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What is this? How do I turn this off? It defeats the entire purpose of posting a link to anything with an image!
in reply to Kristi H.

Okay, found it. There's a new Add-On that is enabled by default. Change the value to zero. IMO this REALLY should NOT be enabled by default. It ruins the entire Friendica UX by collapsing EVERY post!


in reply to Kristi H.

Oh sorry. Didn't know this was enabled for everyone by default... I disabled that again
in reply to Kristi H.

@Kristi H.
It is an addon. It is called ‘ShowMore Dynamic’ Your admin can set a higher starting value. As a user, you can adjust the value according to your own requirements.

This is a very useful feature for long blog posts.

in reply to Ruud

@Ruud @Kristi H.
That's right. I mixed it up with another addon (Show More). Sorry about that.

Since there is no way to make a setting, I changed it directly in the addon code so that it takes effect for all users.

in reply to Matthias

I would love to have it disabled by default and users can enable when needed
in reply to Ruud

@Ruud @Kristi H. Yes, that's how it should be. As an admin, you activate the addon for the node, but it is only put into operation by the user. This is not rocket science. It happens this way with various add-ons. An issue to the project could help.
in reply to Ruud

Agreed @Ruud, it should be opt-in.

It's nerv wrecking, even started to look for work arounds of some kind of adding dead links to posts.

Adding the fact that some platforms use the first link to show embeeded content and others the last one, it's like switching around the whole time looking for how a post looks where, when and why ..

@Matthias @Kristi H.

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