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in reply to pataphysician

Here is the alt-text description for the image:

The image is a meme-style graphic with pink hearts, rainbow and flower graphics scattered throughout. The background is a pink color, with a wire shelf visible at the top. Dangling from the shelf is a string of colorful lights. A pale pink fabric hammock hangs from the shelf, and a possum peeks out from within it. Above the possum, the text reads "this is a homie check point..." and below the hammock, the text reads "are you okay bro?"

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

in reply to pataphysician

A screenshot of two tweets, one from the account ACID HORIZON with the handle [@]acidhorizonpod, with a blue profile picture of a spiral eye. The tweet says "a thirteen year old boy typed this from the bathroom stall of an Applebee's in North Carolina." Below that is a tweet from Alexander Dugin with the handle [@]AGDugin, dated December 26, 2024. The tweet says, "Dark accelerationism is much more serious and responsible than optimistic one. Dark accelerationism (right tech) is left hand path. Right trad is right hand path. Silicon Valley is space for authentic satanists but as well for ag..."

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

in reply to pataphysician

The image shows the back of a bald man's head, wearing glasses, sitting at a metal table. There is a black handgun sitting on the table. Behind the table is a flowerpot with white flowers in it. The background shows a patio with various plants and flowers. The AMC logo is in the bottom right corner of the image.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

in reply to pataphysician

Here is an alt-text description for the image:

The image features a digital drawing of an anime-style girl with dark hair and cat ears. The image is mostly in shades of blue and white. The girl has large, tearful eyes. Text above her head reads, "I showed u my", while text below her reads, "my mental illness pls respond".

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

in reply to pataphysician

The image is a meme with different elements. In the top left corner, there is a graphic resembling a document labeled "USA Patriot Act 2.0" with an eagle emblem. Below it is a crying Wojak wearing a "Biden President" baseball cap. Below that text is "you really think buying assault rifles and organizing the community is the best way to fight white supremacy?". The word "yes" is written in large black letters in the middle. Scattered around the image are several images of assault rifles and profile illustrations of people with different skin tones and hairstyles.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

in reply to pataphysician

Here is an alt-text description of the image:

A screenshot of a Tweet by "Troikosfi" stating "This website is going to be indecipherable to archeologists". Below is a Tweet by "Terminally Online Leftist" which shows a color-coded diagram titled "Leg-related fetish respectability". On the right, there is a leg shaded green at the top, yellow in the middle, and red at the bottom. To the left is a black bracket with the words "Most Respectable" above and "Saddam Hussein" below.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

in reply to pataphysician

Here's an alt-text description of the image:

A black and white cartoon illustration of a woman holding a handgun. She is wearing a light-colored blouse. She is looking down with a concerned expression. The woman has short, wavy hair. Above her is a speech bubble that reads, "Wall Street started trading water futures." The image is signed "GH2021."

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

in reply to pataphysician

Sorry, I couldn't process this image.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

in reply to pataphysician

The image is a deep-fried photo of a person that looks like Elon Musk walking down a street. The text "A better world is possible" is written in green text and over the image. In the background, there is a busy street with cars, and people are walking.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

pataphysician reshared this.


in reply to pataphysician

"Text that reads: 'Sorry to interrupt your scrolling, but I just thought you should know that you're amazing and deserve to smoke a big bowl'."

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

pataphysician reshared this.

Dr Mohammed Tahir, chief of surgery at the humanitarian organisation FAJR Scientific, is one of several medical professionals who have described treating Palestinians in Gaza wounded by Israeli drones that dropped bombs filled with tiny metal cubes, which leave minimal entry wounds but cause huge internal injuries.


This entry was edited (1 week ago)

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in reply to pataphysician

A grainy, dark image shows a line of riot police in dark uniforms and helmets facing the viewer. They stand behind a large, dark vehicle with a satellite dish on top. The background is blurry, showing dark trees and streetlights, suggesting a nighttime urban setting. At the bottom of the image, text reads: "It speaks to the very nature of our domestication that we only choose resistance so long as it feels like something we can win."

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

in reply to pataphysician

A photograph shows the backs of a group of people, many with their arms around each other, holding up numerous Israeli flags. The flags are predominantly blue and white with the Star of David. The individuals are standing under a metal structure, and other people are visible in the background. The image is accompanied by a headline that reads, "'Everything is legitimate': Israeli leaders defend soldiers accused of rape," and a subheading describing a societal division over the arrest of ten soldiers accused of gang rape.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

in reply to pataphysician

Bien sûr, voici une description de texte alternatif pour l'image :

L'image montre une parodie du logo Google. Les lettres sont modifiées pour inclure des symboles de violence tels qu'une arme à feu, une cible, un crâne et une tache de sang. En dessous, une barre de recherche Google affiche la question : « Les enfants auxquels on a amputé les jambes leur refont-elles pousser ? » Une légende en dessous explique que cette question a été posée par un enfant de Gaza pendant le génocide israélien, et que Google a joué un rôle dans ce génocide en fournissant à l'armée israélienne une technologie utilisée pour opprimer et tuer les Palestiniens.

