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Open Letter to Mark Zuckerberg
in reply to pixelfed

maybe he can carve out some time from his busy trump inauguration party organising schedule to read it 🤪
in reply to pixelfed

Honestly, this is the worst open letter I've ever read. It lacks maturity and professionalism. It's full of snarky comments and a tone that doesn't encourage an adult conversation.
He had the chance to show Meta is the one acting like a child, but instead he made himself sound like one. And that's sad.

preposterous rhys reshared this.

in reply to Hirad

Who gives a flying f what Meta think? 🙂 Do you think a polite letter was going to elicit some kind of kindly helpful response from Musk Mini-Me (sorry that was childish, I mean Mr Zuckerberg)?
in reply to Hirad

@hirad and it's hypocritical. If you're going to be snarkily insulting, you can't also brownnose your target. (Talking about the lie that Zuckerberg started fb to "connect people".)
in reply to Hirad

oh noes....he doesn't give one jort my man. we ain't not VCs to get on our knees for.

fediverse free!

in reply to Hirad

@hirad I was thinking the same. Completely unnecessary in this form. Sadly way too much self-righteousness here...
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to Jens Becker

@masteralf @hirad One key point to keep in mind is that Meta software is really, really bad. Links are blocked basically at random, because they use the misnamed "AI" and this is really naive pattern matchers and random number generators. People go around attributing purpose to the actions of Meta's algorithms when really they ought to know better.

Anyway, Mark Zuckerberg is a big dope who could not possibly understand an open letter and so it looks silly even to address one.

in reply to Barry Schwartz 🫖

@masteralf @hirad Aside: I sense in here the myth of "enshittification", which is the notion that Zuckerberg provided something idealistic and then "enshittified" it. This myth depends on the assumption that Zuckerberg always intended to give away something out of the pureness of his heart, rather than to make money.

He simply did what you are supposed to do as a profit-making business: get people deeply interested, and THEN charge them a profitable amount for it.

in reply to Barry Schwartz 🫖

@chemoelectric @masteralf @hirad You misunderstand the concept of "enshittification". It doesn't presuppose an initial idealism. Obviously the intent has always been to make money but, initially, you did that by making something that people *liked*, that was fun to use, etc.
in reply to Gilbert Pilz

@gpilz @masteralf @hirad AND THAT YOU DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY EXTRA FOR to keep that enjoyment. And that didn't wall itself off so it could make money off of people. Etc.

It's like if someone handed out a gadget on the street and gave free access, then made it so you had to trek to a store, pay money, and subscribe to the service. A lot of people would stop enjoying it. So what? THE COMPANY IS NOT A CHARITY.

in reply to Barry Schwartz 🫖

@chemoelectric @masteralf @hirad Enshittification is, among other things, about an inherent bait and switch. You grow your user base by offering one thing then, once that base large enough to make switching expensive, you change your offering to be something much shittier. It has nothing to do with charity, its about honest business practices.
in reply to pixelfed

it may help to shorten the letter

Dear Zuck,

Get bent, loser

All of us

in reply to pixelfed

"Remember when Facebook started? It was about rating women."

Fixed it for you.

reshared this

in reply to pixelfed

this is great but Zuck’s early “dumb fucks” comment highlighted his real attitude
in reply to pixelfed

this reads like somebody with maturity issues wrote it. Also at least export the thing into a pdf first, the squiggly lines and text cursor are still visible :floofLol:

More importantly, Zuckerberg didn’t build Facebook because he believed in anything, at least not anything good - initially the project was to rate college girls on their appearances

in reply to pixelfed

When those that perceive you as a competitor start blocking you, you know you're doing something right.

tootbrute reshared this.

in reply to pixelfed

lovely, just … don’t forget that Zuck’s original idea was to dehumanize and objectify women. He’s never had a noble vision. And I hope PixelFed’s doors aren’t open to that.
in reply to pixelfed

This must be read in the same tone Kain used when addressing the elder god at the end of “Defiance”.

“Your words are heartening. For you would not fear us unless we could truly do you harm. False god. This is the end. The final turn of your wheel.”

in reply to pixelfed

"it was about connecting people" Uh huh, specifically sexist, usually male people, so that they could more easily objectify women. Kissass
in reply to Sally Strange

True about the origin of the app, but I really don't think it's meant as an actual compliment.

