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in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@Jupiter Rowland Perhaps, you can explain what is going on here. I love the site in general, but these things are driving me mad!
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@Jupiter Rowland To answer your other point, I did try to join the forum. However, when I entered my information, it timed out. I tried my actual e-mail and that didn't work. Do I need to actually join the forum site separately? Also, I had no idea that there were so few developers of Friendica. I knew my instance only had one, but I thought there were more working on the main site. It's a shame, as this is really a great place.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@Georgiana Brummell You could try copying the ID or the URL of the group and pasting it into the search if TweeseCake lets you do that.
in reply to Jupiter Rowland

@Jupiter Rowland I can't join groups from there. This is very odd, as I am usually able to follow/join eroups very easily.
in reply to Jupiter Rowland

Ugh! Well fuck! I'll never recommend #Friendica again after reading the 2 posts! Damn, and that sucks about the alt text culture. How is Hubzilla? When I tried it in 2016 it was worse than bad. GoToSocial actively develops with accessibility in mind, though! @jupiter_rowland @dandylover1
in reply to Robert Kingett

@Robert Kingett @Jupiter Rowland It really is sad. I can do most things with TweeseCake, but when it comes to those few, i go crazy! I love the features, but in some cases, the accessibility just isn't there. It would be perfect otherwise.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

caos reshared this.

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@Jupiter Rowland @Robert Kingett Perhaps, the real solution is to see if TweeseCake could implement these things. i just tried TWBlue, and they offer the options to view followers, those whom I follow, and blocked users. I cannot do this on TweeseCake. I can also view my favourites/likes without them disappear, as they do on TweeseCake. However, TWBlue doesn't allow me to write long posts with paragraphs, or to edit/delete my posts. This is why I hardly ever use it and comments. Neither one of these allows me to edit my profile, view the profiles of others, or request/reject follow requests, or interact with circles. But I am fairly certain that Pachli for Android does allow profile editing. So the ability is out there. Even if the developers of Friendica can't or won't change things, it can be made fully accessible via these clients. I know Raccoon for Friendica exists, and that is specifically designed to work with it, but it's for Android, and I haven't tried it yet. I am far more focused on Windows soutions.

the esoteric programmer reshared this.

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

hang on, it doesn't allow you to write long posts with paragraphs, what? I knew those clients have issues, but really?
in reply to the esoteric programmer

@the esoteric programmer @Jupiter Rowland @Robert Kingett Thank you. But I still can't edit with TWBlue, so I would only use it if absolutely necessary. That said, this is very good to know and does seem reasonable.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@Georgiana Brummell @Robert Kingett You could try and ask the developers of both TweeseCake and TWBlue to implement full support for Friendica, not via the Mastodon client API, but by also implementing Friendica's own client API.

I wouldn't hold my breath for it, though. They may not even have heard of Friendica yet. And if you tell them what it is, they may still decide that if they haven't heard of it yet because it hasn't been the talk of the town for long enough, it's too obscure to bother.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Friendica #TweeseCake #TWBlue

in reply to Jupiter Rowland

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@jupiter_rowland The good thing is they’re interconnected so you won’t lose all your followers if you migrate. I haven’t tried ocoma but I know Go to Social is designed with accessibility and mine. It is in beta so if you do want to try go to Social, keep that in mind. I know that TW blue has explicit support for go to social. Tweesecake does not. As for web clients, why don’t you try logging into Friendica with an accessible web client like I don’t know what’s officially supported with Friendica because it mentions go to Social and Mastodon. As for my friends and stuff, I just followed them all through one Mastodon account. This one. This instance has a 10,000 character limit so if you need an invitation, let me know!
in reply to Robert Kingett

@Robert Kingett @Jupiter Rowland How is your instance with regard to censorship? Will they moderate me or ban me for posting things they don't like? What about GoToSocial, in general? i don't want to join an instance where all sorts of ridiculous things need content warnings, etc. I know that Hometown allows for local posts, but do some instances of Mastodon also allow this and can they federate as widely as Friendica? While it's true that most of my contacts are on Mastodon, not all are.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@jupiter_rowland I’m not really going to dignify that with a response, so and also after reading that, I actually don’t want your invitation tied to me in anyway, so apply the normal way. You can read the about page and apply from there
in reply to Robert Kingett

@Robert Kingett I'm confused. Were you responding to my post? If so, I have no idea what I wrote to make you so upset. I'm not against the idea of content warnings in general, as some posts do need them. But I've seen warnings on all sorts of things, and most of the time, I had no idea why. I've also heard that some moderators do like to ban people for simple disagreement, so it is a valid concern. I don't know who runs your instance, but it does seem to be by invitation-only. Hence my questions. Anyway, if you weren't responding to me, please disregard this.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@jupiter_rowland Yes. That was for you. Just because you don’t understand why someone does something, and you don’t take the time to ask them, it doesn’t mean a moderator is making them do it. Maybe their catering to their followers. You never ask but moving on, others provide content warnings because they want to provide them. Nobody’s making them provide content warnings. The mods do require content warnings for things like politics. That is something I thought you would be for, but I encourage you to read the rules. Other than that, they do not require content warnings. If someone reports your post, they might tell you to remove it or they might just suspend you or something. I’ve never had my posts reported so i don’t know how the mods are here.
in reply to Robert Kingett

