jayne 🇪🇺🏳️🌈, Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK, PJChris 🇨🇦, Trendy Toots, Ferdi Magellan, Ian Brown, Momgoth, Jurjen Heeck 🍋, Paul Schoonhoven 🍉 🍋, teacher_rick 🇪🇺, Marco van Burgsteden 🍋, Alison Meeks, Sir Osis of Liver 🇨🇦 🇲🇽, Sweet Home Alaberta 🇨🇦 🇺🇦 🏳️🌈 🏳️⚧️ 🇲🇽, Kevin Davy, CaveDave, Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈, Fi 🏳️⚧️, The 500 Hats of LambdaCalculus, Steven Heywood, Jackie 🍉, Cainmark Does Not Comply 🚲, C.W. Williams 🇺🇦 🌊🇨🇦🐙, Toni, DoomsdaysCW, aprilfollies, AskPippa🇨🇦, John Cormier 🇨🇦, Regendans, Philip C James, Mr. Bill and 69 other people reshared this.
this man 🙏
PSA: Europe PubMed Central exists."Europe PMC provides comprehensive access to life sciences literature from trusted sources. It's available to anyone, anywhere for free. With Europe PMC you can search and read 45.6 million publications [10.5 full texts], prereprints and other documents enriched with links to supporting data, reviews, protocols, and other relevant resources."
europepmc.org/Scope: europepmc.org/Help#sources
Also @SafeguardingResearch got the database of #PubMed
reshared this
Erik Jonker and Jayne 🇪🇺🏳️🌈 reshared this.
Seiðr reshared this.
someone also pointed out the Europe PMC is contractually required to delete content if the NIH decides so... I can look up the source, which you surely like to see (found/solved)
Source: social.esmarconf.org/@kdnyhan/…
I think that such future revocation may be a problem.
This is about Europe PMC:
I could be completely mistaken ofc
How much data is it?
anything USA can do Europe can do properly.
time to close up shop, USA. give all the land back to the First Nations, who actually have a use for it. and fuckin apologise.
everybody who lives there will be better off with a mighty societal upgrade like that, I guarantee you.
✨buff dog himbo✨ reshared this.
"Nederland krijgt fonds van honderden miljoenen voor essentiële grondstoffen"
Dus ehh, Nederland kríjgt geen fonds maar betaalt het. Bedrijven krijgen van dit extreemrechtse kabinet een fonds van honderden miljoenen, betaald door jou en mij. En het fonds heeft niet eens duidelijke grenzen aan wat er mee moet gebeuren. Het lijkt gewoon een cadeautje aan de zware industrie en de financialiseringswereld, terwijl in ruil onze zorg, asielopvang, onderwijs, natuur en cultuur kapot worden bezuinigd.
Als we NUnl toch niet hadden voor onze duiding, hè?
Wat een prachtige dag weer voor de bootlickers in de Nederlandse pers en politiek, om te tonen dat ze nog erger zijn dan Fox News.
Vergelijk gewoon even. Bijvoorbeeld The Atlantic, Nieuwsuur en Rutte.
'“This is the stuff of nightmares,” virologist Dr. Angela Rasmussen told me earlier this week, as she discussed the rising chance of bird flu mutating this flu season.
Hospitals are treating regular flu and bird flu patients in the same wards, increasing the potential for bird flu to pick up genes from other flu strains in a way that would facilitate human-to-human transmission.
With DOGE-mandated cuts destroying vital public health systems, “we’ve disabled our monitoring. We’ve disabled our response capabilities,” she explained. In other words, if bird flu starts circulating in the community, the public health surveillance systems that DOGE has gutted likely won’t catch it until it spreads exponentially and hospitals are overrun. “It’ll be like one day everything’s fine and the next day it’s a bird flu pandemic.”
Musk-Trump’s first month in office has represented such an all-out assault on the functionality of government that it’s hard to comprehend the totality of what is happening. But one way to view it is that each Trump appointee heading a different aspect of the federal system has their own destructive potential. When acting in concert, the result will be catastrophic.'
Read on:
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Apocalypse and Kees Alders like this.
reshared this
Apocalypse reshared this.
"Musk-Trump’s first month in office has represented such an all-out assault on the functionality of government that it’s hard to comprehend the totality of what is happening. But one way to view it is that each Trump appointee heading a different aspect of the federal system has their own destructive potential. When acting in concert, the result will be catastrophic. We are already witnessing huge foreign policy shifts; the purging of the Justice Department, and the use of Justice Department resources to go after Trump’s enemies; the escalating human rights violations against immigrants; the politicization of the military and national security systems; the expansion of huge tax cuts for the wealthy, paid for by equally huge cuts to medical coverage for the poor; the attacks on the free press; the rampaging assault on anything to do with diversity, equity, or inclusion in the federal workforce, private sector, and federally funded institutions, including colleges and universities; the breakdown of any and all guardrails designed to prevent self-dealing and conflict of interest at the highest echelons of government; and an unprecedented assault on the concept of public health.
It’s the latter that has been on my mind this week."
"Cumulatively, these actions leave America grievously exposed to preventable disease outbreaks and raise the risk for the world of global pandemics. These actions are so fundamentally wrong that it’s hard to find any benign explanation for them. They represent the purest distillation of Musk-Trump’s nihilism. Of all the areas of destruction that DOGE is unleashing, it is in the field of science, and in medical research in particular, that the consequences will likely prove most devastating."
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Steven, Kees Alders, Moved to https://mk.absturztau.be/@Linux and Fleur Bergman like this.
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DC Deejay 🇨🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦, FallsMom 🌻, stux⚡, Papawj, Rich Stein (he/him), Jesse, LenticularCloud, Angelo Massaro, Stefan Elf, Michael Kohlman, Baron Vonskinnback, Yours Truly! Unruly 🇨🇦 ❤️🇺🇦 ❤️🇪🇺, diana 🏳️⚧️🦋🌱, Mastodon Migration, Eric, Vida Latina, LAUREN, Chumchum Tumtum, Àlex Duran, Snowshadow 🇨🇦, ZenHeathen 🌻🌻🌻🇺🇦, clarkiestar, Trending Bot, Roy #EatTheRich Pardee 🇺🇸, Dima Pasechnik 🇺🇦 🇳🇱, Kerfuffle, Druid 🏴, João Costa 💚🇵🇹🇪🇺🇬🇧🇺🇦, 🍋 Superball ☀️, Defending Ukraine, JL Lycette MD, author🩺📚, Ben Royce 🇺🇦, Thom, United Europe 🇪🇺, Bob LeFridge, StanleyHOOTZZ, Ralf Stockmann, Rachel Wright, Dgar, TubbDoose, Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈, Voting is Your POWER, Paul Wiebe 🍁💭🇨🇦🏳️🌈, BadWoof, bk, Koen de Jonge - SynQ, AndrewRiddell1, Ben Ramsey, Joakim Fors, *|FNAME|* 🇨🇦🇪🇺🇺🇦, Antoine Schmitt (mastodon), Kristen, Beachbum, No Gods , no Masters! RESIST, Igor Rock, Captain Jack Sparrow, gentlegardener, Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK, Greengordon, Dan NOT-Bongino, grutjes, Ruth O’Day, LillyLyle/Count Melancholia, Glyph, Chad 🇨🇦, Liam Egan, GhostOnTheHalfShell, Stella C 🇨🇦, Richard W. Woodley ELBOWS UP 🇨🇦🌹🚴♂️📷 🗺️, aprilfollies, Sally Strange, RowinSpeez, Bruce Mirken, BrianKrebs, Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖ and 207 other people reshared this.