"connecting people" is what Meta employees tell themselves. Daniel is speaking to the ego of the Meta bosses, the story they tell about themselves, to their lower ranks, and to the rest of the world.

The fact that Meta blocks opportunities to connect therefore goes in the face of the story they tell themselves and to others.

in reply to Amici Is Me 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇳🇴

@amici Not telling the truth means the letter writer didn't know the truth, or thought that the difference between "connecting people" vs "objectifying women" isn't worth mentioning. Both possibilities mean the letter writer is sexist.

Sally Strange reshared this.

in reply to Sally Strange

I'd call that a very strong character accusation. It's a valid complaint that he missed the actual origins, but I would not venture so far in characterizing a person, if it's based off a single mocking letter.
in reply to Amici Is Me 🇵🇸 🇺🇦 🇳🇴

@amici nah man, you can't look at structural bigotry through the lens of personal character. If the letter writer is unaware of FB's sexist origins, that means they're not tuned into even the most basic of feminist information sources, which means they're marinating in the same background misogyny that we all are. It's easily remedied and it doesn't mean they, personally, hate women--but it's still sexism.
in reply to pixelfed

in reply to pixelfed

It was never about connecting people, it was always about „engagement”.
in reply to pixelfed

in reply to pixelfed

No surveillance capitalism*

*but it still owns everything that gets posted there in every way, shape, and form to use however Dan sees fit, forever.

Please work on that terms of service

in reply to pixelfed

a lot of us are wanting true authenticity & transparency! Thank you @dansup & fediverse!
in reply to pixelfed

Mark be like: What do you mean? want to compete with me?
in reply to pixelfed

@paul_e_cooley unfortunately, intentionally or accidentally. Dan is following Elon's 'move fast and break things' mentality.

He's doing great things for fediverse visibility... but being a one man show leads to getting your ego involved or missing things (like Loops' egregious rights over-reach in its TOS).

Dan's done a lot of good... I just hope he can avoid an Icarus-style crash and burn that could undo a lot of that good.

in reply to pixelfed

I believe texts get better when we step aside for a few cycles and not let ourselves be driven by the highness of attention. Zuckerberg has never been what you describe. There is no grassroots moral origin we could jumpstart in the back of his memory. It is historically evident that Facebook, later meta has frequently chosen the unethical paths when they had choice to. There is no ancient ideal to appeal to. No renaissance can happen.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to pixelfed

great letter! Rooting for you all the way!! A couple of years after I started NadaMoo, I got a cold call from the retired director of sales for Ben and Jerry’s. “Your product has ‘legs’” he said, “and I want to help.” No threats from lawyers followed. Because Ben and Jerry got it right: equity, sustainability and community can be the pillars of successful businesses. They were not in my niche market, but they still cared about the people in my niche market.
in reply to pixelfed

this "open letter" is embarassing... to Pixelfed.

"connecting people"? Facebook was created to predate on women and use their data without their consent!!! it was NEVER about connecting people, it was always about misogyny, ego and money.

in reply to pixelfed

"without harvesting their personal data"?
Maybe someone should tell the lawyers who drafted the Loops TOS that :)…
in reply to pixelfed

Damn Daniel, you didn't have to obliterate Mark like that.
Just kidding, he deserves every bit of criticism imaginable.
in reply to pixelfed

I mean, when Facebook started, it was about ranking the looks of women on campus. It was never about 'connecting people'.
in reply to pixelfed

Well, Facebook started as a sexist platform for rating female college students without consent.
There is nothing you can expect from such an "inventor".
in reply to pixelfed

I may not be an economist, but generally when they gush about innovations that selflessly want to connect people, they’re generally talking about marketing more than edenic community…no offense to the love-machine of laissez-faire of course
in reply to pixelfed

in reply to pixelfed

Except Zuck took someone else's project and figured out how to monetize it. Zuck never had good intentions or tried to make the world a better place.
in reply to pixelfed

this letter was small and unhelpful.

