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!Friendica Support ,
How do we post YouTube video on Friendica? Either a thumbnail with the title and description (like when I link to a news article somewhere) or an embed of the video? I've tried [url], [video], and [youtube] BBcodes and the "Link or Media" button in the post editor and nothing worked. They either just render as a text-only link or this empty box with "Enter a title" and "Enter a description"

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Kristi H.

@Kristi H. I always just paste the YouTube link and then click the text preview away.. then it mostly works. When I later edit the post, I see that the link has been transformed to this form: [youtube]12345abc[/youtube] .
This entry was edited (3 hours ago)
in reply to xy..

Pasting the link just gets me the "Enter a title" "Enter a description" and a text link. If I paste the YouTube URL like "" (with /embed/) then those boxes show "YouTube" and "" and it will link to the video, but still no thumbnail and no description. According to @Michael 🇺🇦 above in this thread it sounds like it will never work on my instance unless its IP address changes to one YouTube isn't blocking.

Friendica Support reshared this.

What is this? How do I turn this off? It defeats the entire purpose of posting a link to anything with an image!
in reply to Ruud

@Ruud @Kristi H.
That's right. I mixed it up with another addon (Show More). Sorry about that.

Since there is no way to make a setting, I changed it directly in the addon code so that it takes effect for all users.

in reply to Matthias

I would love to have it disabled by default and users can enable when needed
in reply to Ruud

@Ruud @Kristi H. Yes, that's how it should be. As an admin, you activate the addon for the node, but it is only put into operation by the user. This is not rocket science. It happens this way with various add-ons. An issue to the project could help.
in reply to Ruud

Agreed @Ruud, it should be opt-in.

It's nerv wrecking, even started to look for work arounds of some kind of adding dead links to posts.

Adding the fact that some platforms use the first link to show embeeded content and others the last one, it's like switching around the whole time looking for how a post looks where, when and why ..

@Matthias @Kristi H.

This entry was edited (1 day ago)

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Kristi H.

Agree that it would be a good idea to reduce the default active channel selection. It is confusing, overwhelming and scary to new users. More advanced and experience users can always toggle channels.

Terminology seems inconsistent calling them channels in one place and Timelines in another.

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to wilhelm

@wilhelm That's because they were timelines before. Channels are a newer addition and, frankly, I did not expect them to be the default way of serving content via the feed. Probably the team will think of a better way to integrate these though 😁

@Kristi H.

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to utopiArte

Mutuals should include followers, followers shouldn't include (all) mutuals.

Not according to my testing with multiple accounts, some of which were "Mutual Friends" and others only "Subscribers/Followers." All Mutuals are, by definition, also Followers. But Followers you are not following back are not Mutuals.

"Friends of Friends" on Facebook are people you are not Friended to but they are connected to someone you are connected to. So you have a mutual person in between you and them. Under the general idea that the people friended to someone you're friended to are probably okay too, and potentially people you might want to friend directly yourself. But if they can't see anything you post or anything your mutual contact comments on or likes, neither you nor they would ever know each other exists if the posts aren't public.

I really wish Friendica had that because 99% of everything I ever posted on Facebook was to "Friends of Friends" (which includes the mutual contact in between you, so it's actually "Friends" + "Friends of Friends").

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Kristi H.

I’m no lawyer, but after reading the new Terms of Service my assumption was they were talking about their integrated online services like Firefox Suggest, Pocket, Mozilla Sync, Relay, Monitor, Mozilla VPN, Weather, Anonym PPA, and Mozilla AI. All of which are optional.

Mozilla issued a statement today on the TOS clarifying:

“It does NOT give us ownership of your data or a right to use it for anything other than what is described in the Privacy Notice.”

I think they need to issue another statement clarifying that the TOS *only* applies to their optional integrated online services. I mean, logically, that *must* be what they’re talking about, right? Things you send to their servers by using their services? But they really *really* need to specify that! Because if that’s *not* what they mean, then, yeah, these terms are unacceptable.

The TOS reads badly, like their lawyers used AI to write it.…

#firefox #mozilla

in reply to Kristi H.

And today even more clarifications, and it really does sound like my assumption was right that this only applies to their optional services, but they really really need to say exactly that.…

Kristi H. reshared this.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)

ANDREQ 🇷🇺 doesn't like this.

in reply to Pygoscelis Papua

The goal of the mobile application is largely determined by the fact that every time you do not redraw the already heavy interface of Friendica... We are invited to use it through the browser as well.... pwa, are you seriously happy about such perversions of the interface like fB? I stop understanding people🤔

don't like this

in reply to Pygoscelis Papua

Thanks for the effort. It works as advertised in my Firefox browser. I think it definitely could help FB users to migrate to Friendica.

caos reshared this.