Sometimes "quickly" is too late.
Even five minute delay can easily collapse the stock market, for example.
Indeed. One of the Fediverse's strengths is that, like ec.social-network.europa.eu/ any country or coalition could set up an official and hardened server that assures the public of a trusted source of information dissemination.
The time for this is now.
European Commission on Mastodon
Mastodon instance managed by the European Commission.Mastodon hosted on ec.social-network.europa.eu
reshared this
clarkiestar, Cainmark Does Not Comply 🚲, Tuckers Nuts Resist! 🇺🇦 and Sarah W reshared this.
The European Commision that are the EU politicians who loves to go to a war (read send our childeren to their dead). In name working for peace but looking after minerals under the dead bodys. A corrupt collection of people busy with corruption and taxes everything for the good of big coperations.
A verry trustworthty thing if you loves corruption and war. There are worst things but that are not saints and more a lie than Santa Claus.
@NoRomBasic Back in October 2023 I have advised the European Commission to do & coordinate this. And I have repeated this advice in 2024, January 2025 and February 2025.
They should have done it before the European elections, but the second/best time is yesterday. Momentum is growing. #LetsDoIt
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Michael Kohlman and Alice Stollmeyer reshared this.
The possibility of own server is a strong point.
I'd also think the possibility of website integration of feed should be strongly pointed out. So people not having an account in the fediverse can simply read activities bundled on an institutions website, and if desired browse the profile in full as it can be set to public.
Technologically this is pretty easy to accomplish. For example, many (if not most) of the Fediverse-compatible server platforms allow for anonymous browsing of posts. So even now there is no real restriction for people that merely wish to read communications. Replicating those feeds onto a more “classic” website server instance is not that complicated from a coding or server admin standpoint.
So the capability to do that is already there.
The new paradigm is quality over quantity.
The trustworthy, not corrupted communication is key.
AI, algorithms, aggressive agents make a quality communication impossible.
The future belongs to the brave ones.
Go for Fediverse.
Cainmark Does Not Comply 🚲 reshared this.
"What's to stop Musk, who's already tried meddling with German elections, from seizing Zelenskyy's, or any other European leader's X account"
If Musk does that, it would only accelerate the currently rapid decline in usage and value of a server he paid $44 billion to gain control over.
@elCelio Musk seems to be following a 'chaos capitalism' model similar to Trump's where the gains of a previous venture give leverage in the higher stakes next one, all the while previous stepping stones are destroyed and abandoned along with their debts.
Tesla car sales have collapsed in Europe as no-one wants to buy or be seen in a swasticar.
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Cainmark Does Not Comply 🚲 and Tuckers Nuts Resist! 🇺🇦 reshared this.
People/Companies should at least post on multiple platforms.
If you are or know a decider on where to post for press statements, please consider posting on mastodon in addition to where you do now.
Not for your sake, but for ours. Early adopters might get some extra love though, so it might be worth for you as well 😛
What stops Musk from cancelling Ukraine's ability to use Starlink?
Nothing. I expect that will be announced tomorrow at the latest.
"¿Qué puede impedir que Musk, que ya ha intentado interferir en las elecciones alemanas, se apodere de la cuenta X de Zelensky o de cualquier otro líder europeo y publique algo con consecuencias geopolíticas nefastas? Ya hemos superado el punto en el que es sensato que los líderes e instituciones europeos dependan de una presencia en X, y otras plataformas estadounidenses tampoco son una buena solución a largo plazo. Más personas deberían seguir el ejemplo de @EUCommission y proporcionar sus actualizaciones directamente, sin intermediarios, a través del fediverso."
@adventure_tense It's pretty clear now that X and Facebook have migrated into being tools of right wing propaganda. To be using them (as well as Threads), is to be willing to expose oneself to that toxicity and feel it won't harm one's self.
It will.
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Cainmark Does Not Comply 🚲 and Gurre Vildskägg reshared this.
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Tuckers Nuts Resist! 🇺🇦 reshared this.
👍💯👍 Anyone with any decency and a lick of sense should delete Xitter and Meta / Facebook .
#X #ElonMuskIsANazi #FacebookIsTrash #MetaIsFacist #ZuckerbergIsAFacist
Kailee ♾️ Voting Midterms God reshared this.
But to be honest, #Musk can also play stupid games with Ukraine's internet.
@EUCommission @briankrebs
I never understood why democratic institutions or officials publish statements via a platform which is privately owned and in a foreign country instead of publishing a news release on a server they control.
I recommend to write/talk to our official again and again and remind them. For instance with the question: I saw xy statement from you on X, is it fake or can you confirm ?
Thanks @EUCommission for regaining control
I was struck by all of these foreign leaders resorting to communicating via X, and the posts were shown in this article.
Find another platform, people!
European leaders unite behind Ukraine following Trump-Zelenskyy confrontation
Just hours after Ukraine's president and his US counterpart and vice president argued live on TV on Friday, European leaders voiced their full support for the eastern European country.Malek Fouda (Euronews.com)
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Tuckers Nuts Resist! 🇺🇦 and Beachbum reshared this.
tpfkaTwitter is not my big fear from the goofy super-villain.
half of Ukraine *was* relying on the Musk monopoly #Starlink for a while, lets hope they found back-up systems.
Truth is, it doesn't matter who's at the helm. Whoever sits at the top are ultimately colored by their world view, and as long as power is centralized like X it will be manipulated.
We need decentralization. We need #ActivityPub, #Nostr or #ATProtocol, whatever it takes to move the web away from those centralized solutions.
Not saying these things are perfect, but at least they are better than X.
Here is a paper by Christine Lemmer-Webber that explains the differences of architecture between ActivityPub and ATProto.
My understanding (as a "normie") is that #Bluesky needs a very powerful central relay to have a God's eye on all others, so that messages (which are duplicated rather than being transmitted) are delivered to their recipient.
Hope this helps!
Moved to https://mk.absturztau.be/@Linux likes this.
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elCelio 🇪🇺 🇺🇦 and Cecilia | MeraOrd 🏕 reshared this.
It would be good if Mastodon stop using US provider for hosting.
Moved to https://mk.absturztau.be/@Linux likes this.
reshared this
Adventurer She/Her and Moved to https://mk.absturztau.be/@Linux reshared this.
@ikuturso @jamie mastodon.au/@Linux/11408605716…
Mastodon has been using a USA hosting service for years.Do not believe be?
You can check yourself by entering their domain here whoishostingthis.com
#Mastodon #Fediverse #Fedi #ActivityPub
Everything You Need to Host Your Site | Whoishostingthis.com
Discover expert reviews of the best business tools at Whoishostingthis.com. From web hosting to e-commerce solutions, our trusted recommendations empower your online success.Whoishostingthis.com
well, you still didn't say what services you meant but I see after checking that I asked about are what you meant. Here's actually an article on Fastly's site talking about how they provide free hosting: fastly.com/customers/mastodon
I will say this doesn't make what @Gargron pointed out moot since it is still the case that Mastodon is more than just the servers run by Mastodon GmbH and the European Comission probably does not host their instance in the USA. Ofc you didn't claim that.
Fastly + Mastodon GmbH
Mastodon scales and protects social media app servers and reduces egress by 75%.www.fastly.com
I would think if he did it would be an instant banning of all his companies and hold all funds
Hugz & xXx
The European Commission is on Bluesky too: bsky.app/profile/ec.europa.eu, but hopefully they’ll be able to switch to their own PDS or one based in Europe one day…
#Bluesky #ATProtocol #Europe #EU
Why to stop Musk or anyone in speaking?
