Wer Populisten wählt, tut das in den allermeisten Fällen, weil es ihnen darum geht, irgendwen auszuschließen und bei der Gruppe derer dazuzugehören, die "endlich mal das Sagen" haben. Wir wissen natürlich alle, dass das ein Trick ist: Populismus verspricht einen Klassenaufstieg, in Wahrheit hält sie das Klassensystem aber aufrecht.
Wenn die Populisten erst mal "das Sagen haben", lassen sie daher ihre Wähler*innen als erstes fallen und machen vor ihnen die Tür zu, nicht etwas hinter ihnen.
oh noes....he doesn't give one jort my man. we ain't not VCs to get on our knees for.
fediverse free!
it may help to shorten the letter
Dear Zuck,
Get bent, loser
All of us
"Remember when Facebook started? It was about rating women."
Fixed it for you.
this reads like somebody with maturity issues wrote it. Also at least export the thing into a pdf first, the squiggly lines and text cursor are still visible
More importantly, Zuckerberg didn’t build Facebook because he believed in anything, at least not anything good - initially the project was to rate college girls on their appearances
This must be read in the same tone Kain used when addressing the elder god at the end of “Defiance”.
“Your words are heartening. For you would not fear us unless we could truly do you harm. False god. This is the end. The final turn of your wheel.”
Deutsche Übersetzung:
»Lieber Mark,
Ich hoffe, es geht Ihnen gut. Mir ist heute etwas Interessantes aufgefallen - es scheint, dass Instagram Links zu meinem kleinen Open-Source-Projekt blockiert. Sie wissen schon, die, die es Menschen ermöglicht, Fotos zu teilen, ohne ihre persönlichen Daten zu sammeln oder algorithmische Feeds auf sie zu erzwingen.
Ich muss zugeben, ich fühle mich geschmeichelt. Wer hätte gedacht, dass ein kleines Team von Freiwilligen etwas aufbauen könnte, das Ihre Aufmerksamkeit auf sich ziehen würde? Wir versuchen nur, den Menschen die Wahl zu geben, wie sie ihre Erinnerungen online teilen. Keine VCs, kein Überwachungskapitalismus, nur Code und Gemeinschaft.
Weißt du noch, wann Facebook gestartet wurde? Es ging darum, Menschen zu verbinden, nicht um die Interaktionsmetriken zu maximieren. Unser Projekt mag im Vergleich zu Instagram winzig sein, aber wir bleiben dem ursprünglichen Geist der sozialen Medien treu - Menschen die Kontrolle über ihre Online-Präsenz zu geben, ohne sie in Produkte zu verwandeln.
Du hättest uns ignorieren können. Stattdessen haben Sie uns durch das Blockieren unserer Links die beste Unterstützung gegeben, die wir uns wünschen konnten. Sie haben bestätigt, was wir die ganze Zeit gesagt haben - dass Big Tech mehr daran interessiert ist, ihre ummauerten Gärten zu schützen, als echte Innovationen zu fördern.
Jedes Mal, wenn Sie einen Link zu unserer Plattform blockieren, erinnern Sie die Leute daran, warum wir ihn überhaupt erstellt haben. Ihr Handeln sagt ihnen, dass es Alternativen gibt, die es wert sind, untersucht zu werden, die ihre Privatsphäre und Handlungsfähigkeit respektieren. Also danke, Mark. Sie haben unser kleines Projekt in ein Symbol des Widerstands gegen digitale Monopole verwandelt.«
(Maschinell übersetzt)
Op 16 januari roepen we publieke organisaties op om samen de eerste stap te zetten door alternatieven te gaan gebruiken voor Big Tech sociale media platformen.makesocialssocialagain.nl
No surveillance capitalism*
*but it still owns everything that gets posted there in every way, shape, and form to use however Dan sees fit, forever.
Please work on that terms of service
I know it's fun and games right now trolling him, but is Pixelfed really ready for when Zuck throws the lawyers at Pixelfed to snuff it out?
Do we think it *wont* happen?
@paul_e_cooley unfortunately, intentionally or accidentally. Dan is following Elon's 'move fast and break things' mentality.
He's doing great things for fediverse visibility... but being a one man show leads to getting your ego involved or missing things (like Loops' egregious rights over-reach in its TOS).
Dan's done a lot of good... I just hope he can avoid an Icarus-style crash and burn that could undo a lot of that good.
this "open letter" is embarassing... to Pixelfed.
"connecting people"? Facebook was created to predate on women and use their data without their consent!!! it was NEVER about connecting people, it was always about misogyny, ego and money.
Been a while. I’ve mostly been posting on the Fedi, but I feel like this is a rather important topic that requires attention. Recently @dansup has been posting a bunch about loops.video, a federated alternative to Instagram/ TikTok.bajsicki.com
»You've confirmed what we've been saying all along - that big tech is more interested in protecting their walled gardens than fostering genuine innovation.«
All along? Here's what you said, last September:
»Meta approached the fediverse in the proper way
They didn't acquire Mastodon
Instead they worked with fedi projects big and small regarding interop
Meta isn't the enemy«
w.r.t the Social Web Foundation, I'm glad we have some formal organization to help steward the protocolSee, it's easy to get caught up on Meta's participation while forgetting the impact just a few people made on the social network landscape
Meta approached the fediverse in the proper way
They didn't acquire Mastodon
Instead they worked with fedi projects big and small regarding interop
Meta isn't the enemy, fragmentation and lack of safety tools are
We can, and are, building the future ❤️
this letter was small and unhelpful.
