3 weeks ago •
1 month ago •
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Twan, Greenpepper, Faustus and Sunshine like this.
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Ilirwen, LA Villanueva and Sunshine like this.
Sunshine likes this.
You can always check the posts on this server here: friendica.world/community
Or the posts on the Fediverse that our server knows about : friendica.world/community/glob…
2 people like this
Twan and Sunshine like this.
It helps if you add hash tags to your posts. Otherwise you'll be mostly talking into the void. With hash tags people with similar interests find you.
Or do an introduction with the hashtag newhere. I know a lot of people in the Fediverse are searching for this.
More tips: https://homehack.nl/starting-with-friendica-how-to-fill-your-timeline/
Ilirwen and Sunshine like this.
Greenpepper and Sunshine like this.
Ilirwen likes this.
Sunshine and Adam like this.
Adam likes this.
skribe and Boule chiite like this.
Salut !
Oui, bien.Tu es en Suède ?
Is this where I type in my post?
Gabriella, Rômulo and skribe like this.
Ilirwen and skribe like this.
in reply to Ilirwen • •like this
Ilirwen, LA Villanueva and Sunshine like this.
in reply to Ilirwen • •Sunshine likes this.
in reply to Ilirwen • •You can always check the posts on this server here: friendica.world/community
Or the posts on the Fediverse that our server knows about : friendica.world/community/glob…
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Twan and Sunshine like this.
in reply to Ilirwen • •It helps if you add hash tags to your posts. Otherwise you'll be mostly talking into the void. With hash tags people with similar interests find you.
Or do an introduction with the hashtag newhere. I know a lot of people in the Fediverse are searching for this.
More tips: https://homehack.nl/starting-with-friendica-how-to-fill-your-timeline/
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Ilirwen and Sunshine like this.
in reply to Ilirwen • •like this
Greenpepper and Sunshine like this.
in reply to Ilirwen • •Liyah Mackenzie Hernandez
in reply to Ilirwen • •like this
Ilirwen and Sunshine like this.
in reply to Ilirwen • •Ilirwen likes this.
in reply to Ilirwen • •Sunshine likes this.
in reply to Ilirwen • •like this
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in reply to Ilirwen • •Adam likes this.
Unknown parent • •Ilirwen
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