Because nobody is skilled to answer him? Realy?
Free speech is the diverence between a freedom or tyrany. Are whe for a tyrany or for freedom?
Humanity know for ages, even since the beginning, misleading speaches. Whe have Sects, Kings, KGB, Mosad, CIA, USAID, NSA and a million other organisations with the most important purpose of misinformation. Freedom survived with al of them. But when speech is forbidden everyone dieds.
when will be the time to leave?
Dom Arbuthnott reshared this.
that's going to be the point where world politics will hopefully no longer be played out on social media....
On the other hand: there is an expression in German "don't wake sleeping dogs", meaning: don't give them ideas they have maybe not yet had. @EUCommission
Kees Alders likes this.
Debbie Belair reshared this.
Kees Alders likes this.
Who Owns the Future of Social Media? A giant leap to decentralize core components of Bluesky's AT Protocol ecosystem
/PRNewswire/ -- Project Liberty and Free Our Feeds are taking a decisive step toward reshaping the digital landscape by securing the long-term decentralization...Cision PR Newswire
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-> @kopper@wetdry.world and Tamsyn Ulthara 🏳️⚧️⛧🎃🐈⬛ like this.
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Jason Lefkowitz, May Likes Toronto, D. Olifant, Chris-Evelyn, Mastodon Migration, Trending Bot, Dźwiedziu, El Duvelle, Ulrike Hahn, sotolf, Daniël Franke, Zendadaist, Bodil, Abie, db0, sknob, Tony Finch, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, Matt Hodgkinson, Silmathoron ⁂, joene 🏴🍉, Aral Balkan, Grutjes, Tiempo ♾️ 🇵🇸, amd, Debbie Goldsmith 🏳️⚧️🏳️🌈⧖, grutjes, Dusk To Don, Baldur Bjarnason, Chumchum Tumtum, jwz, the esoteric programmer, GhostOnTheHalfShell and sb arms & legs reshared this.
"You see, now it is on the blockchain"
reshared this
May Likes Toronto, Gurre Vildskägg, Donald Hobern, Mastodon Migration, spiegelmama, Rocketman and Chumchum Tumtum reshared this.
If I didn't actually care about p2p and just be a grifter it would be so easy to just become stupid rich in the dweb space
@jalefkowit @glyph
Just the name "Project Liberty" sets off an alarm.
I don't know if everyone on this thread is in the USA, but usually any group with the words "Freedom", "Liberty" or "Patriot" is a right-wing grift.
Nothing wrong with building a handy fire exit onto the blockchain.
Did you know it's decentralized? Ooooh! Maybe we'll get NFTs!
Glad you pointed that out. I was pretty bummed to see him shill for bsk AND this grift. I await an update.
Mastodon Migration reshared this.
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hamish campbell, Glyn Moody and CaveDave reshared this.
Let's solve the problem of the centralised expensive database by moving it to an even more expensive database!
let's keep it centralized without saying we're keeping it centralized, by making it prohibitive for it to be decentralized
"Gaan je gedachten vooral terug naar de mooie wandelingen die je ineens door de lege binnenstad kon maken, naar die ene keer dat je de avondklok wist te omzeilen of de creatieve manieren om de lockdowns en het afstand houden toch een beetje leuk te houden? Of heb je juist iets verdrietigs meegemaakt?"
'Iets verdrietigs.'
Dat dekt de lading totaal niet om je vader moeten zien sterven door covid. Te weinig tekens om duidelijk te maken hoe erg dit de lading niet dekt..
Het Parool wil weten: wat is jouw herinnering aan de coronapandemie?
Deze week is het precies vijf jaar geleden dat de eerste coronabesmetting in Nederland werd bevestigd. Het Parool is benieuwd: wat is jouw bijzonderste herinnering aan de pandemie?Het Parool (DPG Media)
grutjes likes this.
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Hans 🙋♂️, Martin v Oers 2☑️ and grutjes reshared this.
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DeepBlue V7.X, Tamsyn Ulthara 🏳️⚧️⛧🎃🐈⬛ and Hera like this.
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GhostOnTheHalfShell, Tiago Bugarin, Fragarach, Thibaultmol 🌈, Fou, Shannon Prickett, Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈, Vincent 🌻🇪🇺, AnnaAnthro, Captain Jack Sparrow, GunChleoc, Glyn Moody, Jordi (Flopsome Opossum), Trending Bot, Mr. Bill, Tuckers Nuts Resist! 🇺🇦 , Adrian Moule Aged 76½, K2, gentlegardener, Jesse, hex, Kevin Russell, Toni Aittoniemi, Mike 🇨🇦 NuanceRhymesWithOrange, your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦, Sally Strange, stux⚡, rail 🦊ΘΔ, Paul Cantrell, Dilman Dila, DeterioratedStucco, Cysio , Catarina, Cthulku, gispyskov, Mx. Eddie R, Douglas McMillan, John Francis 🦫🇨🇦🍁💪⬆️, Taggart, Jan-Theo Wassink, cyplo, Natasha Nox 🇺🇦🇵🇸, SpaceLifeForm, Roy #EatTheRich Pardee 🇺🇸, Lord Caramac the Clueless, KSC, Hubert Figuière, BrianKrebs, webhat, BedastGPT, Trendy Toots, preposterous rhys, Angelo Massaro, Confrontation Jacen, lj·rk, David Phd, CaveDave, Max, CatSalad🐈🥗 (D.Burch), benda, The 500 Hats of LambdaCalculus, Shrig 🐌, L'égrégore André ꕭꕬ, Rocketman, Tom (tired of the computer), LillyLyle/Count Melancholia, leberschnitzel, JW Prince of CPH, Radicalized, Jørn, Snow Jo ❄️ 💫, Dizzy 0069 Stiff Assed Crip, amd, Stellar 🇫🇷 ( era), Justin, Darren Nevares and 19 other people reshared this.
Plus it shows that you give a shit as a company.
There are so many companies on fedi that don't even come close to Proton's revenue and they're magically able to do it
Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈 reshared this.
@thibaultmol Proton did update their profile bio. When I checked, though, the update hadn't federated to my server, so I had to go to the origin page to see it.
Yes, actually making a post would definitely have been more honest. But it would also have given Fedi a single place to boost and post about that which they can turn notifications off on... so...
Well, they aggressively moderate on Reddit, to the point you'll rarely see a complaint.
Fediverse makes it too easy for voices to speak against the corporate line.
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your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 reshared this.
Which used to be the one of the best features of twitter. The amount of times I got proper help because I bitched at a corporate account there was quite high.
I know it's contentious, but I would love to have that experience here.
Celeste Ryder 🐾 🐀🏳️🌈 reshared this.
TC Won't Give In To Lies reshared this.
they got a lot of shit on bsky as well, but they're not leaving there for Some Reason
First Substack, now Proton. Someone needs to write an article about it. Call them out.
Michael, add the hashtag 😂
This just confirms I think, that Proton is on the road to enshittification.
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Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈 and Captain Jack Sparrow reshared this.
@manualdousuario it's the text in their bio !
I can't understand why they didn't put a pined post announcing their literal departure of the platform
"People on Mastodon keep being mean to our Fash CEO and his feelings are more important than our products"
Typical Tech Bros mentality, I guess the rot has set in at Proton, 'Swiss company' or not.
Ramin Honary likes this.
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your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦, stony kark and Justin reshared this.
Oh, I see Proton are touting some kind of 'Bitcoin Wallet' now so we know which way this shithouse is going......very disappointing and not what the customers asked for, but fuck us right?
