This is all true and good to hear but we need to hear 1) how is this going to be stopped ? 2) how is it going to be fixed? 3)how will the folks doing it be held accountable ? 4) how do we prevent it from happen again?
I’ve been trying to call my senators but the calls are not going through. Is this because the switchboard is overloaded? Or has this function been somehow sabotaged by the administration?
@PamelaBarroway @jawarajabbi @indivisibleteam I would add to that to download the 5 calls app. It has the phone numbers of all your reps and has scripts for what to say if you are at a loss for words. All you have to do is put in your zip code.
@DebR Can you call their state or local offices? I've often had better luck than if I called their DC offices. Would also recommend sending a letter. Good luck!💙
@Barbramon1 Also heard that@letters could go in the trash. My senators and congresswoman are democrats, so I’m sure they wouldn’t be discarded, but for gop reps and senators?🤷🏻♀️
@DebR With the gop anything could go in the trash including emails, and phone records. Down the memory hole. I am thankful that every one of my reps, from city council to Congress to governor is a Democrat, but it's still important for us to remind them who hired them and why. Red state citizens need to try EVERYTHING to be heard. Even small things like letters to the editor can help. Make your voices heard.
@FallsMom She's one of my faves. I'm a little pissed at these replies that assume everyone knows WTF is going on. What happened to meet people where they are? I think most of the country, due to our failed media, has no idea how bad this is. I don't see anything on Greg Landsman's website. Deeply disappointed. This is a hair on fire moment.
@FallsMom Last night I read that Dems were holding a public meeting today. I see it's scheduled for 1p from the USAID offices. I hope they bring Dragons cuz this can't stand.
no disrespect ma’am but you’re in a better position than most people are to make this happen. People will take your calls and meetings while we’re getting auto responses and voice mail. As enjoyable as howling into the void is it doesn’t seem to be working that well for us.
All correct. Just ONE question: If all of this is correct and therefore illegal - Why is nobody showing up arresting them? No police, no homeland security, no secret service, no FBI no NSA ... NO ONE ? WHY ?
It's the f**g TREASURY DEPARTMENT ! The Fort Knox of data! FFS
Has America already turned into a banana republic? Democrats and sane republicans must stop this man, otherwise somebody else will stop him and Trump in an violent way. We seen more of that. #savedemocracy #fighttrump
@knordstrom @kataclyst The fact that so few people have faith in the system is what is leading to our downfall. And we have lost faith because of empty platitudes like what @RepShontelBrown is doing here.
Don't tell us stuff we already know. Tell us what you're going to do about it.
HOW do we work together and resist? What is the plan??
So go down to where he is with a camera crew, film what he's doing and demand that he leaves! And when he doesn't, call the police! You are an elected official, he is a private citizen. DOGE is not a legal entity! YOU HAVE THE AUTHORITY, NOT HIM!!!
Could you share what Democrats are doing as a unified party to fight for us? I know the media will not report so we are counting on you and other Reps to keep us informed.
@knordstrom @kataclyst I’ve given up on the federal government and I’m paying very close attention to the house bills that are introduced in my state because there has been an avalanche of them.
It’s not all bad, there’s some stuff to raise minimum wage and get rid of sub minimum wage, and to increase unemployment and workers comp.
But then there’s stuff to change access to special ed, to give doctors the right to arbitrarily decide who can have birth control or to not give it at all based only on their conscience, there’s a whole bunch of new restrictions they want to do regarding absentee voting, there’s just so much .
But I’m trying to pay attention to that because it’s easier to stop these things from becoming laws than it is to change them once they are.
The ratio of public comment against an aborti
... show more
@knordstrom @kataclyst I’ve given up on the federal government and I’m paying very close attention to the house bills that are introduced in my state because there has been an avalanche of them.
It’s not all bad, there’s some stuff to raise minimum wage and get rid of sub minimum wage, and to increase unemployment and workers comp.
But then there’s stuff to change access to special ed, to give doctors the right to arbitrarily decide who can have birth control or to not give it at all based only on their conscience, there’s a whole bunch of new restrictions they want to do regarding absentee voting, there’s just so much .
