2025-03-13 13:09:00
2025-03-12 15:25:43
2025-03-12 15:25:43
Basically, I was shutting down my netbook, but the shutdown was delayed, due to the system waiting for a program to finish.
The program in question was explorer.exe playing the logout sound, and it was usually quicker to just wait, than to “force-close” it …
#svenska #felmeddelande #dator #avsluta #avslutas #väntar #vänta #utloggning #utloggningsljud #ljud
I went through some old photos of mine, and got reminded of this “fantastic phenomenon”:
1 program mĂĄste fortfarande avslutas:
(Väntar på) explorer.exe
Spelar upp utloggningsljud…
Klicka på Avbryt om du vill stänga programmet som förhindrar
omstart i Windows och stäng sedan programmet.
[Kräv omstart] [Avbryt]
Basically, I was shutting down my netbook, but the shutdown was delayed, due to the system waiting for a program to finish.
The program in question was explorer.exe playing the logout sound, and it was usually quicker to just wait, than to “force-close” it …
(I finally got myself together and chose “no logout sound”, but it took a while, due to not remembering it until I was about to shut down the computer, and then forgetting about it until the next time I shut it down.)
#computer #netbook #shutdown #waiting #explorerEXE #playing #logout #sound #fail #Windows7Starter
I know - the message is in #Swedish, so I’ve done my best to translate it to #English:
1 program must still be terminated:
(Pending) explorer.exe
Playing logout sound…
Click Cancel if you want to close the programme that prevents
Windows to restart, and then close the program.
[Require restart] [Cancel]
#svenska #felmeddelande #dator #avsluta #avslutas #väntar #vänta #utloggning #utloggningsljud #ljud
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