We're just a resource to exploit, American style!
your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 reshared this.
Yeah once I saw that they have a crypto app I knew it was all over...🙄
@vmstan @protonprivacy
@Lazarou Yeah, I had a Proton account for several years and was *this close* to doing a big migration of 10+ years of Gmail to them, when the following happened in about a 6 month period:
- cryptocurrency integration. Ok, meh, don't like that sort of thing, but there's probably non-trivial overlap between "better privacy/security" people and cryptocurrency people so ... I can live with it. For now. Continue working out Gmail migration.
- "AI" doohickeys. Optional, and fairly restrained, but a classic entry point for enshittification. Put planned Gmail migration on hold.
- CEO kissing up to Trump, or at least thinking he can actually trust anything Trump says or does to mean anything: Start actively looking elsewhere for private email.
- CEO putting a disguised "88" in user name: oh hell no, this really is not someone I can trust. I don't care if they might have been born in 1988, they sure AF weren't born in 191011000, and they *really, really* wanted something that looks like a disguised "HH" in their user name...
Really? Oh boy. As a Proton visionary customer I am really getting annoyed by the recent 'news' created by Proton.
I am not on Reddit. I don't want to be on Reddit. If Proton forces me to use Reddit to be contact, this means I will need to reconsider my subscription.
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Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈 and your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 reshared this.
Under the circumstances, I feel it's important to be a stickler for correctness on this one. It's a popular saying for a reason, but much of the impact is lost when it's watered down like that, and it implies clumsiness as much as the spirit of "so GTFO, then."
The original form of this saying, as best I'm familiar with it, is "don't let the doorknob hit you in the ass on the way out."
Much more threatening 😀
it's not a post, it's just in their bio.
They didn't want to make a post about it because they didn't want people to realize they stopped caring about us probably
your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 reshared this.
: please edit your post to say that this is was posted several years ago and that Proton came back and is now actively posting on the Fediverse.
So, yeah, this is fake news.
EDIT: I was wrong, they recently did the same mistake as years ago.
@sams : wait, what ? They posted exactly that message years ago ! (circa 2022)
What are game are they playing?
your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 reshared this.
@v_raton @cadusilva I would suggest staying away from companies that provide "encrypted email". There's only one company that offers full encryption of everything (unlike Proton) which is Tuta. But you're locked into using their clients as they don't use PGP. You can decide whether you care about that.
I personally use Migadu. They're much smaller and require you to own a domain, but their support is excellent and their cheapest plan is very affordable.
Then again, almost any email provider is a step up from Proton.
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Sally Strange and DeterioratedStucco reshared this.
your auntifa liza 🇵🇷 🦛 🦦 reshared this.
Just today I wanted to subscribe to their email and vpn service, but now I won't.
Will check Tuta.
They made their choice a while ago and got the deserved backlash for it
Run little piggies, run @protonprivacy
The site who has AI training contracts with Google? No thanks.
What's important for you? Only encryption? A full suite of tools like Drive, Calendar, Pass etc? Support any business to compete with US-BigTech?
If everything you need is a simple e-mail, look for Tuta or Posteo.net. Tuta is the direct competitor of Proton.
I use Posteo and Proton. I keep a Gmail address for spam. I have nothing against Tuta, it's just that the other arrived first. 😀
I don't know any pro-privacy company that offers, today, a full suite with password manager and VPN as Proton does, only the classic suite (email/calendar/drive/office/etc).
For a classic suite, I'm sure there are many options, but I'll let what I know without thinking too much:
Murena.io from France:
Infomaniak from Switzerland:
You can create a free account to test their services before adopting it 😀
Murena's Workspace
Murena Workspace is your complete, fully deGoogled, online ecosystem!Murena - deGoogled phones and services
whether that‘s a small walled in-house AI assistant or a ChatGPT embed.
@christianschwaegerl @NicolasRinaudo @infomaniak_network @infomaniak @ma_marguerat
They say they use open source AI, depending on the task: (so not ChatGPT)
AI Tools - Integrate sovereign AI services for your applications
Enjoy the benefits of AI while preserving your company's intellectual property, security and data confidentiality by using AI managed 100% in Switzerland.www.infomaniak.com
@veroandi @NicolasRinaudo @infomaniak_network @infomaniak @ma_marguerat
so instead of too good to be true it's "good and true"? Any users here with experience? #infomaniak
I can kind of understand a company deciding Masto is too niche to be worth spending effort on. It's a weird choice for a company going after the customers Proton is going after, but still.
But putting all your chips on Reddit in 2025 is absolutely a tell
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Lazarou Monkey Terror 🚀💙🌈 and Simo Laitakari reshared this.
Proton Mail Says It’s “Politically Neutral” While Praising Republican Party
The “privacy-first” company surprised its user base when CEO Andy Yen lauded Trump on social media.Nikita Mazurov (The Intercept)
@ploum check my post:
as if it was not enough to do it once, they are actually making the same mistake twice
it is not even the first time #protonmail leaves #mastodon first time they moved to #twitter
reddit.com/r/ProtonMail/commen…and now they are leaving for #reddit
I tried them for a few hours. I don't know what was wrong, but the VPN was only giving me about 6mb/s when I have a 150mb/s connection.
Also, the app had a huge banner advertising Black Friday deals. I don't expect ads in the actual app itself!
Deleted account, got my refund.
I now use Mullvad.
SpaceLifeForm reshared this.
Social media manager copy and pasting a post is hard work.
Or you could just use an app that automates posts on all platforms.
I pay for a server and spun-up NextCloud for most of my needs, calendar, storage, sharing files with clients, and a document editor. For email I also use a separate server I pay $3/month for.
Crap! I *just* signed up with them this month (month to month fortunately) and had no idea about this. Anyone know any good alternatives? (Just none from the US, they're trying to start a trade war and possibly annex us so I spend as little as possible there)
@MissGayle @MyWoolyMastadon @jcrabapple
It’s nothing to do with that.
It’s to do with the massive backlash they got on Fedi for their CEO being all Trumpy and somewhat horrible right wing.
So they’ve run away because they were made to feel unwelcome on account of us not letting their BS fly.
Marijke Luttekes reshared this.
so a company that prides itself on freedom and privacy is giving up on the free social media network that costs nothing to post to, in favour of using a website that has consistently made decisions that harm its users lately?
Makes total sense...
Can't wait until we find out they have been lying about your privacy this whole time.
and Posteo (from Germany, for a fee) : posteo.de/en
EDIT : both work with ThunderBird
Email | Disroot.org
Disroot is a platform providing online services based on principles of freedom, privacy, federation and decentralization.disroot.org
Tuta doesn't have IMAP, I've become somewhat reliant on Thunderbird for a few reasons but can't use it with Tuta because they don't have IMAP. Does anyone know of a good alternative with IMAP?
Ericka Simone reshared this.
@christianschwaegerl @ErickaSimone
Not sure it does everything you need, but for email and calendar I have found Fastmail to be excellent for over 20 years.
They had some recent(ish) conflict with a union but I could not find a lot of information, nor could I find an alternative I liked, so I've stayed with them.
