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So, this has been in the works for a while, arguably most of last year. I intend to transfer my personal ownership of the Mastodon trademarks and assets, incl. copyright over my code, to the Mastodon non-profit, and transition to a different role at the organization.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

It is not easy, and I feel a lot of conflicting emotions writing about it, because Mastodon is so tightly intertwined with my identity and my sense of self-worth. I dedicated 8 years of my life to this cause that I care deeply about, in a role that you can never disconnect from.

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in reply to Eugen Rochko

Mastodon grew beyond any of my expectations. I have always tried to push myself out of my comfort zone and grow to new challenges, but it has taken its toll over time. The past 2 years especially have been overwhelming, and my mental and physical health have taken a dip.

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in reply to Eugen Rochko

I would like to focus on the things about Mastodon that I have passion for, in a new, more product-oriented role, while leaving the business side of things to a new CEO. This is not immediate and will likely occur within the next 2-3 months.

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in reply to Eugen Rochko

I don't have a very high opinion of myself as a CEO, and I always imagine where Mastodon might've been today if I wasn't a massive introvert, but I'd like to think there were redeeming qualities about my run, as well.

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in reply to Eugen Rochko

Overall, it's an opportunity for me to regain some work-life balance, and for Mastodon as an organization to unlock its full potential and avoid some ego- and trademark-related pitfalls that other large open-source projects have recently experienced.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

your leadership has made this place what it is and I hope that the incoming CEO will share the same values and objectives you’ve shared with us. While I know it can only grow if everyone is in the right position, I worry it’ll become a Mozilla situation where too much overhead is put in and the money becomes a larger priority.

Tim Chambers reshared this.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thanks a lot, Eugen, for taking this decision (because I think the whole project will grow thanks to that) and for everything you did during past years. Your work and dedication really helped to build what have been somehow a dream for most: a social network entitled with strong human values.

Good luck with the rest of your journey!

in reply to Eugen Rochko

I hope you are successful. As an introvert (and autistic) I find the business side of business hard, and I can’t imagine running something as valuable as Mastodon has become. Well played to get it to this point and to know when to pass it on.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you for all the hard work you put into Mastodon, it is very much appreciated by hundreds of thousands. I wish you and your wife all peace and happiness.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I won't be here today without your work. I , and hope others, will always think of you as the guy who created one of the many fediverse app and was able to stay humble and human. So thank you and I hope you will still hang around .
in reply to Eugen Rochko

You've done us a great service in what you've built and that won't be forgotten. We've seen what happens when engineers burn out, and we've seen what happens when they try to stay in charge too long, and I think you're making a good choice for yourself, and in allowing Mastodon to fly free and develop further.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

This all seems like a win for everyone. Thanks for your work and continued efforts to help Mastodon live up to its ideals.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

this seems like a great move, and good time.

We become less effective the further we're stretched, especially in directions that are not our strengths.

I've been through this, I wish I had learned/admitted it earlier.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

thank you for everything you have done so far and happy that you still will play an important role. And good that you also prioritize balance and health, which is of vital importance for everyone.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

If all the world's tech CEOs were more like you, the world would be a better place! Hope you find a new CEO who is still a lot like you
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you very much for creating something that will last for a very long time. A way for people to interact without any party owning anything. Very much appreciated. Please enjoy your new role and have faith in your team, a great team is more than the sum of its parts.

Touaregtweet reshared this.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

This is so incredibly and admirably self-aware and wise. Thank you again.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thanks for what you've done. . . when I landed here two years ago I really had no idea what it was all about. . . . . ! !! :mastodance:
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I want to say thank you for creating an alternative where I get my news and less-toxic banter.

It’s an amazing platform and totally understandable your decision.

You a Giga-Chad.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

kudos to you for making this decision, I’m sure it wasn’t an easy one but it’s certainly the right path going forward!
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

thank you for doing this and for your vision. I originally joined mastodon back in 2017 and to see it now is like a miracle. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
in reply to Eugen Rochko

thank you for creating this place and its awesome communities. As a fellow introvert I totally understand wanting to do more technical work you enjoy. The nonprofit sounds like a great plan, hope the transition is smooth!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Eugen, I appreciate you and all the hard work you have done to make Mastodon a success, and look forward to your contributions in your new role. Mastodon should never have competitors, only collaborators, and I hope it will always stay that way.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Dude, you did an amazing job. You’ve taken so much on your shoulders, and made one of the most bustling decentralized social media projects ever.

