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Where are all the canoe paddlers and kayakers?

Is it possible they're all hanging out on Facebook, Insta or X? That would be very scary. πŸ₯Ά

#paddling #canoe #canoeing #kajak #kayak #kayaking

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in reply to DoSe

Follow those tags and you'll find them! Well, except for people like me who keep forgetting to use tags πŸ™„.
in reply to Eric Phelps

@Eric Phelps Well, I've been in the Fediverse for years and you'll find my boats in at least 80% of these tags.
It's actually the case that several thousand paddlers are heavily active on meta, while a few scattered idealists have fun with other topics here.
But it's no different in other areas either, so ... stay tuned 😎
in reply to DoSe

I just recently added conoeing to the tags I follow. But you're right, there's not a lot of action here. I like it that way. I don't want to spend hours scrolling. Three kayak pictures, two canoes, and about 20 mountain pictures. And then I put the phone away.
in reply to Eric Phelps

@Eric Phelps Well, I'm less interested in looking at pictures and more in an exchange between paddlers all over Europe. There are many local groups of kayakers in Germany, but active canoeists are rare here and widely spread across the country. Unfortunately, everyone seems to want to keep hanging out at meta. And of course, it's much nicer outside than on the net. 8)