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En el artículo ese que está rondando sobre una turista alemana a la que han encerrado durante días en un centro de detención en USA, se hace mucho hincapié en que era turista con todos los papeles en regla y en lo horrible que es que la tuvieran en una celda incomunicada, cuando solo era turista. Como si eso fuera lo malo. A ver, aunque hubiera sido inmigrante ilegal, encerrar a una persona en una celda de aislamiento durante 9 días es una aberración
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in reply to Libros Prestados

Yo creo que muchas lo estamos poniendo como ejemplo de que si están haciendo eso a turistas alemanas, imagina a personas sin papeles... Aunque imagino que habrá gente pensando y poniendo de todo 😅
in reply to sara gil casanova

@sagilca no lo digo por la gente que lo retutea, sino que el mismo artículo existe porque era turista, cuando esto (o peor) es lo normal con las personas migrantes pobres que cruzan la frontera. Es que lo otro está tan normalizado que casi no interesa a la prensa

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Freed Palestinian surgeon Dr. Khaled Al-Ser from Nasser Hospital recounts his experience in Israeli torture camps. He describes severe beatings, sexual violence against detainees, and the use of electric shocks and pepper spray in Sde Teiman. Arrested solely for being a surgeon, he was held for months without trial, subjected to a staged video call where he was falsely charged as a "terrorist." After enduring months of abuse and imprisonment, he was finally released and immediately returned to work at Nasser Hospital.

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Joke, lewd

Never forget that, in the end, we are all* just walking creampies...

*Except in Vitro, they are walking delayed cumshots

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“The BBC has announced that it has ‘no plans’ to restore to its iPlayer platform the documentary on the struggle faced by Gaza’s children under Israel’s genocide that it deleted last week under pressure from the Israeli embassy and UK Israel lobby.” – Skwawkbox

Watch it here. Share it far and wide.

#Gaza #Palestine #Israel #genocide #ethnicCleansing #apartheid #warCrimes #BBC #UK #censorship #lobbying

in reply to Aral Balkan

Not without some reason: They were deceived by an independent production contractor who did not disclose that the child who is the focus of the story has family ties to a minor Hamas minister. Producing the program isn't actually a crime, but just it existing threatens the BBC's reputation.

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#FreeOurFeeds #SiliconValley #Bluesky #blockchain #bullshit

Everyone who distrusted Free Our Feeds was 100% right but in a more hilarious way than anyone anticipated: what if we take the bluesky firehose.... and put it on a blockchain…

in reply to Aral Balkan

In contrast, look at what happened to Red Lobster. Ostensibly they were underutilizing valuable property by not generating all the profit that you could/should from that property. So the private equity system cannibalizes them and, eventually, some other businesses end up with that property, but I haven't found any evidence or even a claim that the businesses that are now occupying ex-Red Lobsters are any more profitable than Red Lobster.

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Que lindo! Mi madre y mi hijo están escuchando la radio (✦ ‿ ✦)

Separadamente ಠ_ಠ

Fuerte ( ;¬_¬)

A equidistancia de mí (>ᆺ<)

Estaciones distintas ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

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Habitantes de la toma "El Edén" de Viña del Mar protestaron contra inminente desalojo…

Fuente: Noticias de Chile y el mundo - País, Deportes y más

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Gracias a esto:…

que explicaba @tamara en:…

He bajado los casi 500 libros que teníamos en la bliblioteca familiar de Amazon. Ahora toca deDRMizarlos con Calibre y no volver a comprar más.

Yes!!! The crucial script I finally found: how to *bulk* download my Kindle files from Amazon. Instead of 4 clicks per book, 25 books per page, 59 pages of hell, it was 1449 books downloaded in 8 minutes, as easy-to-DeDRM AZW or AZW3.…

Found via…

Revived Calibre, added latest version of De-DRM (10.0.9) plugin, set Auto-merge added books if they already exist under Preferences -> Add Books -> Adding Actions. 643 merged. 1930 ebooks safely local

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@chris hi! I am desperately in need for help. I need my insulin to bring my blood sugar back down. It’s $300 That’s all I need. I’m not asking for a windfall, just a little help, please.
Be blessed 💓🙏🙏💓


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in reply to El Vector ⁂

yo tenía un profe que nos enseñaba a manejar la Wikipedia y que nos decía "empezamos en la página de Shakespeare y tenemos que llegar con los enlaces de la propia web hasta Simone de Beauvoir" era muy divertido.

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Just programmed the Canada-France-Hawaii telescope for tonight! The last 2 nights have gone perfectly for my program (except for all the fucking satellite streaks 😭 )

If the weather holds, and nothing breaks, and we continue to get priority on the telescope, this large program, spanning 3+ years of my life, will be DONE with primary observing. That feels pretty damn good.

in reply to Prof. Sam Lawler

Are the satellite trajectories not well enough known to be able to plan observations that would avoid satellites? Alternatively, can the long observations be summed from many short observations with small patches cut out where satellites are?
in reply to Timo Ewalds

@tewalds There are too many satellites to avoid them all. And yeah, there are strategies to cut them out of the data, but it all results in less science data from the same amount of observing time. The actions of a private company making taxpayer-funded science less effective.