Congrats on your new role, and I know you’ll rock at it.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

thank you for bringing us Mastodon and I wish you all the best.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thanks for being a good steward. I bought a Mastodon plushie in, uh, celebration.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

So wise. Thanks for the incredible job you did. You made Mastodon take root. I hope that with this decision you will find some zenitude.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I migrated here from X when Musk took over, ie essentially for a negative reason, but I've found this place to be a much pleasanter environment, as well as having a superior ownership model. What I didn't expect was to discover that the CEO could write such a candid, self-aware and balanced account of why he was moving on. So, thanks for all you have done, good luck in your new role, and may Mastodon continue to go from strength to strength.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Congrats, Eugen. You did the right thing, and I'm hoping you inspire and other similar critical #OSS projects to move in this same direction next, too.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

В этих сетях главное не потерять себя...
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thats why you are the GOAT!!!
You will always be loved man, and still are. Glad you will finally have more time to yourself!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

It's a truly noble thing you do, here. We don't often get to use that word but it's the only one which works.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thanks for your hard work, and for what you have done for all of us. You have built something amazing here.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you for creating a sustainable and thoughtful product and letting it grow in a sustainable and thoughtful manner. Mastodon is a rare work of digital artistry.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

It is impossible for me to express how much I respect your work on this, your commitment, what you have sacrificed for it, and I can only wish you all of the best. I hope you find a place where you can recover and restore yourself!!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I appreciate all you’ve done and look forward to your next projects.
Thank you , I know that @JohnMastodon is proud of the work you’ve done, as we all should be.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

you've created one of the most important social networks so far, and brought it into public focus. You've introduced millions of people to ActivityPub, whether they chose to use Mastodon or not. You've done this at just the right time for people to have somewhere to jump ship to from other networks, while those networks shift their attention towards politics & corporate greed. And now you're deciding to hand over because you've reached your limit.

That's being a great CEO. Be proud. 👍

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Good for you for looking out for yourself. And thank you for creating a viable alternative to algorithm-driven social networks.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I’ve been very happy with what you’ve created, and you have certainly kept a more even keel on the thing than many might have. Thanks for all that work!

You deserve a good work/life balance at this point. I hope it keeps improving for you, even if it’s somewhat painful at this moment.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

thanks for personally protecting it as long as you have.

And I just wanted to add, thanks for how easily the "block" feature works. I don't have to tolerate anyone being unpleasant nor do I have to get an admin involved. They don't see me anymore, and I don't see them, and I can let that shit go without even trying to get the last word or waste time defending myself. If it wasn't for this feature I'm not sure I could stay on social media.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I hope you take immense pride in this wonderful thing you've created and nurtured — and which I'm so thankful for, every day. I can only imagine the personal toll that being the CEO has taken, and I'm glad you've found a thoughtful way to move forward.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

thank you for doing this. Thank you for taking care of yourself.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

thanks a lot for building what you have built and taking such a courageous step to set the project up for a healthy future. Good luck with the transition into the new role.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Eugen, I have deep respect for your decision and your open and transparent communication about it.
I sometimes don't have a high opinion of me in my roles as well, so I can feel you there. But going forward and deciding what's good for you and "your baby", even if it hurts, is respectable.
And always remember how far you have brought your baby. You can't be that bad of a CEO, huh? :-)

Good luck and a lot of fun with your new role! For the best of you and your baby.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

thanks a lot - for your time as a ceo and for taking the decision and for talking about it (I can only imagine howh hard this is but it's also such an important example of how to handle things well!).
in reply to Eugen Rochko

It takes a lot of courage to let your baby go.

I admire you for that, as well as for all the work you have done that made this platform the joyous place it is for all of us.

I hope, you stay connected with the project, but above all a healthy and happy life. You truly deserve that, Eugen!

