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I just found a wonderful article about full recordings of operas! This should help me in my search for decent materials to listen to. But these are only commercial recordings, so I will need to look elsewhere for radio ones as well as recordings that were preserved by listeners. At any rate, I was surprised by how many singers' names I recognised, all from the 1940's and earlier, of course. But there were still a good number that I didn't know and must, therefore, research. I was also surprised that Enrico Caruso appears not to have made any full-length recordings, or even large sections of a single opera. Also, Dino Borgioli wasn't mentioned, and I know he made at least two sets, that, while weren't complete, were extensive.…

#music #opera #recordings #singers

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Have I mentioned how much I truly love Akkoma? I heard back from the developer, and she is going to try to do something about the accessibility issues! She's even putting them officially in the list of things to be worked on! Would I recommend this platform to the blind? Absolutely! We are finally getting a place where we belong and where we're respected! For the record, I am, but as with other Fediverse platforms, there are many instances. The actual discussion can be found below, if anyone else wants to contribute either experiences or coding knowledge.…

#Accessibility #Akkoma #Android #blind #coding #IOS #JAWS #NVDA #Mac #Talkback #Voiceover #WCAG #WebsiteDevelopment #Windows

First, they shut down the Basic HTML site, forcing many of us to switch to clients such as Thunderbird. Now, they're using qr codes which are not only inaccessible to the blind but also to those who don't use smartphones! This is ridiculous! Yes, they do still have the option to click whether it's you trying to sign in or not (which still requires a smartphone and a carrier, which they claim to be concerned about), but how long before they remove that, too?…

#accessibility #Android #authentication #blind #Google #GMail #IOS #Narrator #NVDA #sms #Talkback #technology #Voiceover #Windows

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

didn't an SMS require a phone, too?
QR codes are perfectly usable by the blind.
I agree that a text message works on a dumb phone, but if you're blind the accessibility of those is generally poorer anyway.
As a balance of security, SMS spooffing and whatnot is a real risk.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@quanin That link is heavily truncated on my end. However, if all else fails with the authentication system, they will likely still support the Google Authenticator app, which is using an open standard that other authentication apps and password managers also support. I'd say we have a lot of restructuring to go until we're completely locked out. I can see the QR codes being convenient for some people, even blind people who are comfortable aiming a camera and are using a computer with a screen. The only thing I'll say is that we definitely need the option of specifying whether we want to use that method or not.

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Thank you for your input. In fact, as I have no disabilities and don't personally know someone with it, I never think about all the difficulties implies.

But without any disabilities, some changes are difficult because also of families, or as you said all the things we can have in one place.

Attention friends! My transition to Akkoma is complete and I will now be using it as my primary means of posting on the Fediverse, though I may still post here occasionally and/or like or boost your posts if your instance or page doesn't federate with and/or Akkoma. For the rest of you, this is my new address. Formy blind friends, despite a very small number of aaccessibility issues, I still highly recommend this platform, and in particular, the instance if you love cats and friendly people, and wish to avoid politics.

As always, I can also be found on Dreamwidth. I have written many new entries this month, containing some opera and operetta reviews and discussions,classical music, and even a post about some interesting documentaries. For those of you who haven't seen said journal, I have all sorts of different things there. Anyone may read or comment, whether or not he is a member of Dreamwidth.

#accessibility #Akkoma #blind #Dreamwidth #Friendica #friends #posting

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in reply to Georgiana Brummell

I apologise for the typing errors. I can't edit with TWBlue or on the Friendica site, and for some reason TweeseCake won't show me anything sent from other programs.

(edited. I found it, after literally going through every post I ever wrote here. Fortunately, it was with Tweesecake, so it was simply a matter of going down the list, but it still took a very long time. No one should have to do this.)

Today, I was reminded, yet again, of why I'm leaving Friendica, or at least, making it my secondary (very secondary) account. I want to repost some of my pinned posts from here to Akkoma. I already did this with my dandyism and clothing posts, which I combined and condensed by simply including the original Dreamwidth links. But there is another one here regarding music theory, exercises, studying, etc. and possibly one about tutoring for singing (I'm fairly certain I savedthe one for Latin as I wrote it). Anyway, Even if I have the link to the posts, and whether or not I am logged in, I cannot read them. I can only read the comments to them. Can someone please either copy and paste the singing posts in a comment to the originals or here, or send me a private message with them? Thank you.

