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No amount of complicity is going to save you from fascism, so you might as well fight.
in reply to evacide

I really don’t think there’s anything left to do
in reply to Ashley

@ashley not true! We need to pressure all the Senators who are on the fence about cloture, before they vote on it. Schumer deserves a bunch of faxes, too. @heidilifeldman just posted his fax numbers along with some free fax services:…

Want to reach Schumer quickly, old-school method? You can try his fax numbers:
Buffalo office 716-846-4113
DC office 202-228-3027 1/

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in reply to evacide

It sure appears that whenever there's an oppression of people, there are always members of the oppressed who will cooperate with the oppressors. Vidkun Quisling comes right to mind. But you can look at any oppression, African slavery for example, and see the same thing.

daryl reshared this.

in reply to evacide

The only thing white people have to do to save themselves is throw an Elon salute to be accepted back into the fold. Don't trust us to have your back as we'll like put a knife in it.

daryl reshared this.

in reply to evacide…
in reply to evacide

Exactly. I know it means I could go to jail, but jail sounds a whole lot better than compliance right now.…

Powerful men often funnel money via their wives. In 2001, the wife of the Saudi Ambassador to Washington - who would become head of Saudi intelligence, and was close friend of both George W. Bush, President of the United States, and George Tenet, head of the CIA - was Princess Haifa. Haifa sent thousands of dollars a month to Majeda Dweikat, wife of Osama Basnan, and Manal Bajadr, wife of Omar al-Bayoumi. These two men materially assisted 9/11 hijackers, Khalid al-Midhar and Nawaf al-Hazmi.


in reply to evacide

Never, ever let the bastards win. It is said that all it takes for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing. Well, when good women fight back, good will triumph in the end. We aren't cowards. We are the ones who can endure pain with open eyes and laugh in their faces. They are terrified of us because we gave them life and they cannot repay us. We are stronger. We are wiser. We will rise.
in reply to evacide

Call your democratic senators tonight. Leave a message. Vote NO on cloture!
in reply to evacide


I wonder if the "let's rape the earth now for a quick profit" capitalist mindset is part of the same mentality is the same as the "as long as it's not me" approach to fascism? Both are focusing on the near future to the detriment of the (not all that) distant future..

in reply to evacide

Entirely a gut-feeling based on people I speak to regularly, so take it for what it's worth: I suspect a surprising number of non-terminally-online people are keeping their heads down waiting for the right moment, but aren't sure where and how to begin. As an example, I point to the huge numbers mobilized during the George Floyd protests. I suspect almost anyone who marched then is prepared to do at least *something* to stand up to Trump & Co.
in reply to The Great Llama

Yeah, the problem is not apathy. People care. The problem is a (perceived) lack of agency. People don't believe they can influence things, and/or don't know how to. Activism is a positive feedback though.

Once you get the feeling that it's possible to make change, it becomes hard to lose it.

in reply to The Great Llama

If the majority did not yet join a protest after all that has already happened, you might be right that the right spark to get all the intellectually challenged into action hasn't yet occured. Do you think that spark should be created by playing dirty, like a racist group did when George Floyd was killed? Just like the hijacking of the video of his murder resulted in more racism but with a shifted power dynamic, the current kind of fascism might be scared off by rallying up the masses with a lie, but surely that lie won't bring about the kind of change that is most desirable.
Maybe it's just too early to spur on the majority to protest. After all, it was only a short while ago that most voters chose Donald T. as their leader. Letting go of a belief is difficult for humans, likely even if it is as stupid as believing Donald T. will eventually change their lives fot the better.
in reply to evacide

I remain astonished by the amount of money Republican billionaires spent on buying a fascist takeover of the USA and the decades-long backsliding of democracy.………

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in reply to Nicole Parsons

I remain astonished at the money and power billionaires expect to reap from spending billions to pay for a Fascist takeover of the USA.
in reply to evacide

If Democrat senators actually go along with this, they've just ensured that the Dem Party loses the midterms and possibly the next general election.

Even if there's some kind of legitimate aspect to this, and even if Schumer has absolutely 0% appeasement in his head, he's helping to sign the party's death warrant.

in reply to evacide

I used the backinf from the back of a pad of paper and did mine: Tiny Hands/Big Delutions and then in small print all over the back ground wrote, lies, grift and cheats. In tiny print I wrote "smells bad"

I am so petty but for $0.73 it's a bargain. I might do another one today.

in reply to evacide

@dymaxion yeah .. call me an idiot, but I'm still in the process of figuring out why this whole thing has suddenly become fascism.