I would love to find a platform without a "front-man" with an inflated sense of self.

in reply to pixelfed

Wait the first letters of each sentence don’t spell out “Fuck you Zuck”. I’m confused!
in reply to pixelfed

When facebook started afaik it was not about connecting people, it was about rating women. (so I highly doubt Zuck ever wanted to "make the internet better" and I wouldn't open a door to this guy under any circumstances.)
That aside the open letter of course is nice.
in reply to pixelfed

Awesome, but the one catch here is that he probably didn't develop (with other people, not alone) Facebook for idealistic reasons. It's more likely that he wanted to get laid, and help other horny college dudes get laid. The original Facebook has been credibly accused of being a stalking app, and I find that very easy to believe. Nothing he's done has indicated to me that he actually gives a shit about users, and nothing he says has any meaning for me without evidence to back it up.
in reply to pixelfed

I noticed something similar a year or so ago. Any time I would share photos of my kids with family members or whatever, I would create a public share link to the album on my Nextcloud server, with an expiration date, and then share that link on Facebook. All of a sudden one day I started noticing that the posts would get deleted a few minutes after I posted them, then they started blocking me from posting the links outright.
in reply to pixelfed

To be honest I would be really surprised if this was on purpose and not a malfunction of their spam filters. Pixelfed isn't in the same ballpark as Instagram, struggling to think how having a company policy to filter out its links would be worth the bad publicity - for basically no reason.
This entry was edited (2 months ago)
in reply to pixelfed

When Facebook started it was not about "connecting people", it was about rating girls' fuckability on campus.
Zuck has always been a misogynistic arsehole.
in reply to pixelfed

Got my Pixelfed account up and running today. It reminds me of the early days of IG, before Meta bought them.
in reply to pixelfed

Honoured to participate in the community building human tools for humans. Great letter.

Keep building, we're going all the way.

#humans #freedom #fedi # Mastodon #pixelfed #humanTools #HumanCommunity #humanTools

in reply to pixelfed

I don’t know, I have never found it beneficial at all to write paragraphs to a man explaining how he hurt me.

You could probably edit half of this out and instead laugh at him for being so jealous of your little independent website that he’s terrified to let people see it.

in reply to pixelfed

they can't stop me from finding other ways to show the people I care about how to break free from meta
in reply to pixelfed

this is extremely well written! It will undoubtedly fall on deaf ears! Which is sad.
in reply to pixelfed

reports of zuckerberg preventing links to pixelfed is how I found the Fediverse. Chef’s kiss
in reply to pixelfed

maybe this is not productive, but it's pretty funny. Nice work.
in reply to pixelfed

Admirable that you even spend energy on that person. 🙏🏼
in reply to pixelfed

When money and power get in the head of the people they becomes another persons, puppets of administration dramas.
How unhappy happens when you must down the knees to your enemy ?
Play your game!
Do your best !
The Big Brother watches everything.He do not known do other thing.
Do not be romantic !
Be smart !
in reply to pixelfed

Mark won't remember shit; he never built anything & was never interested in making the web better. Good letter though.
in reply to pixelfed

"It was about connecting people, not maximizing engagement metrics."

No. It was exactly NOT about connecting people. It never was. It was about making money. Ever since.

Am I really one of the last people left on planet earth remembering Mark Z. having written "I don't know why. They 'trust me'. Dumb fucks." about facebook users? I cannot believe this...

in reply to pixelfed

Please send to your Spanish-speaking friends this Spanish translation made with open source tools…

in reply to pixelfed

finally did it. After ditching #twitter last year, both #facebook and #instagram accounts are deleted. Moved fully to #mastodon and thinking about #pixelfed
in reply to pixelfed

Never been more excited to join Pixelfed. Thank you for the work you're doing.
in reply to pixelfed

Traduction française du toot de Daniel Supernault, créateur de Mastodon @pixelfed
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Mark Corbett Wilson
@wonka @ctrl
Wise words from Cory Doctorow;
"From now on, I will put more weight on how easy it is to leave a service than on what I get from staying. A bad service that you can easily switch away from is incentivized to improve, and if the incentive fails, you can leave."
in reply to pixelfed

You are giving him too much credit. It was never about connecting people, it was about exploiting them. From the very beginning.
in reply to pixelfed

except i have in my memory/halbwissen he build it also to bully, and stalk in the first place. But other than that - nice writeup.
in reply to pixelfed

“without forcing algorithmic feeds on them” will certainly stop being true if you introduce ads to the platform. let’s hope that doesn’t happen