But I’m trying to pay attention to that because it’s easier to stop these things from becoming laws than it is to change them once they are.
The ratio of public comment against an abortion ban caused them to withdraw it (I think) It really helps to pay attention and to take two minutes to click “support” or “oppose” when they are taking public comments on these things.
So that’s what I’m doing, and I’m trying to spread the word so other people in New Hampshire know what’s happening so they can take two minutes and go online and with a couple clicks have their voice is heard.
Establishment Democrats don’t care what we think, but when we push back with 10,000 people making public comments against a ban and only 800 in support, it goes away.
I think I speak for a lot of people on here when I say I agree. But I’m pretty sure that, like me, many also wonder what our elected democratic representatives are doing to actually stop him?
Sen. Brian Schatz, D-Hawaii, he’s placing a “blanket hold” on President Donald Trump’s nominees for the State Department after Elon Musk's attacks on USAID.
Congress needs to tell the public what they want us to do to stop this. If there is no plan then you're wishing into the ether that this problem is solved in the passive voice without an actual actor. If you don't know what you're asking the public for, what infrastructure and organization exactly are THEY supposed to use to react to this? #USCongress is the infrastructure and organization! So ORGANIZE! Then tell us the official plan so we're not guessing independently!
Are we supposed to call ghostbusters or something? Because I all see is your party's leadership using Mr. "not an elected official"'s platform to say shit we already know.
That last sentence is passive voice, and vague AF. If you intend to make a call for action, maybe announce where Musk and his little whiz kids are working, and when everyone should show up to make them extremely worried about what they're up to.
please prioritize this and stop his team before he hacks into another gov agency! He will plow forward until he’s stoped, while the Senate is distracted with confirmation hearings. Dems need to put the brakes on everything in Congress until this is resolved! It is essentially an internal cyberattack, or worse!
Every Dem in Congress should go on strike!
Demand that Elon and his entire team be dealt with!
People sometimes think that cybersecurity is just about defending computer systems from remote adversaries. But it’s broader than that; cybersecurity has always been about protecting computer syste…
I do not know the details of us politics and i would like to ask a basic question. How can the Democratic party mount successful opposition against trump when it is not incentivised to do so by a political system with two-party dominance? From the outside perspective it looks like it does not need to do much apart from token resistance and virtue signaling to still be considered the only viable alternative for the republican party. This is not a personal attack on you at all I would just like to know what point do you see in participating in a game which (again to the outside observer) looks like rotten to the core. Maybe the answer to this question belongs in a FAQ somewhere
Ray Gulick, he/him/wtf
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Greg Johnston
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Maggie Maybe
in reply to Greg Johnston • • •Team Permanent DST
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Al
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •but
we need to hear
1) how is this going to be stopped ?
2) how is it going to be fixed?
3)how will the folks doing it be held accountable ?
4) how do we prevent it from happen again?
Elyse M Grasso reshared this.
Bruce Mirken
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Joe Heafner
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •kat
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •DynoFlux reshared this.
Judgment Dave
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Is this prose or poetry?
What it is NOT is action.
C.J.H.3 💀🪿🥚🐐
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Cat Herder 💔 🗽 🇺🇲
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •PNW Deb
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •CaliCarol
in reply to PNW Deb • • •I was able to send emails to my Senators, but Schiff's system was slow. Keep trying!
in reply to CaliCarol • • •CaliCarol
in reply to PNW Deb • • •Good to know. I'll call tomorrow.
Pamela Barroway – Biz Editor
in reply to CaliCarol • • •@jawarajabbi @DebR A couple of tips:
1. If you can’t get thru to DC offices, call your MOC’s state offices. They WILL funnel the messages to DC!
2. As per @indivisibleteam, keep messages short, and do ONE action per call. If you have more than one, make multiple calls.
3. Make sure to state your name, zip code, and town.
4. Leaving a VOICE MAIL is 💯 good if a staffer doesn’t pick up. They are getting slammed now!
reshared this
TheNovemberFella ✊🏳️🌈 🇺🇦☸️🛰️🚀 reshared this.
in reply to Pamela Barroway – Biz Editor • • •CaliCarol
in reply to PNW Deb • • •@DebR
Hahaha I am never at a liss for words.
