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!Friendica Support ,
How do we post YouTube video on Friendica? Either a thumbnail with the title and description (like when I link to a news article somewhere) or an embed of the video? I've tried [url], [video], and [youtube] BBcodes and the "Link or Media" button in the post editor and nothing worked. They either just render as a text-only link or this empty box with "Enter a title" and "Enter a description"

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in reply to Kristi H.

You should do it the same way as you post other links. Youtube is known for limiting access based on the server's IP address. So possibly you do everything okay, but Youtube doesn't provide data for you.
in reply to Michael 🇺🇦

So it's rate-limited and totally hit or miss whether it works based on how many other people on your instance have shared YouTube videos? That's not good.

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to Kristi H.

No, it's not rate limited, it seems. It seems to depend on your IP range. I've got two servers. From the one it works, from the other it doesn't.
in reply to Kristi H.

@Kristi H. I always just paste the YouTube link and then click the text preview away.. then it mostly works. When I later edit the post, I see that the link has been transformed to this form: [youtube]12345abc[/youtube] .
This entry was edited (20 hours ago)
in reply to xy..

Pasting the link just gets me the "Enter a title" "Enter a description" and a text link. If I paste the YouTube URL like "" (with /embed/) then those boxes show "YouTube" and "" and it will link to the video, but still no thumbnail and no description. According to @Michael 🇺🇦 above in this thread it sounds like it will never work on my instance unless its IP address changes to one YouTube isn't blocking.

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in reply to Kristi H.

@Kristi H. yes, who knows if it will ever work.. unfortunately.. i just wanted to add my case.. this "enter a title" is, what I click away, I believe..