But it’s too late. Elon Musk has already seized control of the nation’s bank account.

He successfully chased out the career civil servant who oversaw the payment system, David Lebryk, and got his stooge Tom Krause installed in that job. Krause is another Silicon Valley tech bro that was providing cloud storage services to DOGE. The court order likely doesn’t apply to him because it appears he is now officially a Treasury Department employee. Meaning, with a single phone call to him, either Musk or Trump can stop any payments to anyone. A judge seriously needs to remove Krause and reinstate Lebryk or what’s the point? Musk still has his hand in our cookie jar!

The payment system disburses federal money for just about everything. And so far everything Musk has claimed was “fraud” was actually just funding for something he doesn’t like or see the value of funding. No *actual* fraud has been found.…

reshared this

This guy is a primary author of "Project 2025" and he blatantly admitted, in his confirmation hearing, that he will violate the law. So of course the Senate GOP confirmed him. No Democrats voted for him. They held an all-night filibuster trying to derail his nomination. It didn't work.…

Volodymyr reshared this.

I wouldn't put much stock in any agreement made with Republicans. They have no honor. No principles. No integrity. As evidenced by everything they do. Just watch, as soon as they get the DFL reps back in the building and can legally have a quorum the GOP will try to renege on the deal.

#uspol #minnesota…

in reply to Kristi H.

So apparently the deal the GOP agreed to was the same deal the DFL has been offering for weeks. Why did the GOP cave? Well, according to Heartland Signals Matt McNeil:

"the mngop rushed to take this deal because they knew metro area Republicans would lose recall elections. Before the DFL started them, they caved. Plus, the gop doesn't have the money to recall all of the DFL'ers."

I think the mngop rushed to take this deal because they knew metro area Republicans would lose recall elections. Before the DFL started them, they caved. Plus, the gop doesn't have the money to recall all of the DFL'ers.

I'm fine with everything but the extra new committee. As the TC media outright ignored Limmer's racist hearing, they'll amplify the GOP's new committee.…

Republicans are so detached from reality that the Minnesota GOP is playing pretend at legislating in what are, legally speaking, mock sessions. The Minnesota Supreme Court said they do not have a quorum. Therefore they did not pick a Speaker. They have not convened a single session. Their committees are no more official than a high school Model UN. They plan to grab power for two years by refusing to seat DFL Representative Brad Tabke, even though the courts have ruled his election victory was legitimate. And now the MN GOP are attempting to instigate recall elections of *every* DFL Representative. They want an election do-over because they refuse to accept the results. Republicans are as delusional as they are lawless.…

HOW? I'll tell you how. He's a Republican. They have no principles. Oh, they *claim* they have principles, but when push comes to shove they abandon them, which means they never really held them at all. They toe the party line. They do as they are told. They always put their party agenda ahead of the good of the nation. They all suffer that disease where they become spineless, and there's no vaccine for that.…

It's still worthwhile to point out what Trump and his people are doing is illegal, because we don't want to normalize it, but don't expect anyone to be held accountable.

Even if a judge rules against actions the courts have no means of enforcing their rulings. They rely on law enforcement to do that. People obey court orders either because they accept the court's authority or because of the threat of the order being enforced.

When the criminals control the cops and corrupt the courts there is no Rule of Law anymore.

It's not like the people who voted for Trump didn't know he was a felonious criminal. They're getting the lawless government they asked for. Unfortunately the rest of us are getting it too. It's "mob rule" in the Mafia sense of the word.

The only government entity left that could hold Trump accountable is Congress, which could impeach and remove him, but is also under his control via spineless and toady Republicans who will never vote to either impeach or remove him.…

We need a LOT more of this from the Democrats. But you'll notice it's only a few Dems actually saying stuff like this, and they aren't the party leadership.…

In case it isn’t clear to anyone, what the Trump Regime is doing is the 21st century version of a book burning. With direct parallels to the one the Nazis did at the Institut für Sexualwissenschaft in 1933.…

in reply to Kristi H.

I'm sure about that. All the way to the Middle Ages and beyond.

Susan Collins was never not going to vote for any of these nominees. She likes to pretend like she has principles, that they have to convince her, but in the end she always votes party line despite her supposed "concerns." It's all an act and the press falls for it again and again. Calling her a "clown" is being generous to her and unfair to clowns.…

HA! I'd say Trump folded like one of his cheap suits.…

Only about 9% of Americans polled support Trump's tariffs, and it's unclear from that poll if they even understand what tariffs are or that they are the weapons in a trade war.

What is clear is that the majority of Americans don't want tariffs or a trade war, and if they were willing to torch our democracy electing Trump over the price of eggs what will they do when the price of everything skyrockets?

