As someone who is totally blind, the Fediverse is the only place where I have ever been able to follow people such as photographers, artists, or even those who post pictures of their cats or the food they ate. The reason is that most of them use alt text. They take the time to describe the images that my screen reader can't recognise. Some write the descriptions themselves, and others use tools such as altbot. Some worry that their descriptions aren't good enough, especially when they are new at this. Let me assure you, not only are they good enough, they are extremely appreciated! If the rest of the world thought as you did, it would be a much better place. Don't hesitate to ask if you're unsure of something, but never think that we don't notice your effort.
#appreciation #accessibility #altbot #alttext #blind #blindness #fediverse #gratitude #images #inclusivity #peoplewhocare #pictures #technology
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Marches John
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Morten Kjeldgaard
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Anselm Schüler
in reply to Morten Kjeldgaard • • •WoollyMel
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •EntangledPear
in reply to WoollyMel • • •bytebro
in reply to WoollyMel • • •@MelSedds
Here's something I posted before about an easy way to get more consistent at this... 🙂…
bytebro (
Mastodon App UKSybren Stüvel 🧡🤍
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Thanks for posting this.
I've shared a screenshot of your post on Bluesky as well:…
TansterInJakarta (she/her)
in reply to Sybren Stüvel 🧡🤍 • • •@sybren I will do the same if that’s okay with you Georgina. I can omit your name/avatar.
Bluesky actually has a settings option where you can only send your post after adding Alt Text, which I have activated.
Fedo ¶
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Lydia Schoch
in reply to Fedo ¶ • • •xinit ☕
in reply to Lydia Schoch • • •@lydiaschoch I find that I will put extra information in the alt text. Joke that's not in the post itself, perhaps. Pointing out what's strange in the picture. Explaining the joke. Something like it's a SPOILER tag you're only going to get if you check the alt text.
If web comics can do it, why not everyone?
Besides, the character count on alt text is HUGE.
@fdrc_ff @dandylover1
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Georgiana Brummell
in reply to xinit ☕ • •zy 🍉
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •zy 🍉
in reply to zy 🍉 • • •Shred
in reply to zy 🍉 • • •@zy Some Mastodon sites offer to translate a post into the reader's language, which also translates the ALT text. As someone who likes to read posts in languages I'm not fluent with, it helps a lot to understand the pictures as well (e.g. memes or comic strips).
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
🤷🏻 Welcome Back
in reply to zy 🍉 • • •You can also follow an alt text not that will remind you when you forget to add alt text. It just sends you a message requesting that you add alt text
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
xinit ☕
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •on desktop web browsers, there's a tag in the corner of an image - either ALT or just a scary red exclamation mark (indicating that there's no ALT text).
If a user drags the mouse pointer over the image, the alt text is visible to sighted users. I think most mobile apps show it on a click, but I don't really remember.
@fdrc_ff @lydiaschoch
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •I'm sighted. I haven't tested with a screen reader, but when looking at a Fedi post from a Web browser, the alt text is in the IMG ALT tag. Mouse over, and it just displays the alt text.
Most other social networking platforms seem to put the alt text behind a "click the small ALT button and a popup will pop up" mechanism.
Jennifer Moore 😷
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Sensitive content
I'm sighted and I often look at the alt text on Fediverse graphics!
It's great for things like "here's a person I don't recognise, are they famous, is it a clip from a show and what's the show and why is it relevant here". There are cultural references which would just whoosh over my head without the description.
Or sometimes there'll be one like "photo of woodland, with a squirrel" and I'll be like "oh yeah! there _is_ a squirrel in the corner there" 😀
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
xinit ☕
in reply to xinit ☕ • • •Just Bård (🇳🇴)
in reply to xinit ☕ • • •Servelan
in reply to Fedo ¶ • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Schalk Neethling
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Lucilla Piccari
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Makyris
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •オチュー🕊🇵🇸
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Trötifant
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •garettmd
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Mo, Scotland photos
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Mémère
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Firehorseart lives!
in reply to Mémère • • •@Memere
Same. If it's a picture something I'm not familiar with, an alt text explanation helps.
