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Influencer verlaat Australië na ophef om afpakken babywombat van moeder.

Gelukkig zijn er ook nog mooie mensen in de US, maar je kunt ze alleen maar met een vergrootglas vinden denk ik...…

Being a Spoony

Last week we had a wonderful few days of warmth, about 19 degrees C. For me , it was almost a divine gift, I was able to be really active, working in the garden and taking care of my indoor plants. I got some energy to do so. And suddenly, the weather turned into cold temperatures, freezing nights and chilling mist. My body hardly could handle this shock. Now everything is painful, my whole body. Can't sleep, due to pain en become extremely tired and am overwhelmed by it. I got some spoons to do extra things, but the price I payed afterwards was sky-high...Two days of joy and less pain costs weeks to recover. Not funny at all. But I am used to it, so I try to go with the flow again.
Wish you a peace-and joyful day!…

New Year's Eve

New Year's Eve, well, mine for that matter. . The last hour before I officially belong to the so-called old farts. Retired, therefore old. Old? Oh yes, my body and mind definitely understands that, is flabbergasted, it creaks, squeaks, protests against too much cold and wetness and idem heat.
But somewhere in the chest beats a heart that laughs: still in love with my childhood sweetheart, whom I've known for 54 years, listen to the Velvet Underground, the Beatles, Pink Floyd, Melanie and Janis Joplin and all those other good artists of the 60-ies and 70-ies.
And wear hippy clothes in the colours of the rainbow, grey hair is not yet grey behaviour. Because some things in life never disappear. Never!
Tomorrow a new era begins. Love to all! See you later🥰

in reply to Petra

Thank you so much dear. Wish you a wonderful day too !


Megalodon(ald )

"The Megalodon is a gigantic predatory shark known for its enormous size. It possesses a large mouth with many serrated teeth which can easily rip through anything in its way. See pic below..

( Federal agency backs down from protecting rare whale that calves off Florida
The right whale needs our help to survive, but boaters don’t want to slow down.....)


What you give attention to, grows....
This applies to everything, both good and bad things.

Wish you all a beautiful day! With love from me to you 🥰


Ben niet echt een rekenwonder, dus corrigeer me als ik dit fout heb:
Mensheid - 8ing ≠ Trump+Vance x Putin² ?

Just a little bit of spring

Don't forget to look a the beauty of nature, waking up after winter.
Specially in times when the world faces major darkness...
Hope still grows, however small it may be.
Wish you all a magical weekend. Hugs xxx
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Just a little bit of spring
Prachtig al die inheemse soorten zo bij elkaar in de knop te zien. Staan ze zo fijn bij jullie in de buurt?
in reply to Nico Geelen

@Nico Geelen Behalve de katjes van de eerste foto, zijn de andere in onze tuin genomen. De toverhazelaar( gele bloemen) heeft helaas niet de de hete zomers overleefd, is een wat oudere foto, de twee andere vandaag nog. Het kleine rode bloempje is van de gewone hazelaar, de andere van een struik waarvan ik de naam even niet weet.. Het is prachtig om alles te zien ontluiken, ook de vogels zijn druk in de weer. Met wat geluk krijgen we zelfs na jaren weer een merelnest in de achtertuin! Door het usutuvirus is de merelpopulatie ernstig achteruit gehold, dus elk gezond nest is er weer eentje!