Kevin Gamin
in reply to PNW Deb • • •RiaResists
in reply to PNW Deb • • •Thank you!
Barbara Monaco
in reply to PNW Deb • • •Would also recommend sending a letter.
Good luck!💙
in reply to Barbara Monaco • • •Barbara Monaco
in reply to PNW Deb • • •I am thankful that every one of my reps, from city council to Congress to governor is a Democrat, but it's still important for us to remind them who hired them and why.
Red state citizens need to try EVERYTHING to be heard. Even small things like letters to the editor can help. Make your voices heard.
in reply to Barbara Monaco • • •FallsMom 🟦 🌻
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •reshared this
El Duvelle and Erik Jonker reshared this.
Cat Herder 💔 🗽 🇺🇲
in reply to FallsMom 🟦 🌻 • • •She's one of my faves. I'm a little pissed at these replies that assume everyone knows WTF is going on. What happened to meet people where they are? I think most of the country, due to our failed media, has no idea how bad this is.
I don't see anything on Greg Landsman's website. Deeply disappointed. This is a hair on fire moment.
FallsMom 🟦 🌻
in reply to Cat Herder 💔 🗽 🇺🇲 • • •@CatHerder
Agree! And the status of #Ohio DEMs is nearly powerless.
Will these "repliers" be happy if she says hey why bother w/ this Mastodon & leaves?
Fill her ears w/ thoughts & ideas!
Cat Herder 💔 🗽 🇺🇲
in reply to FallsMom 🟦 🌻 • • •Last night I read that Dems were holding a public meeting today. I see it's scheduled for 1p from the USAID offices.
I hope they bring Dragons cuz this can't stand.
Mayor of Nerdocrumbesia 🏡
in reply to FallsMom 🟦 🌻 • • •@FallsMom
Agreed. Reps that have created a presence here will likely be inundated with replies demanding their action.
However, that should not deter them from reaching out on this medium. It is appreciated.
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •@DebR
FallsMom 🟦 🌻
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Welcome!
I don't expect you to have "the plan" or "the solution" to it all.
Being here is valuable.
Penny Richards reshared this.
Angus Marshall
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Frank Going AntiFa
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Mayor of Nerdocrumbesia 🏡
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •THEN STOP HIM
Pamela Barroway – Biz Editor
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Agree 💯. What will House Dems do to grind everything to a halt until this is achieved?
Please get loud OFF of social media. Go on all news shows — MSNBC, CNN, and yes, even FOX.
As always, thank you for being active on #Mastodon and the #Fediverse.
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •[object Object]
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •stbc
Unknown parent • • •Les Blazemore
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Come on people stop with the rage and try to focus!
Everyone is in here demanding the magic beans of politics, stat.
Things are happening, pay attention. Blockading the nominees like the Senator from Hawaii is doing is a great first step!
Kim Possible
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •technum
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Kevin
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Lightfighter
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Aerofreak | DE/EN
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Us people, where are your protests, where is the turmoil?
#uspol #elona #musk
James Britt
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •You're in Congress.
Give us details of what you have been doing, what the plan is for the future.
MusiqueNow ✡️ 🇵🇸
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Hello
Thanks for reading my post.
My question is: what are you DOING to stop Trump?
How can those of us abroad who care about relatives, friends, etc in the US do to help?
Joe Hill 🇮🇱🇵🇸🇺🇦
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Catherine is not giving up.
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •People will take your calls and meetings while we’re getting auto responses and voice mail. As enjoyable as howling into the void is it doesn’t seem to be working that well for us.
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •All correct.
Just ONE question:
If all of this is correct and therefore illegal -
Why is nobody showing up arresting them?
No police,
no homeland security,
no secret service,
no FBI
no NSA
The Fort Knox of data! FFS
Eric Schutte
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Democrats and sane republicans must stop this man, otherwise somebody else will stop him and Trump in an violent way.
We seen more of that.
#savedemocracy #fighttrump
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Billy Covington
Unknown parent • • •@knordstrom @kataclyst
The fact that so few people have faith in the system is what is leading to our downfall. And we have lost faith because of empty platitudes like what @RepShontelBrown is doing here.
