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Gemütlich - auf einem kleinen Fluss, durch eine schöne Landschaft paddeln.

#photography #landschaft #paddeln #darktable

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Total gut, dieser Protest. Sehr schön, dass so viele Menschen am Ufer standen und sich so dem Protest angeschlossen haben.
Verwirrte Gesichter, die auf einem Spaziergang waren und sich über die Idee des Wassersportfreunde Neptun e.V. freuten.

#wassersport #kanu #rhein #köln #cologne #buntstattbraun #rheindemo @P4FKoeln

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Zurück von der #Rheindemo heute in #Köln
Kaum am Treffpunkt an der Brücke angekommen, bewegte sich der riesige Pulk der bunten #Boote schon auf dem #Rhein Richtung Dom. Einige #Ruderboote waren extra aus #Bonn angerudert.Tolle Stimmung, Traumwetter und ganz viele, die vom Ufer aus mitgemacht haben.😍
Danke an alle, die diese besondere #DemoGegenRechts möglich gemacht haben.
Auf dem Wasser war ich zu beschäftigt zum Fotografieren, daher hier der Link zum WDR.…
#Kanu #Kajak

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Registration is now open for the Run of the Charles, Boston's premier paddling race, to be held on Sunday April 27…

"The Run of the Charles features 3-, 6-, 9- and 14-mile races within the basin of the Charles River... CRWA believes in celebrating recreation on the Charles River and bringing communities together to support the protection, health, and resiliency of Boston's greatest natural treasure."

#Boston #Cambridge #Waltham #Newton #river #environment #paddling

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so like a thousand geese call the park I spend so many of my lunch breaks their winter home.

it's so hard to get a photo that really shows how many there are, but I tried today anyways lol

the great honkening

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in reply to winter storm advisory abby

there's so many my dogs get intimidated and freaked out when they fly overhead

(also swimming/paddling this lake is all fun and games until your feet touch the bottom that's just a floor of goose poo)

in reply to winter storm advisory abby

The dogs are smarter than humans about the poop bomb powers of our Canadian Goose Squadron.

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Beau is working on creating more of these beautiful #cedar #canoe #bowls for future #CoastSalish #Indigenous ceremony purposes.

We are currently collaborating on trying to pull together the biggest flotilla protest ever held in BC waters - since the early colonialism wars on coastal Indigenous peoples by European invaders/colonizers. This is a massive undertaking. It will take several of us committed to decolonization work to pull it off. No more details available to public until we get things more organized.

I'll post info, as we get more organized & put calls out for help & comrades to come out to fill & paddle in multiple canoes & run safety boats near us, as needed too ✌️

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)

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in reply to boiga

@boiga It is part of why but not sole reason. Main reason is significance of Indigenous being left out of many political talks involving #SalishSea & access & uses of those marine areas. Second is the ongoing ecocide happening in & around Salish Sea. We are working with several different grassroots orgs including many involved with wild salmon & deforestation issues.

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Beau is working on finishing up this traditional 28' #cedar #dugout #canoe - made from a 2nd growth log. He has several #Indigenous youth students who have been helping create this #CoastSalish canoe. They have a lot of sanding work to do in coming days.

This #documentary film -> Our Teacher, follows Beau in September of 2021. Beau set out on a path to carve a canoe on #Gabriola Island, #BritishColumbia #Canada. with local elementary school students. As children began to carve along with him, the cedar began releasing its life force, transforming the world around it with kindness, love, joy, and belonging. “Our Teacher” has been nominated for awards in multiple film festivals and is available for viewing online.…

#TraditionalCanoe #VancouverIsland #Snuneymuxw #VanIsle #FirstNations #NativeBC #Woodwork #BoatBuilders #Cultural #wood #Woodcarving #Cascadia #PacificNorthwest #PNW

in reply to Alex@rtnVFRmedia Suffolk UK

@vfrmedia @mayintoronto We still have several old growth red cedar stands here but it's rare to find old growth yellow cedar stands intact these days. That's almost been wiped out by deforestation/corporate greed. We need to protect the remaining old growth.

River Oste

in reply to DoSe

Lifting the canoe over blockages. Hmmm. I should do that with the kayak. I recently bailed on a section that was maybe 5 meters of 3cm deep water with a 1 meter blockage. There's no good reason I couldn't get out and drag the kayak through that.

Seeing you do harder things is motivation.

in reply to Eric Phelps

@Eric Phelps I look for opportunities like this because it's just really great fun. If such images help you, all the better. 8)

If amounts of federated contacts take a week to arrive, it's a bit like reading the news from the archive CD.
in reply to DoSe

Hope that after today this issue is gone..
in reply to Ruud

@Ruud The problem that the Fediverse has to deal with is sometimes more, sometimes less pronounced. I don't think it's a bad thing, but it does sometimes have an effect on the mood. :|
Thanks for your commitment to this great project. ❤

Jan 19
View public calendar Appointment
Sun 7:15 PM
If you can see ist: *yeah*
if not: *wth*


phle attends maybe.

in reply to DoSe

*yeah* (can see your public calendar appointment: yes 👍)
in reply to DoSe

@DoSe Can't see it 🙁

Here's what you need to doJust kidding, I couldn't comment if I couldn't see it, haha

in reply to DoSe

We had a great day on the river. But we had to climb a lot and it took us a lot of time (the picture is from an easy spot). The bank was soft from all the water and the trees were slippery from the frosty coating. The freezing fog was eating away at our faces and making our fingers capable of handling. So halfway along the route, I called a buddy to pick us up. The right time to end a tour like this is when you are still able to act.

Incidentally, everything was well thought out and planned. We know the route and have exit points at short intervals. The buddy on land was ready to pick us up. And of course we had the right equipment to go swimming in winter and to rescue ourselves. And yet, "biting through” is something for fitness studios, on the river it can quickly cost you your life
#canoe #canoeing #wintercamping

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Cool science news of the day! The first ever audio/video recording of the moment of impact of a meteorite on Earth was captured on PEI last summer!
#Science #Astronomy #RingCamera #PEI…

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Where are all the canoe paddlers and kayakers?

Is it possible they're all hanging out on Facebook, Insta or X? That would be very scary. 🥶

#paddling #canoe #canoeing #kajak #kayak #kayaking

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in reply to DoSe

I just recently added conoeing to the tags I follow. But you're right, there's not a lot of action here. I like it that way. I don't want to spend hours scrolling. Three kayak pictures, two canoes, and about 20 mountain pictures. And then I put the phone away.
in reply to Eric Phelps

@Eric Phelps Well, I'm less interested in looking at pictures and more in an exchange between paddlers all over Europe. There are many local groups of kayakers in Germany, but active canoeists are rare here and widely spread across the country. Unfortunately, everyone seems to want to keep hanging out at meta. And of course, it's much nicer outside than on the net. 8)

I promised goose content.

KleineMutti proudly presents her meddaille for the election of the Carrot Queen 2024.

#geese #animals #carrots

Introduction - Hello & Welcome

Zuckerberg has now apparently burned the last bridges to the good side of the Force and wants to go to hell together with his rich friends, religious fundamentalists and other Nazis. In the hope that one or two brave souls will make their way out of the meta-molloch and into the fediverse, I am starting an attempt here to make myself findable for them.

There will be a lot of content here about canoeing, geese and other pleasant things and I look forward to a lively exchange.

in reply to DoSe

Hello, I'm here for basically the same reasons. My mom asked me about alternatives to "crackbook" today too.
in reply to Solvei Blue

Hi, yeah, what a bummer. Let's hope for the best. I've been on Mastodon for a long time, but I'm also still on Dings because of all the groups there. But not at this price ...