I've started a Friendica howto page, for new Friendica users to find help using the site.
For now, there's only 1 article yet, the next ones will be about the Bluesky plugin (thanks to @Walter Vermeir for writing that up) and creating/using groups.
Check here: help.friendica.onl
Edit 04-02-2025: I changed the URL because there were issues with the wildcard domain name used for the Bluesky connector.
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Austra lo Piteco
in reply to Ruud • •It asks me to login....
Wilhelmina58 likes this.
in reply to Austra lo Piteco • •Wilhelmina58 likes this.
Austra lo Piteco
in reply to Ruud • •When I click on the link
in reply to Austra lo Piteco • •But.. there is no login..
How about if you just type help.friendica.world ? Same result?
I tried in different browsers and even with private browisng and I just get the page. Let me try on diferent network
in reply to Ruud • •Wilhelmina58 likes this.
in reply to Ruud • •Ruud
in reply to Wilhelmina58 • •I did put a link to the 'New To Friendica' group on the help page, that can lead you to a login. But I now removed that link to avoid confusion.
Austra lo Piteco
in reply to Ruud • •Even when I type on Opera or Chrome....
Wilhelmina58 likes this.
in reply to Austra lo Piteco • •Austra lo Piteco
in reply to Ruud • •The same again.
Wilhelmina58 likes this.
in reply to Ruud • •Couldn't get in, tried 3 times , but asks again and again to login.
Walter Vermeir
in reply to Wilhelmina58 • •Ruud
in reply to Walter Vermeir • •No clue why it works for me (and others)
in reply to Walter Vermeir • •Walter Vermeir
in reply to Ruud • •Tried, on the same computer;
Firefox (main browser), Opera and Chromium.
help.friendica.world gives default login. After login loads friendica.world
Walter Vermeir
in reply to Walter Vermeir • •Just tried on my win11 work computer;
Firefox & Edge ; works. No login.
Smartphone; firefox, again the login screen
John E. Bartley, III (D) K7AAY
in reply to Ruud • •Ruud
in reply to Ruud • •It has to do with the wildcard domain I use for the Bluesky connector.
Don't want to troubleshoot this, I'll just change the domain name for the help page. Hang on.
Wilhelmina58 likes this.
in reply to Ruud • •help.friendica.onl
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Mike Höhn, Wilhelmina58 and MaQuest like this.
Mike Höhn
in reply to Ruud • •Wilhelmina58
in reply to Ruud • •