@sennoma @christianschwaegerl @ErickaSimone This list might have something useful on it: misskey.de/notes/a3rcto65dn
UPDATED = February 2, 2025List of service providers outside the United States jurisdiction. 😉
🤫 VPN =* iVPN, located in Gibraltar, Europe (UK territory)
* Mullvad VPN, located in Sweden, Europe
* Goose VPN, located in the Netherlands, Europe
* Xeovo VPN, located in Finland, Europe
🌐 Managed DNS =* AdGuard DNS, located in Cyprus, Europe
* ClouDNS, located in Bulgaria, Europe
* deSEC, located in Germany, Europe
🌐 Public DNS =* CIRA Canadian Shield, located in Canada, North America
* Mullvad DNS, located in Sweden, Europe
🔏 Privacy focused e-mail =* Tuta, located in Germany, Europe
* Soverin, located in the Netherlands, Europe
* Startmail, located in the Netherlands, Europe
* Mailfence, located in Belgium, Europe
🌍 Domain Registration / Web Hosting =* Scalewy, located in France, Europe
* OVH, located in France, Europe
* Jottam located in Norway, Europe
* Aruba, located in Italy, Europe
* Hosting Dot NL, located in the Netherlands, Europe
* Bahnhof, located in Sweden, Europe
* Glesys, located in Sweden, Europe
🌍 CDN =* OVH, located in France, Europe
* Key CDN, located in Switzerland, Europe
Naturally, making this list is not easy. These are two types of companies I avoided in making my list.1) Those who actually fall under US-jurisdiction because they are based or owned by a company in the USA.
More than often, I will stumble over a company that appears to be outside the USA, but later find they are owned by another corporation based inside the USA, and so they do fall under US-jurisdiction.
2) Those who voluntarily give up their sovereignty to the United States. The 2nd type, who voluntarily gives up their sovereignty in the way of US jurisdiction, have whole sections of their terms concerning US Laws and US based customers. If a fascist government says jump, these people will ask, how high?!
I encourage people to scrutinize my list. The old saying, "trust, but verify", is something I believe in.
#Vpn #Dns #Cdn #Email #WebHosting #RuleOfLaw #Justice #FreedomOfSpeech #Project2025 #Facism #Nazis
AdGuard DNS — ad-blocking DNS server
Create your ad-blocking DNS server that will protect your personal data, prevent tracking and allow you to control access to specific content on the Internet.AdGuard DNS — ad-blocking DNS server
Bill Hooker reshared this.
Kort internationaal AI nieuws.
- OpenAI heeft aangekondigd dat het een flink aantal veiligheidsmaatregelen uit ChatGPT wil slopen om de coup in de VS te steunen. Voortaan wordt genocidale en extreemrechtse taal omarmd als even waardevol als het tegendeel.
- Uit onderzoek van de BBC blijkt dat AI chatbots niet in staat zijn om accurate samenvattingen te maken van nieuws. In het onderzoeksrapport staat dat de chatbots niet alleen feitelijke onjuistheden bevatten, maar ook "moeite hadden om onderscheid te maken tussen mening en feit, redactionele opmerkingen maakten en vaak essentiële context over het hoofd zagen".
- Slechts drie dagen later kondigde The Guardian aan dat ze een deal met OpenAI hebben gesloten. OpenAI mag alle teksten van The Guardian gebruiken om haar AI mee te trainen, zelfs al hebben journalisten, columnisten, brieven- en opinieschrijvers daar helemaal geen toestemming voor gegeven.
The Guardian geeft haar imago van kwaliteitskrant volledig op, nu ze ChatGPT in gaat zetten om artikelen te schrijven, "nieuwe producten te ontwikkelen" en ongetwijfeld vele journalisten gaat ontslaan.
Het regent opzeggingen.
- Labour, de Britse partij die ooit sociaaldemocratisch was maar die onder Keir Starmer een soort mix van racisme en neoliberalisme omarmt, heeft een wetsvoorstel gelanceerd om het copyright op te heffen voor AI. AI bots mogen zichzelf dan trainen op alle muziek, tekst en andere data die eigenlijk onder copyright vallen, ook zonder toestemming van de makers.
Het voorstel wordt uiteraard verkocht alsof het juist goed zou zijn voor artiesten en tekstschrijvers, maar vrijwel niemand trapt daar in. Creatieven zouden per case bezwaar mogen maken, maar dan moeten ze zelf elk gebruik van hun materiaal opsporen en één voor één naar al die bedrijven stappen, wat natuurlijk onmogelijk is.
Een grote groep celebrities (Kate Bush, Elton John, Hans Zimmer, Annie Lennox, Billy Ocean, Tori Amos ea) heeft uit protest een album uitgebracht waarop je alleen het geluid van lege studio's hoort.
- The Guardian heeft blijkbaar veel last van alle opzeggingen, en dus verscheen er vandaag een redactioneel waarin ze zich grote zorgen maken over de macht van AI en de rechtse Techbro's. Ze verklaren zich solidair met Kate Bush & co, en vinden dat copyright verdedigd moet worden. Lachwekkend, want de deal met OpenAI zet The Guardian gewoon door: iedereen copyright behalve iedereen die voor de Guardian schrijft.
- Niet helemaal AI nieuws, maar er sterk aan verwant:
Datzelfde rottige Labour eist van Apple dat er een achterdeur in wordt gebouwd in hun beveiliging. Zowel Apple als overheden kunnen dan voortaan op iCloud meekijken in bestanden. Omdat Apple graag haar naam hooghoudt weigerde ze dat tot nu toe, maar nu heeft Apple plotseling de beslissing genomen om end-to-end encryptie voor iCloud (die ze ADP, Advanced Data Protection noemen) dan maar helemaal te verwijderen voor de Britten.
Apple blijft dus weigeren om een achterdeurtje in te bouwen, maar haalt in plaats daarvan eigenlijk de voordeur en de muren weg. Om te beginnen voor nieuwe gebruikers, later moeten ook oude accounts er aan geloven.
Volgens Amnesty is dit het gevolg van een bevel van de Britten. Apple voldoet echter nog niet helemaal aan dit bevel, want Starmer eist dat Apple de end to end encryptie voor iedereen in de hele wereld verwijdert (!)
Het is vrij bizar dat Apple nu half aan het bevel gehoor geeft. Ze zijn nu volgens de Britten nog steeds illegaal bezig. Rechtszaken zijn dus sowieso te verwachten. Was dan all the way gegaan... maar ja, aangezien ook Apple zich solidair met Trump heeft verklaard hoeven we niets meer van ze te verwachten.
Andere aanbieders bieden nog steeds wel end to end encryptie aan. Maar nu de belangrijkste speler om is, zal het voor hen veel moeilijker worden om te volharden. Signal heeft al laten weten dat ze in dat geval stoppen met hun dienst aan te bieden.
Dit is een enorm verreikende beslissing van Apple, met wereldwijde gevolgen. Het betekent dat Starmer mee kan kijken in alle versleutelde bestanden die je op Apple host of gebruikt, tijdens het uploaden. En vanwege de al lang bestaande deals tussen de UK en USA, kijkt Trump dan ook mee.
We mogen dit gerust als een enorme ramp zien, want dat is het. Encryptie die pas in de cloud gebeurt is zo goed als waardeloos: ook terwijl bestanden van je telefoon of laptop naar de cloud reizen moeten ze versleuteld zijn. Dit wordt nu in de UK opgeheven, maar met wereldwijde effecten: andere overheden zullen nu hun kans ruiken.
- Toch ook nog een klein beetje goed nieuws, verrassend genoeg uit de VS: De Copyright Office heeft daar besloten dat pure generatieve AI geen copyright kan hebben. Helaas kunnen menselijke werken met AI elementen dat wel hebben, en waar de grens ligt is onduidelijk. Maar een hitje of kunstwerk laten maken door AI, puur gebaseerd op tekst-prompts, dat is in elk geval niet meer beschermd.