Ik sterf waar ik geboren ben
in oneindigheid met velen
opgestegen en weer neergedaald

de reis van en naar
alle windstreken van de wereld
in onmetelijke dieptes en hoogten

alles heb ik doorstaan
orkanen overleefd net
als windstilte, ik bleef

door watervallen
alles meesleurend in
donderend geweld
stromende door woeste
rivieren en kabbelende beekjes

ik was het zachte lentebuitje
die de bloemen vroeg
boven de grond te komen

ik was ook de druppel
die symbolisch
de emmer deed overlopen
ik was de traan uit je ogen
van binnenuit ontstaan
herinneringen opgeslagen

ik ga door steen
laat mijn sporen achter
goede noch slechte
ik ben , eenvoudig, ik ben

ik sterf waar ik ontstond
het water is mijn wieg
het vuur brengt me
op grote hoogten
de wind vervoerde me
samen met velen
via de aarde en rivieren
weer terug naar huis
groots in nederigheid

in reply to Wilhelmina58

In mijn voortuin
staat een oude kast
die ik eigenlijk af zou danken
nu staan voornamelijk
terracotta en keramieken
potten op de planken

Er verdwijnen potten
met daarin een plant
die geef ik graag weg
het is mij hier om te doen
ik ben dol op groen

De kast is verder
heel bijzonder
op de bovenste plank
staat altijd een hapje
voor deze of gene kat
en het is daarom dat
die plank is benoemd
tot het vriend-schapje

in reply to Nico Geelen

@Nico Geelen
A pity it can't be translated , in Dutch it's prikke(le)nd I think. Hahaha, but I think these cakes are made by a cakeartist. I've seen a contest of worlds best artists who made the most realistic things with cake and chocolate..

Okay, so I crochet. Have made all sorts of things over time, given a lot away. Pulled out old projects and reused the yarn for new ones. Dutchy, a bit stingy I am sometimes too. But it sounds nicer to say that I like to recycle.
Some of the things I used to make:

Just for fun, as a kind of therapy and sometimes being asked by someone.

Enjoy your day! Hugs xxx

in reply to Nico Geelen

@Nico Geelen , thanks! Dutch thriftiness, hahahaha. Tie all leftover yarn together and the rest will follow. But I also make more subdued things, at most, in 3 or 4 colours according to a set pattern. However, making colourful things makes me happy. Chronic pain and fatigue make me gloomy, so we throw a lot of colour at it!

Wilhelmina58 reshared this.

Amerikaanse kennis dook hierin en het blijkt inderdaad juist te zijn dit bericht. Ze schrok zich de tandjes.

reshared this

Wild flower-spam

( Veronica)

( Orchis, don't know the name)

(Geranium robertianum )

(Rosa rugosa)

( Digitalis pupurea)

(echium vulgare)


(Malva sylvestris)

Colorful black and white pictures

They're not really black and white, but more dark and light . most photo's are made in the BLauwe Kamer, a nature reserve near Rhenen. The tree-pics are made in january some years ago., the white flowers are from the Amelanchier in our garden, flowering in march-april.

Alle kleine beetjes helpen -Every little bit helps

in reply to Wilhelmina58

@Wilhelmina58 altijd fijn wanneer je lekker kan besparen! Ik ben halverwege vorig jaar verhuisd naar een nieuw klein huurhuisje, dus het is allemaal nog even afwachten hoe het gaat, qua kosten. 😊 Ook omdat ik nu geen gas meer heb, dus alles via electra gaat.
Ik heb groene tuinen, iets te groen 😂 want ze staan nog vol met onkruid, omdat ik nog geen geld heb om ze op te knappen... 😇 Maar wil er wel grond in houden en niet alles betegelen. Ook ivm mijn oude hond, die ligt graag in het gras in de schaduw.
Maar het is altijd lekker als je eind van het fiscale jaar wat terug krijgt! Toch een leuk extraatje als beloning voor je goede gedrag. 😊 Alle kleine beetjes helpen toch een beetje, denk ik dan altijd maar.
in reply to 𓂀 Cynni 💜