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you so much for Mastodon, you gave us a marvellous place and I hope you will get your good work-life balance back soon. Take care and keep in touch!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

@Gargron, I'm a latecomer to all this, but man, oh man, do I love it here. You have had a hand in building something special that I feel most fortunate to partake in.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thanks so much for your dedication and hoping you enjoy your next stage 🔥
in reply to Eugen Rochko

What you're doing, no joke, you're saving the world. Or helping us to save it. In any case, you're a hero in my book.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you for the work you have done, shepherding Mastodon to where it is now.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

actually, many of this CEOs could use some more thinking about oneself, and maybe some more self-criticism ... I think you're doing the right thing. And I think that you're not one of those people feeling like the masters of the universe helped a lot. The most catastrophal thing with #musk #zuckerberg and co is their really INSANE hubris ....
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Only the best introverts can do the best software for introverts...
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Be kind to yourself. You’ve done a great job. Thank you!
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I've been here full time since 2022, and I'm pretty happy with it and where it's going. Thanks for your huge contribution, I'm optimistic it will turn out well.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Redeeming qualities... Leadership: You've changed the social media playing field for the better. With the personal growth, you're ready to focus on your passion and core strengths to lead further development of Mastodon products. Wise to pass the CEO baton to someone who can manage Mastodon's business size and growth bumps.

Big 🙌🏼 to you!

in reply to Eugen Rochko

thank you. You did more than anyone could have asked of you
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I'm not sure if an opinion of a random guy from the Internet will make you feel better, but I still want to say this.

I can't say that I liked every your decision regarding the project. But in my personal point of view, your approach was very realistic and adequate. You often saw what really matters, trying not to live in your imaginary world like some people leading project like to do.

So good job, Eugen.
I hope you'll like your new position and how this project goes on after that.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

You know, in an age where every CEO is so full of themselves, especially when they own a social network, you were the exception to the rule. If you think of what made Mastodon special, many things may derive from the way you are. You can always do things better with the knowledge of hindsight, but how many people would've been able to do as well as you?
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Don't be hard on yourself. You've built something remarkable.

And in my experience, the CEOs who do have a high opinion of themselves as CEOs are generally the worst CEOs 🤣

in reply to Eugen Rochko

I’ve not agreed with every decision, but this one sets you above many others.

This is a remarkable moment.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

I'm not a big fan of CEOs in general, but listen.

This thing what y'all are doing with Mastodon, is what the internet really needs right now.

Thanks for that!

in reply to Eugen Rochko

"I don't have a very high opinion of myself as a CEO" Honestly this makes you better than 99% of CEOs but stepping aside and forming the entity was absolutely a good move and I hope it gives you a much-needed break.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Congrats, Eugen, this is a great step

I think you should think highly of yourself considering how far you have brought the platform already given the limited resources
Different stages require different skills and you might just have been the best choice (Yes, it is possible that someone else could have made it grow faster but also possible they crash it to nothing)

Plus good leaders know when it's time to pass the baton, maybe now is the time for an extrovert :)

Best of luck!

in reply to Eugen Rochko

The best leaders are those who don‘t want to be. Thanks for building an alternative to US behemoths!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

We don't know where Mastodon could have been more with another person in charge. But we do know where it is now with you, and it's a great place.
So, thank you very much!!!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Eugen, I feel all of this in my own professional sphere. Maybe us introverts always feel like we aren’t the extroverted dynamos. And it’s very draining work. I’m likely stepping down soon to soon-ish from some things too. Thank you for all your work! You’re handing over a very special creation.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I believe it is very much what you saw as a weakness which was the redeeming factor. Only history will tell whether an extrovert type is better in a capitalistic system that is designed to push all their wrong buttons. I hope the new CEO has half as much self-awareness as you do. And congrats on an amazing run, you certainly gave me a space when I left Twitter in 2022, a segway into the Fediverse.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Being an introvert is probably why your efforts were succesful - a platform like Mastodon does wonder for introverts, so thank you :) You wanted to do something for the greater good and you did, and will continue to do so - don't be a stranger! ~A fellow introvert 😻
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Don't sell yourself short. You've done an amazing job. I don't think I'm the only one that thinks a lot of what made Mastodon so interesting was that there was this cool guy just working on his pet project at the head. It was a refreshing change of pace for those of seeking refuge from the other places. Thanks for all your hard work and hope you can recapture the part of it that holds your interest. Looking forward to whatever you come up with.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

this really hits home, totally relatable 😬 glad that's also from your shoulder right 👏 good move
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Don't undersell yourself!
While I might disagree with you on certain topics or decisions, I value your integrity.
You defend what you stand for - and that's a good thing.

