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Giacomo Bergami doesn't like this.

Giacomo Bergami reshared this.

in reply to Giacomo Bergami

Thanks for the prompt support.
After clicking the button, it says, «We are currently processing your data. Please check back in a few moments.» If I wait for a while and then go back to the page, the button re-appears. On the other hand, the profile picture download went smoothly. Thanks.
in reply to Giacomo Bergami

Photos just worked but not my profile data. try photos now the server is pretty much idle
in reply to Giacomo Bergami

I agree, photos are working perfectly fine even after this second attempt.
in reply to Giacomo Bergami

Op I see the error. Unexpected error while exporting data for 'jackb': DiasporaFederation::Entity::ValidationError: Failed validation for Comment:ba414830973101328cbd00259069449e:5320d4f096cc01328cbf00259069449e from for properties: property: text, value: nil, rule: not_empty, with params: {}

Go to that one comment and either delete it if you can or report it and I will delete it after the report

in reply to Giacomo Bergami

Well, the only export were the images.

It doesn't fail from my side, but I don't see the text changing back to a button to download the data as per the profile pictures

in reply to Giacomo Bergami

I would guess that blank comment not the actual one with text
in reply to Giacomo Bergami

Perfect, the download was successful. As a computer scientist, I can parse the json file and extract infos. Thanks again for all the support, and good luck with everything else!