Ook dit besluit heeft redelijk grote gevolgen: de VS is op dit moment de belangrijkste markt voor AI, en lamtakken die nog te beroerd zijn om zelf energie in hun 'kunst' te steken, kunnen nu in elk geval geen geld meer verdienen aan hun diefstal.
- edit: tekst van punt 6 aangepast en uitgebreid na terechte kritiek.
Links naar bronnen:
1 - techcrunch.com/2025/02/16/open…
2 - bbc.com/news/articles/c0m17d88…
3 - theguardian.com/gnm-press-offi…
4 - nos.nl/artikel/2557241-muzikan…
5 - theguardian.com/commentisfree/…
6 - bbc.com/news/articles/cgj54eq4…
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Rindert, Conne, Els ten Napel, Grad, Wouter de Moor, astolk, Jan Mulder, markus, teacher_rick 🇪🇺, eef grob, Mx. Alba, Hans-Cees 🌳🌳🤢🦋🐈🐈🍋🍋🐝🐜, Ruud Steltenpool, Grutjes and Aline Dassel reshared this.
@Dagtwitter Apple een deal gesloten met de UK overheid? Die link zegt niks over een deal, maar juist over dat Apple ADP maar afschaft voor UK gebruikers, waarschijnlijk omdat ze geen backdoor voor de UK willen (en ook technisch niet kunnen!) bieden.
Dat de UK een backdoor geeist heeft mag Apple overigens wettelijk ook helemaal niet wereldkundig maken, dus de communicatie rond dit onderwerp ziet er altijd wat vreemd uit.
“The world map will not change if all the people of Gaza cease to exist.”
– Israel to Palestinians, in leaflets dropped on Gaza threatening them to leave their homeland or die
No, no, please, tell me again how this is not genocide.
#Gaza #WestBank #Palestine #Israel #USA #fascism #genocide #ethnicCleansing #warCrimes #apartheid
Israel drops leaflets threatening Gazans to 'leave or die'
Israel has been accused of admitting Gaza ethnic cleansing and launching a psychological warfare tactics on Palestinians.The New Arab Staff (The new Arab)
Ramin Honary likes this.
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Ramin Honary, grutjes, HeavenlyPossum, Hella De Boo Bird-Artist, Eric Lawton, Sorry, not sorry I’m Canadian 🇨🇦, Toni Aittoniemi, stony kark, gentlegardener, JeniParsons, Bass #AlleBurgers #EcoHumanist, Wokebloke for Democracy, D☆☆n, Epistatacadam, Grutjes, waspfactory, LillyLyle/Count Melancholia, LAUREN, 🇳🇿 💉*8 Roger, Dendan Setia (Nins), Martin v Oers 2☑️, joene 🏴🍉, Libby and Jasper 🍉 reshared this.
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L'égrégore André ꕭꕬ and grutjes reshared this.
Of course the point of Solnit is that resistance is not spontaneously "popping up like mushrooms", but the fruit of the mycelium of years of organising.
Which doesn't mean that you need years before doing anything, but it does mean you need to start organising NOW if you didn't already.
Find people, at least one. Or even better: join an existing organisation.
Then do something.
Just a little thing. Call a representative, and ask them to put up a fight. Or print a poster of a burning swasticar and hang it in the street. Or collect clothing and food for the people who need it most. Or ask an activist or an organisation you like, what they need most.
You don't have to invent the wheel. You can be a little brick. We don't need heroes, we need to organise. And we need many people who take a little step, and another one, and another one, until the mushrooms bloom.
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Michael / Chgowiz, tinus and Melissa Halley like this.
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Grutjes, Grymt, astolk, Harco Rutgers, Frieke, Michael / Chgowiz, Michael / Chgowiz 🎲🎲 and grutjes reshared this.
Ik hou mijn hart vast voor de Duitse verkiezingen.
Als je de meeste Nederlandse media moet geloven gaat de strijd tussen radicaal-rechts (AfD) en het centrum (CDU). Ze zijn daarnaast ook niet te beroerd om Sahra Wagenknecht (BSW) "populistisch links" te noemen.
Bullshit. AfD is zelfs volgens de veiligheidsdiensten grotendeels extreemrechts, noem dat dan ook zo. Merz (CDU) is een mini-Trump, en Wagenknecht is helemaal niet links maar zo racistisch als de neten. Ze is niet voor niks snel uit Die Linke vertrokken voordat ze eruit gemieterd zou worden.
Hoop is er: van de honderdduizenden mensen die steeds weer tegen de verrechtsing demonstreren. Maar nauwelijks vanuit de politiek.
De aanslagen die zo vlak voor de verkiezingen om de haverklap gepleegd worden, zullen helaas grote invloed hebben. Dat gold zelfs voor de eerste aanslag in de rij, die nota bene niet werd gepleegd door een islamist maar door een extreemrechtse terrorist met banden met de AfD. Omdat hij niet wit was, leidde het toch evengoed tot meer steun voor de AfD. Gekmakend.
Wat moeten we van die andere aanslagen denken, die wel door islamisten werden gepleegd?
Ik ben niet van de samenzweringstheorieën.
Toch ben ik verbijsterd dat media hier doen alsof het allemaal maar toeval is. Gewoon, je bent van de IS en je denkt: 'wanneer zal ik eens iemand gaan vermoorden', en dan denk je puur toevallig allemaal: 'weet je wat, laat ik dat vlak voor de verkiezingen doen want daar wordt de islam vast sterker van'.
Nope, beste mensen. Terroristen mogen dan afgrijselijke dingen doen, dat wil niet zeggen dat ze gek zijn.
Of er werkelijk een samenzwering is weet ik niet. Dat is ook niet per sé nodig: ook zonder geheime ontmoetingen van schimmige figuren in achterkamertjes, kunnen klootzakken beseffen dat ze gedeelde belangen hebben. En klootzakken zijn er genoeg. Take your pick, alleen al uit Poetin, Musk, Trump, AfD en IS.
Wat is dan dat gedeelde belang?
IS en extreemrechts hebben elkaar nodig. Ze leven van hun vijandsbeeld.
Sterker nog, in feite zíjn ze allebei extreemrechts.
Tegen vrouwenrechten, tegen trans, tegen minderheden, tegen homo's, tegen zieken, tegen menselijke waardigheid, tegen vrijheid van meningsuiting (ondanks dat ze het omgekeerde beweren), tegen milieu, tegen vernieuwing, tegen democratie, tegen vrijheid, tegen gelijkheid, tegen solidariteit.
Vóór extreme machtsverschillen, vóór geweld, vóór het recht van de sterkste, vóór het verafgoden van de grote nieuwe Führer (hoi Musk), voor de totale uitbuiting van de massa's in een hyperkapitalistische wereld, voor gewetenloosheid.
En ze hebben ook een zeer vergelijkbare methodiek: beiden willen zoveel mogelijk zo extreem mogelijke crises scheppen, en daar dan een zondebok de schuld van geven. Want ze weten dat onzekere mensen vaker voor autoritaire ideologieën en 'sterke mannen' kiezen.
Dat werkt helaas zeer goed. Zeker in een omgeving waarin vrijwel niemand hen echt tegenwicht biedt, en velen hen naar de mond praten, hun ideeën normaliseren en overnemen "om rechts de wind uit de zeilen te nemen"- met het omgekeerde effect.
En dus hou ik mijn hart vast.
Wat moeten wij dan doen?
NIET COLLABOREREN. Elke medewerking weigeren. Altijd.