~* Sarah
in reply to Mémère • • •xinit ☕
in reply to Mémère • • •@Memere I've seen posts that say something like "Can you believe this nonsense?"
And the image didn't make said nonsense obvious.
But the alt-text did. Sometimes, explaining the joke works for everyone.
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
in reply to Mémère • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
DB Schwein
in reply to Mémère • • •Just out of curiosity, if you have no vision impairment - why does your avi have glasses on?
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
in reply to DB Schwein • • •Daniel Marks
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •N Toyohito / 縁 豊人
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Lydia Vvinters
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Are alt texts expected to be objective?
I post a lot of art and am curious if I should describe the subjective interpretation as well.
Joan Albright
in reply to Lydia Vvinters • • •Dilman Dila reshared this.
Lydia Vvinters
in reply to Joan Albright • • •Do you put both in separately or keep it as one description?
Joan Albright
in reply to Lydia Vvinters • • •Dilman Dila
in reply to Joan Albright • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Lydia Vvinters
in reply to Dilman Dila • • •Yes, good point. There is space for a little fun in there. When the subjective is the point of sharing the image, I think that's precisely what you should do.
clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
Dilman Dila reshared this.
Kris Herbert
in reply to Lydia Vvinters • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Lydia Vvinters
in reply to Kris Herbert • • •Well, there in lies the difficulty. I dislike instructing others in how they should see my work. Like in a gallery or museum, I like to keep the accompanying text relatively objective, as I feel all interpretations are valid. But that's not very helpful for those who cannot see it.
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Kris Herbert
in reply to Lydia Vvinters • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Lydia Vvinters
in reply to Kris Herbert • • •Yes, I might be overthinking this a tad. Still, it's good to differentiate between intensions for descriptions. I've seen a museum boast about accessibility when the images only had a description from the artists, clearly intended for those able to view the work.
Georgiana Brummell
in reply to Lydia Vvinters • •Lydia Vvinters
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •@Hareguizer
Yes, that's the problem. I see it as something that should match the intension but in the case of art, that can also be subjective. So in this case, if it's a work of art, I would be tempted to describe why this chair is beautiful to me.
Something like, "The soft lighting on the chair and the delicate carving evoke a sense of nostalgia in me."
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Lisa Gets Politik
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Clinton Anderson SwordForHire
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Question, if I may...
Should we also be using #CamelCase in our #HashTags so they're easier for Screen Readers to parse?
Cheers eh
Gary Brazzell
in reply to Clinton Anderson SwordForHire • • •Dennis Nunes
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •David Revoy
in reply to Dennis Nunes • • •Of course, I don't pretend that my ALT descriptions are perfect or accurate, but they are an extension of my own expression, with my own flaws, mistakes, and way of describing things. And well, I'm a human, not a machine, so I guess that's part of the homemade charm. 😺
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small, primitive, wingless, pettable Riedler, kimapr and Tired Bunny like this.
wb x64
in reply to David Revoy • • •@davidrevoy @nunesdennis also, at minimum, consider that the default is something like "image." So even the difference between "photo" and "screenshot" and "meme" at least provides handles on what they're missing.
Obviously enough detail to be included in the conversation is better & elaboration on what's notable or aesthetic is best. Someone could always ask a question if they were curious, but not if they have insufficient info.
I usually elaborate on why it's nice: see attached
wb x64
in reply to wb x64 • • •@davidrevoy @nunesdennis good series of guides…
2025-01-26 22:36:38
🐕 Paul 🦄
in reply to Dennis Nunes • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Representative Sample
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Glenn Seto
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •How well do very general descriptions of popular media references tend to work for members of your community? For example:
Scene from The Empire Strikes Back, Lando Calrissian muttering to himself "This deal's getting worse all the time..."