I would love to find a platform without a "front-man" with an inflated sense of self.
Honoured to participate in the community building human tools for humans. Great letter.
Keep building, we're going all the way.
#humans #freedom #fedi # Mastodon #pixelfed #humanTools #HumanCommunity #humanTools
I don’t know, I have never found it beneficial at all to write paragraphs to a man explaining how he hurt me.
You could probably edit half of this out and instead laugh at him for being so jealous of your little independent website that he’s terrified to let people see it.
Hello dear happy new year 2025 will be your best💯🥳 year connect with Mrs William Sarah 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇
You'll definitely* thank me later .
Sieh dir auf Facebook Beiträge, Fotos und vieles mehr an.www.facebook.com
@ctrl pluralistic.net/2023/08/06/foo…: »Facebook, a cancer of a company founded to nonconsenually rate the fuckability of Harvard undergrads (incredibly, that was Facebook’s least terrible moment. It actually got worse after that)«
"It was about connecting people, not maximizing engagement metrics."
No. It was exactly NOT about connecting people. It never was. It was about making money. Ever since.
Am I really one of the last people left on planet earth remembering Mark Z. having written "I don't know why. They 'trust me'. Dumb fucks." about facebook users? I cannot believe this...
Please send to your Spanish-speaking friends this Spanish translation made with open source tools
Carta abierta a Mark Zuckerberg https://www.bit-man.guru/posts/carta-abierta-a-mark-zuckerberg/rebel.ar
#AskFedi I wish to improve the search results / discoverability of interesting content for my self-hosted #Pixelfed instance.
I set it up earlier this week via #YunoHost and I'm having issues finding content when I look up hashtags.
As a photographer, I wanted to actively look for photos tagged with camera brand names (Canon, Nikon, Fujifilm) but so far I'm finding very few results (see screenshot). I wonder if you have any recommendations as to how to tweak my settings? Thanks in advance! ✨
Basically it starts federating once you start following other accounts in that instance. What does your admin panel look like when you go to instances?
I have Pixelfed 0.11.0 installed via Yunohost on my VPS. Currently, I am the only user and I have no published post. When performing a search I cannot find any external user (so no users, since I a...GitHub
What does this look like? You can also just straight up add instances (like pixelfed.social) directly from what I understand.
@alex makes perfect sense thank you Alex!
That also explains why when I click on « Discover » I only see my photos.
Thanks again
@marcelcosta I think even if your server federates with a load of other servers, it will only pull in posts from people that users on your server follow and their replies. In order to see all the posts from another server you would need to use a relay. You might be able to browse for a hashtag on the main Pixelfed server and then copy and paste the links of posts into the search of your own server (I'm not sure it's fully functioning just now now though)
@everydayisextra it's hashtags...
your comment brought back memories of #Flickr – which used to surface EXIF data and give you so much information about camera gear.
That's how I was inspired to buy most of my beloved lenses back in the day 🥲
@everydayisextra I think for portraits especially, I appreciate knowing which lens has been used (brand, focal length).
I never studied photography but I owe it all to Flickr and the detailed descriptions attached to photos - whenever I would spot a photo I loved, I would look and see which camera / lens had been used. That’s how I stumbled upon my favorite lens, a Sigma 30mm f/1.4
Er gefährdet mitnichten nur den gesellschaftlichen Frieden. Der Kurs, den die CDU/CSU gerade fährt, verstößt gegen Menschenwürde und gegen das Gleichheitsprinzip - und damit gegen die Verfassung. Was Friedrich Merz als Jurist vermutlich weiß; ebenso wie der Rest des Vorstands von CDU und CSU. Es scheint ihnen jedoch vollständig egal zu sein, was die Frage aufwirft, ob die Verfassungstreue der Union mehr ist als ein Lippenbekenntnis.
#KLÖCKNER hat es schon richtig gesagt. Die CDU ist die demokratische Alternative zur AfD.
Sie werden die Gesetze ab 2025 so biegen, dass sie ihr WAHLPROGRAMM umsetzen und für 2029 den roten Teppich den Faschisten ausrollen.
Welcome to all!
How can we improve the #onboarding process? If you joined in the past few weeks can you let us know what was difficult when you joined and/or once you had joined?
For example:
(The aim of this post is not to collect answers to the problems but rather detect all potential obstacles to joining & starting to use Mastodon. Please boost around! 🔄)
#Mastodon #MastodonTips #NewHere (not me, but my target audience)
Let's try it again: This post from #Mastodon can reach the whole #Fediverse, #Bluesky & more. That's #Sharkey, #Pixefeld (hence the pic), #Mbin, #Lemmy, #Friendica, #Hometown, #Akkoma...Bluesky Social
Habe mich grad eben etwas mit Bluesky befasst. Fazit: Bluesky ist eine Kathastrophe. 1) Als erstes Problem wäre da die Adressierung von Blueskynutzern aus Mastodon heraus. Blueskynutzer sind unter M.troet.cafe - Mastodon
Wie das aussieht, sieht man als gar nicht mal so metaphorische Metapher grade in den USA. Dort sind jede Menge MAGA-Fans zur Inauguration gekommen, um mit ihrem Führer zu feiern. Die stehen aber jetzt vor Zäunen und Absperrungen, Denn Trump und seine Klasse feiern "drinnen". Seine Wähler bleiben draußen.
Und das ist das, was immer passiert. Wenn man in der Schule Orwells "Animal Farm" gelesen hat und sich an die Szene erinnert, wenn die Tiere glauben, gewonnen zu haben, aber dann...