Regardless, I can fully understand your motivation behind this decision and respect and support it.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

You've done an amazing job, especially not to sell out. Thank you! But you're right to make this change and settle into a role that suits you better. I hope your physical and mental health quickly improve as a result.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

the fact that you consider yourself an "introvert" is very likely what made you sensible enough to direct the ethics of this platform towards F/LOSS. that is an asset of yours, not a flaw. I respect you and thank you for that. :love:

Fare thee well ☀️

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I know how you feel. You’re doing the right thing, and you have created something immensely valuable!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

IDK, just imagine what the likes of Musk or Zuk would have done as CEOs of Mastodon!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

It's hard to give up the reins, but often it's necessary for a passion startup to become a sustainable operation. I'm hopeful for Mastodon's future and grateful for your willingness to take this step. Thank you!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

You are the best CEO, I can imagine. The dedication to this idea, that came to my ears in 2017, the sparkle you created, that we all can create a new social web together, the trust you built over all this years by not being an asshole (at least I never heard that) and now the person that can let go. It’s like a Disney movie without the drama. And then you created a Plushtodon, that’s just there for hugging. It’s so good. Thank you. And let’s go the next steps! 💜
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Well thank you for everything you've done & will continue to do. Your efforts have been greatly appreciated. I respect your decision.

As a fellow introvert, I totally get that. I would've been drained, too.

I love #Mastodon. It's the place I feel most comfortable & happy in.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank for sharing your thoughts! I really wish you'll be in a better position, with this transition, for you to care about what you've been wanting to care about Mastodon! Please let me know if I'd be of any help.

With the political changes around the world, it looks to me that Mastodon and other SNS services have become more politicized than they should be.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Your role in redefining social media at a crucial time in history will be remembered with affection and admiration. Thank you sincerely for everything you've done.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

thank you. For all the work that you've done. All the work you will do. And everything you sacrificed! It is greatly appreciated ❤️
in reply to Eugen Rochko

an incredibly astute decision. Being a CEO can be horrendously stressful. Doubly so for something that has gone through such remarkable developments as #Mastodon. Being close to the product is a great place to be, and can offer personal growth opportunities to work with a CEO closely.

You will both have to learn to trust one another as partners. A good CEO will understand that and be part of that evolution.

Remember you are the founder. That is forever a special role.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

🥺 Oh no...
Thank you for everything! Let's hope the next CEO will be as good as you. 🌟
Maybe you don't have a high opinion about yourself as CEO as you said, but maybe being humble is what made you admirable. 🎖️
You are what Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk will NEVER be 😊
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I respect your decision and honestly support it fully but PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE choose well this new CEO because this person needs to listen to the user who have supported #Mastodon and the #Fediverse
in reply to Eugen Rochko

good for you. You should be proud of where it has come. I hope the transition helps you find your life balance.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

It's good to know your strengths and interests, and to choose to work on what makes you happiest.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I think you’ve been great and deserve a lot of credit for what you (and the team) have built. Super happy to see the announcement this week and wish you all the best.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Broski, you have done great things and will do so many more great things. This site/app is a huge success and it's not in spite of you it's because of you.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Get well, and thank you for your tremendous work. You are very, very much appreciated, and I think I speak for many when I say 'take your time'. No matter what the reasons are, you deserve a break as much as anyone else.

Joy or at least a sense of fulfilment is the drive to continue the work.
And enjoy the transition which, hopefully, will give you peace of mind. Now go pet that cute cat of yours 😊

in reply to Eugen Rochko

health always comes first. Thank you (and Amelia) for getting Mastodon to this point. I hope you can take a long break and decompress.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

You made something for the world here, something precious.

Thank you.

The wonder of community open projects is they are at their strongest as team efforts. Look after yourself and put you first now, others can carry the load.

Thank you for our wonderful cat too!

in reply to Eugen Rochko

You have been a source of light in an increasingly dark world. Thank you.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I hope you have people in close relationships that support and empower you. Thank you for all that you have done and are doing!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you so much for all you've done for us. I hope you get healthier and feel better in the nearest future.
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you. You are an amazing person and we owe you a huge debt of gratitude for your incredible selfless work in creating and running this wonderful social media platform. You have made a very positive difference in the world. You should be very proud.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

It's never easy to do the right thing, and I hope in the long-term you can look back and see how important this decision is. Thank you for doing this and excited for the next phase of your journey!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

try to look at it from a different perspective - you are not giving up anything. instead what you are doing is paving the road for mastodon to continue even if you aren't there for it. I mean, in IT we have this dreadful thing called the "bus factor" which is taking into account what would happen if a sysadmin was suddenly hit by a bus or passed away. Would you rather have your project die with you or would you want to see it move on? This just ensures that it'll be able to continue to flourish without you. It'll still be your legacy.