Fourni par @altbot, généré en utilisant Gemini

pataphysician reshared this.

If you look
in the dairy aisle
you will see
that we are running out
of eggs.

And if you look
at the bird flu reports
you will see
that we are running out
of time.

anyone else getting a 504 error when they try to open the Social Network settings? (settings/connections)

I entered my bksy credentials last night and now i can't even get back into it.

!Friendica Support

Friendica Support reshared this.

in reply to pataphysician

A dark-blue Twitter post by the account "Little Anarchist Brat" ([@], which features a circular profile picture of a cartoon rooster with a banner reading "I AM UP TO SOME NONSENSE". The post's text says, "Direct action addresses immediate material conditions. Marches and rallies just make people feel good without any actual action and generally with zero follow through to recruit into direct action spaces."

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

in reply to pataphysician

An overhead shot shows a person spray-painting the words "No Future" in large white letters across a dark gray asphalt surface. To the left, text reads: "spray our dreams on any surface where the paint will stick". A striped, triangular traffic marker is visible near the text. Debris is scattered around the spray-painted words.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

in reply to pataphysician

A meme featuring text and a scene from a movie. The top text reads, "liberals: we should really consider harm reduction in our decision to vote or not anarchists: so we should reduce our stake in electoral politics in order to end the harm its predominance has facilitated? liberals:" The bottom portion shows a scene of two men in suits ascending a staircase. One man is wearing a light-colored suit and a white hat, the other a darker suit and a hat. At the bottom of the image, it says, "That's not what I said."

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

pataphysician reshared this.

Anarchist Library: **Italian Anarchist Federation - Let's Abolish the Armies! Let's Stop Wars! Let's Unmask Nationalisms**

"Author: Italian Anarchist Federation - Title: Let's Abolish the Armies! Let's Stop Wars! Let's Unmask Nationalisms - Date: January 15th, 2025 - Notes: Original Italian statement from the 32nd FAI congress in Carrara, Italy, January 3-6, 2025. Translated here into English by the Kurdish Anarchist Forum.…"…

#anarchism #bot

pataphysician reshared this.

the key is not to lionize luigi, but to normalize him.

the ruling class would crumble if each of us found the identical power within ourselves.

in reply to pataphysician

A screenshot of a tweet shows a news article about Luigi Mangione. The tweet says Mangione is "still doing the lord's work, behind bars, touching hearts, and changing lives." The accompanying image shows Mangione, wearing an orange prison jumpsuit, being escorted by a New York Police Department (NYPD) officer. The Newsweek article headline below the image states: "Luigi Mangione changed prison guards' behavior, inmate says".

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

Horrendously corrupt. And yet to most liberals this isn't even a bad thing.

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in reply to pataphysician

A Twitter post from Quiver Quantitative ([@]QuiverQuant) shows a picture of Nancy Pelosi and a stock chart. The text states that Nancy Pelosi sold $1.3 million of Nvidia stock last month, and that $NVDA (Nvidia) stock has fallen 17% today. The embedded chart shows the price of NVDA stock from December 8, 2024 to January 26, 2025, with a significant drop after December 31, 2024. The post also displays the number of views (2.9 million), reposts (3.7K), quotes (1.2K), likes (32K), and bookmarks (2.6K).

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

pataphysician reshared this.

La dénaturation de Nietzsche dans le capitalisme moderne : quand le surhomme devient milliardaire

Nietzsche détourné par le capitalisme ? Sa critique de la justice sociale comme "déclin de la force" trouve un écho pervers chez les ultra-libéraux. Le "surhomme" devient milliardaire, la "volonté de puissance" justifie la domination économique. #Nietzsche #PhilosophiePolitique #Capitalisme #Critique Dans le tumulte de notre époque, où le capitalisme règne en maître, une……

pataphysician reshared this.

in reply to pataphysician

A yellow poster shows a stylized profile of two faces, one dark brown and one light yellow-brown, forming a single head. The dark brown face is on the right side, the light yellow-brown on the left. The text at the top says, “American policies remain the same, only their faces change,” and is attributed to an Iranian poster from 2018, showing Presidents Trump and Obama as one. At the bottom is text in Farsi.

Provided by @altbot, generated using Gemini

pataphysician reshared this.

Berkeley Anarchist Study Group: **Reading for 1/28**

"Tomorrow we’ll read a chapter from Deleuze’s Nietzsche & Philosophy. Give “Active and Reactive” (pp. 39-72) a look."…

#anarchism #bot

pataphysician reshared this.

is there a way to turn off further notifications for a single post?


pataphysician reshared this.