@Robert Kingett @Jupiter Rowland Thank you. That's a good thing to know. I never join anywhere without reading the rules. I was just asking for your experiences, etc. Then, of course, I would read them and decide. Many rules make complete sense, such as not posting hate speech, not promoting violence, putting anything sexual behind a warning, not posting anything illegal, etc. My only concern is that, sometimes, rules that seem perfectly reasonable can be abused by those with the power to moderate. That's all. i don't mind strict rules in groups or forums devoted to a specific topic, but on my own timeline, I do like more freedom. As for warnings in general, I've seen them so often that I've turned off the option to show them so that I can just read the post. I'm an adult, and if I really don't like something, I can skip it.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@Georgiana Brummell @Robert Kingett Well, GoToSocial is quite different from Mastodon and Friendica in one regard: It's mainly made for hosting your own personal instance. It isn't really for more or less big public, open-registration instances. As far as I know, it doesn't even come with its own built-in UI, so if you want a Web UI on your own instance, you have to choose one and add it yourself.

Still, there are some public, open-registration GoToSocial instances. And if you're going to use it with TWBlue, the Web UI shouldn't even matter beyond registering an account because you won't touch it anymore afterwards.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #GoToSocial #TWBlue

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

in reply to Robert Kingett

the esoteric programmer reshared this.

in reply to Robert Kingett

Thank you @Robert Kingett for your contribution. This feedback is extremely important. It would be great if you could accompany the changes already announced and support the project with suggestions for improvements.

@Jupiter Rowland Of course it is the culture of Friendica users to use alt tags. Please refresh your knowledge in other areas as well ;)

@Georgiana Brummell

in reply to Matthias

@Matthias It is true that it is the culture of (many) Friendica users to use alt tags. But it would be good if it became even easier to create them. Unfortunately, it is not yet self-explanatory how it can be created and it is not integrated into the GUI everywhere.

@Jupiter Rowland @Robert Kingett @Georgiana Brummell

in reply to caos

@caos @Georgiana Brummell @Robert Kingett

I created an issue for.
What i need is an extension to the upload-form to add th alttext at the upload-moment.

Noe it is not possible from backend. So my uploadet can't add it.

Now you have to upload the image, the go to images, choose the new image, edit it, add alttexr, go back to posting, choose image from browser...

Or you upload it with the new uploader, add alttext in between of the ending img and url tag... but then it's not in the database... you can't reuse the image (what i do with som images!!!)

in reply to Matthias

in reply to Robert Kingett

Ruud reshared this.

in reply to Michael Vogel

I asked this in another reply but how dificult would it be to transition to a more HTML 5 base? Also, need a run through or something, count me in too! Schedule a meeting at… @heluecht @jupiter_rowland @dandylover1
in reply to Robert Kingett

By now I don't know if it will be days or weeks until im satisfied and the software will be really improved.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

Just last week I got in touch with an accessibility expert. We had a two-hour session where she registered an account and went through the whole system. She was using an iPad with VoiceOver. There were three main problems:

  • Some menu items weren't spoken
  • Some icons didn't have titles
  • Some of the headings were inconsistent

There were also some other things that needed to be fixed, see here for a summary:…

I will try to work on this. I recently got hold of an iPhone, so I can now check with VoiceOver.

in reply to Michael Vogel

@Michael Vogel Thank you so much! I can't comment on Voiceover, as I use Windows, but I am assuming that, since you accessed it using the actual site, the problems would be the same.
in reply to Georgiana Brummell

I don't own any Windows devices, I use Linux. I now have an iPhone (just for testing), an Android device and a Chromebook. So I want to try to make it accessible for those devices. And I hope it will work with other screenreaders too.

After I've made most of the changes, I'd like to get some feedback, just to make sure I'm on the right track. So I may get back to you about this.

I can't say how much time I'll need, though. Working on Friendica is like trying to juggle a dozen things at once while solving a Rubik's Cube and reciting Shakespeare. I try to code new things, to maintain the system, search and fix bugs, provide support and update and maintain three Friendica installations (while also having a daytime job and some other spare time activities).

in reply to Georgiana Brummell

@Georgiana Brummell
He is the lead developer of Friendica, bearing the main responsibility. However, it is not correct to say that he is the only one continuing the development of Friendica. It would be unfair to disregard the contributions of countless other individuals who provide input, conduct code reviews, or maintain the stable versions.

In fact, the web UI has received little attention in recent years. Engaging UX/UI experts for a FOSS project is always a challenge. However, there is currently a development in this area that is quite interesting.