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Should we make the Bookface theme the site's default for
Or should we leave it at the standard 'frio' theme and let users decide for themselves.

I'm just thinking users might not know about the Bookface theme. And in my opinion it makes the site more user-friendly.

Reply with your thoughts!

(In the screenshots, you'll see I chose green as today's accent color for the theme.. don't worry, that's not the default 😀 )



in reply to Ruud

Bookface appears to run faster for me. That's a bonus, if it's universal. However, it looks less like FB, which some might find off-putting. My opinion is to try it and see how it goes. We can always change back.
in reply to Ruud

I just switched to Bookface. Not really liking it so far, but I'll give it some time to grow on me 😀
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to Ruud

I prefer frio. But as long that I'm able to switch from the default Bookface to frio it doesn't matter to me.
in reply to Ruud

Everything that makes it more user friendly is welcome. I tried to find your post with my friendica-account, but I always get lost in the very unfriendly interface.
But from your post I understand I can choose this theme already? I'll to change it immediately.
in reply to Ruud

#bookface confuses me. Is it a #theme or a theme #customisation? When I go to Settings, Display Settings, Themes I only find the themes #Frio and #Vier. Theme Customisation is the only place afaik where bookface is mentioned. It offers a choice between three bookface appearances; auto color mode, dark, and light. Am I looking in the wrong place?
in reply to gargle

Bookface is a customisation of the Frio theme. So yes, you find it under the Theme Customisation.

gargle reshared this.

in reply to Ruud

@Ruud from my five seconds of testing: it looks much nicer on mobile and fixes Frio's weird tag spacing issues. I'd like to give it a go on desktop before I make a determination for myself, but it's looking good so far.

Edit: I do wonder why the logo is upside down though

in reply to Nathan

Haha, I also have the impression the logo is upside down but actually it's still the same. The coloured space and the white space/yellow space both form an "f", one the right way round and one upside down. I never noticed, until I changed the theme.
in reply to Petra

@Petra @Ruud right you are! Interesting that I perceived it as upside down!
in reply to Ruud

@Ruud There's obviously some personal preference at work here but I think that making BookFace the default theme (err.. style) is a good idea. For me, it definitely was part of the reason I went from playing around with Friendica to moving here. It really just looks much more modern than the stock Frio theme.
in reply to Ruud

I did switch to Bookface and like it. I'm using it as my default here. I've been exploring so many different platforms the last couple months and Bookface feels more natural than some interfaces I've used on other platforms. Thanks for adding it!


in reply to Ruud

I've switched to Bookface and once you are used to it it feels better and cleaner so I'd put my vote for it as the default theme.
in reply to Ruud

It can be a nice idea to get closer to those people that still use just Facebook, it could be nice to do A/B tests and see how people react
in reply to Ruud

I put my vote for it as the default theme. I've switched to Bookface auto color mode right after your posted your question. It does indeed feel better and cleaner. I especially like the bigger counters for the comments, shares, quotes, likes and dislikes.