@Cynni: wij hebben nog wel gas voor verwarming. Verder alles elektrisch. En wat je tuin betreft: zevenblad bijvoorbeeld kun je eten. En soms zijn er planten stekken te halen of ruilen in je buurt, heb daar zelf ook geregeld gebruik van gemaakt. Het kan ook handig zijn om je aan te melden bij Nextdoor, dat is soort buurt social media. Ook daar heb ik erg leuke uitwisselingen gehad van geven en krijgen van producten of zelfs hulp. Hoe dan ook succes, maar vooral ook veel plezier in je nieuwe stek! Knuffel voor jou!
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Dank je wel voor de tip! Ja, dit is een nieuwbouw woning, met alle voordelen (en wat nadelen) die erbij komen. Voor de tuin zal het misschien nog wel even duren voordat ik daarmee aan de slag kan. De financiele kant is een beetje krap, doordat mijn oude hond nu helaas wat extra medische kosten heeft. Maar ik heb geen haast, het komt vanzelf wel, beetje bij beetje. Ik moet allen opletten als ik dingen in de tuin wil plaatsen, er is een filtratie bak in de achtertuin voor de warmtepomp, en er mogen geen dingen geplant worden waarvan de wortels dieper komen dan een halve meter. Maar gezien mijn medische problemen hoop ik er een onderhoudsvriendelijke tuin van te kunnen maken, met wat tegels voor een terrasje, en wat groen voor de beestjes en mijn hond.
Dank je wel, en ik ga zeker mijn best doen! Knuffel van mij en een pootje van Arwen.
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Pffff, praat me niet van de onkosten van dieren! Weet er ook alles van! En ja, ook rustig aan komt uiteindelijk alles goed. Met mijn rare lijf moet ik ook alles heel rustig aandoen, dus ook dat herken ik! Wens je een mooie dag toe, de temperaturen worden prettig, genieten moeten we ook vooral niet vergeten in barre tijden. ( oh ja, Onyx en Magica geven jou en Arwen een kopje )

Dutch nostalgia

People from my country, especially those from my generation ( born in the 50s) will absolutely recognize this.
Piece of Dutch nostalgia, found this on Peer Tube, a pleasant replacement of that other “tube”.…

De pracht van Polygoon

Dit jaar bestaan de Polygoon bioscoopjournaals 100 jaar! Wie ons hier of op Facebook volgt, weet wat voor een leuke parels hier tussen zitten en hoe herkenbaar de stem van Philip Bloemendal is. Maar hoeveel hebben wij er eigenlijk liggen in onze depots? Wat voor onderwerpen kregen de aandacht? Tot wanneer waren ze te zien in de bioscopen? En wat maakte Philip Bloemendal tot de iconische stem? Om het honderdjarig bestaan te vieren, maakte conservator Bas Agterberg - met behulp van Robert Bloemendal - een speciale editie van het collectieverhaal!

in reply to Wilhelmina58

So it works almost like friendica ? But just for videos? That I can just be signed up to one instance and then be able to see the global content?
in reply to Wilhelmina58

@rabalupe : what Friendica is to Facebook, is Peertube to YouTube...
I need to figure out myself what's possible on Peertube, found this as well...…
Hope you can get on with this.

Don't let what's going on in the world change who you are....

Goodbye Google

Dismantling Google Photos...
Putting them on an external drive for now and figuring out right away which photos can go away.
What a huge job!
With a saved photo of Onyx, 3 mnd young.
in reply to Wilhelmina58

I am now also considering which cloud service I will embrace. Currently have a subscription to Google One but perhaps not long. For local storage I will also look forward to a nice NAS to replace the old one.

(Bumble)bees and hoverflies

For my/our all offspring: some photos of insects. Because they are decreasing in numbers frighteningly fast. Bees, wasps, butterflies and so on. These photos stem from the story: once upon a time, there was lush nature.
From our own garden and surroundings, years ago:

Wild mushrooms

Just some pictures I made:

(Calocera viscosa)


(Amanita rubescens)

(Russula solaris)

(Armillaria obscura)


Language is fun.