I'd hope major hits like Star Wars have been made as accessible as possible over the years, but still worry such minimal scene-setting might perpetuate a "you had to be there" feeling of exclusion.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •tunda
in reply to tunda • • •Einige schreiben die Beschreibungen selbst, andere verwenden Tools wie altbot. Manche machen sich Sorgen, dass ihre Beschreibungen nicht gut genug sind, vor allem, wenn sie neu auf diesem Gebiet sind. Ich kann Ihnen versichern, dass sie nicht nur gut genug sind, sondern auch sehr geschätzt werden! Wenn der Rest der Welt so denken würde wie Sie, wäre es ein viel besserer Ort. …
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Alt Text Hall of Fame
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Karen Dorman
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Kat the Leopardess
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •I admit that sometimes I struggle with alt tags. Understanding what there is to see in a picture is one thing, but providing info within the context of the overall post seems like it can come in handy
Curious to know if you tried Bluesky. I ask bc I thought Bluesky has a way to caption images.
DB Schwein
in reply to Kat the Leopardess • • •As BSKY is just a walled off version of the the rest of the fediverse, it does - the same capability as most servers.
Alan Bucknam
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Jake
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Phracker
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Francis Augusto 🇳🇴/🇧🇷/
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •mausmalone
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •For the people who worry that their alt text isn't good enough - just keep practicing.
And consider how long it takes to read the ALT text. Was this a throw-away decorative image? Something brief should be fine. Was this image the thing you wanted to share? Time to be more descriptive.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Thank you so much for posting this! I always include alt-text, but started doing so consistently mostly because self-appointed alt-text cops kept needling me anytime I left it out. This is the first time an alt-text user has actually said something nice about it (that I've seen in my feed, anyway).
Very kind of you to take a moment and say you appreciate it. I will continue to include it.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Sammi
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Hi - I need to learn - how should we go about captioning video?
DB Schwein
in reply to Sammi • • •@SamanthaJaneSmith
I alt it the same way I do an image.
Physical description, then meanings/subtleties that are not as obvious, and if there is one the script
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
in reply to DB Schwein • • •DB Schwein
in reply to Sammi • • •In so many different kinds of art - it depends!
I would describe what strikes me.
So, "Portrait of a person standing next to a window but entirely made up of straight brushstrokes no single one shorter than the length of the face."
Or, "Bold black lines intersect across a white canvas with a single square of yellow towards the upper right corner."
DB Schwein
in reply to DB Schwein • • •Honestly, if you don't know how on something specific - reach out and ask. If I'm around I'm happy to give it a go, but there's also the hashtag ALT4Me which will summon a figurative army to help you out 😁
in reply to DB Schwein • • •Sammi
in reply to DB Schwein • • •Edge
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •What a great post, so helpful and encouraging.
I have a deaf/blind follower who mentioned my alt/text to me early on and I've tried to make a point of it ever since.
Describing colors is important, and all the things that make photos interesting. I figure if people don't want to read the whole thing, no one has to!
But I also try to make it funny, if I can, like dog_rates always does, so there's a point to reading it for everyone. I'm sure I rarely succeed. 😀
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Matt Palmer
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •KB Sez
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Pino Carafa
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
Magnus Ahltorp
in reply to Pino Carafa • • •clacke: exhausted pixie dream boy 🇸🇪🇭🇰💙💛 likes this.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •My best life 🎒
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Esther
in reply to My best life 🎒 • • •@schoolboy
Replace the # by a @ in or summon the alt4me army by using the hastag #Alt4Me.
My best life 🎒
in reply to Esther • • •So it's inconvenient, he leaves a comment under the post. I need to copy it and edit the post.
in reply to My best life 🎒 • • •@schoolboy
Inconvenient? ...
Well, actually, check this answer from Georgiana:…
Georgiana Brummell
2025-01-25 16:50:18
My best life 🎒
in reply to Esther • • •So what? She says it would be nice Alt text in the photo, but if this is difficult, then alt text in the form of a post from an altbot is enough. This proves my point about inconvenience. It would be convenient if the image was recognized and the text was inserted at the stage of writing the post!
I have already raised this issue with the developer of Tusky. I love this app and hope the developer will implement this feature.
Georgiana Brummell
in reply to My best life 🎒 • •@My best life 🎒 This is actually what I mean when I say altbot. It's very easy to use, and the instructions are on the page.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Georgiana Brummell
in reply to MyShetland • •Christen Lofland
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •DB Schwein
in reply to Christen Lofland • • •I read every Alt Text, despite not using a screen reader. I think you might find that quite a few people do!