"I was a liberal but I became a Trump conservative because I wanted to still be a bigot in public" is a standard rich white kid villain origin story.

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in reply to Nowhere Girl

Conservatives love using transphobia as a wedge issue specifically because so many cis liberals merely pay lip service to equality and they feel truly entitled to that one, if only as a stand-in for all the other bigotries they wish to reclaim.

And since no one else comes to our defense...

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in reply to Nowhere Girl

"I was a diehard Biden supporter until I found out I couldn't call them t-slurs anymore and that was simply too much!"
in reply to Nowhere Girl

The problem with a lot of cis-het white people is they've spent their whole lives thinking they're "normal" and the rest of aren't. Superior, even, and naturally so. And they don't understand why they aren't allowed to just say that. They think every other white person is thinking the same thing. So why should they be ashamed of it? And they become enraged when they experience any pushback whatsoever. And they flock to media environments that encourage them.

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in reply to Nowhere Girl

It takes a breathtaking sense of entitlement that, I think, masks an underlying insecurity, as the worst of these people have never had to work for anything in their lives. Basically, every Young Republican and no few "liberal" nepo kids.
in reply to Nowhere Girl

"I'm normal" has become a fascist rallying cry for a reason.

In the logic of fascism, anyone who isn't "normal" is automatically subhuman and doesn't deserve to live.

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in reply to Nowhere Girl

I think this rallying cry also serves as an affirmation for many fashies, especially the men. Remember the howls of indignity when Tim Walz said right-wing men are "weird?" His insult cut them to the bone. It instantly transported those guys back to a turning point in their adolescence, when they were first called weirdos by girls who wanted nothing to do with these budding creeper types. That moment scarred them.

"I'm not weird! I'm normal! Normal, do you hear me?!" Yeah, right.

in reply to Efilroftsul

@Efilroftsul Yeah. Which is why being "normal" is a badge of self-identification primarily for cis-het white men. Cis-het white women have often enabled white supremacist patriarchy but they are never considered full citizens, as it were, so much as these men's sexual property, in part because of a lifetime of perceived slights and failures.
in reply to Nowhere Girl

Our existence, disabled and other non-normals, is perhaps a threat to their ideas of how they must run their lives. We exist differently, contrary to their own choices of what they think is right and good.

How dare we contradict them. Our existence being different than theirs, is a direct challenge to their own path in life.

Their path in life is threatened by us being ourselves. They loathe being contradicted, it's like we are a living argument.

in reply to Nowhere Girl

and the level of boo hoo about the word "cis" is pretty egregious.
Like, who do we think is in charge of words?
in reply to Veronica

@v_claire I encountered several people who made it very explicit with, "I'm not cis, I'm normal."
in reply to Nowhere Girl

In fairness, neither Biden nor the democrats did much to advance trans or gay rights - but everyone thought they did. And that association was enough for cis straight liberals to run away.

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in reply to Nowhere Girl


Sensitive content

AstroMancer5G (she/her) reshared this.

in reply to Nowhere Girl

Scapegoating is a common diversionary tactic of fascists and dictators. Get people focused on something else so they don't focus on said fascists or dictators. Kind of like pointing out a squirrel to a golden retriever. Sucks being the scapegoat tho.

AstroMancer5G (she/her) reshared this.

in reply to Nowhere Girl

I do not understand why they are so focused on trans people. For fuck sake, even IF there was something wrong with y'all... you're what, 1.6% of the population?! Why the fuck are trans people such a priority?
I've met quite a few. You're pretty much the same as everyone else except that one trait. There's some who are assholes, a few who are racsit, and the vast majority who are decent people, and some who are AMAZING people.
in reply to Miakoda

@hellomiakoda Because transphobia has been normalized and socially accepted for so long, and because (albeit limited) progress has been made elsewhere, it feels like the last domino to them.

pataphysician reshared this.

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@Georgiana Brummell
He is the lead developer of Friendica, bearing the main responsibility. However, it is not correct to say that he is the only one continuing the development of Friendica. It would be unfair to disregard the contributions of countless other individuals who provide input, conduct code reviews, or maintain the stable versions.

In fact, the web UI has received little attention in recent years. Engaging UX/UI experts for a FOSS project is always a challenge. However, there is currently a development in this area that is quite interesting.

altbot: accessibility assistant!

@Altbot is an incredible tool.

Mention it (@altbot) on any post with images, video, or audio!
I'll generate alt-text for images that need it

pataphysician reshared this.

If you want to learn about militant anti-fascism (AKA #antifa) now is a great time to read Mark Bray's book Antifa: The Anti-Fascist Handbook (2017).

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