Hi, I'm #NewHere!
I have (had) accounts over on diaspora* since 2014-Sep-28, but seeing that Friendica has a "calendar" function, I thought it was time to give it a try. (I'm considering finally de-Facebook-ify myself later this year?)
So, about me?
You could say I’m your average anybody.
I like #reading — #books, but also #comics, both in paper and digital form. I tried audiobooks, but it didn't fit at the time. I do enjoy books read on the radio, and radio theatre, and listening to radio and "pods", though, so maybe I'll give audiobooks another try later on.
A few years ago I got myself an e-reader, and with age it's really convenient to be able to choose the size of the letters myself.
I mainly read #fiction, but there's the occasional non-fiction #book as well.
I listen to #music, but not as much as I used to. (I visited Roskilde festival 10 years in a row. It’s been more than 20 years since.) The music I enjoy may range from #alternative / #indie / #NewWave, over some #classics, and #pop, and #synth, to certain #rock, to #EBM; I enjoy #ska to a certain extent, but I’m really not that fond of reggae.
#Films are usually #nice, but if it’s too hetero-normative romantic I may start feeling uncomfortable. It doesn't "have" to be #lgbtq, though.
But horror #film is not my thing.
I used to spend time #geocaching, which then more-or-less got faded out by me playing the mobile app game Ingress.
Now I'm more into #krokning (it's called #TunisianCrochet in English, but there's nothing "tunisian" specific about it) — a yarn craft which, unfortunately, is less social / mobile.
But I do try to exercise. Considering that I have #rheumatism, I aim to get back to my exercise 2–3 times a week routine — but that very same thing also makes me prone to catch colds, and when I get it, I'm down for 10-14 days, and it always takes a bit to get back on track …
I used my #Jolla phone as my daily driver. With some Sony's in-between, I now have a #Fairphone 5 instead.
I liked #CrunchBang (#!), and then continued over to #BunsenLabs. I'm on Windows 11 now … (and still wish I was better at #Linux).
I'm a cis-gendered Kinsey scale 5 female, and, should we go into detail, the Klein sexual orientation grid is probably a more refined "but messier to describe" tool. Also, I guess I'm more bi-romantic, than -sexual? ⚢
I like #languages. It would be neat if I could just "transfer" them into my head. Studying a #language is hard, and if you don't maintain it, it's gone.
I’m #adopted. My first language is #Swedish, and I think I manage ok in #English.
Being #Scandinavian, I can usually understand #Norwegian and #Danish - at least as long as both sides concentrate on making themselves understood.
I can understand German so-so, but some of the German I studied went out the window when I gave learning Dutch a go. I’ve been studying Chinese (as an adult), and tried to learn #Esperanto (as a teen). I can’t really say my attempts of learning Spanish or Japanese, or Swedish sign language, have stayed with me.
I’m not good at grammar as a subject.
I like #mathematics. I’m no longer that good at #maths as when I was in school. I like the #scientific approach on things, even though I wish I was better at grasping and explaining — e.g. as in: understanding why things work the way they do. ♇
I understand that we as human beings wants to "believe in something bigger", but we shouldn’t forget the #sceptic approach. To blindly trust things without even questioning them is seldom good. Then again, to question every thing, to the point of seeing conspiracies all around us, isn’t logical either.
I’m a close-to-atheist #agnostic. I have an equal hard time understanding fundamentalist atheists as I find it hard understanding fundamentalist theists.
I’m a #feminist. Being #female ♀ myself, that wasn’t a hard decision. When I was younger, I preferred calling it "being pro-equal treatment", or "pro-equal rights". Then I understood that there are branches of #feminism, and that calling myself "pro-equal treatment" instead of "feminist" only hurt the bigger cause, and that I don’t necessarily need to connect myself with the branches that (in my opinion) have the "wrong" view of feminism.
I don’t want women to rule over men, with sex/gender being the only denominator, just as I don’t want men to rule over women, with sex/gender being the only denominator. We’re in this together, and to make things work we need to listen to, and learn from, each other. I'm not always good at this, but I hope I'm trying.
I wish I was up-to-date with #programming — what I learned in the 1980’s / 1990’s (Basic, Pascal, Ada, Prolog) is either out-of-date, or buried too deep in my brain-archive.
I think I can be quite good at contributing ideas, though.
I’m really not that unique.
We may even have things in common.
additional tags that may or may not be relevant: #NewHere #NyHär #average #unique #anybody #läsa #bok #böcker #serie #serier #library #bibliotek #literature #litteratur #musik #alternative-music #indie-music #klassiskt #cinema #movies #yarncrafts #reumatism #lesbisk #lgbt #hbtq #hbt #gsm #språk #adopterad #GenX #svenska #påsvenska #svensk #svenskar #Sverige #SE #inSwedish #Sweden #SWE #skandinav #Skandinavien #skandinaviska #dansk #Danmark #Denmark #norsk #Norge #Noreg #Norway #finlandssvenska #Åland #Finland #nordisk #Norden #Europa #Europe #matematik #science #vetenskap #astronomy #space #TheUncertaintyOfDoubt #rambling #TooLongForSanity #over-tagged
Now, what about you?
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Yuri Axel, Jasper Coussell, Cătă, Sunshine, Halyihev and Anachronology like this.
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Cătă and Sunshine like this.
in reply to phle • • •@phle You're welcome! ^_^ I just got to read your whole intro, lol :D I'm younger than you, but I'm also into rock music and festivals. Seems like this year is going to be fresh in new releases. Can't wait to see what's cooking:
There are also some shows too in my country, but I'm not sure if I have the money for all of them.
Otherwise, I'm also into geocaching whenever I have some spare time. I heard about Ingress and how it turned into Pokémon Go, and I've actually been quite a big player of the latter when it was cool, lol. Although I like geocaching more. I've been to quite a few places this way.
Hope you'll like your stay here :D Unlike Diaspora, this place can get a tad more noisy, as you have access to the wider Fediverse of Lemmy and Mastodon, along with diaspora or whatever RSS feeds you plug in here. And if you're also on Bluesky, you can plug your account here as well and create even more noise :D But I like it this way, personally. I like the fact that I can stay in touch with the world, basically.
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phle and Sunshine like this.
in reply to Cătă • •🎼🎵🎶
It was actually PoGO that turned me to Ingress - the device I had at the time wasn't compatible with it, and then I found out that Niantic made that other game I'd tried to play some years earlier, and that my PoGO non-compatible device, as opposed to my earlier Ingress non-compatible device, was compatible with Ingress!
Yeah, I play very sparsely now, both Ingress and geocaching - but the latter is perfect when touristing: great way to see "weird" places! 😅👍
Oh, RSS feeds too? (better not, I like to have content, but preferably not too cluttered 🙈)
I got rid of Twitter just recently, even though I haven't used it for yeeeears, and contemplated whether I should get a Mastodon account as well ... but, 🙄🫣 looking at my tendency to wall-of-texts, ... 😬
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Sunshine and Cătă like this.
in reply to phle • • •@phle wow 😀) I did manage to run pokemon go, albeit a bit slow, as pretty much everything on my devices 😁 that's one of the reasons I tend to go with FOSS all the time.
I feel you. I try not to add them as often. Last time I added the feed of a larger publication my news feed was half filled with them. 😬
I never liked Twitter, so it was an easy choice for me, haha.
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