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Wade Stewart reshared this.

Happy Day of the Dude #Dudeism #dayofthedude

This is the day when our founding text, The Big Lebowski was released in the theaters. It’s also a day of great easy taking as we strive to do as little as possible. It’s our main holiday, so don’t be sacrilegious and work too hard at it.…

This entry was edited (2 weeks ago)

Wade Stewart reshared this.

Wade Stewart reshared this.

My latest post on the intersection of #ai #cybersecurity and #sysadmin

AI: Friend or Foe?…

Wade Stewart reshared this.

Wade Stewart reshared this.

The Fed may be purging the record of Jan 6, but adding an annual calendar event will help remind me.… #Jan6 #January6th #insurrection

Memory-Holing Jan. 6: What Happens When You Try to Make History Vanish?

The Trump administration’s decision to delete a DOJ database of cases against Capitol riot defendants places those who seek to preserve the historical record in direct opposition to their own government.…

#News #Jan6 #History #DOJ #Government #Trump

This entry was edited (1 month ago)

Wade Stewart reshared this.

Wade Stewart reshared this.

I'm just going to leave Freedom of the Press Foundation's excellent guide to leaking to the press right here in case anyone happens to need it:…

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in reply to evacide

A useful resource for whistleblowers as well as journalists and news outlets. Its a shame many outlets still don't use SecureDrop

in reply to Peter Gleick

What amazes me most, is that the corner of science populists detest most, postmodernist thinking and critical studies, is also the science that is behind the core of their actions: These sciences unveil the power dimension of arguments and the problematic grounding of the concept of 'truth'...

Wade Stewart reshared this.

Fediversians. I just spent three weeks blogging EVERY SINGLE NIGHT to give you a COMPLETE list of instructions to RECLAIM YOUR DATA. Go dark, scatter your traces, stay secure, erase your data footprint. Accessible to all.

Just in time too. Data sovereignty and protection are no longer a luxury but a MUST.

Data traces are political traces. History teaches us that data by you and about you can and will be used against you and those you love.

For you, your neighbors, your families. #optout NOW, and help others to do so too.…

Wade Stewart reshared this.

for those who believe nothing can get better: you don't have to get in the way of those who do
in reply to Molly White

People should consider though that just because someone is pointing out a weakness in your thinking, your approach, your architecture, or whatever...doesn't mean they're saying it can't be done or you shouldn't do it. Sometimes it's the ones that only speak positively that are getting in your way.
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
@OhOkKay This is power. Waste no time, energy or resource on lies. Lies only require recognition, nothing more. When you grow a garden, do you care for the weeds or leave them wither?

Wade Stewart reshared this.

I wonder why so many people end up on .social :flan_laugh:

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in reply to stux⚡

@briankrebs Selecting a server is confusing to people. “Why do I need to choose a server, and which should I choose?” There’s no simple answer to that, and it’s a barrier. I’d get rid of the server terminology entirely and use the word group instead, where each group describes an interest, region, etc. Federation has benefits, but it makes onboarding harder. Not great for user acquisition.

Wade Stewart reshared this.

Stuff about Trump - satire/humor

Sensitive content

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Musing about Tik Tok

It seems like an absurd joke to me that Tik Tok shut themselves down, practically begging for Vice President Trump's help. Now it seems it's back up and they thank the incoming VP.

I think this post over at Mastodon nailed it.

Halyihev reshared this.

Well here I am.

I've been meaning to try out Friendica for a while now. I'm very interested in moving on from Meta and finding ways to bring my friends along. One platform may not do it so I'm trying a few out. Already have Mastodon and Pixelfed, maybe one of these will attract some of my friends and we can all enjoy the Fediverse together!
in reply to Wade Stewart

One big stumbling block for many of my friends is going to be the lack of an iOS app. I tried a few but had no luck. The homepage mentions no compatible apps as yet.
in reply to Wade Stewart

Ah, that will be a problem. I hadn't realised. Thanks for the heads up.