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in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thanks and empathy. On a human level i'm sure it's been a lot to juggle. Much respect.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

thank you for doing this and all the work you put into the project! I can imagine how difficult it must be to „let go“ of your „baby“ but you managed to build something that is much bigger than you that will always be tied to you in some form! I hope the new role brings you joy and less stress!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

You are doing the right thing. After a long career in the NGO/non-profit world I can say it is the safest space for your vision. But also, you are relinquishing at the right moment. Founders syndrome has destroyed too many great projects because the program person was forced to become a CEO/manager. That only works for a while.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

You are more than Mastodon and it will be more than you.

Well done Eugen.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you! Mastodon is a wonderful gift to all of us. We appreciate you and your hard work. 👏
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Your child is growing up and getting a life of its own. It's always painful on some level and many parents have a part of themselves that just wish the child would never grow up. But it can only prosper if you allow it more and more autonomy until it builds relationships with other people that will be just as strong or perhaps even stronger than yours. It's beautiful too.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

having personally gone through burn out (with digestive tract issues i'll probably have the rest of my life), i can tell you that tying your self-image to your work is definitely not healthy or sustainable.

you've built something valuable and there is now an org pushing it forward. time for you to do some self-care and reflection and figure out how things work for you. get to a place where your happiness and self-image aren't "how did coding/work go today" and you'll be much more able to get back to coding because that's something you love and enjoy, not because without coding you feel like nothing.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I found your last move commendable, if painful (for now)

In the end leadership rotation counts as decentralization too, which is mastodon's goal.

Thank you for all the work, and new opportunities will come, certainly.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Just don't hand things to a closet Dorsey and things may work out 🤞 👍 ☺️
in reply to Eugen Rochko

you’ve given us all a tremendous gift of your time and energy. Thank you and congratulations!!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I'll ask, how will this affect users in any way? Will things continue to be accessible? will it be possible to do this while keeping the integrity of this platform whole?
in reply to Nick's world 🌎 👨‍🦯

@gocu54 You'll find the answers here.…

in reply to Eugen Rochko

there is no question you are doing the right thing. So long as the organization as a whole sticks to the principles it will grow from here. Thanks for everything you’ve done.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Appreciate you doing this! I know you get a lot of shit, and those that regularly serve it you probably aren’t even going to acknowledge how difficult a decision this, but you do deserve a lot of credit for it
in reply to Eugen Rochko

for what it's worth: I for one think this is the right move. It must be incredibly hard to do! but if we're going to move forward…
in reply to Eugen Rochko

thank you! I understand how hard it is. I trust that good people will take care of it, and that you will still be able to contribute to the future direction.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Really appreciate your work, just donated a small amount today to the project. Keep up the good work and I hope you'll find a balance between work and other life!
Unknown parent

mastodon - Link to source
Tristan Harward
@GossiTheDog +1, I think that every potential leader is complex and has pros and cons, strengths and weaknesses. I think you had many strengths and pros, and that they helped get Mastodon and the fediverse where it is today. Thank you.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

We thank you for the wonderful work you have done so far, and for the brave step you are undertaking, both transferring ownership and on leaving someone else being the CEO of Mastodon. It takes courage and we admire you for this.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Wishing you, and Mastodon too of course, all the best with this. And thank you!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

as a long time user of the software since the first releases I'm looking forward to your return to engineering.. 😀.
And the transfer of ownership and copyright is a powerful move.


This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you, on so many levels Thank You.
You have done something amazing and admirable.
You've looked after Mastodon, now time to look after you and yours.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

seems like a wise and logical next step that involves great modesty. Thank you for your great work and dedication. Wishing you will be able to enjoy your new role.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

You should be proud of both yourself and what Mastodon has come to be. I hope you will find a better balance. Thanks for everything so far!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Massive respect Eugen! And thank you for your work. We continue forward together! 🐘
in reply to Eugen Rochko

@tinygirl I'm still waiting for the day that transfer of a social media platform, decentralized or not, to someone else, has ever resulted in much good for us as blind/disabled users. Hope this won't make people all run to Bluesky now. I just got comfortable
in reply to Eugen Rochko

👏👏👏 Good decision to avoid possibly following the disgraceful path of Jack Dorsey!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

i guess we can't anyhow thank you enough for scraping this environment and being the good person you obviously are, eugen. take a cookie, good person on the internet! 🍪
in reply to Eugen Rochko

It may be a good idea to also have Mastodon Dot Social, for example, not to use web hosting and CDN services, headquarter in the United States. There is a lot of uncertainty in the United States, and I see no harm in taking precautions to protect yourself.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I am truly grateful for all the work you've done to increase the usage of the #ActivityPub protocol.