The power to impose tariffs, to cause so much economic and international relations chaos, needs to be taken away from the president. No one person should have that kind of power no matter who they are or what office they hold. IMO it's a power that should only be in the hands of Congress.…

I really wish I had friends or family in another country. A better country. Who I could go stay with. For the next four years. Or forever. I didn’t vote for any of this. MY nation ended on Inauguration Day. It’s now the United States of America in name only. The Constitution isn’t worth the paper it’s written on. I don’t recognize whatever THIS is. What it is becoming. And more rapidly than anyone anticipated. Things will only get worse. I don’t want to have to endure it. I want to be somewhere else. But I don’t know where or how. It feels like the entire world is going mad.
in reply to Kristi H.


This proposal would introduce everything that is wrong and UN-democratic about the US Senate to the MN Senate.…

Apparently on Friendica you CAN move photos from one album to another. You just have to edit the photo and change the album name it belongs to. If it was the last photo in an album and you move it out the empty album also automatically disappears. And moving it to another album does not appear to affect any posts to which you previously attached the image. Just don't change it to "Recent photos" as that's not actually an album.

Alexandra reshared this.

ALT Text on Friendica Images

slowmart reshared this.

in reply to Petra

When an image is inserted into a post it usually also has a link to the image wrapped around it. It sounds like you're putting the alt text inside the link code but not the image code:

[url=https://link-to-image]Text here would become a link above picture[img=https://image-address]Text HERE becomes Alt-Text[/img]Text here would become a link after picture[/url]

So always look for the [/img] and put the alt-text right before it.

in reply to Kristi H.

Thank you so much, I really should have known that, having done a bit of HTML, but that was years and years ago.


Kristi H. reshared this.

reshared this

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Pygoscelis Papua
I'll take a look at it this weekend and see what works. I've also been working on a massive redesign for mobile devices to make it a lot more like using an app.
Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Pygoscelis Papua

I know I've been replying in English to posts written in other languages. I don't mean to disrespect anyone. I've tried to only do this toward people who have also posted in English. I've been using the right+click "Translate" option in my browser to follow those conversations but thought I should actually say that, aside from a few words or phrases in some other languages, I'm only fluent in English.😁

Kristi H. reshared this.

Bookface v1.2 Released

Kristi H. reshared this.

in reply to Pygoscelis Papua

Someone asked me about making a version that detects whether you have "Light" or "Dark" mode set in your operating system to automatically switch? I have been working on it, but I ran into a roadblock. The "Frio" theme sets a bunch of colors in PHP and then slipstreams the variables into the stylesheets. Those need to be conditionally overridden in PHP.

The only way I know of to detect the user's preferred color mode is with some JS to set a cookie, then use PHP to read that cookie as a header. The problem with that is you must do that before any output, and by the time you get to "Theme Customization" schemes it's too late, there has already been output. So while I *can* read the cookie at that point, it's too late in the process to use it to conditionally set the PHP color variables. It's also apparently too late to try capturing the PHP output buffer. If not for that an automatic version would be easy.

Bookface Repo

Rather than posting code or file attachments on Friendica, I set up a GitLab repository for the "Bookface" theme project. All my future updates will be here:…

Please direct dev talk about it to the (now actually existing) @Pygoscelis Papua account.

reshared this

in reply to Kristi H.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to fe di

It wasn't working because of the backlog of tasks from the server move. Now that the backlog is gone things are working properly. Stuff I posted/sent a week ago finally arrived and new stuff is being delivered in a timely fashion.
in reply to Kristi H.

@Kristi H.

Kristi H. wrote:

"Nothing I post with a more limited scope, like to "Friends" or "Mutuals" etc., is visible to anyone else, and I can't see anything posted by anyone else that isn't public."

... Ahh, a private post cannot be seen by anyone except the contacts directly addressed, which is what "private" means. Private posts are not public. Only the addressee should always be able to see them.

I didn't have to configure anything special on my server to make it work like this. It worked out-of-the-box as expected.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Bookface Template/Scheme for Friendica Frio Theme

reshared this

in reply to Frend

Both should be possible.
The patch will only be available with the next release.

@OldKid ⁂ @Kristi H.

in reply to Matthias

@Matthias Thanks for the link/patch... but it doesn't work on my test instance (develop branch).
in reply to Matthias

@Matthias muss ich morgen noch mal testen, jetzt pfelge ich erstmal meine Grippe weiter und schau mir das Handball WM Spiel Deutschland : Dänemark an
in reply to Matthias

@Matthias Danke

So jetzt funtzt der Patch auch bei mir ... war nen Addon von Firefox dran Schuld das es nicht funktioniert.
Ich hätte nur gerne den Attachment Button wieder, weil ich über den ja auch immer schon hochgeladen Attachments sehen konnte.

in reply to OldKid ⁂

Yes, I hid that button on purpose because file attachment (other than photos) is a partially-implemented/broken feature, as there is no interface for managing/deleting them, only listing them. And, yes, I'm aware of the irony of my having used that file attachment function in my OP above. But I'm annoyed I have no way to manage or delete any of the files I've uploaded, and other people I know who came from Facebook were confused by it. I think it's better to not present a semi-broken feature to new users, it just frustrates them. But I apologize for frustrating you in the process.