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There are over three decades of evidence that Israeli doctors harvest Palestinian organs in direct violation of international law. These stolen body parts were not just used for transplantation and research but for sale and profit.…

#Palestine #Israel #Gaza
@palestine @israel

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I like to remind people periodically of one of my favorite days on the fedi:

A new person publicly asked, "Am I allowed to say Fuck TERFs here?"

And not only were they told it was okay, they spawned an avalanche of supportive folks all publicly proclaiming "Fuck TERFs!".

And unlike literally every other social network I could mention, not one person popped up to argue or complain or harass the person in question.

It was pretty awesome.

And so to this day I often say I'm on the "Fuck TERFs" side of the fedi. Like, if you can hear me, you're on the Fuck TERFs side of the fedi.

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Perdón por el spam, pero Tapas solo permite monetizar los anuncios cuando llegas a los cien suscriptores, por lo que os agradeceré un montón que, si tenéis cuenta, os suscribáis a Las peores aventuras:…

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Manifiesto - Victor Jara (Versión) La esperanza viene del Sur.

Grupo Congreso

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in reply to JA Westenberg

we're not like this. Just like with algorithmic feeds, we do get a pang of hormones every time there's something good or bad on our timelines. It is addictive too, but to a lower degree.
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Con gesto de Pablo Piñera: Eduardo Frei vuelve a asomar como posible carta presidencial…

Fuente: La Tercera

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Marruecos refuerza su cooperación militar con Israel

Agencias Madrid (ECS).- ¿Qué papel juega Marruecos en el conflicto de Oriente Medio? Mencionado entre los posibles destinos de los habitantes de la Franja de Gaza que Donald Trump quiere expulsar de su tierra natal, Marruecos no ha denunciado realmente la propuesta, limitándose a expresar su desacuerdo, de labios para afuera. Marruecos compra armas para […]

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Les vamos a ponerle un tema, mis wachis! Para estos días raros de fascismo y depre

James - Getting away with it (all messed up)

#Jukebox #James #AllMessedUp…

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Yknow how I've been saying you should make out with your besties?

I was fucking right, it is fucking awesome

Go do it

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Para quienes se os haya descargado la actualización 24H2 de Windows 11 y la tengáis pendiente de instalación (con el aviso de que hay que reiniciar el equipo) y no deseéis hacerlo, seguid estos pasos:

1) Con el Explorador de archivos, acceded a la carpeta que os muestro en la captura de imagen (C: > Windows > SoftwareDistribution > Download).

Ahí encontraréis unas cuantas subccarpetas y archivos. Seleccionad y borrad todo. Tardará un rato largo, ya que serán unos 11 GB a eliminar.

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

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La vida en el campamento de Al-Shaboura en el centro de #Rafah a pesar del peligro de la zona... donde los residentes pasan bajo el minarete de la mezquita Al-Farouq, que fue destruida por el ejército de ocupación.

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Infancia migrante: “Hay niños y niñas creciendo con que existen personas a las cuales hay que agredir”…

Fuente: Noticias – Diario y Radio Universidad Chile

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Tiempo reshared this.

El fediverso no solo es mastodon, si eres nueva por estos lares este diagrama de otras redes en el fediverso puede serte útil…

Una vez más hago lo que nadie me pidió, pero la alternativa era ser productivo en el trabajo 😛

#ff #starterpack #followfriday #fediverso

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in reply to AzulCrescent

My first marriage happened when I was 45 years old. If I can change, anyone can. It's not too late to learn to love.
in reply to AzulCrescent

In my experience, love has many forms. Romantic love is just one of them. There's family love, brotherly love, friendship love and many more.

If you somehow find that one friend you can talk about absolutely anything, even personal, without any regrets, it can be as fulfilling as romantic love.

Remember, you will most likely never find more than 4 true friends in life. Value every single one that you just know is one of those 4. That friend might be your special one.

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San Valentín / Meme potencialmente hiriente para les singles, pero flojito

Sensitive content

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Ains. Que nervios. Mñn se abre el plazo para el concurso de "patear nazis".

Somos un grupo pequeñito y está es la primera vez que asomamos la patita fuera del confort de nuestras chorradas.

No si tengo más ganas o nervios jejejeje. A ver cómo va el tema y ojalá se apunte mucha gente (como se nota que yo no seré jurado, solo quien reciba los mails) que la maravillosa gente de #HTPublisher colabora con un premio bien chulo, un bono de 50€ a gastar en su tienda.

Y alguna cosilla más habrá...…

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It's amazing how in the West #israel is considered a liberal democracy, when they are guilty of innumerable crimes, including the systematic murder of journalists.

@palestine #palestine #gaza

Image by red stream.

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in reply to argumento

Is the number correlating with UNRWA-members? 🤔 Or is it maybe that armed „journalists“ reported with a machine gun from outside „schools“? 🤔

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in reply to Jan Bastian

@keimzelle_hh I don't engage in conversation with cringe deformed inu shiba avatars. You probably get paid yo spread your bullshit online anyway.

palestine group reshared this.

in reply to argumento

Sure capitalism is great when you are on the receiving end. 😀

palestine group reshared this.

in reply to argumento

it isn't once you realize the united states dominates the definition of democracy and wields it as a foreign policy cudgel. Democracy is what they project it to be.