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Georgiana Brummell
in reply to Xanathon • •Xanathon
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Matt Payne
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Kira, in convalescence 🌙
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
josh susser
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Georgiana Brummell
in reply to josh susser • •Carolyn
in reply to josh susser • • •Nat Oleander
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Georgiana Brummell
in reply to Nat Oleander • •Nat Oleander
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Nat Oleander
in reply to Nat Oleander • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Jupiter Rowland
in reply to Nat Oleander • • •@Nat Oleander It's just a pity that if you post about an obscure enough niche topic like I do, it's the more difficult to make image posts perfectly accessible to everyone, the more obscure the topic is. For the more obscure the topic is, the more you have to describe, and the more you have to explain. (Caution: Never put explanations into alt-text! They must go where everyone can access them.)
I currently write the longest image descriptions in the whole Fediverse by a wide margin. But they may not actually be accessible enough, even though I describe all my original images twice.
The short descriptions in the alt-text don't always contain text transcripts, especially not all of them, and being only short descriptions, they aren't full, detailed visual descriptions either. The long descriptions for the same images in the post regularly end up with a five-digit character count. They may not be accessible because they're way too long. But sometimes they're the only place wher
... show more@Nat Oleander It's just a pity that if you post about an obscure enough niche topic like I do, it's the more difficult to make image posts perfectly accessible to everyone, the more obscure the topic is. For the more obscure the topic is, the more you have to describe, and the more you have to explain. (Caution: Never put explanations into alt-text! They must go where everyone can access them.)
I currently write the longest image descriptions in the whole Fediverse by a wide margin. But they may not actually be accessible enough, even though I describe all my original images twice.
The short descriptions in the alt-text don't always contain text transcripts, especially not all of them, and being only short descriptions, they aren't full, detailed visual descriptions either. The long descriptions for the same images in the post regularly end up with a five-digit character count. They may not be accessible because they're way too long. But sometimes they're the only place where all text transcripts can be found. And they are the only place where explanations can be found.
So the consequence should be that I quit posting my original images because they're impossible to make perfectly accessible to everyone, at least as long as there is no rock-solid definition for what's actually required in image descriptions in my obscure edge-case. But there isn't even any consensus on whether text that's illegible or that's so tiny that it's basically invisible must be transcribed if it can be sourced.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Georgiana Brummell
in reply to Jupiter Rowland • •Jupiter Rowland
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •@Georgiana Brummell I'd say not everyone would consider almost 1,000 characters of image description in a 1,500-character alt-text accessible. And even fewer people would consider a long image description in the post itself that's tens of thousands of characters long accessible if your screen reader spends an hour or several rambling it down.
My most extreme case is a post with only one image. That one image is described twice like all my halfway recent original images. The short description in the alt-text is a bit over 1,400 characters long which barely leaves any room for the note that there is also a long description in the post itself. That long description is over 60,000 characters long. I'm not kidding. It took me two full days from getting up to going to bed to research for it and write it.
Now, there are a few dozen bits and pieces of text all over the image. At the resolution at which I've posted the image, two of them are ever so barely le
... show more@Georgiana Brummell I'd say not everyone would consider almost 1,000 characters of image description in a 1,500-character alt-text accessible. And even fewer people would consider a long image description in the post itself that's tens of thousands of characters long accessible if your screen reader spends an hour or several rambling it down.
My most extreme case is a post with only one image. That one image is described twice like all my halfway recent original images. The short description in the alt-text is a bit over 1,400 characters long which barely leaves any room for the note that there is also a long description in the post itself. That long description is over 60,000 characters long. I'm not kidding. It took me two full days from getting up to going to bed to research for it and write it.
Now, there are a few dozen bits and pieces of text all over the image. At the resolution at which I've posted the image, two of them are ever so barely legible for sighted people. They're on a large logo on a building. Four more, two of them on that logo, too, two more on a sign on an easel, are illegible, but still visible. At least more on signs inside the building are visible, but they can't easily be identified as text. All the others are so tiny that they're invisible. It takes the long image description to even know where they are, for example, on the control panels of teleporters.
And yet, they are all within the borders of the image. And I can transcribe them. I can't read them in the image, but I can go to the place shown in the image and take closer looks.
