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the Blue Screen of Death …

#BSOD #BlueScreenOfDeath #grand #failure #fail
#EM Quartier #Bangkok #Thailand

(via Twitter, from reddit; here’s what it’s supposed to look like: [1, 2])

(A bit over nine years ago, I posted this on diaspora*. I joined Friendica as of this year, and that post doesn't seem to have federated to here, so I'm re-posting it. "Because I can.") #repost

the Blue Screen of Death ...

#BSOD #BlueScreenOfDeath #grand #failure #fail
#EM Quartier #Bangkok #Thailand

(via Twitter, from reddit; here's what it's supposed to look like: [1, 2])

Frau Horst on diaspora* posted this more than ten years ago, but I think it's still relevant.
(#English translation-ish below)

#erzaehlmirnix #IchBinKeinNaziAber #KeinNaziAber #keinUnterbrecher
#ErzählMirNix #Deutsch

Four-square comic strip, with two stick-figure heads talking.

– So you know, the thing with the refugees here ... I'm not a Nazi, but ...
– .... I'm not someone who interrupts others, but ...

– ... what? What ...
– ... I don't interrupt anyone, but ...

– What's the point of the ...
– ... I'm just saying I'm not an interrupter.

(third square: both heads are silent)

(fourth square: first head is silent, with a grumpy face; second head speaks)
– You should still be allowed to say that.

#NotANaziBut #NotAnInterrupter

#comics #NotMyWork

oglaf: Fountain of Doubt

Filtered word: nsfw

xkcd 1357: Free Speech

This one's old, but I still find it relevant.

Public Service Announcement:<br>The right to free speech means the government can't arrest you for what you say.<br>It doesn't mean that anyone else has to listen to your bullshit,<br>or host you while you share it.<br>The 1st amendment doesn't shield you from criticism or consequences.<br>If you're yelled at, boycotted, have your show cancelled, or get banned from an internet community, your free speech rights aren't being violated.<br>It's just that the people listening think you're an asshole,<br>and they're showing you the door.

xkcd alt-text: I can't remember where I heard this, but someone once said that defending a position by citing free speech is sort of the ultimate concession; you're saying that the most compelling thing you can say for your position is that it's not literally illegal to express.

#xkcd #1357 #comics #2014-April-18 #FreeSpeech

Treading Water, by Will McPhail
two persons at a table, each with a glass of wine; there's a lit candle on the table, and the persons are enjoying themselves<br>their upper bodies are humanoid, their lower bodies are duckshaped and treading water
#WillMcPhail #TreadingWater #drawing

The image got me thinking about Luca Bloom's The acoustic motorbike
"pedal on, pedal on, pedal on for miles, pedal on"
#LucaBloom #TheAcousticMotorbike #YouTube #music


I'm not good with terminology, so I assume node is the same as server in this case.

You and I are on Friendica, which is part of the Fediverse, and we're both using the server

Wikipedia has an image illustrating how the Fediverse is connected:
The diagram shows the common Fediverse platforms with the underlying protocols. Here it is also shown in color which platforms can communicate with which and what functions are implemented. The platforms are illustrated by the predominant sense and purpose in the pattern of the Fediverse logo.

Here's the list of public Friendica servers:
If you were to look for another server for e.g. a group circle account, you'd choose one of the ones. 😅

how to change your profile picture, at

1) go to…

2) up on the right-hand side, you see the drop-down menu Profile actions

3) click the drop-down menu, and you get the options
- Change profile photo
- Upload profile photo
- View profile

I can see this photo of yours
listed on…
so you've obviously managed to upload a photo.
Try the Change profile photo option, and see if you can choose it from there?

#booktower /Tom Gauld

(Not the best alt-text, but at least it's the dialogue.)<br>- Now that you are my bride, you will never leave this castle!<br>- Wow! Your library is amazing!<br>- Beyond the castle is a high wall with no gate, and beyond that is a deep dark forest with no path.<br>- I suppose it's my library too, now we're married.<br>- The forest is crawling with ravenous wolves, malignant birds and the spirits of long-dead travellers.<br>- So many books! I can't believe my luck!<br>- When the sun sets, I transform into a wild beast and soar into the night, seized by a terrible bloodlust!<br>- Ok. I'll stay here and read. See you in the morning.

#books #TomGauld #cartoon #trapped #library #comics

I found Tom Gauld on bluesky, but I have no idea whether this has been posted there. I found this last year, on (his website, maybe?).

(replying back from Friendica 🤗) is closed for new sign-ups, but other pods are still available
... but I'd say it should be enough with either Mastodon or Friendica, as both are part of the Fediverse (diaspora* is connected to Friendica, but not to Mastodon).


I think that maybe you wanted to add it as an image instead of as a link?

image of upside-down cat

[img=]image of upside-down cat[/img]
(so: [img=link]alt-text[/img])

All the nutritions for a growing child, and more!

images from Swedish delicato's ad campaign, showing an assortment of sugary snacks: "may contain traces of vitamins and minerals", "do you eat varied enouth?", "guaranteed to be free from whole wheats"


Yes, there should be - hang on, I'll see if I can find it ... for help, for general BBCode help ...

Ok, let's try this:

Friendica logo, from Wikipedia
is rendered by (following is in-between "code" markers)
[img=]Friendica logo, from Wikipedia[/img]

Hm, your post shows up fine, but the images seem to just be templates?

Here's a linked image for you:

though I suspect an image uploaded from locally would behave differently from an image linked from already-on-the-web ... 🤔

"Ik kan nederlands lezen" ... doesn't mean that I understand it, though. 👻

Hm. I'll give it a try (and we'll see how much Markdown I remember) -

the earth is heading for a warming of 2.6 degrees | what a strange life form appeared on this planet..
the earth is heading for a warming of 2.6 degrees | what a strange life form appeared on this planet..

... but the easiest is probably just to add the translation below/above it
(I butchered it in Google Translate 🙈)