Bookface Dark Version 4

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Kristi H.

@Kristi H. You're pretty much doing God's work and I'm happy that some servers are already adopting your stylesheet as an actual theme (see right now)

Edit: btw, can I add it to my Friendica megathread and to share the news about it just about everywhere online? 😁

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Cătă

@Cătă Share it far and wide! I was hoping other people would adapt it for server-side use. I'm happy other people like it!

The "Frio" theme is okay, but it looks a lot like FB from around 2010. I know some people will dismiss Friendica for looking old and outdated because of that (actually I've already seen comments to that effect).

I think Friendica needs a modern makeover to entice and retain new users. There is no official app, so the responsive layout needs to look like a decent social app in mobile browsers too.

Since I came here from FB myself I thought this redesign would make me feel more at home here, and it does. I've almost forgotten other people are not seeing it the same way I do.

in reply to Kristi H.

Unknown parent

friendica (DFRN) - Link to source
Kristi H.
Accidentally uploaded it as non-public. Should be fixed now, but may take time to propagate given the "worker" problem on this server right now.

Bookface Light Version 4

reshared this

reshared this

in reply to Kristi H.

@kmh Excellent! Just a tip: Friendica allows code formatting, which makes readability better, while also escaping the code (depending on markup language, some sequences or characters, such as asterisk and underline, could accidentally be parsed as bold/italic).

I don't fully remember which one is the valid syntax for the web version, I guess it's the markdown one (I'm using an Android app to access Friendica, and the app allows me to set either bbcode, html or markdown):

Bbcode: [ code ]your code[ /code ] (remove the spaces)
Html: < code >your code< /code > (remove the spaces)
Markdown: three grave accents (`) in a single line, then the code, then another single line with three grave accents.


html, body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
height: 100%;

html, body {
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
height: 100%;

Hope this helps!

in reply to Daemon Silverstein

Thanks! I put the entire thing inside of [pre]...[/pre] but somehow I scrolled right past the "code blocks" part of the Friendica BBCode reference.

@Ruud I know posting publicly works because of the engagement I have on those posts, even from other Friendica servers. But it appears that anything I've posted with "Limited" visibility to just "Followers" or "Friends" cannot be seen by my contacts in those Circles, even if they're on this same server. They should be able to see them but have told me, via other platforms, that they can't. They can only see my public posts.

On FB I mostly post with limited scope rather than publicly, I'd like to do the same here, but this doesn't seem to be working. Everything I've posted has a little hourglass icon on it with a tooltip that reads "Notifier task is pending" so are my "Limited/Private" posts just getting lost in the process queue?

in reply to Kristi H.

They probably are still in the queue... I'm still working with the Friendica developers to get this issue resolved…
The queue is going down, but too slow, it would take 30 days for it to go to 0, so this needs to be fixed soon!

So there doesn't appear to be any way to manage/delete files uploaded to #Friendica through the Compose window Browser!?

When I click the little document icon it says the path is "/Files" and I see a list at the bottom of the files I've uploaded. Each one is listed twice per line like "filename.ext filename.ext" (but the first one is actually an image of the text, implying these could be managed like photos). Clicking any of them attaches them to the post as you'd expect.

But there isn't a "Files" manager like there is for "Photos" and the "Media" tab doesn't seem to do anything useful either. I get that this is for small files, I uploaded some CSS files to share, which works, but now I can apparently never, ever delete them? Am I missing a setting somewhere, or is file management a missing feature?

in reply to Kristi H.


I'm new here and trying out Friendica as an alternative to Facebook. There's clearly a bit of a learning curve but I'm sure I'll figure it out . Now if I can just convince most of my FB friends to make the move too!

NataliaTheDrowned2 reshared this.

in reply to Kristi H.

Oh boy, same. Keeping myself somewhat anonymous until I get the lay of the land.

Bringing people over from fb will be a task, but the signup process doesn't seem any harder (maybe even easier in some ways). And even Facebook started out once upon a time as a limited social media site. I remember when you had to be associated with a university to get an account.

informapirata ⁂ reshared this.

in reply to Ample Rhetoric

@ample Welcome to Friendica!

The most important thing is not to rush and to stay calm and patient.

Here I wrote a guide in Italian, but with any automatic translator you should understand everything:…