Unfortunately, the rule or guideline that any and all text in an image must be transcribed verbatim does not take into consideration text that can't be read in the image, but that can be sourced and thus transcribed by whoever posts the image. No confirmation, no exception. And so I have to assume that I have to transcribe illegible text as well. And so I do transcribe them all.
But there's no way for me to put all these text transcripts into the alt-text, not if I want to keep Mastodon, Misskey and their forks from chopping it off at the 1,500-character mark. I'd also have to explain where all these pieces of text are, after all. And so the text transcripts are only available in the 60,000-character monster of a long image description.
It isn't really accessible to expect blind users to have their screen readers ramble and ramble and ramble for hours, just to get information that should actually belong into the alt-text which, in turn, shouldn't be longer than 200 characters.
On the other hand, it doesn't really seem accessible to me if I expect people to ask me to describe things in the image for them. It rather feels sloppy, if not out-right ableist to not describe everything that someone could possibly want to know right away.
The problem with my images is that they're renderings from very obscure 3-D virtual worlds. This means that nobody knows what anything in these images looks like unless they can see these images. This, in turn, means that I cannot expect anyone to know what something in my images looks like anyway. They don't.
At the same time, I can't expect everyone to not care about my images. In fact, I expect the very topic of 3-D virtual worlds that actually exist to make people curious. At this point, it doesn't matter what's important in my images within the context of the post. Sighted people will go explore the new and unknown world by taking closer looks at all the big and small details in the image.
But blind or visually-impaired people may be just as curious. They may want the same chance to explore this new world by experiencing what's in that one image. Denying them the same chances as sighted people is ableist. But giving them this chance requires an absolutely titanic image description.
Sure, I describe lots of details which a sighted person can't possibly recognise when looking at the image, especially not at the resolution of the image as I've posted it. But I simply can't keep telling blind or visually-impaired people that certain things in the image can't be recognised due to the image resolution. It feels lazy, like weaseling out. I mean, I can see all these details. Not in the image, but where the image was made, simply by walking closer to them or moving the camera closer to them.
If there are two dark objects inside a building that may or may not be plants, but that can't be identified as plants by looking at the image, why shouldn't I describe them as follows: "On the sides of the teleport panel, there are two identical açaí palms in square terracotta pots with wide rims. Like the other potted plants, these mostly dark green plants with long pointy leaves are kept at an indoor-compatible size, namely about three and a half metres or eleven and a half feet tall. Also, like the other potted plants, they are made of only four flat surfaces with partially transparent pictures of the plant on them, arranged in angles of 45 degrees to one another."
If there's room for improvement in my image descriptions, I improve my future image descriptions and declare my past image descriptions outdated. In fact, the 60,000-character-long description is outdated because it's bad style to describe dimension using measures. Instead, dimensions should be described by comparing them with something everyone is familiar with like body parts.
Right now, by the way, I'm upping my game at describing avatars, using rules and guidelines for describing people which I've discovered over the last few months. The last time I've described an avatar, I've done so in about 7,000 characters, but according to my new discoveries, I may have missed something.
However, I can't go into so much detail while still making my image descriptions short enough that a screen reader can read through them in under a minute.
CC: @Nat Oleander
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #Metaverse #VirtualWorlds #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Georgiana Brummell
in reply to Jupiter Rowland • •Jupiter Rowland
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •@Georgiana Brummell @Nat Oleander Well, technically speaking, the long description isn't alt-text.
What went into the actual alt-text of the image were 1,402 characters of visual description + 97 characters of notice that there's a long description in the post. The over 60,000 characters went into the post text body, right below the image itself.
I could have put the long description into the alt-text. But it would have been a nightmare for blind or visually-impaired people because screen readers can't navigate alt-text. Also, Mastodon, Glitch, Hometown, Misskey, Calckey, Firefish, Iceshrimp, CherryPick, Sharkey, Catodon and the other Mastodon and Misskey forks chop long alt-texts from outside off at the 1,500-character mark. Mastodon would simply have deleted almost 59,000 characters from my image description on their side, had I put it into the alt-text.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta
Ponder Stibbons 🇧🇷🇩🇪
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Robert Logger 🇳🇱
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Artemisia Vulgaris
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •I had never written alt text before joining the fediverse, but I’ve come to appreciate the opportunity it gives me to think about why I posted the image and what’s worth knowing about it. I still do worry, but I feel more relaxed thanks to your post.
