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What distro are you using?

!Linux Users

I know it is a cliche. And not (especially) useful.

But I think it is an easy way for people to say 'hi' by replying in this (potential) thread.

So, I am using Bunsenlabs. @BunsenLabs Linux

It is a niche Debian distro. It is just plain Debian but with an Openbox GUI and a bunch of nice customization and distro specific tweaks.

Very minimalistic. Lightweight.

It one of the offshoots of the late CrunshbangLinux .

I like it. The Bunsenlabs community is a bit like this here. Small.

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in reply to Walter Vermeir

Well at work we mostly use RHEL, personally for servers I always choose ubuntu and for desktop I now use Fedora but change often. And my main desktop is a Mac..

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in reply to Walter Vermeir

I'm working with openSUSE Tw on HP Z440 desktop and lenovo laptop. But will try Leap 16 later on desktop with Agama installer.

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in reply to Walter Vermeir

For my main PC, I use Debian-Testing. It is the most stable rolling release I've seen, miles more stable than Arch Linux. So it's the best world of new packages and stability.

For my laptops, I prefer Linux Mint. Has more conveniences to work well with laptop hardware than Debian.

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in reply to Walter Vermeir

EndeavourOS - Arch with a graphical installer and I absolutely love it. Stability is not an issue for me, and in case I break something I have BTRFS+Timeshift with snapshots on GRUB. Very at home after years of distro-hopping.

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in reply to Nathan

It advertising itself as 'Arch based and easy to install'. That is indeed interesting.

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in reply to Walter Vermeir

It has some nice utilities too, like the welcome app with options to update mirrors, launch pacdiff, etc. The most important difference, IMO, is that the community is much friendlier.

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