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I did a quick restart of all Friendica components because I saw some issues with responsiveness. Hope it helped. Don't really have time to troubleshoot further now.
in reply to Ruud

I appreciate the updates. I had no idea what goes into running a site like this!
in reply to Ruud

It's better but every now and then I get a "504 Gateway error"
in reply to jjjacq

504 are typically connections to the database that fail due to not being able to connect to php-fpm. It can also be when php-fpm cannot connect to the dbServer. Typically due to network latency. This can happen even when connected to localhost when the network gets busy. As it is still effected by the TCP/IP stack.

If your server stack is completely on one physical computer try using sockets instead of TCP/IP to connect your httpd with php-fpm. You need to configure that on both sides, your httpd and php-fpm.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Unus Nemo

I don't have a server, only a client (Firefox browser). 504 is Gateway Time-Out error. So it is just the slow response of friendica that causes problems at times. It does not bother me, at my age I'm a wee bit slow as well 😀

#latency #slowness #badgateway

in reply to jjjacq

My bad, I thought you were saying that you were having this issue with your instance of Friendica. I did not realize you were just talking about connecting to the server.

Yes, @Ruud server's 504's are likely due to the overload of so many new users and other problems he has mentioned.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Ruud

I am. I am also setting up an instance I was waiting until I have more experience dealing with friendica before I offered. At this point I have.

  1. Secured a VPS server with Rocky Linux 9 as an OS.
  2. Setup LAMP with the minimum requirements.
  3. Configured the server and SELinux to allow httpd and php-fpm to write in the document root.

I am still having issues though I expect to be fully up and running in about a week. Right now the (PHP) routing is not correct. Not sure why and have not had time to correct the issues.

But yes I would love to get a chance to help you and learn more. I just found out that friendica existed a week or so ago and I just stared setting up an instance yesterday. So this is a learning process for me. Though whatever I can do to help, let me know. I am always interested in learning more.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Unus Nemo

I have setup the instance using docker. I'm very interested in the differences in running it without docker, as I think some issues we have might be related to the docker install.

I am going to also setup a test instance, we might do that together? I'm about to leave to Brussels to attend #fosdem so that install will be after the weekend.

in reply to Ruud

Okay, that works out, as with my work schedule I will not be able to do much until Saturday in any case. I agree with you about running from a container. That is like a good solution for Test and Development though probably will have lots of caveats for a production server. Of course I would need to know other details such as Is your datastore in that container or is it in its own, etc.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Ruud

Somehow the Friendica app container consumed all cpu on the server, causing timeouts. I restarted that container but will need to find why it does that from time to time.