@Rob Meyer The calendar must be developed further, in any case. Anonymous access to the calendar can be allowed in the settings, but my entries themselves are always private. Visitors therefore see an empty calendar.
Btw, in some howto there was a rights tab for calendar entries. 🤔
@DoSe @Rob Meyer Didn't touch on the calendar that much, but when I enabled "share this event" I immediately got the permissions page. I think on the contrary, that events that you create are private by default and you have to check that box in order to make it public.
@Cătă @Rob Meyer @Tobias Even if this is of course a solution, it is not very intuitive at first. It is also a shame that an event that has already been created can no longer be shared and that a rights tab is not generally available.
@Rob Meyer @Cătă @VegOS @Tobias @marcolo So to make a calendar entry visible publicly/anonymously, you must -> Settings -> Additional Features > Advanced Calendar Settings -> Allow anonymous access to your calendar and when creating a post via “share event” the post is marked as public.
Unknown parent • •@Rob Meyer The calendar must be developed further, in any case. Anonymous access to the calendar can be allowed in the settings, but my entries themselves are always private. Visitors therefore see an empty calendar.
Btw, in some howto there was a rights tab for calendar entries. 🤔
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in reply to DoSe • • •@DoSe @Rob Meyer Didn't touch on the calendar that much, but when I enabled "share this event" I immediately got the permissions page. I think on the contrary, that events that you create are private by default and you have to check that box in order to make it public.
Let me just check: can anyone see this event?
Copy and paste the link to your search bar too in order to check it.
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in reply to DoSe • • •DoSe
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in reply to DoSe • • •DoSe
in reply to Tobias • •Friendica Support reshared this.
in reply to Cătă • •Friendica Support reshared this.
in reply to Cătă • • •@Cătă @DoSe @Rob Meyer
No. "Conversation not available to you"
in reply to DoSe • •So to make a calendar entry visible publicly/anonymously, you must
-> Settings -> Additional Features > Advanced Calendar Settings -> Allow anonymous access to your calendar and when creating a post via “share event” the post is marked as public.
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in reply to marcolo • • •@marcolo Fantastic. That means it works!
@DoSe @Rob Meyer
in reply to DoSe • • •