There is no arguing that without your leadership and your dedication, we would not be where we are today. As a society, I believe it is paramount that we take control of the #PublicSquare back to the people in a #Decentralized manner, and #Mastodon has been a MASSIVE push in that direction.

Thank you Eugen, I'm glad you exist and I appreciate your work 😃


in reply to Eugen Rochko

Letting go for the betterment of the whole is hard, but it's also brave and extremely admirable.

You could have gone the iron-fisted route, but instead you chose to secure your legacy as a champion of the people.

We see the sacrifice and we very much appreciate it.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

well done. It is never easy to make this kind of decision. It is the right one for the platform and the Fediverse and you will personally feel better for it as well.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you for your great work and your generous commitment. And thanks to @PrototypeFund for the early support of your work.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Looking forward to this new development. Wishing you the best. We need Mastodon more than ever, especially in these hard times, especially when many platforms are abandoning us.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Respekt für diesen starken Schritt und Danke für den Blick auf's große Ganze.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

you just crowned your work with a bow at the end of the show leading the audience to stand up and cheer frenetically.

Hats off to you for doing the right thing and making it not about one person but about the community, the future and freedom for everyone.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thanks for all your work on this and making a hard, but needed, decision for yourself and community.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I think that’s very admirable, and speaks well of your values. I hope this change is positive for you and Mastodon both.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

congratulations on what you've accomplished. I hope your new role allows you a better balance with the project.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Toots and respects. Thank you for everything you did for Mastodon and everything you chose not to do in order to keep this a safe place. I would call you a good C-E-O, but I don't want to offend you ;)
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Internet as a whole is going through hard times nowadays. I wonder if there’s a way to volunteer in the Mastodon community as a UX/UI designer, I really think this model must be protected. I really respect your choice, sending my full support.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I've been here for a bit, and while I've not always agreed with the directions taken, I think this must have been one of the hardest and most important steps.

Turning mastodon into a proper public square by stepping back a little seems like the best possible choice to allow it to continue to grow without concerns that "one person" could turn it into a twitter, facebook, or bluesky.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

you set it up to a nonprofit

you didn't have to do that

but you did

because you have sterling integrity

eugen i applaud you

thank you

👏 👏 👏

reshared this

in reply to Eugen Rochko

What will you do? And thanks for always being there when I tag you.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you for making something so wonderful and so needed. I hope you enjoy your new role!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

thank you for your vision, leadership, and this amazing app full of awesome people 🤩 :fediverse:
:plushtodon_red: :plushtodon_orange: :plushtodon_yellow: :plushtodon_green: :plushtodon_cyan: :plushtodon_blue: :plushtodon_lavendar: :plushtodon_pink:
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Resisting the easy decision to retain the mantle of Benevolent Dictator for Life is admirable and, I imagine, difficult since you probably have a lot more ideas for the direction of Mastodon.

Letting others work and learn to take over that role, in a more distributed fashion, is good for the long-term viability of the software.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Eugen Rochko

I must say that there is never a dull moment in the #fediverse . This place is alive and exiting, oven never been more happier to leave walled social media behind.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

consider, perhaps, a #cooperative? Plenty of people here such as @ntnsndr who could be good thought partners.

Thank you for being so instrumental in the creation of this space, and for pursuing community over profit. I’m so grateful for it!

in reply to Eugen Rochko

What you've created here is amazing. Thank you. I wish you all the best in your next chapter in life. 🤗
in reply to Eugen Rochko

take care. And thank you for your building. Its a great start. I have seen it growing when not much was going on, but now it is quite active here.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

That is incredibly generous of you and I, for one, both appreciate your efforts in developing this beast AND in donating it.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

thank you for your hard work. The community that exists today, the movement and the option of a decentralized social network would never come to existence without you.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

thank you for everything you’ve done and i hope everything goes well
in reply to Eugen Rochko

you should be proud of what you have built and dedicated so much time to it. On behalf of everyone here, thanks and good luck on the new role
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Congratulations on developing and implementing such an amazing vision for Mastodon. I imagine that it's a bittersweet moment for you, like sending your kids to school on the first day.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Quite big moves! Thank you for your dedication to Mastodon and for laying the groundwork for a stronger future. Excited to see what’s next for you and the platform!"
in reply to Eugen Rochko

thanks a lot.