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

#TIL that it's only young sunflowers that turn to face the sun (heliotropism). As they mature they end up facing east as that's where the bees that pollinate are mostly likely to come from. #nature

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

in reply to Flippin' 'eck, Tucker!

Because heads facing that direction are warmed by the morning sun #NationalTrust
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Are there accounts that are really important to you, and you don't want to miss any of their posts? Here's how to make sure you don't miss them:

1. Log in on your server's website or web app
2. Go to the profile page of the account you want to follow more closely
3. Click the 🔔 notification bell (it's next to the profile's follow and options buttons)

With this active, every time that account posts it will also send you a notification. More info at…

#FediTips #Mastodon

in reply to Fedi.Tips

I believe, but please correct me if I'm wrong, one is notified of orignal posts the user posts themselves, but not content they boost, nor any repiles they make to other posts?
in reply to Hitsu Yonai

Yes. It only notifies for their posts, not their boosts or replies.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

The Architectural History of the Louvre: 800 Years in Three Minutes…

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Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

David Attenborough Takes a Look at What the Dodo Bird Might Have Actually Looked Like…

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Reminder that this account has a website listing thousands of interesting Fediverse accounts sorted into categories and topics:


To follow an account, copy-paste its Fediverse address into the search box on your server or app.

To find out more about an account, click on its Fediverse address.

This is seriously ridiculous! I can't read most of the pinned posts on my profile, either when signed in or when viewing my profile anonymously. Yet I can read the comments and replies, so I know they're still there! I tried this with both Chrome and Firefox. Fortunately, I saved them, so I just have to find them. Otherwise, I would have to entrust someone sighted with my log-in information and have him send me the posts, and no, I can't ask my parents. They're lucky they know how to turn on a computer!
in reply to 𓂀 Cynni 💜

@Cynni Thank you. I don't know if this is a screen reader problem, as is usually the case here, or if it's universal. But I've switched over to now, so it shouldn't be an issue. It's a shame, as Friendica really is a lovely site with great features. It's just not great for screen reader users. However, the developer has promised to work on it, so I am not deleting my account hre. But it will take a long time, as the entire front end (what users see) must be rewritten.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@Georgiana Brummell Owwwww that sure sounds like a lot of work... But it's good that they're working on it! It's important that they take the accessibility bits seriously. If you'd like to follow me from the bobcat instance, lemme know, and I'll follow back. 😉

(Retrying this.)
Attention, friends! Some of you may have received follow requests from They are not fraudulent. This is my new address. I am not deleting this one, but I am transitioning there for most things, due to better screen reader accessibility. I have only chosen those who either don't post any politics or who post so rarely about them that it makes no difference. Sadly, I couldn't find some of you via TWBlue, even with your full addresses and user names. I will try to add you manually, but it may simply be that I can't, even though, in some cases, your instance does federate with

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

5 Tips for Safely Walking Your Dog in Winter

Posted into Animals @animals-mental_floss

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Let's get Britain growing! are on a mission to help increase the abundance of British wildflowers and support wildlife that depend upon them.

Seedball believe that if we can all better use whatever space we have available to us, then we can have a beneficial impact on our local ecosystems.

You can also buy seedballs in the giftshop at Manchester Art Gallery
on Mosley Street!

#manchester #flowers #uk #nature #wildlife #environment #photography #news #art #gardening

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Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

I love how my cat has taken great care to stay within the parameters of the sliver of duvet he's plopped himself on.

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Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Museum of International Propaganda in San Rafael, California

Built from one couple’s vast personal collection, this free museum showcases a century’s worth of state-sponsored agitprop.#museums #propaganda #section-Atlas

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Georgiana Brummell reshared this. The Short eared owls at Sandwich bay were very active yesterday, flying so close you could almost touch them. The last picture (11) shows the owl with prey so skip if squeamish #CasualUK #UnitedKingdom

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Georgiana Brummell reshared this. New poll shows majority of people support efforts to increase use of the Welsh language #UnitedKingdom #Wales

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Silky anteater (Cyclopes didactylus), they're small 14-18 in, 35-45 cm. They're one of the select groups of animals with a prehensile tail it can use to grasp and hold.
Comes in handy living in the tree canopy. #ecology #wildlife #science #nature #Reels #biology

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Superb, moving, beautifully rendered and illustrated with images and sounds.

The sign of a healthy ecosystem is the sound it makes - or no longer makes.

Masha Karpoukhina’s documentary follows soundscape ecologist Bernie Krause who lost everything in a California wildfire.