Erik van Straten
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •: thank you!
I often spend more time writing alt text than the text in the toot itself - not just to keep the toot itself as short as possible.
Writing alt text, even if using energy, is useful for myself as well. In particular in the case of photo's, it makes me look better. Often I notice details that I missed before.
What I like about Mastodon is the enormous variety in people, from all over the world, one can meet here and discuss with. Even if I'm not an "easy person", it enriches my life.
Thank you again, and my pleasure!
#Blind #AltText #PleaseAddAltText
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Georgiana Brummell and marym like this.
Jupiter Rowland
in reply to Erik van Straten • • •@Erik van Straten
I always spend more time describing my images than writing the post that they go into.
For my meme posts, that's because I have to explain the picture and find the appropriate links to external explanations (KnowYourMeme etc.) to shorten my explanation block if possible.
For my original images, it's because I have to describe them twice. There's always an alt-text which, as of late, fills the 1,500-character limit imposed by Mastodon, Misskey etc. to the brim. But that alt-text is only a shortened and slightly adapted version of an extremely long long description which goes into the post text body and which also includes transcripts of any and all text in the image, readable or not, as well as all explanations which I deem necessary for outsiders to understand the image.
... show more@Erik van Straten
I always spend more time describing my images than writing the post that they go into.
For my meme posts, that's because I have to explain the picture and find the appropriate links to external explanations (KnowYourMeme etc.) to shorten my explanation block if possible.
For my original images, it's because I have to describe them twice. There's always an alt-text which, as of late, fills the 1,500-character limit imposed by Mastodon, Misskey etc. to the brim. But that alt-text is only a shortened and slightly adapted version of an extremely long long description which goes into the post text body and which also includes transcripts of any and all text in the image, readable or not, as well as all explanations which I deem necessary for outsiders to understand the image. Since the images are about an extremely obscure niche topic, this means I have to explain a lot.
A while ago, I spent two full days, morning to evening, researching for and describing and explaining one single image. The result was probably the longest image description ever posted in the Fediverse. And I actually had to limit myself, otherwise the description would have been even vastly longer and taken over a month to complete. Good thing I don't have any character limit to worry about. The only exception is that Mastodon may reject posts from outside with over 100,000 characters.
#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #AltText #AltTextMeta #CWAltTextMeta #ImageDescription #ImageDescriptions #ImageDescriptionMeta #CWImageDescriptionMeta
Lukáš Tyrychtr
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
Chris Walter
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •A while back, I built an exhibit I thought people would find interesting.
The first place I took it, I was thanked for having an exhibit which was accessible for the visually-impaired (I'm not certain about totally blind). I hadn't even thought of it that way!
You can read my write-up here. Unfortunately, the "caption" property on the images kind of conflicts with the "alt text" property, and I don't know which one you'll get.…
New Uses for Old Payphones
publius.ntfn.orgGeorgiana Brummell likes this.
Nate Allen
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
indi 🪡
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
ZZ Bottom
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Bass #AlleBurgers #EcoHumanist
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •How do I make posts more accessible to blind people on Mastodon and the Fediverse?…
h/t @FediTips
If there’s no #Alt4Me tag on the undescribed image, it’s still worth being polite as no one wants bad feelings generated around the topic of descriptions. You might want to just reply with a description and #Alt4You tag, and if they’re abled they will hopefully get the message that descriptions are preferred.
#Alt4Me #Alt4You
How do I make posts more accessible to blind people on Mastodon and the Fediverse? | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
fedi.tipsGeorgiana Brummell likes this.
J. Cliff Dyer
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •A friendly suggestion to all the people who follow me here: put alt text on your images. It makes a difference!
Georgiana Brummell likes this.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Georgiana Brummell likes this.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Scarlet Phoenix Collective
in reply to Georgiana Brummell • • •Lydia Schoch
Unknown parent • • •