Greetings from Chile, the best country of Chile 🇨🇱

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Keep a large stake of the copyright in your control, to prevent someone deciding it's better to relicense without your consent! Give away a portion if you want that org to do enforcement on your behalf. But they don't need 100%.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you for all your hard work. I look forward to the next chapter in your contributions!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Bravo, good for you. Recognizing what your strengths are and where you fit best is extremely hard to do, as is letting go of your work like that.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thanks for all you have done to make Mastodon happen and your visionary and humble move to keep it alive and kicking.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

i've talked lots of shit about Masodon's CEO but if you do this, i will stop. This is the correct move. Thank you John Mastodon!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you! Are you already all set in terms of professional help to handle the legal setup of the new non-profit as well as the tax implications in Germany for you personally? Or does it help to recommend people we know to have previous experience on similar non-profit matters?

#MastodonGGmbH #FediMeta

in reply to Eugen Rochko

thank you for creating Mastodon and for securing its future. I wish you and your family health and Joy.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

this must be certainly something hard to do.

Speaking (obviously) for myself, and as an user of your software, I support and applaud your decision, this is the right thing to do.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Just make sure your effort doesn't go to waste by placing it in the hands of an organization that becomes parasitic with its management squatting on your hard work. Organizations like ARRL used to serve their members but now just collect membership fees. Don't depend on being a BDFL either. Set terms in the charter of how the Mastodon trademarks may be used.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

all the best for your upcoming journey! The fediverse wouldn‘t be what it is now, without you and your work on mastodon! Thanks a lot!
in reply to Eugen Rochko

you're one of the good guys! After being off social media for awhile, I found Mastodon and you built something kinder and better.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

TY from the bottom of my heart. I had already left Twitter months before and did not know what I was going to do because I left Facebook after the CA debacle. I have been in emotional bliss since joining Mastodon. Had I known about it I would’ve been here sooner.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

any explicit protections in place to prevent the non-profit from being captured by corporate influence as we've seen in several other F/LOSS nonprofits? Ie, could Threads make some big donations and then later threaten to pull that funding if certain changes aren't made?

In theory the non-profit rather than BDFL sounds nice, but in practice they seem pretty vulnerable to that sort of thing...

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you for your work. Hope to see more of your photography and hope that you have a lot less stress in the future.
in reply to Eugen Rochko

Already a big thank you for all you have done for as CEO and Owner of Mastodon.

And all good things to you personally and in your new role for Mastodon.

in reply to Eugen Rochko

I am extremely happy to hear that. Thank you for your work and dedication!
in reply to Mark Wyner Won’t Comply

@markwyner he has to create the billionaire first, that's what this is....

Don't be fooled by non-profit. They've always done shady shit to hide the funds and line their pockets.

in reply to BeAware

@BeAware @markwyner

of course a nonprofit can go to shit

but a for-profit is shit from the get go

so recognize this move as a good one

in reply to Eugen Rochko

Thank you for creating Mastodon, a platform where I can freely share my views and engage in healthy discussions on a wide range of topics, including disagreements, which is often lacking on larger profit-driven centralized platforms.

Your commitment to fostering an open environment allows me to connect without the fear of censorship from a large corporation. I truly appreciate your dedication and the positive impact Mastodon has had on me.

in reply to Erik L. Midtsveen 🏴🏳️‍🌈


> @Gargron Thank you for creating Mastodon, a platform where I can freely share my views

@Gargron certainly deserves credit for creating the Mastodon software and leading the project infrastructure built around it. But as I'm sure he'd agree, the platform that Mastodon is currently the largest part of - the fediverse - is the work of hundreds of dedicated people. Many of whom worked unpaid (maybe still do), and all of whom deserve our thanks.

in reply to Strypey


For a start, we also need to thank Evan Prodromou and the StatusNet crew for creating OStatus. Also Matt Lee and Mikael Nordfeldth for forking StatusNet to create GNU social, which the original Mastodon was designed to be compatible with.

Not to mention Christine Lemmer-Webber, Jessica Tallon, Erin Shepherd, and Amy Guy. Along with Evan, they led the W3C group that wrote the ActivityPub spec. Which allowed the fediverse - including Mastodon - to become what it is today.