#climatechange #biodiversity

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Birch repetition (Betula)

Gray (B. populifolia)
Yellow (B. alleghaniensis)
White (B. papyrifera)

Find tree, identify, take photo, write down latin name. Balm for the soul. Repeat.

#thicktrunktuesday #trees #botany

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Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Passenger films his escape from upside down crashed plane

Video shows people clamber over belongings and seats from inside the plane that crashed on the Canadian runway.…

(c) #BBC #News

#news #bbc

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Not an #introduction but I would appreciate a boost for federation etc.

Added pics of my cats to make it a bit worth your time. The black one is Morille, and the other one is Alto.

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Georgiana Brummell reshared this.

Here be spiders!

Sensitive content

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in reply to gerg

Here be spiders!

Sensitive content

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Ironically, you've connected to me first. My channel has only got two topics. The primary topic is a certain kind of 3-D virtual worlds, the secondary topic is the Fediverse beyond Mastodon, although this may include accessibility topics. Since this is not my personal, all-round channel, I don't post about anything else.

I'm working on a series of posts that will touch male fashion. But they'll touch male fashion in the above-mentioned virtual worlds, I'll post them on a dedicated (streams) channel, and this Hubzilla channel will only forward them. Also, expect each one to have both a summary and a spoiler tag for those who are easily triggered by even the slightest eye contact.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@Jupiter Rowland I'm actually interested in the Fediverse beyond Mastodon. That's not what I meant by constantly posting about technology. I would also love to experience a virtual world, but I don't know of any that are accessible. That said, many other games are, both text-based and audio, and now, some mainstream ones as well.

Linda Duval doesn't like this.

in reply to Linda Duval

@lindaduval @lindaduval My sincere apologies. I always try to be gentle with non-native speakers. I must say, other than that tiny mistake, you write so well that I would never have guessed that English wasn't your first language! I am equal whether I subscribe to all of that or not. I don't need to be radical or to change the language in order to love myself, or to strive for the best, or to demand to be treated equally. I simply need to be, and I am.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Your preferences are yours and you choose what you prefer. However, we live in a society where it is important to be aware where language can be detrimental to women.

The difference can be simply felt in how much you get paid compared to a man in the same role. Please search "gender pay gap" and you will find that in the legal industry, for example, men can earn as much as 59% more than a woman in the same role.

As someone who is totally blind, the Fediverse is the only place where I have ever been able to follow people such as photographers, artists, or even those who post pictures of their cats or the food they ate. The reason is that most of them use alt text. They take the time to describe the images that my screen reader can't recognise. Some write the descriptions themselves, and others use tools such as altbot. Some worry that their descriptions aren't good enough, especially when they are new at this. Let me assure you, not only are they good enough, they are extremely appreciated! If the rest of the world thought as you did, it would be a much better place. Don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure of something, but never think that we don't notice your effort.

#appreciation #accessibility #altbot #alttext #blind #blindness #fediverse #gratitude #images #inclusivity #peoplewhocare #pictures #technology

Unknown parent

@Meg I would absolutely love to know how to block specific words and phrases! I have looked all over the site and I couldn't find any way to do this. I also couldn't find anything in TweeseCake itself. @Fedi.Tips Can you please help? Is this possible? I had to unfollow several otherwise wonderful people over this.

#blind #blocking #Friendica #moderation #Tweesecake #TweeseCake

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

this may not be totally useful, but since you posted here you are obviously adept at novel internet things 😊 so I just thought I'd add that I have always found excellent music tutorials of all sorts on #SoulSeek
in reply to Avalon Jazz

@Avalon Jazz Thank you. I sincerely appreciate it. But these are most likely quite modern, so aren't what I am seeking. But they can probably be of great use to others.
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Georgiana Brummell
You're very welcome! I'm glad you're enjoying it!

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I can't believe I didn't post this earlier! Anyway, here is a Dreamwidth entry of mine containing all sorts of links related to dandyism, including an entire section on Beau Brummell. As you can tell, this is another one of my great passions.…

In case you missed it, this one is devoted to fashion itself.…

#antiquemensware #BeauBrummell #books #British #clothing #dandies #dandyism #Dreamwidth #Edwardian #fashion #history #mensware #Regency #suits #Victorian

Those who love antique fashions will enjoy this. It is a compilation of links related to Regency and Edwardian mensware. If you have any to add or wish to make any suggestions, please do so.

How Fashionable!……

#antiquemensware #clothing #dapper #Edwardian #fashion #history #Regency #suits