I'm new here and trying out Friendica as an alternative to Facebook. There's clearly a bit of a learning curve but I'm sure I'll figure it out . Now if I can just convince most of my FB friends to make the move too!
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Ample Rhetoric
in reply to Kristi H. • •Oh boy, same. Keeping myself somewhat anonymous until I get the lay of the land.
Bringing people over from fb will be a task, but the signup process doesn't seem any harder (maybe even easier in some ways). And even Facebook started out once upon a time as a limited social media site. I remember when you had to be associated with a university to get an account.
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informapirata ⁂ reshared this.
informapirata ⁂
in reply to Ample Rhetoric • • •@ample Welcome to Friendica!
The most important thing is not to rush and to stay calm and patient.
Here I wrote a guide in Italian, but with any automatic translator you should understand everything:
W la Friendica (che dio la benedèndica): la guida al Facebook del Fediverso
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Ample Rhetoric
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