Some issues still with Friendica.World
There still are some issues with Friendica.World (but we're working on it...)
First and foremost, the worker, which is executing the jobs (which do everything ) can't keep up. This is being addressed in…
Then, image uploads don't work for large images (over 5MB?), while the settings have a max of 200MB defined (and php.ini has 500MB)
Lastly (for now), the backup locks the database. We need to test to use options to skip the locking of tables.
If there are any other issues you notice, let us know!
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Mike Höhn
in reply to Ruud • •@ruud Is Friendica set to the 200MB limit? When trying to upload an image in the image section of my profile, I get an error message shown, where 'nginx ' is printed below the actual image error message. This doesn't look like a PHP error message to me. I haven't ever used nginx, though.
A quick search reveals that nginx has a client_max_body_size parameter to limit the size of uploads. The default is 1MB. Could this be the problem?
I have posted this with Tusky.
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in reply to Mike Höhn • •Ruud
in reply to Mike Höhn • •Mike Höhn likes this.
Mike Höhn
in reply to Ruud • •