And often hilarious, because of the mistakes people make with language.
Take the word WIP, for example. A wip in Dutch is both a seesaw and a very brief sexual act. But it is also an abbreviation of Work in Progress, of the latter of which I have many, crochet works.
And so there are countless words that either come out completely wrong, or are quite a laugh....
And I like cryptograms, the descriptions are often so much fun!
And I like poetry, short stories, oneliners ect... One doesn't need many words to say a lot..
Not speaking of the wrong headlines and advertising (signs)....😂
In short; I love language!

in reply to Wilhelmina58

@Petra Dutch and German , but also Swedish, Norwegian and English are all in the same language family. Many words are similar to each other. I've been in Germany for a couple of times, Trier, Kassel, Essen, Kleve, Köln, but due to chronical body-things , traveling is too exhausting for me... But still enjoy it in documentaries ect... But I do miss traveling for that matter...
in reply to Wilhelmina58

I'm sorry to hear about you not being able to travel anymore. I have a chronic illness, too, but so far it's well under control and doesn't affect me that much, I am lucky.
Yes, Swedish - we like watching Swedish TV series on Netflix. It's interesting to see the similarities and differences. But Dutch is much much closer. When we go to the Limburg province we sometimes believe that people there speak Kölsch, our dialect. Because the Limburg dialect is so close, and the "melody" is absolutely similar.
in reply to Petra

Wonderful, isn't it! in a way, we all are of the same "family", And however a small spot on the globe, my country has both a lot of dialects , like any other country, but also officially recognized languages. Frisian and Twents (Low Saxon) are languages, not just dialects. It's very intriguing, I really love to dive into the origins of language...It's so fascinating!
in reply to Wilhelmina58

@skribe... Hahaha, didn't know this. Countries often give nicknames to each other. Love it!

Using weeds as food

Weeds ( here the 'infamous' ground elder) as pesto.
Win-win situation, a delicious pesto and your garden hoeed.!
One needs: Ground elder, garlic, handful olives and olive oil, a bit of salt, pine nuts, lightly fried and a little lemon juice or vinegar.
Blend it to a smooth substance and enjoy it!

Wilhelmina58 reshared this.

Let's connect

I'm still looking for more people in the fediverse who write mostly about personal stuff and only occasionally post political things. Also, I encourage you to comment more, nobody wants to talk into a void...

Here's a list of my interests: Reading (mostly fantasy and general fiction like Naomi Novik, Haruki Murakami, Stephen King), photography, taking walks, urban gardening, animals, paper crafting, Cologne, traveling, music (Marillion, Riverside, Vanessa Carlton, Toto), the Netherlands, Spain, singing in a choir, going to museums, and lots of other things.

#museum #animal #choir #literature #Cologne #music #traveling #photography #marillion #hiking

reshared this

in reply to Petra

Good idea Petra!
I also notice a lot of posting about political issues. This makes sense, because there is so much going on in the world that is disturbing and even frightening.
But here too we can try to find some kind of balance. Life is (much) more than just politics and venting feelings of powerlessness and anger....
I like to participate in showing what is still beautiful, or sweet, or nice.
Thank you for your call in this Petra!

For you this poem I wrote a few years ago, it's a haiku. It says:
Look, a flying sheep
with glee in its head
It looks like spring

Enjoy your day to the most!

in reply to Wilhelmina58

My interests are many. #cats, #the 60-ies an 70-ies, #poetry, #flora and fauna,#autism, #Pink Floyd, #old stories - fairy tales, sages, legends, myths, fantasy, #Celts #the old religion, #chronical illness and the impact of it in daily life,
#movies, #music, #crochet, #recycling ect....

reshared this

in reply to Petra

I fully agree, interaction is what social media is about.