(afbeelding: Studiovanorigine voor Grutjes in 2016)
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tinus, Melissa Halley and Kees Alders like this.
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Grutjes and Marja de Jong reshared this.
Overigens doen 'wij' vooral goed aan behalve niet meewerken aan hun narigheid het tegenovergestelde ervan opbouwen en onderhouden, toch? 😉
Patrick Lam
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Mark McCaughrean
in reply to Patrick Lam • • •@va2lam I made a conscious effort not to go there after 2016, despite my normal schedule including up to six trips a year to the US.
On an occasion when I did go, I took a fully clean laptop & phone, & loaded everything from the cloud after I was in my hotel. I needed one password to access the account & that was separated on two pieces of paper, one in my shoe.
It feels absurd to think I thought that was necessary. But here we are again …
reshared this
Eye, gwendolenau and Shephallmassive reshared this.
Patrick Lam
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •yeah, I was at a conference in Beijing a few years ago and someone who was rotating at DARPA did similar things. But these days it's the US that is actually the danger.
I did go to a conference in the US last October because my Iranian student couldn't get a visa. But in the future I'm definitely planning to de-prioritize US conferences.
Mark McCaughrean
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •FWIW, the article suggests that the date this French scientist was refused entry was just before the annual Lunar & Planetary Sciences Conference in Houston, a key meeting for folk in those fields.
Will be interesting to see if further information emerges.
Dr. Eric J. Fielding, PhD
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •See also this Le Monde article (I don't read much French myself).
Etats-Unis : un chercheur français refoulé pour avoir exprimé « une opinion personnelle sur la politique menée par l’administration Trump »
Le Monde avec AFP (Le Monde)reshared this
Shephallmassive and Madeleine Morris reshared this.
Madeleine Morris
in reply to Dr. Eric J. Fielding, PhD • • •I strongly encourage people to click on the news article and then use a translation. Because the positioning of the French ministry for research is eye-opening.
Mark McCaughrean
in reply to Madeleine Morris • • •@Remittancegirl @EricFielding Good spot – there’s a button on the article itself which gives an English language version, which is most welcome.
I had read it in French last night and again in English now – I’m curious which particular aspect of the French ministry response caught your eye?
(It’s possible that I know the researcher in question and they work in space science, the article says.)
Madeleine Morris
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •I guess a sense of clear-eyedness. No obfuscation on that perhaps this was a mistake, etc.
Mark McCaughrean
in reply to Madeleine Morris • • •@Remittancegirl @EricFielding Indeed. It’s a complete abnegation of democracy to punish someone for having a negative opinion on an elected politician, whether foreign or not.
But the aim is clear here – to use arbitrary & excessive power to signal that dissent will not be tolerated, whether from foreigners or citizens. And there will be many in the relevant authorities who will enjoy wielding that power.
Classic authoritarian state rule. The US is sliding away before our eyes.
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noplasticshower, Madeleine Morris, Captain Jack Sparrow and Kernou reshared this.
in reply to Madeleine Morris • • •French researcher denied entry to US for 'expressing personal opinion' on Trump policies
Le Monde with AFP (Le Monde)reshared this
Madeleine Morris and Charlie the Anti-Fascist Dog reshared this.
fascism is treif
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Mark McCaughrean
in reply to fascism is treif • • •Louis Ingenthron
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Speaking as an American in America: You absolutely do not want to be here right now.
Please apply economic sanctions on us before you have to start sending bombs and tanks.
Mark McCaughrean
in reply to Louis Ingenthron • • •@louis You have my deepest sympathy & concern – it seems to be even worse than the most extreme predictions & it feels certain that a lot of lives are being ruined.
I’ve lived five years in the US, visited more than a hundred times, & have been married to an American – I know that there are many good people there who absolutely don’t want this insanity.
Stay safe.
Shephallmassive reshared this.
in reply to Louis Ingenthron • • •We don't want any of what's going on and are doing what we can, but any help from the outside is much appreciated.
Pteryx the Puzzle Secretary
in reply to demofox • • •Thirding. It seems to be a common foreign misconception that the US's general public is in a position to violently overthrow the Federal government at a moment's notice. We're not, for several reasons.
Mark McCaughrean
in reply to Pteryx the Puzzle Secretary • • •Pteryx the Puzzle Secretary
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Yeah, the military strikes me as a major wild card in all this. I don't feel like I can predict what they'll do either way (unlike police, whom I can pretty confidently say will fall on the fascist side).
Will the military back Trump out of fear and/or misplaced loyalty? Will they overthrow him in a military coup? Will they fragment between those two goals and descend into infighting, and if so what will the balance of power between the sides be?
in reply to Pteryx the Puzzle Secretary • • •Derick Rethans
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •It's a tricky one. I currently have a conference in May in Chicago.
I know the "phone can be taken and searched" has been going on since 2001 really, but never thought "this could be me".
Now with this, and the more horrific cases with a Canadian, two Germans, and a Brit being thrown into ICE detention…
I like the folks that organise the conference, and know many of the other speakers, but is it now worth the risk? I don't know 😕
Certainly not going to plan to future ones.
in reply to Derick Rethans • • •eff.org/document/eff-border-se… (circling here on masto)
EFF Border Search Pocket Guide
Electronic Frontier Foundationreshared this
Erik Jonker and Shephallmassive reshared this.
Derick Rethans
in reply to Frieke • • •Yvonne ‘looks undocumented’
in reply to Derick Rethans • • •@derickr speaking as a non-scientist American (though I’ve got two scientists in the family), I urge you to boycott all things American.
It needs to sink in to the public at large that the US is dangerous (lots still in denial), and one of the best ways to do that is to stop spending money here. Don’t book those flights and hotels for the conference, don’t eat in our restaurants, and get around town via transit or taxi.
Conferences are big business—close them all down.
Mark McCaughrean
in reply to Yvonne ‘looks undocumented’ • • •Derick Rethans
in reply to Yvonne ‘looks undocumented’ • • •@grammasaurus This is not a big business conference, but a community one run on a shoestring budget. Flights are all booked (non US airline), and hotel too.
I don't want to be flaky with the people who organise it, nor miss a chance to see many friends, who honestly could do with some support.
But I might change my mind if it gets worse, and have been talking to the organisers about that too.
Beyond that, I'm definitely moving away from US (tech) providers.
Yvonne ‘looks undocumented’
in reply to Derick Rethans • • •@derickr The chance to see friends is important! and all anyone can do is make choices based on the best info they have at any moment.
I hope the US won’t be in crisis for too long, but know that many of us support whatever decisions you make that keep you safe.
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •My eyes were opened on this about 10 years ago when a customer of mine acknowledged that their corporate laptops had embedded self-destruct software in case they "fell into the wrong hands."
Those laptops were only intended to be used on trips to their US customers.
I've lost count of the number of times I've visited the US, including multiple times in the same week (just mad!), but I can't see me willingly going again...
Sensitivityi reshared this.
🇺🇦 haxadecimal
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •I am utterly ashamed of the things my country is doing
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Orm Alephwyr ΘΔ
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Nicole Parsons
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Don't overlook the profit motive and public corruption behind these immigration crackdowns & extra travel visa scrutiny.
Trump's administration is doing all it can to prolong detention time because it sends money from the detainees into the system.
Detainees are pressured into posting bail, hiring a US lawyer, working for free, signing over assets, or otherwise "feeding the beast" in order to regain their freedom.
Nicole Parsons
in reply to Nicole Parsons • • •2/2
Trump is directing business away from certain law firms and towards favored legal representation.