Don't tell us stuff we already know. Tell us what you're going to do about it.
HOW do we work together and resist? What is the plan??
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Samhain Night
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Bill
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •DeadTOm
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Sensitive content
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •ethagnawl
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •KevinOnEarth
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •(Or is that only for one side. 🤔
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •An Open Letter to the Majority of Congressional Democrats
Davis Ex MachinaDarcy
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •And yet if you want any information from the US National Transportation Safety Board you have to get it from X now.
No corruption in Trumps government???
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Maggie Maybe
Unknown parent • • •@knordstrom @kataclyst I’ve given up on the federal government and I’m paying very close attention to the house bills that are introduced in my state because there has been an avalanche of them.
It’s not all bad, there’s some stuff to raise minimum wage and get rid of sub minimum wage, and to increase unemployment and workers comp.
But then there’s stuff to change access to special ed, to give doctors the right to arbitrarily decide who can have birth control or to not give it at all based only on their conscience, there’s a whole bunch of new restrictions they want to do regarding absentee voting, there’s just so much .
But I’m trying to pay attention to that because it’s easier to stop these things from becoming laws than it is to change them once they are.
The ratio of public comment against an aborti
... show more@knordstrom @kataclyst I’ve given up on the federal government and I’m paying very close attention to the house bills that are introduced in my state because there has been an avalanche of them.
It’s not all bad, there’s some stuff to raise minimum wage and get rid of sub minimum wage, and to increase unemployment and workers comp.
But then there’s stuff to change access to special ed, to give doctors the right to arbitrarily decide who can have birth control or to not give it at all based only on their conscience, there’s a whole bunch of new restrictions they want to do regarding absentee voting, there’s just so much .
But I’m trying to pay attention to that because it’s easier to stop these things from becoming laws than it is to change them once they are.
The ratio of public comment against an abortion ban caused them to withdraw it (I think) It really helps to pay attention and to take two minutes to click “support” or “oppose” when they are taking public comments on these things.
So that’s what I’m doing, and I’m trying to spread the word so other people in New Hampshire know what’s happening so they can take two minutes and go online and with a couple clicks have their voice is heard.
Establishment Democrats don’t care what we think, but when we push back with 10,000 people making public comments against a ban and only 800 in support, it goes away.
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Comrade Ferret
Unknown parent • • •Cheryl
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Patrick H. Lauke
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •F4GRX Sébastien
in reply to Billy Covington • • •Viraptor
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •zahl
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •RV
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •…
Democratic Sen. Brian Schatz puts a hold on Trump's State Department nominees
Sahil Kapur (NBC News)Mister Shade
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •SidheWolf
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Steve is VRoomin’
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •FIAR Light
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Harald Werner
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Milcom Miasma
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •With respect ma'am, you're in a better position to do that than we are.
For what it's worth, you have my support for anything you can do to stop the morons.
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Stephanie Moore
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •The 500 Hats of LambdaCalculus
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •All right, so do something about it!
Kick his ass to the curb and tell him he's not welcome!
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Rai Aren 🖖✨📚🇺🇦
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Frank Shinneman
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Flowermob
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Rob Hadley
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •m0xEE
in reply to Rob Hadley • • •He is an American citizen — he wasn't born in the US though, so he can't run for presidency.
Log 🪵
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Iain MacLean (he/him)
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Stuff Nairn
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Idaho buckeye
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •neandag
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •yunchtime
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •MissConstrue
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Jen C, MPH
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •please prioritize this and stop his team before he hacks into another gov agency! He will plow forward until he’s stoped, while the Senate is distracted with confirmation hearings. Dems need to put the brakes on everything in Congress until this is resolved! It is essentially an internal cyberattack, or worse!
Every Dem in Congress should go on strike!
Demand that Elon and his entire team be dealt with!…
Musk’s Takeover Of The Government’s Computer Systems Needs To Be Understood As A Cyberattack, Or Worse
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Htaggert
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Linda Rose Smit
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •Bo_Tally
in reply to Rep. Shontel Brown • • •