My interests are: philosophy, cycling, gardening, walking, music, Portugal, bike packing.
My music interest is very wide ranging from Bach to Kendrick Lamar. Incidentally, I used to have all the Marillion albums back in the day. That was before I got rid of my entire album collection (a move that I deeply regret now).

caos reshared this.

in reply to Greenpepper

Gardening is also a hobby of me...And then preferably low-maintenance gardening. In other words, let nature take its course and intervene only when necessary.... I love to grow wildflowers, but also medical - or kitchen herbs. Nothing is more satisfying than enjoy food prepared with your self grown herbs!
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Absolutely! During summer we're self sufficient with carrots and tomatoes, rosemary, thyme, chives, sage and parsley plus some onions, spring onions, salads and it's so much fun to just go outside and harvest what you need! And all of that in the middle of a big town.
in reply to Wilhelmina58

We also enjoy a low-maintenance eco-friendly garden. We have a small garden but I love to see insects and birds. Lots of weed that we let grow combines with plants that we exchange with neighbors and friends. Nothing from the garden centre anymore because of all the pesticides.
in reply to Greenpepper

My music taste is wide ranging, too. I love Bach oratoriums (is that the correct plural?), Ravel and other classical music, too. I find it very hard these days to find a rock artist I really like and so I mostly listen to the ones I've known for ages. I was absolutely delighted to discover Riverside during a festival a few weeks ago. And that somehow motivated me to buy a ticket for a Toto concert in Düsseldorf next week and I'm really looking forward to that. 😀

caos reshared this.

in reply to Petra

From Bach I especially like chromatic fantasia and fugue and, after reading Godel, Escher Bach, Musical Offering. I think the context was important to learn to appreciate it. I'll have to check out the oratoria later. I'm also more into old rock, AC/DC, Beasty Boys, Scorpions to name a few although from time to time I get a tip from our boys which I like (Imagine Dragons).

Absolutely great that you go to Toto next week. I'm not all that excited about large crowds anymore. But the experience always exceeds listening at home. Please, tell us how it was.

Realizing how fast we are traveling through space...

A view on the wall made me realise how fast we are traveling through space, even sitting on a chair...

I have a crystal in my livingroom, it just caught the sun. Little rainbows everywhere, sometimes I make a quick photo of it. I just made 3, watch the location of the rainbow within a few seconds!
The first:



Michael / Chgowiz reshared this.

Een al wat ouder artikel, maar dat er snel iets moet gebeuren in de wijken moge duidelijk zijn...…

in reply to Wilhelmina58

And still, the Netherlands are doing so much better than many other countries. Air pollution is bad here, too. And we also have some huge factory farms in some regions. Also, because it is illegal in NL to dump all the liquid manure (slurry?) on the fields, German farmers actually buy it and use it as a fertilizer, thereby creating high levels of nitrate in the groundwater... Cattle farming, of course, is a big problem everywhere. I have to admit, i contribute a little, too, though we have reduced the amount of meat we eat significantly (I'd say by 85 percent or more in the last two to three years) and dairy products, too. I hear that Irish cows are much more easy on the climate because they produce a lot less methane (they chose breeds that produce a little less milk but are more climate-friendly), and since they're outside yearround they live a much more species-appropriate life. Oh well, still a long way to go. We're voting in a few weeks and it looks like the new gouvernment will not do much to save nature (including the human race).
in reply to Petra

*Sigh*.... It seems almost everywhere, governments not paying attention to environmental issues. It's exactly what you say, they will not do much to save nature including the human race...
In the municipality where I live we also have the most goat farms in all of the Netherlands, More than thirty different bacteria were found in the stable air of goat farms that can cause pneumonia in humans. Of these bacteria, 23 were also found in patients, residents, goat farmers and/or in the outdoor air around goat farms.
The closest one is less than 1,500 meters from our house.
Literally a sickening development.

Hoe kranten ( niet) bijdragen aan een goede beeldvorming van de leefomgeving

Er zijn nog maar weinig goede nieuwsbladen. Waar objectief, kritisch en meedenkend in wordt geschreven. Vroeger waren er nog redelijk wat goede kranten, landelijk, maar ook regionaal.
De Edese Vos is zo'n blad. Bestaat nog niet zo lang, maar is slim, doortastend, scherp. Hebben we hard nodig.
Dit stuk van hen wil ik graag delen:…

Oh my...!