The Nazis did the same to people fleeing their dictatorship too.
Baron Rothschild paid $21 million as his ransom to the Nazis.
Carpetbagging has a long tradition in the USA.
Germany: value of assets taken from Jewish emigrants 1933-1937 | Statista
StatistaBarry C
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Veada
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Eye
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Trisha Lynn 🇵🇭 🇺🇸 🇨🇦
in reply to Eye • • •Djembro, RO, supports 🇺🇦🇬🇪
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Dr Andrew A. Adams #FBPE 🔶
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •I had already decided not to visit the US for the foreseeable future, pretty much immediately after the election.
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Bart Veldhuizen 🚀
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •"perhaps worse in the future": this future is already here:
(These are not scientists, but still). I had some business travel to the US come up, showed these to my manager and told him I feel that would be unsafe. I always loved visiting the US and this makes me sad indeed.
mastodon.socialTill Sawala
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •I've asked myself that question - and when Trump was elected the first time, I decided I wouldn't attend conferences in a country that had just issued a blanket ban on any colleagues from Muslim majority countries.
This time, however, Trump is launching an attack on US science itself, so I think it would be wrong not to go. As a white European, my personal risk is objectively very low (though I will certainly not carry data or access to data that could put others at risk).
Till Sawala
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Paul Sutton
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Simpike
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Colas Hennion
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •GJ Groothedde 🇪🇺
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Alerta! Alerta!
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •The moment the election results got in I canceled all my CfP submissions to US conferences...
It hurt. But I can't make it. And would I have not done it, now would probably be the time where I'd cancel possible gigs. If I can't be certain that I don't end up in some slave-labour camp, I'm out!
Talia Hussain
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Mark McCaughrean
in reply to Talia Hussain • • •@Talia Indeed. I felt the same during the first Tangerine Tyrant era – admittedly, I went for work still, but wouldn’t countenance any holiday there. In particular, we had hoped to go & see the 2017 total solar eclipse, but that got struck immediately.
But this time it’s far worse & I’d be hard pressed to agree to travel there now for any reason.
Talia Hussain
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •yuhasz01
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Mark McCaughrean
in reply to yuhasz01 • • •yuhasz01
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •I agree. All the COVID era online scientific and biomedical conferences were of widely variable quality.
An unfortunate situation with US science climate being so negative and inhospitable for visitors.
Klaus Stein
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Searching digital devices started with 9/11 (aka DHS), so at this point I decided to avoid going to the US.
But what I see now is by magnitudes worse.
Grassroots Joe
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Jennifer
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Ulli
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •It is always wise to use „Travelequipment“ for the Entry into the USA, instead of traveling with you All-Day Electronics…!
Mark McCaughrean
in reply to Ulli • • •@Ulli I know it does & there have been times in the past, notably during the Tangerine Tyrant’s last term, that I only carried scrubbed laptops & phones on trips.
The point is how often it is enacted, with what tolerance levels, & with what intent. And that has clearly changed, making it far more risky / dangerous for foreigners with opinions to travel to the US than it was two months ago. And arguably travelling tacitly legitimises the regime even if you carry clean electronics.
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •That amount hasn’t changed during the last months.
What changed was the coverage of single cases by news outlets and in the social media.
And it is always the same, the CBP-Officer has the last word about your entry into the US.
If he don’t like you, you are going back, that also hasn’t changed for the last 40yrs I observe it as a traveler and pilot.
Mark McCaughrean
in reply to Ulli • • •@Ulli Thanks for putting some numbers on that for us – do you know what fraction of the total number of passengers that is?
And I know that US immigration officials have always had this power – I used to live there, had a Green Card, & have had some very interesting experiences with them over the years. I also spoke at one point with the most senior lawyer at the INS about the rules & they essentially said "it's entirely at the discretion of the officer you talk to on the day."
Mark McCaughrean
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •@Ulli That said, I think it's perfectly likely that the current government is going to weaponise that power, & I struggle to believe that turning back a scientist for having messages on his phone disapproving of the research funding policies has always been a reason for rejection.
So we also need to be careful not to shrug & say "business as usual", as it's clear that this is not a US government as usual.
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •But we have to concentrate on the cases related with the 🤡 in the WH!
If we concentrate on the „loudest cases“, but miss the real ones by that, we fall into the traps set by right-wing-media!
We had a large news coverage about our ministry of foreign affairs changing a sentence within the travel informations regarding the US, but there were no coverage of the Gytmo-Camps, or the illegal deportations of the Venezuelans, in Germany…
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Mark McCaughrean
in reply to Ulli • • •Ulli
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •IATA is naming the number on „less than 1%“, but the Airlines doing a lot in front of the flight to make sure that only Passengers arrive, with a good chance for admission, as there are fines for every INAD for the Airline.
Understanding the Issue of Inadmissible Passengers (INADs) and Their Impact on Travel
www.iata.org…might work for coffee…
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •We had issues with VISA for German researchers 9 years ago. They were Turkish Nationals postdpocs at our department. Visa procedure took simply too long so they could not attend
We had to sent a US or Canadian on short notice to present
So this is not so new. (And we do not need to speak about other nations who always had this issues)
This just never made news
New is, the US based researchers have to fear reentry is denied. So either we go hybrid, or we write off US Research.
Mark McCaughrean
in reply to …might work for coffee… • • •…might work for coffee…
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •I am totally with you.
It is something we should be ashamed to not have tackled as academia before. Even EU conferences are a problem for many.
So the second best time to work on this is now.
The question is how do we proceed with US-Based researchers. Many foreign young PhD candidates think they got the chance of their life to be there.
Mark McCaughrean
Unknown parent • • •Andrew Elwell
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •David Mitchell
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Doug Baker
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •#ElbowsUp #Canada
Fluffgar 🏴 reshared this.
John Gordon
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •NoBorg
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Better use your brain in Europe, we'll need them.
Arne Mertz
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Hendrik Boom
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Dom
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Now you see that the First Amendment is just a lame excuse for dumb people to cowardly attack everyone else and the Second Amendment is brandished for personal egoistic reasons but never used when it is needed.
In a nutshell, more often than not, Americans invoking the Constitution couldn't care less about it.
Pteryx the Puzzle Secretary
in reply to Dom • • •What's scary is that it's become clear that a lot of rank-and-file right-wing citizens see the Constitution the same way they see the Bible: an infallible divine document that is nonetheless not for *their* lowly eyes to read, but for the "priesthood" to interpret for them in ways that point towards cruelty and hate.
Kit Bashir
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •bigjsl
in reply to Kit Bashir • • •Mark McCaughrean
in reply to bigjsl • • •ProScience
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •I would go even further: Every foreign affairs ministry in every semi-functional democracies should issue travel warnings for the general public.
And those who go regardless must know they're on their own, with very few exceptions.
Wer den Fels
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Omar Antolín
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Oh, I've already cancelled trips to the US out of fear. I wrote this post over two weeks ago: mathstodon.xyz/@oantolin/11409…
Omar Antolín
2025-03-03 00:43:57
Mark McCaughrean
in reply to Omar Antolín • • •@oantolin I fully agree with your decision. I have many very good friends & colleagues in the US who are concerned & scared about the rapid dismantling any remaining semblance of democracy in their country & they have my sympathy.
My fear though as the catastrophe of climate change continues to increase, is that totalitarianism will take a deeper hold across the world, as populists & demagogues exploit the fear & denialism. The world is at a dangerous tipping point in many ways.
in reply to Mark McCaughrean • • •Good bye America’s soft power.
I hope Canada takes the place for scientific conferences.