Once in a while, my mind is clear.. For I am a kind of witch, always busy with herbs and spices, but also with essential oils to make my own perfumes, yesterday I was mixing some sweet smelling oils, for the diffuser in my house... Looking for the right oils, I grapped one and guess: it was MUSK !!!!!
"Oh my", was my first thought, what to do with musk! I used it, but with a somewhat different intention; * cackles like a witch* , put some drops in the hot water of the essential oil vaporizer and enjoyed the sweet smell of Musk disappearing into thin air...

(Note: I love to solve cryptograms, In Dutch, musk is also musk, but shuffle the letters and make SKUM of it. And skum is a dialect for darkness,... Well,.let's burn some musk again.☺️.).

Enjoy your day 🥰🐈🧙‍♀️!

in reply to Wilhelmina58

in reply to Wilhelmina58

Duckweed -as-a-new-sustainable-source-of-protein-for-human-consumption
Misschien wat van die ‘wiet’ als omslagfoto gebruiken maar een mooi bloemetje mag ook hoor. 👋😊❤️☮️
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Felgroen, eiwitrijk, duurzaam en nu ook goedgekeurd voor consumptie: ligt er straks eendenkroos op je bord?…

De Europese Autoriteit voor voedselveiligheid (EFSA) heeft de consumptie van waterlinzen goedgekeurd, ook wel eendenkroos genoemd in de volksmond. De groene waterplanten zijn niet alleen veilig, ze zijn ook voedzaam en duurzaam, zegt Ingrid van der Meer van de Wageningen University. "Het is een 'goeie' groene groente met veel vitamines, mineralen en een relatief hoog eiwitgehalte."

#duurzaam #voeding #vegan #gezondheid #plantaardig

in reply to Nico Geelen

Wat mij betreft...JA! Wil best een kroos burger of salade eten. Van eigen kweek 😊
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Nou dan maar voor een kweekvijvertje gaan zou ik zeggen. Gezellig een paar kwakkers erbij mag de pret niet drukken. En ach, misschien dat ze er dan ook gelijk bacteriofagen uit kunnen winnen als alternatief voor antibiotica. 😉

Demonstratieverbod Efteling…
in reply to Wilhelmina58

Vind dit enerzijds begrijpelijk, een pretpark voor kinderen moet niet een plek zijn voor politieke demonstraties zijn of worden...
Anderzijds vind ik het alarmerend dat mensen worden uitgezet omdat er een stikker op een waterfles zit. of een button gevonden wordt...Dat impliceert eigenlijk dat je eigenlijk je zakken en tas moet nakijken, want stel je voor dat er een lidmaatschapskaartje in je portefeuille gevonden wordt van de vakbond, mensen- en/of dierenrechten, antikernenergie... Vind dit een enge gedachte...


I'm a warrior. For years, my weapons are humor, perseverance, creativity , but also resignation, acceptance and once in a while also the courage of despair. Fibromyalgia is not for wimps. Fellow Fibro sufferers know what I mean. Our disease is not something fatal, but it has a major impact on everyday life. 24/7 chronic, widespread pain throughout the body or in multiple areas. Pain is often felt in the arms, legs, head, chest, abdomen, back, and buttocks. People often describe it as aching, burning, or throbbing., sleeplessness, brain fog, skin problems, Irritable bowel syndrome, anxiety and depression ect.ect. There is no cure for it. But we fight, every single day. And often cry, because so many times we are the ones who need to say no to parties, cancel appointments unexpectedly. And more then often being labeled as not being social. Lack of understanding from the environment is a big issue, because it's not visible at the outside. If you know someone around you who my story makes you think of, be kind and patient. It could just be a fibro fighter too. Thank you for reading.